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I actually liked season 2 but I think it’s because that’s the first season I ever watched. I’m actually rewatching it now waiting for the new episodes of s6 to drop. Justice for Sal man. I love him. I don’t think any of the girls from s2 were that great


Poor Sal 😬


I liked Brazil and Japan, seasons 1. They seemed authentic and mature.


Someone else mentioned Japan, too. Thank you. Definitely will check it out.


Season 2 was a hot mess...


2 and 5


Season 5 was so boring


Put S5 in the vault and leave it there.




Didn’t finish season 3 and 5, utter trash and very unlikely cast members overall.


Season two was post pandemic weirdness imo. People recently coming out of lockdown and not knowing how to act.


Agree. I watched season 1 when it first came out and absolutely loved it. Season 2 was so boring it made me give up the show until season 4 so had to go back to rewatch 2 and 3.


What’d you think about 3? It’s a runner up for me.


I did enjoy season 3 more than 2, I found it easier to watch and at least most of their couples are still married unlike 2! Plus I enjoyed the drama in the reunion. I agree with other commenters that season 2 and 5 are very on par with being the most lacklustre.


Same. Great reunion.


So I skipped Season 5, as Season 4 made me lose interest. After seeing the drama, I gave Season 6 a go and im deep into the tea, purely for entertainment & escape. After ep9, thought I'd give Season 5 a try. (Off work sick atm so not much else to do) Got 3 or 4 episodes in and skipped to the reunion. Wasn't invested in any couples. So yeah, S5 was the worst imo for entertainment value. However, the casting of S6 may top trump it.


I actually really liked season 2. Yeah I didn’t really relate much to the cast, but they were all pretty unique and very memorable to me. Shane continues to make me laugh to this day (via TikToks). I don’t remember most of season 3 or 5. Just the cuties incident because of how blown up it was, and Lydia drama in season 5 was kinda memorable. But that’s it. Season 1 was the best, and Amber and Barnett will always be my favs!


Can’t remember a Lydia 😂 Agreed that season 2 cast is extremely memorable


Yeah honestly I had to look up her name lol. She’s the one who dated a guy from the pods previously, and who ended up with Milton.


Oh yeah! And was weird about it….


Worst: season 2 (people were non-relatable) season 5 (lacked romance)


Interesting to see how many agree. I thought I’d be an outlier.


Tied between 3 and 5. I wasn’t invested in any couple from either season. 5 was a mess and 3 for me was forgettable. I had to remind myself who was even in it. 


Season 2 is what made me stop watching til now lol. everything about it was the worst


Right??! It seemed to drrrraaag on *forever* possibly because they were so lackluster in character? It’s the only one I remember feeling this way about.


This season. They are all on it to get more social media famous. All clout chasers.


Totally agree. They did a shit job of casting


Has to be season 5. Only 2 couples and 2 others were entirely wiped because of all the issues the season had.


Totally forgettable season


Agreed. Season 5 was lame.


I’m not able to rank. They all blend together in my memory like mush. I think Texas seasons (Dallas and Houston) had some of the most insufferable people. But I’m biased against that state.


5, horrible cast, messy but boring at the same time


🤣 sums it up


I am rather old, but i was trying to remember who was on Season 5 and could only remember Uche.


Milton, Lydia, Izzy, the blond girl. They were memorable just batshit insane


And I will die on this hill lol yes


I though 1 was the only good season idk why I’m even still watching this


I liked 4 also, but 1 and 4 out of 6 seasons has me questioning why I am still watching


Probably the odd one out but season 3 cast was full of awful people. Alexa and her materialistic family, Brennon’s holier than thou attitude for sticking with the ""big"" girl, SK’s cheating, Raven expecting SK to foot every one of her bills, Colleen walking on eggshells the whole time trying not to trigger Matt’s angry side, the absolute man-child that was Barf-cheese, I mean Bartise. Nancy was OK. And to top it all of was the whole cast ganging up on Cole, who did nothing wrong, Zanab was gonna ruin her appetite, and I will die on this hill.


Correct on every point. I’ve already wiped all these losers from my brain. The ridiculous way Zanab tried to say she was fat shamed will forever confuse me. None of it made any sense. She strikes me as someone who will never have a healthy relationship until she heals her inner demons and learns to truly love herself.


You’re correct. I think I liked that season, However, because there were so many couples to root for (at first). And they are all memorable to me.


Memorable for sure, but also turned out to be terrible people


Agreed. Alexa and Brennan were the worssssstttttt. Alexa’s personality is basically “ugh I hate things” and Brennan is like “yessss my queen whatever makes you hate I love it thank you for being with me >;D”


Right!?!? So exhausting


Brennan holier than thou attitude for sticking with the big girl? wtf. He basically never mentions it.


He doesn’t mention it, but he tears into Cole at the reunion along with the rest for “fatshaming” Zenab etc. His attitude is just terrible.


Absolutely. Zenab has a lot of work to do on herself. She tried a “Deepti speech” but her perception of the situation was so far off. After hearing the weddings were so close (same weekend, same place?) and that the two ran into each other beforehand, I have to think Zenab took a piece of Deepti’s plan for at the alter.


I had not heard this. When did you hear that? I thought they were married in their respective residential cities.


I believe when Zenab was on the Natalie & Deepti podcast they reminisced about running into each other. They were like “girl, people don’t know we were actually consecutively filming and we ran into each other on our wedding day” (paraphrased). There’s a minor possibility I am wrong, but I’m like 99% sure I remember that correctly.


Thank you! I like their podcast buy somehow I didn't listen to that episode! It must have aired before I discovered Out of the Pods.


Welcome. I hope I remember it correctly; let me know if you watch it and I’m off. I distinctly remember thinking, “*that* explains Zenab’s odd behavior at the alter”. This kind of victim mentality, blame shifting, gaslighting, and complete unawareness of herself. Deepti, on the other hand, had the right to make the speech albeit it went way overboard. Now, this is conjecture on my part, but it was almost as if she stole the idea but neglected to realize that Cole was a good person and Shake was *clearly not*….but wanted the same “hero” and “girl power” ending as Deepti.


Her speech was so weird and full of contradictions. “I love you and you’re a great person, but you’ve completely destroyed me as a person and you are a terrible human for that”


Absolutely 💯


This season had the most insidious energy


I can't believe people still root for Shayne what with the things he's done. Just a few months ago he released an intimate video of him and Natalie in bed, and this wasn't the first time he released private communication between them out of spite. Sure, Natalie's not perfect; and if you listen to her podcast, she admits to it too. Btw, if you people have seen Perfect Match, there's one scene where Shayne says he hasn't had sex in 6 months or something, when the video he leaked of him and Nat in bed was literally the weekend or two before he started filming PM. He is shady as heck. And, Jarrette cheated on Iyanna. Brought home two women to their shared apartment while Iyanna was out. I love how fiercely loyal Natalie and Iyanna have become to each other, and the friendship of the S2 women (Natalie, Deepti, Iyanna, Mallory, and Danielle) will always be a redeeming feature of the mess that was S2.


I suppose I should make it clear (when I said he kinda grew on me after) that I don’t have social media and don’t keep up with these people. I really only know of them up until After the Alter. But yes, that’s deplorable.


You get a pass, OP; but some people really are still rallying behind him, and even are supportive of him doing all those things on social media to Natalie. Natalie does curate her image, but Shayne arguably does the same, but in an opposite direction. He's painted himself to be the flawed, spill-all, no-bs kinda guy, but he conveys half truths without context on multiple occasions. Like, even on After the Altar, he played along with the narrative (on his social media) that he wasn't invited to Natalie's birthday party because of their tense relationship; but the truth is he was away filming Perfect Match in Panama lol (and still texting her BTS!). Tried getting back together with Natalie after filming too.


Oh yikes 😬. Thanks for the spill. I’m glad I’m not on social media, though! 😝😂🤗


I honestly didn't know about him leaking the sex video. I wasn't really a fan but revenge porn is crazy


Thankfully, the video didn't show them having sex. But it's still a very intimate moment between them, which Shayne subtly alluded to wanting to weaponise as blackmail when he was on the Viall Files in early 2022. When he finally released it last year, Natalie basically said on her podcast 'thank God he did because now he has nothing to hold over me, since he'd been threatening me with that video for a long time.'


Yeah me neither damn that’s crazy. I mean I like him but this is a little TOO unhinged even for him


I’m with you 2 and 5 were pretty lame.


Unfortunately I can’t remember anything prior to any season currently airing lol but if so had to choose one for no reason at all I’d choose the Deepti season? No real reason it’s just the first name I thought of and I definitely wasn’t gonna choose season 1.


Yes. Deepti was season 2.


But how do you feel about Sal?! 🙃 nothing about his singing and After the Alter antics?


🤣😆 Sal was not memorable. Like we were saying, we had confused him with Kyle (also not memorable) for most of the season. Do you mean his fiancé and telling lies about Mallory?


Desperate, Iyanna? Its okay to want love and ask that your partner show up for you in the way they said they would


Nah. That’s not why I think of her as desperate.


5 😴


Season 2 gave me the most eyeball roll followed by 5. Terrible I tell you.


Jarret was the winner??? Didn’t he cheat on Iyanna??


Oh NO! It was sarcasm like “what a winner he turned out to be” 😂😝


Right. I’m like did Jarrett write this post??


I’m hoping this was sarcasm because Jarrette was a FLOP.


Total sarcasm. Thank you.


Honestly the current season might be my favorite since season 1...Seasons 5, 2, 4, and most of 3 sucked, in that order.


Yeah season 3 is a runner up for me, as well.


This season so far is definitely my least favorite, lol. The drama is dramaing but it feels more obnoxious than previous seasons. Like people need to have conflict about everything.


Same! I just finished LIB Japan before this season started and this is all so much more draining lol. I’m watching Love on the Spectrum as a palate cleanser.


OMG 😳 I LOVE that show. I’m such a sap it makes me cry how honest and pure they are! ❤️


Totally agree about Deepti's speech. I already knew the gist of what happened and was looking forward to her sticking it to Shake. But after the 3rd or 4th "I chose myself!!", it felt less sincere and more like a contrived soundbite.


You put it well


Very bitter


Season 4 I hate how Micahs mean girl antics were forgotten immediately, and she somehow became the subs golden child. I knew the show would just be about negative drama from then on.


Micah had the benefit of having a friend that was even worse than her acting as a lightning rod for all the hate.


Bingo. Everyone made posts about Micahs terrible friends, and how they are "worried for micah". I'm like, y'all... like attracts like? She's still chosen to be friends with them?? They are all the same?!


100% I will never forget her being a mean girl. Irina was crucified, but Micah got a pass?


The first crappy behaviour we saw from Irina was from *Micah telling Irina to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation* first! Micah was awful the entire season. This sub loved her because...why? They found her pretty? Prettiness seems to help people overlook the cast members' werid and downright awful behaviours on this sub.


Did this sub love her?! (I’m new here)


Being both pretty and white helps even more. 


Just white female even. She wasn't really pretty


Nah. Pretty and female, sure.


season 5 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 easily


Season 5 should have never been aired.


With all its legal issues and only 2 couples... I'm inclined to agree. Uche was kinda insufferable but he's the only thing that salvaged that season if we are being honest.


Season 5 was terrible. I still get sick to my stomach when Lydia and Milton show up in any of my social media feeds.


Yeaaaa somethin ain’t right with them and I’ll die on that hill


The fact that anyone tries to say she didn’t straight up follow Uche (another terrible person) there is wild.. She didn’t even try to hide it


She immediately said it was fate that they were both there and tried to get him back. The fact that she turned around and said HE was trying to get her back was insane. And she was so pressed that he liked Aaliyah. Lydia would’ve married anyone who asked her. She was desperate to just be married. Like Milton’s parents said, “all of her responses sound scripted”. That girl gives me the biggest ICK.


Uche could've gotten such a good edit if he didn't pursue it relentlessly, go too hard on the girl he was with over cheating in the past, and ended up fighting with the other girls about it.


Correct his edit would’ve been better if he wasn’t such a bad person, astute observation


Okay then sorry lol




Japan > 4 > 6 > 1 > the rest


I apologize if this is a stupid question, but are all the other countries with subtitles? I’d love to watch Japan.


You can choose to watch them with subtitles or with dubs (people speaking what they are saying in English). I personally prefer subtitles but you might like the dubs!


Dubs! Yes. Thanks!!




I loved Sweden, Japan and Brazil and I cannot WAIT for UK!


Also HIGHLY recommend The Ultimatum France. SO GOOD.


Season 5 by far


Natalie and deepti chose the worst guys on purpose so they could get screen time and become influencers.


I dunno. Shake put on a pretty good “face” in the pods and I can see having the same culture as being a major plus when choosing a partner behind a screen. Shayne was a “favorite” with the women and had that “bruh” energy a lot of girls like and would indicate he’s conventionally attractive.


S2 was terrible even though I love Iyanna. Everyone else I could do without.


I put off s2 for so long because I heard it was a dumpster fire, but finally watched it and Iyanna is my absolute favorite out of any season. She’s so sweet and her personality is low-key gremlin but in a really cute way? All her facial expressions and weird voices had me cracking up 😭


She’s adorable.


I didn’t realize so many people hated that one as much as I did. It was cool seeing the culture and diversity of Chicago, but it was just….odd. I can’t put my finger on it. It may just be the sort of mentality that comes with living in a city that large. I’m not sure. I lived in DC and it was ROUGH to say the least.


I hated season 5, I finished it reluctantly in a sunk cost fallacy state, and season 4 was full of off/odd chemistry but I did like Tiffany & Brett and thought they were perfect together


Ahhh I forgot about Tiffany and Brett. LOVE them.


This season cause they fake af


I don’t think anyone from this season will get married.


I think Amy and Johnny will be the exception. But otherwise, feel the same.


I hope not! None of them are compatible it's so crazy


Yeah. I thought Chelsea was more compatible with Trevor and Jimmy more so with the mom (can’t remember her name).


I didn’t think anything could top the mess of S2 until S5 said, “Hold my beer.” Last season was the first time that I was fast forwarding scenes, which I didn’t even do on S2. I also spoiled myself with who got married, and I’m soooo anti-spoilers for myself. I just didn’t want to sit through tux or dress fittings and all that. I didn’t want mindless pre-wedding ceremony chatter. I just wanted to see the season through as quickly as possible.


Same. I fast fowarded the weddings until the "I do/I don't" part and then just turned it off. Didn't realise a TV show could make me so irrationally angry.


I, too, was “irrationally angry” at the waste of my time. But I did it to myself, I suppose 🤷🏼‍♀️


same. I ff thru a lot of the dates too.


Season 3 was the only season I never finished tbh. It was just so messy. Season 5 was worse though, I felt myself dragging to get through the episodes smfh. I think my ranking would be - 4 > 1 > 2 > 6 > 3 > 5


Oh wow. Season 3 is my runner up.


Season 5 was the worst, and season 2 had way too many insufferable weirdos, but I’ll add season 3 to the list because all the men sucked but Zanab just was a whole other level of gaslighting and emotional manipulation. Her speech to Cole at the altar and then the dog pile at the reunion was just straight-up bullying.


Absolutely. Cole seems like a golden retriever who just hasn’t matured yet but such a great dude.


Why does this shows fan base hate women so much All I ever see is the women being dragged through the mud The guys never get it as bad


????? Just this season I've seen multiple posts saying all the men are trash, but nothing approaching that for the women. And I feel like I see the male villains brought up more often (and I'd also say there are more of them than female villains). Personally I'm also guilty of bringing up the male villains more often lol.


Shake, shayne, Bartise, Cole, that idiot singing dude, jarette, Jeramy, Jimmy, Ken….so much hate for all of them. What sub are you on?


You should look at the pre-reunion poster about Cole. And Shake. And Shayne. The guys are definitely not avoiding getting dragged.


Honestly I still think Coles hate was so overblown. Dude was gross with his messy apartment and not a fantastic partner but he wasn't nearly the villain everyone seemed to want him to be.


Dude was a perpetual child, but not a villain.


You and I are on different subs


It’s the sub Facebook group everywhere hating on the women way more than the men it’s quite obvious


season 3 just had the most rancid vibes to me. idk if it was bartise or what but it has zero rewatch value i feel.


Season 4 - I didn’t watch half the episodes and just let it play on mute so I could get it off my continue watching aisle. After reading all the drama surrounding Cole, I specifically went to look at his bits but that season was lame as hell. Houston was runner up. Chicago is 3rd. Shane and that girl with Nick were very hard to watch.


Nick and Natalie ? 🙄. Nick comes across as gay to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


I thought he could be but I know guys who act like him who aren’t so I didn’t want to speculate on that. I think it’s Danielle? Maybe she was super toxic and insecure. It was so hard to watch them.


Oh yes! Danielle! Poor thing made me sad, actually. I’m not sure if it’s wrong to speculate or not? I have gay friends who don’t mind but I’m with you that I really don’t know what’s appropriate or not. Maybe someone can chime in?


Same. I don’t want to offend anyone. Gay or not he seemed like a nice guy but he clearly has some communication issues too. They seem to be back together if you believe the internet but I don’t think they are compatible.


I don’t have any other social media. They’re back together?!


[https://www.dexerto.com/reality-tv/love-is-blind-fans-convinced-danielle-nick-reconciled-after-season-2-divorce-2451232/](https://www.dexerto.com/reality-tv/love-is-blind-fans-convinced-danielle-nick-reconciled-after-season-2-divorce-2451232/) here’s one article on them. Pic was taken in Cancun some time last year.


Thanks! Maybe even friends? She is just *so deeply insecure* I see her inadvertently pushing anyone away 😞


This sub posted about it a month ago? Walking on a beach or something. I’d have to go find the post. But take it with a grain of salt. Don’t know if it was true.


Oh. I see. I don’t want u to have to go find it. I’ll take your word for it and with a grain of salt 😉. I think it’d be great if she did take a couple years to work on herself and if they still love each other, hey, go for it.


Happy cake day! I just saw that! also agreed. I think she’s a good girl and I hope therapy is working for her. So if they end up as just friends thru a shared experience, she’s not broken for the next guy.


Thanks! I did too. I guess it just popped up now. Wish them the best, as I do you!


Cole was season 3 not 4 fyi


I need to refresh myself on Season 4. Was that Seattle? Lord…..they’re running together


Ahh, I literally stopped watching it at the honeymoons. Season 3 sucked so much. Out of all the people in Dallas IDK how they got that motley crew.


The one with Uche because every time he spoke I wanted to shove needles in my eardrums.


2 was by far, my favorite. Season 1 was good too. Season 3 & 4, I can’t remember much.


my ranking: 1 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 5 I LOVED the Seattle season. It felt like the first season where a majority of the contestants had more than 2 braincells. It had the highest number of successful couples & most of my LIB favorites are from that season. I’d rank it #1 but nothing can top season 1 imo. I agree with all of your thoughts on season 2 except for the Jarrett comment. He cheated on Iyanna :(( But yeah that season was so interesting despite the fact that they were all boring as hell 😭 it was entertaining seeing Shake tho cause he’s from my hometown


I agree with this ranking.


Oh. I’m noticing some people didn’t catch “winner” is total sarcasm 😂😆. No. He’s not a great dude and wasn’t ready for marriage. I love Illyanna though!


oh LOL omg okay good. totally agree with all of your commentary then. I love her too! def my season fav


It was kind of you to not jump to conclusions


I thought we had all collectively agreed on deleting season 5 from our memory. So since that season doesn't exist, I'd agree on Season 2. I couldn't even see it when it aired.


Did we? I’m new here haha 😆 It seems I *actually did* delete it from memory because I had to look them up and I forgot all about it!


Houston (s5) was the worst. I literally never finished watching it because it was so bad.


I liked Season 2, in a watch-behind-your hands kinda way. It was wild. And really memorable. I'm getting 3 and 4 mixed up in my head. Season 5 was the worst though. That was awful. I barely paid attention.


Season 5 sucked, didn’t care for 3&4 too much either. I’m actually really enjoying this season. 1&2 to me were the best!


Really? I liked 3 a lot. Interesting!


3&4 to me are kind of forgettable. I can’t really remember who were on them, I had to look it up! lol


I really disliked season 4 the Seattle one


Agree, season 2 for me as well. Most were annoying or boring. Couldn't stand Mallory. Shake was obviously a dickhead. I was on board with the way Deepti handled things on the show. But then I think her and boring Kyle fabricated their whole thing just to gain clout on social media. Their whole thing screamed fake AF to me and it annoyed the shit out of me. Edit : reading the other comments and I forgot about season 5. I don't think I even finished it. I watched half, waited for more episodes, started those then realised I had no idea who anyone was. Wasn't invested enough to go back and watch from the start so didn't bother.


Agree with you on everything; also forgot about 5


Season 5 followed by season 2. Tbh they shouldn’t even have aired season 5


Season 5 is the worst. Season 2 is my favorite because they actually had racial diversity, including a number of Asian-American women AND men. Somehow after S2 they decided they go to back to the typical black/white/hispanic casting only, for the most part. (Yes I remember Andrew from the Dallas season! But he's literally the last Asian-American male on the show and that was S3. We've now had S4, S5 and S6 without a single Asian-American male of any kind. For me, that triggers me because it reminds me of how The Real World in its 30+ iterations never had one single Asian-American male, yet for most of its run had an Asian-American male producer).


Yes Andrew came to mind. I agree that season 2 was extremely diverse and I was almost shocked to see that on a dating show. Anyway, so true.


As unfortunate as this season is turning to nothing can compare to Season 5. They never had an After the Alter!


What were they gonna do, follow Lydia and Milton for three episodes?


I think it’d be cool to see where they’re all at, personally


S5, I didnt even bother to finish or keep up with all the drama.


Season 5 hands down absolutes fucking worst. Did not have any likable couples or individuals. Super toxic af


I made another comment because I think y’all saying season 5 are right! I forgot all about these people.


omg for most of that season I thought Kyle and Salvador were the same person


Thank you!! I thought it was just me


Me too! I feel so validated


So did I 🤣😂


Season 5 for sureeee. I didn't really like anyone. Nobody to root for. Even s2, I felt like I could root for Iyanna and Jarrette (individually, if not together).


You guys…I forgot about *everyone* from season 5 so I had to look them up! So possibly it is my least favorite?! Haha 😆