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That orange is just an insult to those poor girls whilst doing their hair and makeup


I blame the orange dressing room for the fact that we are so much more frequently seeing unblended contour on the girls. They have awful lighting! The black fire pit is grim and lifeless. I can’t imagine how hot it gets during the day. And I noticed on Friday that the water around the pathway to the fire pit, in addition to eliminating space for them to horse around (picture Danica’s twerking lessons in the same area), but it’s got all these leaves or something floating on it but the water itself is so still. It doesn’t move at all—is there no filtration system? It would get gross and stinky without it.


i feel so bad for nicole i notice it on her the most one episode she literally looked like she was wearing sunglasses and got sunburned around it or smth…


The lighting in that room is so bad, poor things!


"but it’s got all these leaves or something floating on it but the water itself is so still. It doesn’t move at all—is there no filtration system? It would get gross and stinky without it." Mosquito breeding ground, too!! 😬


It’s dirty swamp water at this point. It’s got to be bringing loads of mosquitoes


I had the same thought about mosquitos! I'm scratchy just thinking about it.


Im not going to lie i think that might be genuinely just how they like their make up …


I like it. It’s giving deranged psychological experiment.


Right? That + a dose of Miami Vice. Which, in my experience as an American, is like ratchet kryptonite for foreigners


They have to make up for the drinking limit somehow


I was completely shocked when these pics were first posted and everyone was gagging, it looks so tacky to me. I like the old villa decor way better, I think it gave more balearic vibes with the natural warm-toned wood and stone. Not sure why they redid it.


Same, it was giving proper day club. Super nice on the eyes and made me wish I was there


ME TOO. and i love monochromatic design but it is not it for love island. Also it’s fucking up the camera lighting. Just weird. TOO dollhouse.


Ah found the comment I knew must have existed. Yeah I think they were going for Barbie movie set aesthetic


I deadass can’t get into it because of this 😭


You fr need sunglasses to watch some of the scenes. It's so bright.


Me too. It’s jarring.


I don’t mind the colors but I just don’t like this villa, didn’t like it last season either. Something about how there isn’t any shade just makes it feel too harsh, especially the yellow area. It also seems like there’s nowhere for them to have any privacy for an honest conversation. The US villa this season is 10x better.


Only part of this villa I like is the fire pit. The black looks sick and it’s way less distracting when they are sat there


It does look more sleek HOWEVER the black color attracts so much heat and it would get so hot during the day and probably be unbearable to sit there or god forbid walk barefoot on those black floorboards 🥴


I’ve watched every season of this show & can’t for the life of me understand why (unless everywhere else is taken) you’d wanna pull someone for a chat at the fire pit. It’s finality, doom, exile - & now looks it lol


me too tbf, it's so loud and bright nd overwhelming IMO(!!) and they took the life out of the fire pit with the black :( but that's just me of course


Not a hot take. I agree.


It’s really bad and if you watch the US version in Fiji it just looks so much worse. To clarify I mean the UK villa looks really bad. Paint can’t fix it either.


The USA villa is way better


Yeah I actually didn’t mind this villa except for the orange room, but then once I saw the USA villa was like oh…. Now that’s a place I would actually want to summer in for 3 months. UK villa really does look like a set they are trapped on.


That’s exactly right “a set they are trapped in”


It looks incredibly cheap


Same I liked when it was like this the white looked more nice and a lot more natural https://preview.redd.it/s4lop89gk67d1.png?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba2d0a3070afae97da562016b0a14734481f5c36


Omg , couldnt agree more


I think they went for Barbie dream house vibes given that Barbie was popular due to the movie, but agree I’m not a fan at all. Especially the orange make up room, what on earth were they thinking?!


It looks like the designer had 100+ hours on The Sims on their CV


It’s absolutely hideous. No idea what they were thinking. The orange in the makeup room is especially egregious. Team Black Firepit though, I love it lol


You’re not the first person to say this, but yes, it’s horrid


the makeup room is atrocious


AGREE. It’s so harsh and looks cheaper than usual.


Yup, exactly that!


it’s so ugly


The colors hurt my eyes


I do too. It’s awful. They need to fire whoever is in charge of designing the decor. It’s a giant eyesore and makes it look so cheap


It's so plastic, so fake, so unnatural that, by extension, the entire show is like that. Modern doesn't have to mean soulless.


Everything about this season doesn’t feel up to par so far


i hate the orange dressing room (the pic looks peach which i would like but on camera it’s too 🍊) but i’m a basic bitch so i love the blue kitchen and the mint and pink area is dreamy to me (my bathroom are those colours). and i don’t mind the yellow area although its a bit bright. basically what im saying is that in a tacky millennial who loves these pops of colours much more than any recent villa 🙈😩😭 (i never watched them but the s1 or maybe s2 clips i’ve seen it looked more grown up and chic and those were nice)


Same 🥲 it’s soo bad


I hate it ! The USA one looks way better


I think it’s cute lmao


Personally for me it looks like when someone is building a block house with Lego but it's all the same coloured lego


It would drive me crazy, the colours are so unrelaxing. It’s a shame they don’t just put them in a normal looking giant villa where they weren’t constantly reminded there on a reality game show. I know they have to alter the villa to put all the cameras in etc but do you know what makes people loosen up and puts them in a romantic mood? Feeling like you’re on holiday in an authentic European villa. It’s also just such a childlike palette which is a weird choice for a show about people hooking up


Only last two photos are cute to me


It’s not good. The clothes often look very washed out on my screens. That red party made me cringe! 😬




Yup, totally agree.


I feel like it just doesn’t look relaxing or inviting at all whereas in previous seasons it’s looked much more inviting. Like seeing them all hang out there stresses me out a bit on their behalf lol


I like the blue kitchen


Idk how they do their makeup in an orange room 💀


saaaaame i really dislike, it feels more like a set than ever as opposed to a vacation villa. the b&w fire pit is especially off putting to me.


the orange is either completely diabolical or indicative of the fact that there are no women on their interior design team


Literally HATE it


I was wondering if they did it because the wood was getting older/weathered and it was a cheap fix to prolong the wood? Cause that’s what it looks like.


Everything looks so hard


i actually do like most of it. except that fcking dressing room. whose idea was that?? in love w the monochrome blue kitchen though that can stay


I like everything except the orange dressing room. I hate it


green bathroom is the only acceptable room


That orange room needs someone ass beat


Totally. It all looks kitsch. And I don't mean it in a good way.


i think it’s cute but the orange isn’t it


Those stools in the getting ready room look like toilets.


I’ll randomly think about the blue kitchen and get angry 😭


I think they are trying to take it back to the style of the original series where everything was a bit tackier. I think they’ve done the same in terms of casting as well bringing in more party girl / lads lads as opposed to all wannabe instagram model types - I think its in aims of more drama. Another thought i had was that the casting may have been more tailored around Joey Essex coming in and trying to find girls that are typically his type. I preferred the style of the old villa however i think the current villa suits the cast and I am enjoying the drama ! Never has love island been so interesting in the first few weeks as it has this time Team samantha 🙏💋


“Garish” is the word that comes to mind


It looks horrible and the new US villa puts it to shame tbh


Why did they do this. Why


Tacky looking villa for a tacky cast. Seems like they did it on purpose actually 🤔


The make up room is fucked. The rest isn't too bad on the show but living in it would drive you up the wall


Finally someone said it Like what is that? Barbie dream house??