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he’s sooo desperate. he uses the same corny pick up lines on every girl that walks into the villa. harriet, jess, tiffany and now matilda 😭


He really does and it’s so embarrassing now. I don’t buy he’s genuinely into Matilda either. It screams desperation and he’d be saying exactly the same things / moving exactly the same way to literally any girl that came in when she did..it’s not her he wants is her timing of entry into the villa. I’m so over him and his ‘chats’


He even had the same ‘what’s your favorite sweet’ convo with Tiffany twice 😭


I also doubt he was truly ever in to any of them, sad to see him turn in to such a nice guy tm..


I rate Ciaran so much for that


Hugely respect Ciaran for that. That was desperate moves from Sean


If I were Matilda I would so get the ick from a dude petulantly dumping his "best mate" in order to make sure I couldn't choose someone else. I have been SAYING that Sean is not a nice guy but a NiceGuy. I feel vindicated.


Yeah I'd feel icky about it. She did say that was ruthless but also laughed in the moment at and seemed happy to be with him. Maybe when she thinks it over she'll see it was a bit scummy, but maybe she doesn't mind at all lol


I genuinely hope she’s just acting this way since Sean is her only choice for now. I got the impression she’s pretty smart, but I guess time will tell :/


I just don’t get why Ciaran and Ayo didn’t band together since they were both thinking the same thing. They ultimately let the minority of Sean and Harriet make the call. At least Ciaran made his opinion made strongly and didn’t back down after the fact but feel like they could have had a 4-2 vote if they wanted too


He’s mature AF in my books, what a man


Especially since he gets so much crap for being the youngest!


Finn S6 vibes. 20/21 but a grown man in relationships.




yeah i don’t get why they made out like him expressing that view was immature or unnecessary lol


His maturity crumbles when playing Eggy Boff tho


Which is why I really want him to find someone. Nicole is bad for him and I hate how she keeps calling him childish and immature. She acts like his mother and a bad one at that .


same here! well done him for being the only one to speak out about it


he’s seemingly mature AND hot…we’ll see how he handles casa!!!!


genuinely, was so nice for him to consider not what works best for Sean, but that Matilda is a grown human being capable of making her own choices and that she should be allowed the chance to make her choice rather than it being forced on her almost.


I’m so glad Ciaran clocked it all.


He went up massively in my books. Youngest boy in there but had his head screwed on


Yep I think he's a lot smarter than he seems. Bit of a himbo but he is very emotionally intelligent.


I never cared much about Ciaran . now I love him


Didnt he become SO MUCH fitter after tonight




And Omar too!


He went full top MAN tonight.


Idk why he waited so long to disagree though because him and Ayo were united and could have overruled Sean


He said it when they were discussing it


Harriet was backing Sean too and she's very intense so it might have been a "we have to pick someone and you're never going to budge so fine, have it your way so we can go to bed" situation.


I personally think that he wanted to vote with Ayo and Mimi but Nicole probably threw a hissy fit and he felt like he HAD to vote with her in order to appease her and make things easier for his couple.


Man fumbled public favour so bad 😭😭😭


Ciaran gained so much respect in my eyes for the challenge too.


Legit, he’s gonna be out next dumping. wtf was he thinking. If he’s correct that him and Matilda have a stronger connection, what’s the need in dumping Omar then? Trust the connection.


This!!! If he was so positive that they had a stronger connection, Omar didn’t need to be dumped


Literally wouldn’t you want your mate to find someone too like he “found” Matilda


that's what i was thinking too. like does he not realise that everybody's watching? or does he just genuinely believe that what he did was okay?


From the conversation later, I think he legit didn't understand Ciaran's point lol


And to keep saying it too wtf


he's just showing his true colors


Very self centered


That’s why I never bought into the nice and sweet guy edit. He actually pissed me off so much


Never trust the nice guy edit.


Yeah the way he would spout the same nonsense to every girl who came in wasn’t sweet to me, it just felt completely disingenuous


Me either. He creeped me out instantly the first time I saw him flirt. I can’t remember which girl it was but he uses the same cringey lines on all of them. 


never bought into it because remember Sean said he has cheated before. That is already a character flaw


Sean is so desperate to stay in the villa. Seeing him on screen is actually repulsive.


I hope Sean and Matilda are still around for CASA and Omar is put back on the island. Could be interesting.


I've seen every season of US UK and AUS, and I have never seen a display like we did tonight. That was CRAZY and gross


even if islanders are clearly gaming and trying their best to prolong their stay with tactics they don't say it OUT LOUD crazy


Right Sean saying I’m the only one with balls to say it out loud. I’m like yes thank you for your honesty of how much of a weirdo you are


My eyes nearly popped out of my head when he said that out loud


Ballsy to admit it everyone and the entire world that he doesn’t have enough confidence in his connection that he has to send someone packing to secure his coupling? That’s Ballsy? No he just admitted how weakly he backs his own game and his own ability to hold a woman’s attention


Theo got sent home for saying it out loud!!!


The man didn’t even pretend sending Omar home is a difficult decision and totally unrelated to Matilda 💀 Infact he did the opposite. Pretty sure he called it a no brainer at one point or something to that effect 😬


And he’s supposed to be Omar’s friend


You’re right it acc was just gross. And icky.


It's so weird that it's become funny and seeing him smiling away and literally admitting the whole thing.


he admitted to doing the same thing with his friends in his intro so he's just used to doing this


Can't BELIEVE he said that out loud


I feel so bleugh after it. Fuck this.


It was gross. 🤢


absolutely pathetic from sean. and when matilda asked what his reason was for getting omar out, i thought he would have said he thought he had a better connection with her than omar but he fully said, it was to help his situation out. lol get sean outta there. fully on ciarans side here


Funny thing is Matilda said she likes kindness above all else the other day and seeks kind guys then called the move ruthless and was reassuring Sean. I really want to know what she really feels or this is how she feels. It’s such a hypocrite thing to say then that you want kindness in a guy.


Same. If she is actually into kindness, then hearing what Sean did would turn her off massively.


Matilda called Sean ballsy when he came to disrupt her chat with Omar. Now Sean has dumped Omar cos he's competition.  Matilda gets what she deserves honestly.


Another theory is that she is into Sean because it's an easy way to "anchor" herself in the villa. As others said, he comes across as a bit desparate. He wanted a girl and didn't care which girl. Choosing him means you're pretty much guaranteed to have safe recouplings.


Yeah, Matilda is full of sheit. It was all just a line. She’s playing the safe game now until a new boy comes in that more her speed.


Lmao at least he’s honest. Still very gross and icky thing to do


Crazy how he made the audience develop the ick in real time 


Honestly I didn’t realise it was possible to get the ick so dramatically from someone I was never attracted to in the first place 


How do I upvote this twice?


I too want to know


Surely the majority of the audience already had the ick from his frequent sweet references. The whole IRL Candyman shtick is revolting. I initially thought the producers must be pushing him to reference it to create a persona but I now think he is just genuinely like that 🤢


i love ciaran for not buying seans game


He said this as if there are no more bombshells coming or casa or she just can’t reject him😭 like wtf is wrong with you man?


It's even more gross that he insists that Omar is his closest friend. Way to back stab him ya dick


Ciaran was saying the right things and he didn’t care AT ALL. I think that even Mitch s10 won’t do someone this dirty


Messy Mitch would be Moral Mitch


When messy Mitch wouldn’t do something that you’ve done you know you fucked up


This is what bothered me so much. Like he thought that if he got rid of Omar, she would have no other choice but to be with him. Ciaran even said it - he took away her right to choose. It's just gross, and I hope it backfires on him.


Exactly it’s like he has genuinely convinced himself she will pick him. Of course now she probably will because she doesn’t have a connection with anyone else but Sean really should’ve waited to see who she’d choose on her own accord, if it wasn’t him he’d know and could move on. With the way he’s set this up he may never know now.


this is actually one of the worst “nice guy” storylines we’ve had 😭 the desperation is just a lot


He lost me when he made that pervy comment about Matilda's boobs, and now him voting Omar out is just icing on the cake. Applause to Ciaran for explaining why the move was whack.


It really made me realize this nice guy act is bs. None of the other guys have made remarks to the girls about their bodies…it made me so uncomf


The whole comparing all the girls to candy and talking about putting his mouth/tongue/lips/etc somewhere on their bodies because they’re candy wasn’t a big enough hint? He’s a slime-ball.


Same he was such a weirdo and also so handsy I wonder how Matilda really feels about him surely that creepiness was putting her off too


Also wasn’t he the one who cheated on someone and his defence was ‘it was just a kiss’


Yes during the 1st episode! I've always been side eyeing him since then


Compared to Omar who was such a stand up, mature, respectful guy on aftersun when he basically said no hard feelings and he will continue his friendship after the show.


I don’t think he had seen tonight’s episode so he wouldn’t have heard all the things Sean was saying about him


love omar but i honestly think he's lying, he got annoyed that sean interrupted his conversation so i cant imagine him being friends with a backstabber


I don't blame him for keeping the peace when the show & fanbase will edit words out of context & treat POC with less grace than if he was not


Even if he was annoyed or upset, being respectful isn’t based off what you think it’s based off of what you say. So him acting respectful despite whatever he thinks is equally as altruistic


Ciaran has been so patient and Sean just can't wrap his head around Matilda being a human being who deserves a choice in who she couples up with. Honestly pathetic.


Ciaran was so patient with him too like explaining things to a child


That’s just it, Sean doesn’t realize the girl he’s hunting is actually a real human being with thoughts, interests and feelings. That’s why his chat is so weak. Has he ever had a conversation with any of the girls where he actually learned something about WHO the girl is or WHAT they think about things? They’re just objects to him.


Not just any objects, though, they're pieces of candy! Everyone seemed to love him so much and I could not understand what I was missing. I hated his whole "let me tell you what candy you are" schtick. All he learns about a girl from that is whether she's willing to go along with whatever he says -- which I guess is the point. Not so sweet after all.


he was always irritating lately but this episode actually disgusted me. he's so creepy and insecure. it's bad enough to get your rival dumped out of spite but doing it to someone you were the closest with is disturbing. he said in his intro that he would do this to his friends but i thought he was just lying to make himself look appealling but turns out he was right. i'm glad ciaran spoke up about it because what he did was fucked up. idk if matilda is just as weird or if she's just responding positively since he was voted popular. his chat was terrible and he mentioned that he has cheated before, it's no wonder girls didn't want him. it doesn't help that the villa treats him like a baby either, the way they kept trying to push matilda onto him was weird, i could feel the peer pressure


I think what bothers me the most is that Sean didn’t even take into account that Matilda may not like him regardless of Omar being in the villa or not? I completely understand the “it’s not friend island” argument, but it doesn’t even seem applicable in this situation.


Exactly, ‘it’s not friend island’ applies to situations where you like the same person as your friend does but you go for and prioritise finding a connection over your friendship. Jt doesn’t apply to whatever the fck this pathetic move was lol


Yess I completely agree. Pathetic is the perfect word to describe his behaviour lol.


“It’s not friend island” but Nicole would never vote out Jess her bff even though she’s had basically no connections and is only around to call everyone a boss babe


i feel like he’s acting soo desperate


Same old story with these undesirable “can’t find a connection” type of guys. Every season there’s a loser that no one wants and people form a sympathy train for them then it turns out there’s a reason the guy turned everyone off. Hugo and Dr.Alex are the poster boys for this.


The most evil archetype


Yes!! I saw someone on here swear Sean wasn’t like the other nice guys. Now look ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


exactlyyy what i was thinking


I'm so done too! Sean is a walking red flag. And the fact that he couldn't see that he was taking the choice from Matilda kinda screams controlling. He's coming across pathetic, desperate and no backbone. Biggest ick ever.


Never liked him, saw right through his nice guy act


It's the "nicest" guys who always reveal their true colours


Absolutely, always cautious of anyone considered a nice guy


Textbook nice guy actually. I hope he’s dumped soon but first we need to get rid of Joey and Grace


Same this type of guy in love island always end up being the most annoying.


He’s too similar to Anton




Ah the ‘nice guy’ edit nearly always turns out to not be such a nice guy. The only one who got the short end of the stick was Nas in S6 who seemingly connected more with Eva than Demi but viewers turned on him for it


And Niall s4


Sean said the quiet part out loud


Does no one else kind of find it icky that Sean’s mentality is that he’ll have Matilda by force? Like very gross and Ciaran was right that Sean shouldn’t be making decisions for Matilda. Self proclaimed nice guys like Sean scare me because I genuinely feel there’s a reason girls don’t like them.


Big respect for Ciaran calling it out I just wish he could articulate himself better, bit of a missed opportunity to really show it to everyone else. Glad he went in on him though


Better than Joey, "definitely not paid by production" wanting to fight him and souring everyone to get him off so no body threatens the girl he's obviously dating irl. Joey is a plant fake in all this and Sean is finally standing up lol still funny to see Joey be jealous even when he is a paid member of production. What an insecure l o s e r I used to not mind watching with my fiance but this season is so jersey shore with the guys we get drugs from its comical. Who else got that powder from one of these guys?


sending omar home to force matilda to be w him is acc so embarrassing


So embarrassing !!! He says his connection with her is strong but if it was so strong then Omar wouldn’t have needed to be sent home


He’s weasel idc, him and Harriet are as delusional as each other. I don’t wanna see them on my screen anymore


i hope they both get dumped this week


They're both trying to force someone who doesn't like them to be with them, I don't get how anyone could ever be happy like that 😐


Wouldn’t surprise me if Harriet vetoed dumping Ronnie as well because she still wants him so they both pushed for Omar


Yep she literally said ‘I don’t want Ronnie to go’ during the discussion while looking all wistful and slightly shifty lol so 100%


yep, part of me feels like it also had something to do with her wanting to get rid of him to make jess single and therefore more vulnerable in the villa. i think it was just hitting two birds with one stone so she took the lead & used it to her advantage but i'll admit i'm biased


She literally said she didn't want to send Ronnie home


i was so confused at this "poor sean" narrative going on, just bc he had no luck with girls even tho we see how much he sexualizes women during regular convo AND previously cheated?? He always gave a bit weird


also he just has no game? i dont pity him for that like why are you on love island with that horrible rizz


It's sad because I like Matilda, so now I don't want her with him...


We'll see if she speaks on it tomorrow, but she was laughing and giggling about it when Sean told her. Could just be a reflex thing to keep it docile, or she could see no problem with it all. Either way, fun fun.


I don’t think he’s very bright. Genuinely, I think he maybe has a low IQ.


The little bishh knew what he was doing there though 😒


He reminds me of Hugo so much omg


agreed. disgusting behavior. Sean is truly scum of the earth just like Joey and Grace. I'll admit, today surprised me for all the wrong reasons. I did not expect the depths of wickedness and deceit they went through today to drag Omar. despicable behavior across the board.


I never really liked him. I found him endearing at times but I noticed he never seems to have any specific things to say when trying to chat to potential love interests. He repeats all the same dead lines “you’re a *insert sweet type here*”, “I love how things are going with us”, “I’m only interested in you”. I doubt he even knows any of their surnames


He must have terrible chat because none of the girls were interested in him. Zero Rizz.


It’s all the sweet talk 🍬


Get willy wonka out now 😭😭 So embarrassing for him


He’s always been slimey, I didn’t get how everyone would baby him and want him to have a better chance! He’s just another Hugo and dr Alex! Enough with all this, he should have been out a long time ago! His chats are so dry and he’s not even entertaining and now he has proven he is a snake If his game was that good then Omar being there would not have made a difference and Matilda would have chosen him anyway, this just seems like she is not given a choice and now has to choose him out of default! Argh bye


The weirdest thing about the statement is that it felt like it removed the autonomy/choice from Matilda but she seems to like it so girl if you like it, I love it. Ciaran wanted to say “you weren’t ready to compete and I find that embarrassing.” Anyway. Sean said the quiet part out loud. You don’t say that on main, put it in the GC. 😭


Sean, Harriet and Ronnie should not be in this villa anymore honestly. I need bombshells to replace them or something I don’t want them on my screen anymore.


There’s always one person who gets the sympathy edit which leaves viewers wondering why nobody’s gone for them until eventually you see why


Hoping Matilda doesn't get with Sean anyway!


Well, she laughed and giggled when Sean told her. We'll see if she speaks more of it tomorrow.


And does Matilda get a choice to consent or not? 😩 Sean’s shown his true colours.


Ciaran articulated this point so well!! Unfair on Matilda because now she’s stuck with Sean


To the users who said Sean had "Nice Guy" vibes, I apologize for not seeing it before, but I definitely see it now.


Well done Ciaran for clocking him 👏


Definitely one of the worst seasons so far


I love that cieran told sean not only was it fucked up to omar, but ALSO stood up for matilda and HER CHOICE. sean was acting as if she had no autonomy. blegh.


Omar on Aftersun seems to be cool with Sean's position on voting him off. No hard feelings kinda vibe. Still sees him as his boy.


Utter desperation. Went from “May the best man win” to essentially “rigging” the situation so Matilda would have only 1 choice; him. 😂


Such a spineless move


How TF did a friendship couple control that vote?!?! LOVED Ciaran fighting for Omar. Sean can kick rocks.


i love seeing a good rise to fall in the public’s opinion


He has audacity acting this way considering he’s the least desirable man in the whole villa. It always be those types


I'm not even done with the episode but every single girl Sean has said the same thing about he's weird


My love for Harriet dropped drastically this episode lol. She’s going back to Ronnie only for him to player her for the 136 time. He’s obviously going to rexouple at Casa amor and most likely going to entertain any bombshell that walks in.


saying that after previously telling Omar he’s one of his best mates to Omar’s face is disgustingly crazy work


Sean is unbelievable snakey and gives off so many creep vibes, then tonight was just the worst. Poor Omar. Also Matilda’s confused me cos she said the most important thing is that she wants someone who is kind… What Sean did was extremely unkind! Yet he tells her what he did and she laughs and is happy about it.


Sean is such a p***y I’m sorry. If you cannot get a girl organically and all by yourself, you shouldn’t be grafting her. He’s such a little frat boy who’s not used to putting in the work. Cannot stand him, hope Matilda mugs him off soon. And Harriett is a moron for taking Ronnie back.


That ick that Matilda got after he told her his reasons for dumping Omar could be seen from a mile away.


i think the whole silly vibe he presents is not what he is like at all. seems the mask slipped tonight


I’ve never liked him since his little introduction video when he said something like he’s stolen his mates girlfriends before. It’s all adding up now.


So is Harriett


i said from the beginning people were overly sympathetic towards sean and that he would inevitably show his true colours. he’s a pathetic excuse for a man.


There’s no way he said “me and Matilda have a strong connection” “but I want to take Omar out of the equation bc he’s in the way” in the same sentence like what?? If the connection was so strong you wouldn’t have to kick your best mate of the villa. Their connection was only stronger because Sean basically kept robbing Omar’s time with Matilda to look like the macho man with big balls like please get out, Jess and Harriet hyped him up too much im sorry I fucking hate Sean


Sean voting Omar out because he's 'competition' for Matilda is next-level cringe. The desperation is real—he's so threatened by Omar that he'd rather manipulate the game than let Matilda make her own choice. It's embarrassing and pathetic!


Sean can go now, shown who he is in last two episodes. I don’t know why the producers felt the need to show us a clip of them kissing in the preview, we don’t care


There is something suss about the timing with Omar leaving (anything protect joey) and if Ciaran and lads didn’t really agree why did Sean get the final say… something was off with this dumping


It’s giving micro-dick energy in the worst way possible.


Like it's not giving master strategist game player, it's giving creepy sad little boy energy who doesn't trust in his own sauce. Cause he has NONE. Every convo he's had with matilda that we've seen is just BEGGING. but if she likes it I love it I guess, they're not gonna last regardless


I think Sean was voted as one of the faves because people have fallen for his "cutesey/clumsy" demeanour. (I must admit I fell for it too as he did seem like a genuinely nice guy). However, that comment about making it easier for him has put me right off. As if Matilda hasn't got a mind of her own? It's very icky indeed and I hope the public wake up to it!


When Jess would evade eye contact with Sean and not even take him seriously early on I really thought she was being a bit dismissive despite how corny he was but now I get why because she prob knew he was just trying to stay in the villa and not actually into her like that




As an American I’m appalled you guys didn’t see the snake in him from before. Y’all dropped the ball on that one. Dude was always a lost cause


Maybe Matilda is into it, but if Sean talked to me that way I’d be so icked out


I called this a couple of days ago. He is not as nice as he makes out. If I were Matilda I'd be finding this creepy too.


Sean’s reasoning for getting rid of Omar was disgusting. Harriet’s reasoning for getting rid of Tiffany was also shitty. She claims they have to go off of who has a connection in there, saying Tiffany doesn’t, but neither did Ronnie? Ronnie and Tiffany were in the same position, she can’t use that justification to get rid of one and not the other. Omar did have actual connections in there and they got rid of him for Sean’s benefit. It’s sly and manipulative. The only reason Ronnie has now gone back to Harriet is because he realises he needs to be in a couple to stay safe. Sean and Harriet are not nice people, hope they get dumped soon.


I can't believe they got rid of Omar! I don't know why but this whole series this year, in my head is being controlled by Joey. He had a "issue" with Omar, which also just looked like a fake reason to fight with him and all of a sudden he's being voted off.


I’m honestly disappointed and upset about Sean. His friendship with Harriet is sweet and I thought he was genuinely a respectable guy until Matilda came in. He’s been moving mad and to dump Omar like that was just crazy. He likes Matilda but surely he’d want her to CHOOSE him, but the way he’s acted about Omar is like he’s set it up to force Matilda to choose him. Now she really doesn’t have a say on who she would’ve actually chose because Sean chose for her and I just don’t think that’s right. It’s one thing to go for what you want but it’s something else to take away someone’s choice of who they want to couple up with. Good on Ciaran for speaking up, I really like him.


I’ve got a theory that Joey and Grace have a contract to make it to the top 4 at least. Sean’s a cringey dude. The candy man thing and coming on waaaaaay too strong on Matilda. I mean take her to the hideaway her first night? He seems like the kind of dude you’d end up getting like 40 missed calls from when you’re at work.


![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m) Nah for real




Honestly I kind of rate it but I’m just here for the drama


It sucks because it turned it into a competition (an unfair competition because omar couldn't present his case) and took away the choice from the girl.


Yeah…. I’m also surprised that the rest of the group didn’t stop that decision


How did they not send Grace and Joey home? They found love again.. goodbye. Why can’t everyone else stay and find love? This season sucks. Let the public vote! 


Sugar boy is not liked anymore ![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized)


the way that matilda seemed to like it too 😭 i mean girl i guess whatever rows your boat


I liked Sean but that really put me off…he really fucked up public perception.


Wouldn't you rather someone pick you because they actually like you and not because you got rid of your main competition? I sincerely hope Matilda picks someone else.. even Ronnie.


I'm just glad he hasn't got a "Sweets for my Sweet" tattoo.


Yup I’ve been saying this that he’s just out here faking things to stay in the villa but the only reason he was considered not as bad as other guys is because he was rejected by all of them 🤷🏼‍♀️