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Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but to me this proves how disingenuous Jess is about “finding love” on any show.. she’s calculating her reactions/responses to things to get people online talking since this was a popular line on LIB.


I don’t get it 🙈 will someone explain please?


I noticed this😭


Ok, what does he have in his left hand? And what is Sophia Vergara doing sitting there with some creep stalking her every move is my question .


I actually do like Jess but she speaks solely in tiktok lingo if you listen to her. She did this on love is blind too. Everything is “not me getting emotional”, “stop”, “it’s giving” etc etc. I think she spends a lot of time online and it shows in how she speaks. 


Like a teenager


Yea I’m surprised people are saying they do this too - are they really? Even in professional settings? Lol 


Exactly lol you can't behave this way in corporate America or you won't advance 


Y’all. This is not a new thing. It was happening on FB like 15 years ago. Language and slang trends are common. Social media helps them spread and burn out faster, so you notice it more. But it’s not new or weird.


It is weird lol 


The WHOLE last season of LIB spoke in nothing but Tik Tok terms.


Which is funny because she claims to like be incompetent when it comes to like online and reality shows like she has no idea where anything is and what’s going on. Yet she talks like that which obviously means that she is fully plugged into online movement and culture. She is quite exhausting.


lol does she? that's wild. I she doesn't want to seem like too much of a try hard.


which i can’t even blame her bc i find myself speaking in that tiktok brain rot too so often 😭 it would be hard going on a show and just trying to censor yourself to not sound like you’re chronically online.


this show brought a whole new side to jess and made me dislike her even more lol


Why are we making fun of someone stating their feelings?


It's not that, it's because Chelsea said it a lot in their season so it's funny


Because the feeling has not been stated, and uncomfy isn'ta word. Saying you are comfortable or uncomfortable is more of expressing how you're interpreting your feelings in relation to your environment. You would say I feel uneasy, scared or sad to express a feeling.


It’s just slang. You are way overthinking it.


wtf are you on about? Your comment is absurd


Are you going to give some factually based evidence to refute my comment?


That would be like trying to rationally respond to a baby babbling. It’s nonsense


Seems like you're the only baby babbling because you're not actually saying anything


Your underwear is far too tight!😁


Hmm, you must be picking up on some invisible energy behind my message. I'm just informing yall of some facts, makes no difference to me if you believe them are not..


Lmao I don’t care that it isn’t a word.


Not saying you have to care, that's what makes great entertainment. We get to watch people misusing language and then suffering because of it and not knowing why


No one seems to have a problem with “comfy”, but “uncomfy” is just too much?


I have a problem with comfy and uncomfy as other people would too if they used their brain. "Too much"? No, just poor choice of words.


What exactly did Dom say ?


I’m pretty sure it was when he was talking about how he felt after knowing he wasn’t gonna stay in the house and how he thought he was being genuine he said soemthing to Harry like “if people are here and are genuine why are you here”. Jess picked up on it and kept saying like “what did you say? Why did you say that?” “No we arnt gonna skip past that” while it seemed like dom was figuring out how to fix what he said


He was starting to talk to her about options. She knew what he wanted and she stated how she felt.


I was waiting for reddit to react 😂 I thought it was funny!


I use it. Chelsea isn’t the first person to use that word. Tf


I tried to post this as soon as i saw the episode and my post wasnt approved for some reason lol


I use it 🤷‍♀️


I hear me say it sometimes too and internally laugh at myself. #InfluencedByLIB


This is not a word a grown ass person uses! wtf


I’m 53 and I use it. Stop policing how people talk. Slang trends have been going on forever.


Eh idk it is kind of common with millennials at my work lol


How old are these millennials. Because as an old millennial i don’t know ANYONE who uses that word in that way


I'm 32 and I use this word occasionally 😅


But please tell me you don’t use baby voice when you say it! Lol


That's true, that's a big difference lol. I do not use a baby voice


Late 20s early 30s? Maybe you aged out of it


Yeah. I’m old. I aged out of a lot. It could also be a regional thing. Honestly it’s not even the word it’s the way she & Chelsea say it that irks me.


I hated when Chelsea would say it and now she’s saying it.


I always write uncomfy when I text, but always say uncomfortable when I speak. Idk I have literally never thought twice about any of this!!


Where I’m from we say uncomfy all the time when we feel uncomfortable but don’t feel comfortable enough to say uncomfortable and feel better saying uncomfy because it seems easier to say and we are joking about how uncomfortable we are.


IMHO, I felt for Chelsea it was a combination of a poor choice of words but what made it so amplified was the intonation she used. She was trying to express her feelings when her and Jimmy had been arguing. Baby talk is manipulative and has no place in any adult relationship, at least any relationship that I’m in. I was shocked to hear Jess say it and I’m unsure what her motive is, but it’s surprising given that she is seems to have a really level head and she is well spoken. But then I believe she said it in again, shortly thereafter, it wasn’t “uncomfy” but it was some variation of the word comfortable shortened, perhaps someone said it? But it was used a second time and that was a real turn off for me. WTH is she giving Harry so many chances? He has proven that he cannot control himself and he is not to be trusted. If he can’t control himself when he’s being filmed, what the hell do you think he’s going to do when there are no cameras. Harry has shown his true colours and we all know people show you who they are from the get go. Don’t listen to what they say, look at their actions. Jess touts herself to be looking for an upstanding man who can match her energy and be a MAN for her and her daughter, so It surprises me that Jess is standing by his side. AIN’T NOBODY THAT IS VOMITING IS UPSET BECAUSE HE CARRIED SOMEONE TO THE BATHROOM. & Jess is mothering him, it gave me the instant ICK and completely flipped my opinion about who she truly is and who she wants to be portrayed as. It makes me feel uncomfy.


The number of times she used her daughters name made me uncomfortable. Like we get it. You have a daughter. But we also know there’s no way you actually believe you’re there to find a husband/step father.


I hear you! Great point. As a mother on tv, who is pretty you really want to keep putting it out there that you HAVE A TEN YEAR OLD DAUGHTER & the whole world knows where you live. Her sense of a moral compass is nil. Look at all the people who have MILLIONS that get doxed and she thinks she’s making good choices as a mother?


Exactly. I’ve seen people saying her accounts look like she’s trying to be a “mommy vlogger” and i wouldn’t be surprised. Like you can be a mom & an influencer separately.


LMFAO. She’s the last person on earth I’d ever look to for motherly and strong, smart female advice. It’s laughable that there are people who look at her as a role model, she really just showed a negative, opposing side to what she put out in LIB.


Nah. I think she was the same as she was in LIB. They just gave her a good edit so they could cast her again. That whole “you’ll choke” line was 1000% her telling Jimmy she was better than Chelsea. Then she backpedaled when she realized how bad it was to say.


Fair point odd_secretary 😉.


Fame that’s why she wants fame because fame makes her money…and Harry too obviously as he loves to brag.


Because she participated in this show, there’s absolutely no doubt.


Me not saying not me or uncomfy


Ok y’all I was saying “uncomfy” years before Chelsea was on LIB. It doesn’t mean she’s trying to steal slang Chelsea uses


The WAY Chelsea used it (and during an argument) is what made it sad bad. In my life it gets used jokingly/ironically, not in a serious tone at all.


She’s determined to be famous


I actually hate this phrase. Ditsy girls are constantly using it these days to sound cute but it sounds childish to me. “I’m so uncomfy 🥺👉🏻👈🏻” Like just say uncomfortable…why make it weird?




...because they feel *uncomfortable* saying the full word because they don't want to come off as uncool or like a nag. like yes it's annoying but i'm empathetic about it


South Africa here, we have always used the words uncomfy and comfy. It’s part of our slang. Not weird to me at all. I thought most people speaking English used these terms.


I’m from the UK and it’s the same here - very common - I didn’t even understand the post until I read the comments.


Same here, I'm 37 from the mid-Atlantic US. Never once heard anyone react weirdly to either word. Both very common. I had no idea "comfy" and "uncomfy" were so controversial lol


Comfy makes sense to me but uncomfy sounds weird. Idk 😭


I agree! I also feel the same about "icky." I hate it!


She copied from Chelsea


Uncomfy is really commonly used outside of the US


It’s commonly used in the us too lol


I would never say that, never had, never will


Then why is everyone surprised


Well it’s Reddit. Not the real world. It’s a non representative demographic. Uncomfy is very common slang amongst younger millennial women in the US


That gave me the ick too


Yet you say ick. All these words are essentially The same. Don’t straddle the fence


That’s true. Ick is less cringe than I feel uncomfy… maybe it was just the way Chelsea said it on LIB. Valid though


I didn't realize she was that small


Watch her standing beside Harry on the beach task, she’s half his size


I didn’t either. But, from the way everyone speaks, I think Harry is really tall/big. It seems like most of the guys on this show are


even compared to the others girls she's tiny


She looks stunning in this show, and the moment she called out Harry for having a small vocabulary was fucking hilarious. I'm here for her


Same! The way she kept correcting him on the words he mispronounced - and her delivery - were perfect! 😂😂


He's like "heh heh you're a nerd" but you can totally tell he's intimidated by her 🤣


Nerd = beautiful, confident woman that isn’t ignorant/doesn’t pretend to be for the sake of a man’s fragile ego..🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m confused by the comments. People say that all the time where I’m from.




I think it was just a tad strange to say uncomfy with such a serious conversation


Same I feel like the people in the comments are either old are completely out of touch


What’s old on here? I’m 41 and it’s very common and normal where I’m from.


I know, where are these ppl from? And uncomfy is not a stretch if apparently the word comfy is acceptable…


I’ve heard/say comfy, just never heard uncomfy until LiB. I have heard several people on this show say it now though, so maybe those of us commenting about it are the silly ones lol 🤔🙈 However, my phone does try to autocorrect it/underlines it in red sooo 🤷🏻‍♀️😜




I thought that was pretty funny. Like a LIB Easter egg. She pulled it off better than Chelsea 😂


Yes, she did!! 😂


Context please


Dom was calling out Harry, saying he was there for the wrong reasons and basically using her…there are differing opinions on the validity of that lol




omg I hated when Chelsea said uncomfy on LiB. How do they not realize that it sounds ridiculous


And in a moment where she was trying to be taken seriously 😂😂


I took this as a jab to Chelsea 😂


No, Chelsea and her are friends. Likely, she picked it up from spending time with her.


I take it as she's trying to have another viral moment 🥴


Lib didn’t even air until months after this was filmed she did not see that moment to know anything about this


Oh! I didn’t think about/realize that! I stand corrected ☺️


She also said nervy