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watching jacques and thinking yesss that’s my ideal. really. ![gif](giphy|13vJHSyname1Hy)


I swear every season since S8 there has been at least a few girls who say Jacques is their type and I'm always disappointed.


Yh every season several of the girls say Jacques is their type. Anna May, Jess Harding etc.


It’s white girls who have been through too much trauma


That’s not it. They just like the pretty boy look of a guy who is also a bit of a bad boy. Lot of boys fit that bill. Tyrique etc


He’s adored on tiktok by the teens. He regularly engages with the Pacques fans too. He is a clout chaser and I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up returning this year (hopefully not)


If he shows up on All Stars, I'll scream


I’d love it!! I think he’d be great!


Him and his skid marks can stay home Wow the downvotes are interesting. You all hated Jacques yesterday but suddenly like him now.


Damn this sub is actually horrible at times 😂 Don't worry you won't be in the villa with him. You're good Hun.


What a blessing xx


Chill. You’ve written multiple shit comments about him all over this post. Well done you


Because he’s a twat? Lmao this comment thread is largely about how disappointing it is that women still support him despite him being a foul misogynistic prick??? I will happily leave this here to be downvoted and I am safe in the knowledge that anyone that does disagree with this is also a massive twat. And HAS to be an import from Facebook, 47 years old with a very sad life lmaooooo mwah x share this in Milton Keynes Deborah babe x


I think it’s a canon event for girls to like at least one guy who has a demonstrated history of being mean to their girlfriend or negging them. It’s almost like “omg he’s so mean and critical so I crave his approval and attn even more!!” Sometimes it’s something you unfortunately only grow from if you experience it first hand.


Demonstrated History? There has literally been no history. It was 4 weeks of love island. Let’s not get weird and deep it / project ☠️ They probably fancy him , like his looks and vibe and follow him on socials. That’s it. I can speak impartially and say he is a very good looking boy. Edit- I blocked you bc u were being aggressive! I’m pretty indifferent to both Paige & jaques and I’d like to think impartial. I don’t think he was awful at all to her. *One time*, he said she was being pathetic over a silly task, he apologised. So who cares??? He was single in casa, free to do whatevs. Not sure what he manipulated her into doing cz I didn’t see that. He didn’t act like a martyr leaving, he literally had a breakdown!! All I know is they got on v well & I believe they’re still on good terms. People like you are ruining the show for us deeping & psycho analysing everything. Now leave me alone


He was literally so awful towards Paige lmao? He called her pathetic to her face (that’s just one example — let alone his casa behavior)… then tried to make himself a martyr as he left the villa. This sub is so fucking weird idk why I even bother. Edit: Well thanks for blocking me so I can’t even respond as if it’s that serious or I personally insulted or offended you. If you search this subreddit every post about Jacques dating back to season 8 is talking about how toxic and manipulative he was towards Paige, and trying to gaslight me won’t change my opinion. There is a demonstrated history of his behavior and it’s recorded right here on Reddit. Good riddance.


These people are actually embarrassing right? Who the hell even likes jacques and could someone please explain why? Also I don’t like Paige either I’m just a big ol hater lmao


I think Tanya (S9) and Mimii are friends. Tanya has been sharing her LI stuff. They follow each other and there’s mutual likes going back a while.


She’s even wearing a wig from Tanya’s wig brand


I'm pretty sure Harriet went to school with Luca and used to be mates with Lucinda. I believe I saw somewhere that Nicole knows Scott as well.


Yh makes sense as luca dated saffron before and saffron is friends with Harriet


Yeah I remember the tea that Luca and Saffron went to school together and I'm pretty sure Harriet and Saffron are also friends since school so I put two and two together lmao




Actually I’m not sure but there was a rumour going on back then


They must have unfollowed each other because Luca was liking Harriet’s posts but they currently don’t follow each other?


They ufollowed each other about 2 months ago


……how do you know that?


Ooh I wonder if he was the guy she broke up with four months ago? (I don't follow Luca so havent kept up to date with his dating history.)


Lol no! Harriet didn’t date Luca.


Also mimii is good friends with Tanya s9. Tanya’s been posting a lot of stories hyping up Mimii ever since she’s been announced


Also fun fact, Munveers sister is in a relationship with Conor Gallagher’s older brother


I read that as Conor McGregor and I almost vomited ! LOL


Could be worse. I read it, at first glance, as Liam Gallagher!


I’m sorry but if Ayo runs in the same circles as Toby and Tyrique, I’m happy. Bring on the drama. If Nicole’s ideal type is Jacques, again I’m happy. You guys always like such boring people it drives me insane.


no, i love the mess — i’m just saying god help us and them 😭😭😭


Lol I hear ya! I love the mess too ![gif](giphy|Lopx9eUi34rbq)


He’s a footballer from Essex so no surprise there


Unpopular opinion maybe but if Ayo is connected with Toby and Ty, I’ll be sat. I want good tv, if I want beautiful love stories, I have my grandparents to tell me stories of how they met🤣🤣🤣


That’s what I said above. Like people on this sub always like the most boring people! If Ayo runs in same circles as Ty and Toby, fucking great! Bring on the drama. If Nicole ideal type is Jacques, again fucking great bring on the drama! My mindset is so completely different to so many people on this sub 🤯


Agreed! Lmao


Agreed! Lmao


There’s no connection between them, neither Toby or Tyrique follow Ayo. They definitely would’ve went against each other as they all play football but that’s about it


Nicole’s connection is Scott van see sluis. They’re friends apparently.


It seems like everyone knows everyone these days I get it but at the same time with so many applications it would be nice if they chose contestants with no connections to other islanders. I know it doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme but it also means they have that extra edge knowing info about how the show works.




It makes sense. The more famous they are coming out (more likely if they have existing connections to famous people and get papped together etc) the more attention & money it generates for the LI franchise.


Patsy is friends with Sophie Piper


Nicole’s type: https://preview.redd.it/d484775qzb4d1.jpeg?width=408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=193bf96253c564d7d7b8f20e5949df44cb1b81f4 Sorry for the Jumpscare 😭




Pookie no 😭


Ronnie also knows Tyrique


Ronnie is friends with Tyrique. Expecting good things.


Patsy and Sophie are friends as well


Joey is friends with the Gale twins


I like this thanks for sharing! Always interesting to know more about them (sort of!). Also Ronnie having two connections to S3 is.. interesting


of course!! as it turns out, he also has a connection to georgia harrison — she posted about him earlier tonight