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the way aaron is crying as much as rob and andrea is making me CACKLE. bro doesn't realize he is coupled up with kaylor not rob. the drama and hysterics from this episode are what this season so fcking good.


Also, LOL at RobšŸ™„. Going from one of the favorite couples to least favorite šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ„°


I love that the girls have stronger connections with each other than they do with the men. No way were they going to send their girl JaNa home. And Iā€™m glad they kept Nicole there because sheā€™s been a girls girl


Does anyone actually believe Rob's leaving? Dude is so dramatic!


Nahhh cause why has every guy turned on Jana??? wtf


Sheā€™s gorgeous and appears to be a really sweet woman. Theyā€™re crazy.




Aaron raving about wickedšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Do we really think Rob will follow through with an exit?! And give up his chance at prolonged ā€œfameā€?


Preciate Liv speaking up and tellin them like it isā€¦.šŸ˜„šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


And Aaron, shut up, too!!!


Ok I just watched the end again and Aaron with literal tears streaming down his face going ā€œplease rob please!!!ā€ has me gagged like can you chill out?!šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


That is a man who loves the fuck out of musical theater The draaaaamaaa


Bye, then Robā€¦hellā€¦.duces!!! Exit the island with her thenā€¦.šŸ˜šŸ˜


Shut up, Miguel, you just got there!!!šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ˜


Rob: Iā€™M GONNA LEAVE!! Ariana: well thatā€™s certainly a choice, but the wrong one Rob: šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


The eye rolling is killi ng me lol. Heā€™s like a teenage girl šŸ˜‚


The audacity to roll ur eyes at Ariana EVER but especially when sheā€™s saying you donā€™t need to leave over a mid girl youā€™ve known for 2 days


Whoā€™s thinks robs gnna stay and wait for casa amour?


Bro Andrea is fucking crazy wtf šŸ«„šŸ«„šŸ«„šŸ«„


? How


I just finished the episode. She personally isnā€™t crazy just the episode is I guess


Letā€™s be for realā€¦ If Rob and Hakeem both had genuine connections and Kendall didnā€™t, thereā€™s no way the boys would have sent Kendall packingā€¦. #hypocrites




I think that if Andrea wanted to stay she shouldnā€™t have been so reserved to Rob. You can be friends with the girls and chat with them as well as being in a good connection. Kaylor shows a perfect example of that. JaNa and Nicole stayed because the girls were close with them. The only reason the girls are upset about Andrea leaving is because the boys are mad.


Fuck these men constantly trying to make these women feel guilty. JaNa and Nicole should have been grateful to be saved but instead they have to deal with dramatic antics of these men (minus Kendall and Kordell)


I kinda really want rob to leave so Leah's plan backfires šŸ„±


What was Rob doing when they called Andreaā€™s name


Rolling his eyes round and round.


Trying to produce tears that never came




The thing about it is that the girls donā€™t have to have a ā€œgoodā€ reason for voting someone out. Itā€™s their decision regardless of how they came to their decision.


Yes but this logic only works if itā€™s anonymous or done in a vacuum vs revealed to the public and the boys immediately. If you send home someoneā€™s match for no reason at all, then yea youā€™re gonna get some heat. To expect otherwise would be insane lol


Not really. There have been so many seasons of Love Island (not just USA) where the people were upset with who was voted out by the group with the choice. Every time thatā€™s happened they just talked shit about it after the person left and complained about how unfair it was. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever seen this kind of backlash against a vote in any of the seasons Iā€™ve watched.


In what season have the girls voted off a girl in the 2nd most solid couple in the villa?


Iā€™m not talking about specifically voting out one of the people in the strongest couples. Iā€™m talking about people being mad at a vote in general. I donā€™t have any specific dumpings in mind but I do remember having seen people talk shit about a vote immediately after the person went home. On top of that, I know for a fact that Iā€™ve seen the islanders vote off a specific couple BECAUSE they were strong. I remember because it made sense to me when they explained that the reason they picked that couple was because they already founded what they needed. I think it was a UK season but idr for sure.


if the next bombshell isnā€™t genuinely into Black women, idk what my sister is going to do. because every guy who stood up there and had a tantrum made my girl feel incredibly uncomfortable and unwelcome and she canā€™t entertain any of them.


You donā€™t think thereā€™s any validity though to their argument? Two of the girls are in romantic couples. 1 is not and currently has no prospects outside of the boy theyā€™re already sending home and sheā€™s not even feeling him like that. I get feeling bad for JaNa and wanting to keep her, but obviously expect the boys in the couples to be mad. Especially Andrea who has been locked in with Rob since she started. Itā€™s not that deep either way though honestly


i think it was incredibly inappropriate to express their displeasure like that in front of her and make it so obvious that they think she shouldā€™ve gone home. their tantrum didnā€™t change the girlsā€™ decision and now itā€™s just a hostile environment for JaNa. like a lot of things the boys have done, it wasnā€™t necessarily the thought process that was wrong, but the way they went about it. besides, JaNa is one of the most popular cast members and the audience wouldā€™ve been pissed beyond belief if she got dumped this early, so producers werenā€™t letting it happen. they dragged Bergie to the finale last year and he didnā€™t have a single connection until casa amor. JaNa is giving Justine 2.0 vibes. she wasnā€™t going anywhere.


I am so freaking angry for her JaNa!! And the way these men talk to these women is truly disgusting!! Casa better BRING IT!!!!!


Maybe her and Kendall can give it a shot or at least save each other until more bombshells come through. Hoping the next round of them is a guy & girl.


Kendall isnā€™t into black women either. but if Nicole drops him for Miguel i could see him friendship coupling with JaNa since theyā€™re besties.


Not me with literal tears watching this go down! Iā€™m punching the air right now! BEST SEASON! It is GIVINGGGG


Just so yā€™all know I was laying in bed cheesing HARD at the end of this episode best one Iā€™ve seen so far LOL


The way I giggled when they said ā€œAndreaā€


Yea they ate with this one


Leah is a horrible human being idk how some of yā€™all like her ā˜ ļø


In a way I almost wish Jana was sent home because I feel like the boys are going to bully her tremendously because of the vote


I donā€™t think itā€™s directed at JaNa, I think itā€™s directed at the 4 who made the decision, this is why I prefer when the men choose the girl to send home and the women choose the guy. Unfortunately there is really no right way to choose who to go and who to stay. You can argue to save JaNa because it gives her the chance to find someone, you can argue to save the other two because they have people they are interested in. Sadly, JaNa will feel to blame for this because her friends saved her. Honorable mention to poor Hakeem, didnā€™t seem like anyone was upset he was going.


Love this reply. This is it


Ya production really knew what they were doing with the reverse uno card ā€¦. The girls choosing to save the 2 women not happy in their couple ā€¦. Biggest drama ever. lol. Makes great tv.


I mean if I wanted to cause drama between the men and women, having the women choose which woman goes home and the men choose which man goes home would be how I would do it. If I had been on that bench with those guys I would have already been saying the women are going to save their friend first and look at connections second. At least they wouldnā€™t have been so surprised then.


Exactly. šŸ˜€


They shouldā€™ve sent Nicole home since she wanted Andrea saved so bad




Can everybody say GAGGED!!!!!!


no the women on this show are committed to chaos and I just love them all for that


Women excelling in male dominated fields


We love to see it šŸ˜


I love that they didnā€™t even discuss sending JaNa home they were like ā€œthatā€™s our baby and we will be protecting her so which new girl has to goā€


Soooo shady. lol. Loving their commitment to chaos. Leah is a real chaos goblin. lol. Her admitting it tonight was epic. Makes great tv.


I genuinely think they all got together and said ā€œwhoā€™s best for the dramaā€ which is why when they were like ā€œNicole was being messy with Miguelā€ I think it sealed for her to stay šŸ˜‚


lol oh my god the edit when Ian Sterling is talking and Ariana is walking in and does the ā€œshā€ sign šŸ¤­


Andrea is crying but there is no tears haha wth


got a two for one special. picking andrea and rob going with her šŸ‘‹šŸ¾


Iā€™m sorry, connor and leah safe? nahhhh


I voted for them šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


What was your reason?


I donā€™t care about Connor, he can leave and it wouldnā€™t matter. But Leah makes for such great TV I couldnā€™t see her go lol


I definitely thought Jana & Hakeem would have been safe and Leah/Connor bottom three but even if that happened Connor would have been dumped easily by the boys and Andrea would still be dumped because they wouldnā€™t have dumped Leah


I think they would have dumped Nicole if Leah was in bottom 3. She was the one pushing for Andrea to be dumped.


Nicole maybe they shouldā€™ve release you šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø


They sent Andrea home cause Leah wants Robā€¦ weird as hell tbh shouldā€™ve been Nicole I think


I think thatā€™s what also gave me the ick. Did Leah basically want her out of the way? They said unanimous šŸ˜‚ love how they always want to be clear on that


Same lol


Completely agree lol


I donā€™t think Leah voted, or maybe I didnā€™t see. Seems like they ruled out JaNa and were deciding between Nicole and Andrea. And everyone but Leah threw a hand up (showing #2, which seemed to be Andrea).


The decision was ā€œunanimousā€ though


They were sure to mention it was ā€œunanimousā€ šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t mean cause Leah wanted him to stay just Kaylor said Leah and Rob will always have a connection etc


Me personally Iā€™m happy with the outcome šŸ™‚


SAME. Andrea effed up not making any connections with the GIRLS.


This is love island tho šŸ¤£


true argument but making friends with other people in the villa makes such a difference in how relationships go.


This is it. Nicole has developed friendships with the girls. Andrea has not. I know people want to say this isnā€™t Friendship Island but the friendships you make on these shows are just as important as the romantic ones.


I'd call it more of Relationship island...that includes both romantic ones and friend ones.




She adds nothing to the villa. Just like watching paint dry.


Yup! And Nicole being real to Liv right away was what saved her.


I wouldā€™ve preferred Nicole to go home because I fear the boys will mistreat Jana. And the Rob fans (if they exist) will target Jana in the next vote


Liv will talk her shit in someoneā€™s face and I fucking love that about her !


Sheā€™s never wrong when she does lol


no way leah and connor received more votes than jana and hakeem ā€¦ STOP THE COUNT


Reddit almost always is wrong with faves šŸ˜‚ whoever Reddit says will be safe or the winner, pick the opposite if youā€™re a betting person. The general public who is not chronically online probably saw what the guys did ā€” JaNa and Hakeem being s friendship couple and neither of them having any prospects or connections šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


At the rate at which Rob is carrying on heā€™s gonna sleep in the pool tonight.


Omg I literally said ā€œsomeone tackle him heā€™s heading for the pool!ā€ when he stood up. šŸ˜‚


so i think its safe to say this might be the best season of LI USA so far??!!!


By far.




Leah is the chaos agent I never knew I needed lol šŸŒ€šŸ™ƒ


Idk picking Andrea was crazyyyy loool


Leah is sooooo messy. She has never told anyone that Andrea isnā€™t there for Rob, but now suddenly she thinks she isnā€™t and the girls ate it up. I hope Rob leaves and ruin their parade.


She just wanted rob to herself. let's be real she was never over him.




Now we gotta wait a whole 24 hrs itā€™s too much


Truly asking-what is with the hate on Andrea? Sheā€™s not my fave but was she doing something that bad? Leah has been such a snake to the other girls I donā€™t get the hate


I agree, she is getting punished for Robā€™s bad behavior.


Right. I would have loved them both to stay bc I think it would have been hilarious to watch that one tested in casa.


Itā€™s odd.


I didnā€™t hate her but she was my pick to go just because I knew nothing about her šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


That I get! Itā€™s the posts from people saying mean things about wanting her gone. I was curious where the hate comes from bc Iā€™ve not seen anything abhorrent from the chick


People hate her because Rob left Leah for her, get rid of Andrea and you almost give them their dreamā€¦ they think Rob will crawl back to Leah and then she will tell him no and go for the next bombshell. If Rob leaves, Iā€™ll laugh so hard in this forum and then stop watching because losing Rob or Leah this early will kill the drama.


Lol and thatā€™s what I figured. Legit no reason for this girl to get hate except for the Leah redeemers. Leah is the least girls girl Iā€™ve ever witnessed, and seems to be sailing through with ease! Not even in a romance couple. If Rob leaves with this Iā€™ll be so annoyed bc he is comedy gold.


Losing Leah or Rob would be a huge issue from drama standpoint, but honestly Iā€™ve watched the last two episodes and Andrea and Rob are always together in the background, so he may be done with drama. Guess weā€™ll see if the guys can talk him into staying, but even if he does I feel like he wonā€™t be that good going forward for drama.


Lol well based on his reaction to the voting he still has some drama left in those bones


Oh Iā€™m not saying he doesnā€™t have some drama in the tank, but if he stays in there I highly doubt heā€™d go back to Leah or Liv, he doesnā€™t seem interested in JaNa. His only choice would be to wait for a bombshell and hope they click. I honestly feel like if he stayed in there the next recouple he would just stand there and say ā€œI donā€™t care what any of you want I donā€™t want to be picked, Iā€™m volunteering to go homeā€. I donā€™t say it because I think heā€™s a good guy or something, I say it because that would just be Chefā€™s kiss drama. Though he would probably deliver it with ā€œoh you know how you girls get to send someone home tonight and you were so happy to have the power and have the guys chasing? Yea, Iā€™m out, enjoy!ā€


LOL I see that very much. Is it mean that I want him to leave with Andrea in order for Leah to feel she has no chance in getting him back? Bc I low key think she has that in her brain cell she supposedly got back


Honestly I kind of hope he goes scorched earth just because of the comments people are making, he cries and itā€™s fake and they are crocodile tears, been on Reddit and twitter and itā€™s all how dare they boys ā€œattackā€ the girls, they made them cry. Essentially if the fan base doesnā€™t like someone everything they do is fake, if they do like someone you canā€™t even question them loudly or youā€™re attacking them. Not a single comment that any of the girls crying last night looked fake. Really hope love island has a good mental health plan for their contestants.


yā€™all always do this once the islander is outšŸ˜­


Lol Iā€™m asking why everyone here is saying mean shit I donā€™t know wtf youā€™re saying




The USA season has been eating this year while the UK one is dragging šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


First time I stopped UK season šŸ˜­


I skipped todays episode of UK yawnnnnnnn


Itā€™s sad bc last season was good


All stars? I loved that one


I meant season 10 lol


Oiiiiiiā€¦ right. I liked the winter all stars, too


https://preview.redd.it/kecrmxfphf8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=643a09c9d09d80a83a4da63c4f73f534104c92b6 Iā€™m actually screaming


Out of all The girls Andrea had the less screen time, I knew nothing about her.


Exactly. And Iā€™m wondering if she had any relationships with most of the girls or if they just werenā€™t shown?


Pretty sure that group is kind of cliquey. It shows that they immediately didnā€™t consider JaNa. But honestly it tends to happen with the OG cast vs Bombshells.


They doing JaNa bogus and talking about her like a dog. I low key thought she was gonna leave on her own and let Andrea stay.


Love island wouldnā€™t allow that, they would let JaNa leave, but Andrea would still go home


Damn fr?! Thatā€™s stupid


Yes, one season of UK they allowed people to offer themselves up to go, but more drama this way. Also makes that person leaving be less about saving someone and more about leaving with the connection they want I guess?


Itā€™s crazy how this is the best show of all time


This is how you produce... LIUK you better be watching.


The 100% gave the girls the vote to keep JaNa in, they knew she would be going if it were up to the boys


Yea production were chaos demons for that reverse uno.


I hope all the boys besides Kendall and Kordell have to sleep on the daybeds now


Long as my himbo kordell was safe and Jana I didnā€™t really care but Iā€™m convinced something mustā€™ve happened that they didnā€™t show bc why so much smoke for Jana


My read on him is heā€™s insanely fake and boring but thinks of himself as nice guy authentic which is just hella annoying


I dont think it was nothing personal sying that she was not in a serious couple but i am still glad she did not go home


Sorry but Leah killed it with this line ā€œ The boys decision is so easyā€ šŸ˜‚ She is savage!! Love it


Good riddance Rob šŸ‘‹šŸ¼


He ainā€™t leaving. He full of shit. I hope he does leave though


Heā€™s not giving up the screen time


Never. Heā€™s just gonna sulk really hard and tbh I wish he would just leave.


Guys is easy but girls I have no idea


When Leah said this and they were basically saying ā€œItā€™s true but donā€™t say that!ā€ I died


Last thing and some people will say itā€™s not real but there definitely is a weird racial tension on this island rn. Connor been mad weird trying to bait Jana into a big reaction and then all of them crying cuz Jana didnā€™t get voted off. Weird.


while weā€™re at it (aside from Coye on day 1), none of the Black islanders have been a hot commodity. Kendallā€™s included in the chocolate trio, and heā€™s about to get dropped again too. i donā€™t appreciate Serena playing in Kordellā€™s face, but she had literally no other options because the only ones into Black women were Coye and Kordell. Kordell had no other romantic options, so he keeps letting Serena play him. JaNa got stuck with Hakeem. theyā€™re all down bad. Ariana said her mind was blown that the men werenā€™t chasing after JaNa, but we know why sheā€™s having such a rough time.


If I speak...they have an issue with Serena taking her time, even though Leah KNOWS she doesn't like Connor and Nicole is in a triangle rn. They don't think JaNa deserves shit. Like I know what some of these islanders are...


Yes like he keeps trynna to get her to react and talk bad about her to others. Heā€™s obsessed and weird like whatā€™s your problem


I want Rob off my tv tbh


If you look at it ā€œobjectivelyā€, JaNa shouldā€™ve been dumped. Iā€™m glad she didnā€™t because I love her. Thank goodness. But it shows that even though ā€œthis isnā€™t Friend Island,ā€ building friendships on this show is also very important.


I mean you actually canā€™t say that if you look at it objectively. The guys could have voted Rob off and then Andrea should have gone. Saying you want to give someone time to find someone isnā€™t a bad thing. But love island is supposed to be the game of ā€œitā€™s never good to be single onā€. Saving JaNa gives more chances for drama, saving Andrea and Rob gives more chances of drama of bombshells coming in to turn heads. There really is no right or wrong decision. I can understand the guys logic, but there is other logic to follow.


Yeah I see where the boys are coming from but Iā€™m not too upset because my two least faves are going home lol. However, I think the boys are being too wild right now and need to chill tfo. The girls were clearly upset at having to decide, and the boys could have had that conversation more constructively.


Also if you watched last season, one of the guys was single for the majority of it and found his connection later, and they're still together outside of the island. Just because she doesn't have a strong connection now doesn't mean one isn't waiting for her around the corner! JaNa has the loyalty of the girls, and that speaks volumes of her character. I'm glad they went the way they did, I couldn't stand Andrea.


Leah and Connor safe??? Serena safe??? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I voted for Serena and Kordell. I thought they would be the most at risk out of the people I like so I threw my vote their way vs one of the most loved couples.


Leah is the most popular girl. She has had the most screentime of any island right?


I meant more them as a couple


People were voting for their solo faves. Jana definitely was not bottom 3, they put her there for drama.


Honestly Iā€™ve been on the App and itā€™s odd how many votes of JaNa there are on there where she is not winning. Votes about egg gate and people saying that Serena was more right. Taking sides between JaNa and Leah, Leah has more votes. I wonder if they actually show the votes for the couples on the app. But either way, not everyone votes, and itā€™s also a short voting window. Like 4 hours.


babe they canā€™t do that šŸ˜­ idk why people say this itā€™s illegal to rig the votes and thereā€™s strict regulation to make sure of that


Link the strict regulations


google is free šŸ«¶šŸ¼


So use it ā˜ ļø


ur asking me for the link?? šŸ˜­


Makes up shit with no proof ..šŸ˜©


Yall need to keep up on the app. Leah was winning polls left and right. She was never at risk tbh. Connor was safe by proxy.


Donā€™t have the app lol


Whelp Iā€™m not surprised youā€™re surprised then


If islanders send home a strong couple then itā€™s ā€œoh theyā€™re in a strong couple why would you do thatā€. But if they send home a new person then itā€™s ā€œoh they didnā€™t even get a chance to find loveā€šŸ’€ Youā€™d think in 2024 that everyone would just accept that itā€™s hard decision.


Nah I demand to see the numbers. Because that bottom 3 made no sense. No way Serena and Kordell had more votes than Jana and Hakeem.


I voted for Serena and Kordell because I thought they had a chance of being at risk and I didnā€™t want either of them to go home. I think Serena has been unlucky in that she hasnā€™t had anyone come in yet that she has a spark with who likes her back and she is doing what she has to do to stay on the island.


Nobody liked Hakeem.


Ppl werenā€™t voting for Hakeem they were voting for Jana


I saw so many comments from people saying theyā€™d voted their couple to dump. Mustā€™ve got the wrong end of the stick. Have to admit I was cackling šŸ¤£


I feel like a lot voted for Kordell