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He also didn't disclose that he looks like Mike Wazowski, so they're even.


To NOT disclose your looks is the entirety of what they signed up for. It's very different than being intentionally misleading about your appearance imo


It was a joke.


Hence the essence of the show




Back in the day, I used to get the odd guy tell me I looked like Julia Roberts. I was usually serving them drinks at the time so it a hard signal that I needed to cut them off. I have never resembled her in the least except we both had somewhat similar hair. It’s mind-blowing what desperate horny guys will say to get in your pants. Any asinine comments like that were always followed by, “Have another drink. I get better looking.”


The fact that he thought he could be on the same league as someone who looks like Megan fox is also laughable


The moment I saw him saying this, it was a red flag. After this aired I think he was overcompensating by showing how much he loves her and wants to be with her and putting up with her so he wouldn’t end up looking bad in the show. They are both a mess but I think at Chelsea was more genuine than this guy. He chose Chelsea when she said he friends said she looks like Megan fox (she don’t have to compare herself with MF, Chelsea was attractive as herself.) clearly jimmy thought he was choosing the hotter one over a single mom.


Her being a blatant liar, and baiting though.. just fine.


What lie?


How did she lie?? She said she gets comments saying she looks like megan fox and that she doesn't see it... that's a lot different than saying, "I look like megan fox" 🙄


They didn’t do her dirty. She did herself dirty.


He got exactly what he deserved lmfao, his entire demeanor changed from the point she told him she looked like Megan Fox 😂😂😂 he needs to be real about that comment being a MAJOR factor in his choice, that and Chelsea’s apparent submissiveness


No. His entire demeanor changed once Jessica disclosed she has a young kid.


tbf she said that people say she looks like Megan Fox, she didn't really say it about herself


I know; but Chelsea’s perspective on everything that happens in her life seems to be passive observer. Girl didn’t have to share that in the pod on LIB; she knew what she was doing when she said it, trying to influence Jimmy to pick her.


Fair. And having just watched her unhinged drunken moment after the first mixed get together at the beach, I'm done with her.


I think she is quite manipulative and its all done for screen time. I think she doesnt like him at all but wants to create a story here. Its all acting.


I don't think either of them like each other lol, but are forcing it for the storyline and perhaps don't want to be seen as LIB failures. I would respect them more if they would be honest and stop trying so hard to make it fit.




Is there any chance she is playing that character for attention? Is this all deliberate attention seeking by both of them? Is any of this scripted or heavily influenced by the filming Directors?


Does he think he is cute or something lol


Hahahaahha I was JUST about to post this video but went to see if anyone else did and…here I am. Fucking hilarious I had to pause to have a laugh and watch it again


RIGHT? The cut of "I'm so sweaty" was SO funny like LIB is just trying to rub it in how much of a sex symbol she is not


I died when I saw this. They did her so dirty lol


Chelsea looks like a potato. #notsorry


Mrs. Potato Fox


This made me lol because we all just KNEW that her Megan Fox comment stuck in his head and influenced his decision to some degree and this confirmed it


Agree, 100! And now she needs constant validation from him because it was very obvious she didn't have the look he expected. I think she's beautiful but he had a whole other vision.


Not entirely related but he looks like a young John Elway


I really hated the way she said, "MGK's girlfriends" like she didn't know who Megan Fox was. Girl BFFR, you shot yourself in the foot with that.


hahaha, soooo true!!


Omg this is so spot on. “MGk’s girlfriend”..🙄🙄🙄


I hate the stupid little chair they sat people in for their interviews. It's awkward AF.




Oh yeah she most definitely lied 🤥 ![gif](giphy|pvO8ugi72HKww)


Honestly, I do think she bears a resemblance to Megan Fox! But like… if Megan Fox happened to be way less attractive.


This is going to sound harsh, but I think when men think of Megan Fox, they think of her BODY. She absolutely has a GORGEOUS face, but Megan Fox is also known as having a ridiculous figure. So I think, while Chelsea looks great-both body and face-she is not anywhere near what Megan Fox's body and face look like. This is on Chelsea, but a tad bit on Jimmy who should know better that someone who looks like Megan Fox may not necessarily be on a show like this.


The thing for me is she said she doesn't see it and only assumes its because the light eyes and darker hair. She never said (to my knowledge) that she thinks she looks anything like her but that other people have said it before so to me she never lied.


I mean… Jessica sorta fit that picture.


You are right. If some male contestant on the show said he looks like Dwayne the rock Johnson, anyone would assume he’s a beefcake. If during the reveal, some dainty and lanky guy came out, their partner would also feel duped. No matter if he had a similar, Samoan-looking face. When you say Megan Fox, everyone’s first thought is that sight of her tiny waist bending over the car in ‘Transformers’.


to be fair she said the whole time that it was only because of her hair/eyes but yea....never tell someone you look like megan fox....


Exactly. Comparing yourself to someone fitter than you is dumb even if you somewhat resemble them facially


>Jimmy who should know better that someone who looks like Megan Fox may not necessarily be on a show like this. I agree with with you for the most part, but I wouldn't say someone that looks like Megan wouldn't be on the show. There are debatably better looking girls that are/have appeared already. Looks don't seem to be a determining factor.


Agree I think this is the point people are missing. She does kiinnnddd of look like Megan Fox in the face but that's like 20% of the Megan Fox package. It's her body and it's also her oozing of sex appeal. It would be hard for me to say someone looked like Megan Fox regardless of some facial similarities without that Transformers car scene edge.


In my opinion, Chelsea wouldn’t have had these issues if she never would have compared herself to Megan Fox. And I think she knew that the moment she said it. She set the bar really high as far as looks go, AND she is BEAUTIFUL to begin and end with. Megan Fox is another league, she’s top tier in an already top tier industry as far as looks go. She put too much pressure on herself to live up to that and I’m sure Jimmy had it in the back of his head, subconsciously at the very least, that she was going to get really close to someone looking like Megan Fox as his wife. This just charged any underlying insecurities she may have had and I really think this all could have been avoided.


Megan fox is on a whole other level of beauty standards that most normal people can’t compete with.


Not trying to be a hater but I don’t understand why people think she’s so hot? Like yeah she’s attractive but I see so many prettier girls just scrolling on TikTok.


I think when guys in the late 20s to early 30s think of her, they're picturing Transformers JFox, her absolute peak before she Kardashian'd herself.


Especially now. She looks plastic.


I’m right there with ya. She’s pretty but doesn’t impress me much 🤷🏼‍♀️


Me too. But she's a helluva lot better looking than Chelsea for fucks sake. Lol 😂


It really does go badly when you compare yourself to one of the world's most beautiful women when you can't live up to that... Like what was her strategy exactly because this is the opposite of sandbagging hahah


Many people tell me I look like one or the other celeb. Some names more commonly I’m compared to and some just one time. Many nicer looking women I know are also compared to one or another celeb atleast in my country, but I’ve never said nor heard anyone say that about themselves. It takes an amount of delusion to say that and then to compare yourself to one of the hottest women globally, what do you expect a guy on the other side of the wall to think? Could you atleast paint a more accurate picture? Say “I’m told I look like her but maybe if you looked at her through one of those funny mirrors”, also mention that your body type is very different from hers? I really dislike Jimmy but he’s not wrong when he says this


Thr problem was that she brought it up. If he'd have asked "does anyone say you look like a celebrity?" Then her saying people say Meghan Fox then it would be on him for asking. But she brought it up, just to make him want her more. She's not a bad person, just VERY insecure.




I completely agree with this. I always get compared to a certain celebrity where I’m like no way, I just don’t see it so I would not explain how I look by comparing myself to her. If someone says i look like Megan Fox, any persons initial thought would be this hot bombshell of a woman, so thats the picture Chelsea painted. Jimmy is not wrong in saying she lied.


Ppl defending Chelsea “oh but she kinda does look like her if you cover up the bottom half of her face and then the top half and then squint ur eyes really hard and start imagining megan fox” lmfao Sorry but yall are silly. We are shitting on Chelsea because she brought it upon herself. She literally brought up the topic specifically so that she could slip in that she looks like megan fox, which she doesn’t. It was embarrassing behavior and that’s why the internet is making fun of her for it. It doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that jimmy looks like a plain piece of cheese, he is still a plain piece of cheese who was led on to believe his future fiancé looks like a supermodel!


Lmao plain piece of cheese with a bunch of fat sitting on his neck


MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY , Chelsea brought that on herself , I want to feel awful she landed with Jimmy but Jimmy is both emotionally unavailable and looks driven so Her being "easier" to deal with than Jess and expressing she is a Megan Fox look-laike was like catnip for her worst possible match . My Girlfriend also just read a comment suggesting Chelsea said she looked like Megan Fox in order to " win" Jimmy from Jess.


she looks more like katy perry but I absolutely believe people come up to her and say that. I’ve been told I look like celebrities that I fr don’t look like. people see one or two features (for me it’s simply being a pretty black girl) and say stupid stuff. plus a lot of people look like megan fox. she’s the OG instagram face. he’s the ugly one in this scenario so it really doesn’t matter.


Ah, I see you’ve been told you look like Beyoncé too


Wifey and I were thinking Adele but I do see a bit of Katy Perry there:)


Ok she never lied and said she looks like MF. She said MGK’s girlfriend wife or whatever 😂




Big words coming from Mr jimmy jr from bobs burgers




I mean she did say she's compared to a super model by random people. Did he once say that he was the same? I'd also feel lied to if a girl told me that.


She also said she did not see it at all herself and that it was literally just bc she has dark hair and light eyes. I agree she knew what she was doing when she told him that but she also made it clear it was a stretch


Then why bring it up in the first place? She only said that part for deniability. That is why she added that part. To anyone else that can't see her it is literally humble bragging that she's so attractive that she gets compared to a well known supermodel. She 100% wanted to manipulate the odds to her favor. He liked both of them but her basically telling him that she was super attractive was super against the spirit of the show. That's why she added that part so she could say exactly what people are saying in her defense. She planned the entire thing and now she's getting hate for it because she does deserve it.


I don’t disagree with you. All I’m saying is he looks like a fucking thumb lmao he’s nothing to brag about, nor is she.


I mean, that's fine but that wasn't what you were saying. Yeah, the guy isn't a stud either, but he never mentioned that he was, so I don't understand this need to put him down when he's commenting about the fact that she lied to him about her appearance. It's not even a small lie either. Instead of someone resembling Megan fox tier looks he got Becky from the bar. That is a huge change from what she LED HIM TO BELIEVE. So saying he looks bad too is really not the point, he never asked her what she looks like, she was the one that told him and made it about appearance.


Okay Jimmy, calm down lmao.


Also, why was she so sweaty? From the short little T-Rex trot?


Omg... I laughed way more than I should at your comment. 🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying!


The longer I watch Chelsea talk I can 1000% see what people could’ve thought was a MF resemblance, which I didn’t at first because she quite obviously doesn’t actually look like her. It’s something in the voice, enunciation, and mouth shape when she talks.


I feel like some drunk person at the bar said it to her one time and she just ran with it.


Honestly - I had a similar situation happen to me but with Angelina Jolie 6 years ago and I still bring it up to this day 😂😂😂😭😭😭 But to tell it to a person who can’t see you… is so wrong ☠️


if anything I see it if you cover her forehead and mid-nose down. So basically just her eye shape & eye brows. zero resemblance in her chin/mouth region IMO


Also if you cover everything the bridge of her nose down, I can see it.




But it'd be like him saying "people say I look like Brad Pitt, but it's only because I have blonde hair" It's the fact she brought it up, out of the blue, in a show where looks shouldn't be involved and she only did it to get 1 up on Jess. At least if she did truly believe she looked like MF she wouldn't be as insecure which would make her 100% more attractive. Her insecurity is what will kill the relationship with average looking, but I still believe nice guy, Jimmy.


His looks don’t change the fact she lied to him.




She painted a false picture regardless


He was like megan fox look alike or woman w a daughter ![gif](giphy|cIWwi5umxQRNOwrJm4|downsized)


I hate Chelsea from the bottom of my heart, but she looks A LOT like Megan Fox in a chubby version. I think that’s the whole reason he felt deceived and nothing else but he just would never say it.


I personally don’t think she lied …she looks like Megan in the eyes & forehead . No, she’s not an identical replica of Megan but she does favor her


She does have a semblance of Meghan Fox, but it was dangerous to bring it up when someone can't see you. She set the bar way too high so it was normal he was disappointed. I think he would have been more attracted to her if she hadn't had said anything to do with her looks.


Maybe, maybe 🤔 but Chelsea’s insecurities will be the deal breaker and Jimmy isn’t into her at least I can’t tell from the edits


She absolutely does look like a ginger, chubby Megan Faux.


Chubby ?!?!! You think she’s chubby ?


What do you think is an appropriate word? I didn’t want to be harsh and use the proper clinical term for someone with bmi over 30… what would you call her figure?


Wow, I would probably say thick or shapely?!? I didn’t even realize she was “big” or would be perceived that way . My friend mentioned that her weight might be an issue but I didn’t think it was a big deal …everything is subjective


Interesting. I don’t know where you live or what does an average person look like over there, but in Asia and in Europe any person that’s classified clinically obese is considered just fat. We don’t say ‘fluffy’, ‘chonky’. She is a beautiful girl but there’s no denying she is really out of shape. I have looked at her Instagram and it seems like she has lost a lot of weight since filming though.


Hmm interesting. I’m in the USA and the people here are bigger so “fat” or “obese” has a lot to do with how you carry the weight . I think she carrying her weight nicely and she doesn’t have a “bad build” . It’s obvious from watching the show that she feels differently about her appearance


She is chubby


I think she could be Megan's older sister.


Or her cousin




Yep!! 1000%


She did set herself up for it. Plus, I thought it defeated the purpose of why you’re there. Why even bring up what you may look like? Apart from race and ethnicity, why is it necessary to bring up that information if you want them to fall for your personality?




I literally had to pause it because I was laughing so hard


*I literally* *Had to pause it because I* *Was laughing so hard* \- WestCoast\_PizzaGhost --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Idk why I found her “reveal voice” so annoying. Like she was trying to purposefully be extra sweet and doe eyed. Personally I think everyone coming to her defense are sweethearts!… misguided and possibly blind but very sweet. Y’all if someone pulled this on an app don’t act like you’d pause at the door of the bar saying “you lied ma’am. No need to lie”. Like I get you may like her but if this was a blind date and your bestie said she looks like Megan fox sorta, that’s what in your head. Let’s just admit that girly said that because she wanted to win him over. Notice how she didn’t bring up looks with Trevor.


It all comes down to her insecurity. She didn't want Jess to win- she didn't know if they'd spoken about looks, and knowing Jess to be an absolute stunner, thought, I know how to win this game- and slid in the "Megan Fox" tidbit. It was a tactical move that failed miserably because she set the bar way too high, when instead, if she hadn't said anything, she's essentially a pretty girl and he would have been pleasantly surprised when he saw her, rather than bitterly disappointed she was a MF doppleganger.


Yeah her reveal voice is crazy weird, like she has this very irritating baby voice


I cackled. Jimmy is a lipless dime a dozen southern frat boy and he was way too about looks after they saw each other.


Fair fair..but also, it's not like he implied he looked like Ryan Gosling or anything. If a person tells you they look like a celebrity, it's completely valid to expect them to resemble said celebrity. His own looks don't invalidate his feelings.


She literally says she doesn't see it in that scene and says that she doesn't agree with it. You can see there are some features in her face like Megan Fox, but those aren't the features Jimmy, and apparently this sub, were thinking about.


But if you don’t see it, then why even say it….? I would never say it but especially if I didn’t believe it. It’s a clear desperation plea to get chosen. There was no other reason for her to bring this up.


Idk I used to get celebrity comparisons that I didn't believe and I would tell people about it. Idk maybe that doesn't really happen to a lot of people, but that's been my experience. It doesn't seem that hard to believe that she was just asking a goofy question to try and get some info on what dude looked like or to just have a little question to keep a conversation going.


Nah it was an obvious manipulation tactic. She brought it up and then played it down to come across as a hot but “modest” girl. It’s giving insecurity and emotional immaturity.


Lol what a laughably dumb concept. Like you really think she thought that if she said this he would think she looks just like Megan Fox? What reasonable person would think that? Why would you want a guy who picked you for that reason? It makes zero sense. Like if this is her strategy as you suggest why not do the same thing with Trevor?




If you have blonde hair and blue eyes and get that answer that would be a totally reasonable thing to say. It doesn't mean you're ripped or have a chiseled jaw line it means those features remind people of Chris Hemsworth. Have you really never been compared to a famous person or even a regular person and thought to yourself I look nothing like that person. Then it's pointed out that it's some features you both share and then you see it?


I mean coming from the guy that looks like an actual thumb 👍🏾 🫨


I saw somebody say human bender from Futurama and it’s soooo true! https://preview.redd.it/7xpbkzsghgjc1.jpeg?width=617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=501c111b5d24b1bb9a526adfa1269c0d5b0122f9


My husband said he looks like Peyton manning with a smaller forehead, I've just been calling him jimmy junior.


Don’t disrespect human bender like that


🤣🤣 this is the one ☝🏽


Or a toe


My husband and I refer to them as Mr. And Mrs. Toedhead and called the reveal the “great toe-veal of 2034” 🤣




Ok but how many times did she have to say she’s so sweaty? Why is that a thing to say out loud, repeatedly?


I had so much second hand embarrassment over that. I felt like she was next going to tell him she was so nervous she was going to 💩


Idk I'm not a Chelsea fan, but I did the exact same thing on my first date with my now fiancé, it's kind of anxious situation haha


In a cute voice like she’s sooooo cute because she’s sweaaatty. Tee hee


I think she looks like her. But he's one of those guys that likes anorexic women with fake boobs. It's not gonna work out with them. She's very pretty, though.


She is indeed very pretty, but he has every right to be a little disappointed after she seduced him by comparing herself to a globally admired sex symbol… What makes you say he likes anorexic women? Even if he didn’t like Chelsea’s body, let’s just accept bmi over 35 is an uncommon physical preference. Most people are attracted to fitness, we shouldn’t call normal shaped people ‘anorexic’.


It’s all in the face bc they deffo share some similarities in facial features. Plus the dark hair and blue eyes really make all of the difference imo. Jimmy must’ve been expecting an exact clone or doppelgänger of Megan Fox💀


She absolutely has some of the same features and structure as Megan whether natural or enhanced. She just happens to have more fleshy areas in her face so is missing the "snatched" look. She never should have told him that though, it gave me major ick.




There are definitely certain angles where I could see the resemblance. I think it’s the eyes, maybe? I also think back in the transformers day.


Yeah. I had read about it online and seen pictures and was like she doesn't look like Megan AT ALL. But then after actually watching, I def. saw it from some angles. Still probably would've been smarter not to set that particular expectation, but I do believe she's been told that in her life.


I agree, some angles more than others. I said out loud, before she did “Wow, sometimes she really looks like Megan Fox, doesn’t she?”


To me she looks like she’d be the product of a Megan Fox, Lindsey Lohan, and Jay Leno threesome😂




I die 💀💀💀 accurate tho


They did not have to splice in her saying how sweaty she was. 😭


😭😭😭 I just wanted her to stop repeating that! Girl why???


I’m honestly wondering if they didn’t edit her in saying it more than she did. I’ve noticed several places they seem to edit in things that didn’t happen in that moment, like I’m pretty sure they did with Matthew - making it look like he walked out in multiple people mid-sentence when he clearly didn’t or when he said he was going to go get Amber as his back was turned.




I really thought she was gonna say Katy Perry; ANYONE would be safer than saying Megan Fox...


That was straight up manipulation on her part. You tell any man you look like Megan Fox and no way will you get turned down.


“I’m so sweaty 👉🏾👈🏾😌🥺🙂”


She actually said she doesn’t think so but people say it! He just got super excited about her mentioning Megan Fox.


Chelsea bringing up looks on “love is blind”was about manipulation. She knew what her rival looked like. She’s also insecure . Shallow Hal definitely fell for it now Chelsea had to deal with his disappointment that her look it’s not exactly what he was hoping for.


She brought it up though and was trying to be like "I don't get why ALL these people are saying I look like her, I think maybe it's just my dark hair and eye color" she was trying too hard to make it seem like she didn't know her own beauty or something lol


Nah she brought it up unprompted, she wanted him to think it even if she had a big word salad about "that's just what people say! I don't see it!"


Nobody has said that


I’m saying, he should’ve realized that. Not arguing with OP or anything.


Jimmy is no damn prize!! He should be thankful someone fell for him. I dont see it lasting at all. Prob wont even make it to the altar Edit-Chelsea didnt say she looked like Megan Fox-she said people have told her she does. She said the only comparison is light eyes and dark hair. He took it that she looked just like her


I keep seeing people say ‘she didn’t say she looks like MF’. Come on. You’re splitting hairs. We all know exactly what her intent was by holding that conversation. And it was never going to end well for her.


oh for sure she wanted to bait him but not sure how she thought that would end well! Then again, she saw what the competition looked like and he didnt. So she was pulling out all she had


Honestly i think she’s cute and she does resemble Megan fox a bit. That being said saying that would set anyone up for disappointment on a blind date imo


Whenever someone says a regular person looks like some famous celebrity, I always interpret it as that person looks like a REGULAR PERSON VERSION of that celebrity. Obviously nobody really looks like Megan Fox, ‘cause if they did, they’d be famous like Megan Fox. I totally see her looking like a normal person version of MF, like similar eyes and eyebrows and lips. Chelsea just has a larger face and obv a bigger chin


Tbh she looks way more like Katy Perry, she got that head




She literally said she feels its only because of her eyes and hair. She said it multiple times. This absolutely was not a lie or her fault. #JimmySux


All my guy friends disagree with your comment including me. This won’t change your mind,but just be aware many different walks of life are all disgusted across different countries at what she said.


Even the hair thing made me laugh. Her hair is not dark.


Are you really so clueless that you don’t realize she did this on purpose?? Karma’s coming for her.


She is very insecure and has some work to do on herself. I’m not saying he’s a gem but she’s constantly asking him about if he likes her, is he happy… I’m a woman and it’s exhausting.


Very true. It’s so heavy to be around someone that is fishing for validation constantly and coaching you on what you should’ve done to make them happy…she was so smad that he didn’t “perform” like the image she built up in her head of how the meet & greet party would and should go. Homegirl needs to lighten up; nobody wants to be around a drag. She has yet to learn to be forthcoming and to not make her issues or upsets the other person’s fault. It drove me bananas watching her ask Jimmy after the party: “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Is something wrong? I think you’re lying. You’re definitely lying”. when SHE KNEW SHE was the one with the issue. Junior high mentality towards conflict resolution; their relationship is doomed and she really needs some emotional maturity and healing before she tries to be in an romantic relationship.


This is why I was yelling at the tv when she turned Trevor down. Jimmy never seems to ask how she’s doing and that’s all Trevor did. She’s going to be begging him for a second chance, should he give it to her?


Oh I just don’t know; split feelings on this. Trevor strikes me as the kind of guy that was a geeky, skinny boy, who decided to do something positive about it and bulk up, but inside he is still that geeky boy very teddy bear and soft (and he needs to tell his barber to use barbicide; poor guy has a wicked fungal infection on his hairline)! So I do feel like Trevor would definitely be a less basic, standard-issue-dude than Jimmy, and he would be able to tune into Chelsea better, be more comforting, and less…generic? Robotic? But I also feel, as I’m watching back over the first 6 episodes, that Chelsea’s edit shows her crying very often and easily. It could be an unfair representation, but after the mixer party I just sense that she’s very insecure and unhappy about herself, and no relationship is going to be able to fix that for her. BUT I do believe if she’s determined to set a more positive foot forward, that Trevor is for sure a better match based on what we’ve seen; I was shocked she didn’t pick him. What are your thoughts?


Great take. Some people exacerbate issues that people have. Jimmy makes her insecurity worse. Trevor absolutely would have given her more validation.


I guess looks aside, Trevor seems more genuine and someone who would stay true to any woman he dates. I think he could help her work through some of her issues, although she is solely responsible for that self work. Also, side note, why does Netflix hold back the episodes! Do you think I want to wait until Wednesday, no! 🥺




I look like M fox too, in the dark,


Closest representation. ![gif](giphy|likJODqPUBbAA)


I see it!


I’m so sweataYyyyyy


I think it messed up his mind. Even when she said just the hair and eye color. But no doubt a remark like that would mess anyone when youre dating without seeing the other person, ur brain will try to put a face of the voice that they’re talking to. Science


We’ve witnessed the first LIB Catfish


Except irina did the exact same thing in the Seattle Portland season


Who did she say she looked like on that season??!