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i was expecting liv to pick connor ngl they were flirting it up the past episodes


kennys hot




I dislike liv


Kenny be like….. https://preview.redd.it/j2untlfau7ad1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa47841a4ee4c97336b69c813215ec87bae27b7f


sorry i actually HATE leah like everything ab her kills me


She flat-out lied about everything and then cried when she was called out for being a compulsive liar (as Liv called her). I don't like Liv much either, but Liv and Rob were 100% in the right.


idk how people aren't seeing right through her bs. & she talks like kermit the frogs sister, she's gotta GO 🐸




I would've kept Connor. If Leah didn't like either boy more than she liked Connor, she could've been a friend and chose him to stay. But I guess it's not called friend island right. Just sad to see he seems like a very kind guy🤷🏻‍♀️


Tbh I didn't think he was a "very kind guy" after all of the digs towards JaNa. But after that calmed down I started to feel sorry for him because of what Leah was doing to him. It's kinda poetic how JaNa had the opportunity to pick at the end and he was left last. A little bit of that Love island karma




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why would anyone say mine and aaron??


Thank you for confirming my points.


Is it just mirrors Aaron?The biggest fucking cry baby


So now what are they all gonna hate leah because connor went home


that Miguel and Leah kiss was so random? I feel like I’ve not seen them speak together once and now they’re kissing lmao


He said something about not trying with her bc she seemed solid with connor at first but it did feel kinds random (just like connor did after rob!!!)


I mean miguels smart hes been playing everybody and literally nobody seems to care but idc i woulda eliminated miguel on the spot


They both need a connection I guess. I felt like Miguel was trying to form multiple connections so one of them would pick him (Nicole, new girl and right before the recoupling kissing Leah)


I need a MAN MAN for JaNa immediately but all of the casa boys look 12 😒


JaNa is quickly becoming my favorite islander of all time


Connors scared as shit face vs Robs smug ass I know you’re gonna say my name face


Does Rob just wear overalls every dumping


I came here to say this! 😂😅


That's what I thought!! lol


It’s been on the tip of my tongue for a weeks but I finally got it. Kendall reminds me of Carlton Banks.


he reminded me of lin manuel miranda from the start


He reminds me of Josh from Drake and Josh lmao


Yes!!! He’s so corny lol 😂


Rob threw that whole fit over Andrea just to recouple with another girl I’m so😭😭


What is he supposed to do? Is he supposed to give up on finding love and just exist?


“i’m leaving”


Nahhh I actually hate Rob sm


Why did Cassidy pick Rob 😭 Connor and her were cute


If Leah did that at the last minute (what Rob did taking Cassidy at the last minute to the balcony and flirting with her in an effort to save himself) they would be calling her all kinds of liar and manipulative


Did she not do it? Laying it thick on miguel 🤣🤣


I feel like Miguel came to her though lol




Goodbye Connor, you will not be missed 😂🙄




For some reason Miguel at the recoupling reminded me of one of those male Bratz dolls lol


I know exactly what you mean, I tried so hard to find the one I was picturing but this is as close as I can get https://preview.redd.it/wxiidon0uj9d1.jpeg?width=370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97a2185ebdc90abf16d2a765fcae4b30e60ce3a0


I love this lmfao


Rob better keep that PR girl, he’s gonna need her when he leaves the villa 😭😭




I fear Miguel and Leah match each other’s freak and I’m kind of here for the mess


yeah this couple intrigues me


As a black person who has had a squamous cell carcinoma, Kendall be making me nervous! Every time he’s in the sun I’m praying he put on sunscreen. He gets more tan every episode. The men need to put on some hats working out in that hot Fijian sun 😫


You still tan with sunscreen…..


Not that fast you don’t


Yes, I'm aware of that.


I somehow love Kordell more and more every episode!!!


I hated that he was groveling to Rob though.


i think you’re confusing him with kendall




Why do people think production would waste time with Andrea at Casa when Rob is not in a strong couple. Maybe if he'd repaired with Leah they would have done it but he's with the new girl, so if Andrea was at Casa he'd jump back to her and they'd get voted off as soon as possible. She serves no purpose now. Kendall was real with Rob and Rob once again had a fit. The more he realizes he's not King of the villa the nastier he gets. I hope this has fully closed to book for Leah because they is mad love and then there is Rob who get a thrill from taking her down/making her feel like shit. We've gone past Ekinde entertainment to something truly damaging with them.


No because Rob’s reaction to Kendall was so nasty!! I’ve been trying so hard to give him some ounce of benefit of the doubt but after how he intentionally manipulated Leah’s words (you can’t convince me he didn’t know what he was doing bringing that to Aaron, Kaylor, & Liv but *not* Serena), then how he reacted to Kendall (who inarguably had the harshest game question)… absolutely frick Rob and his crybaby sidekicks, Tweedledee & Tweedledum.


Well said


Rob is a sad little boy


I actually cried during this recoupling. It was Connor going home and the rendition of the song 🥲 I do love the boys showing their emotions. I feel like it’s been more predominant in this batch of boys than the other seasons but that’s my opinion. I hope Connor does find love 🥲


First one I cried at as well. It seemed so emotional.


It was definitely the song for me. I don't even really like connor so I was like why tf am I crying.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. That song got me too 😢


Sigh you can’t win em all 💔


This is maybe the most minor thing about him, but the fact that Rob shows up just wearing overalls for things like recoupling just bothers me so much. Everyone else puts this huge effort in and he’s just not. Like I’m convinced his whole time here is an extended bit for him.


I think it’s a good indicator of how much effort he would put into a relationship.


Have you seen his nasty TikToks where he basically just makes life harder for people in customer service roles? I’m confident he’s there purely for the subs and getting laid.


the walmart video…


I kind of also felt this way about what Aaron was wearing. Shorts, a t shirt, and a hat? Like he genuinely doesn’t care to put any effort in for Kaylor cuz he knows she’ll pick him anyway. And when he sat down and she said “was that good enough for you?” after her speech i was like huh


Bro I was smiling at kaylors speech for him even tho it was kinda insane and then I saw Aaron’s sandals and my face dropped


Yeah, that "was that good enough" caught my attention... I hope it's related to a silly joke and not him expecting Kaylor to make a grand speech


She said later that she didn't rehearse it because it comes so naturally when she talks about him. So she was likely just nervous since it wasn't pre thought out


He was wearing flip flops and it gave me an ick


Oh a thousand percent this. It’s like she’s so afraid of messing up after what happened earlier in the series and I just hate that for her. Like they don’t get much camera time in final cut so it’s hard to tell how much he’s feeding in or how much of it is natural insecurity. Either way I hate it for her and I hope as she gets older she gains more confidence.


I found it rude 


JaNa: "this wasn't a difficult decision" I LOVE her .


JaNa for the win. True Queen


Got to use his own words against him lmao


Kendall and Nicole 💞💞


Nicole is playing the game so well too! Getting to know Miguel and truly testing her relationship with Kendall to then pick him at the end. If they make it through casa they may win this thing. I’m not a huge fan of Kendall but I like Nicole.


I think Kendall is here for the right reasons and I think him and Nicole bring out the best in eachother.


I have a friend whose supper close with Kendall and I’ve only heard really great things about him surprisingly enough. I think he’s just a giant corny lover.


Thanks for that inside info. I can see him just being a “giant corny lover” because he doesn’t seem to have any other motive than finding love!


Kendall kind of gives me man baby vibes though


Agree. He’s just a little immature. Also, he hasn’t had much dating experience. He’s only had one gf.


I’m so happy for them


The only real couple right now




Well said Leah the "drama queen" is now moving towards Kendall.




Can you give me an example? I think the only things is people crying over the likes of Connor or even anybody so soon as if they'll never see each other. 


This sub makes fun of the women crying over ridiculous things as well. Leah and Kaylor both got mocked for crying so early in the season over guys they barely knew. Rob is mocked because he's faking it and crying over the weirdest shit. He cried to Leah because he wanted to dump her and then hid in a pool filter. He's cried over Andrew for days after refusing to leave with her. Then there is Aaron who was perfectly fine over the Kaylor mess but had a full on breakdown over Rob and now Connor. A man who can show his genuine emotions gets all my respect. A man (or woman) who just cries over not getting their way is pathetic and doesn't get a pass. Go stomp your feet in a corner.




Or cry when you're genuine and not as some horrible play at an oscar. Fake tears don't move me. Sorry.




Hi Rob in real life. Gaslighting is unfortunatley a no go here.


Guys often cry on love island. It's just the dramatics of Aaron that annoy me. He's emotionally immature. Always meddling. Says it's not friendship island but showed snot and yelled when his friend was about to go home. Hypocritical.




Because it really isn't that serious to be crying like that. *people are dying kim* I always think it's over the top like they're not gonna see each other in a couple weeks and spend so much time together after. Most of them will move to LA anyways. Yawn.




And you decided they have a good reason to cry after knowing someone 4 days that they're gonna see again. You made your opinion clear just like anyone else. Don't be so hypocritical lmao.




The people I like get cooked for every thing they do. You're talking to someone who wants rob here. Just because I do, doesn't mean I shamelessly defend shit behavior under the pretense "men can have emotions too." Lmao.


Glad Connor is gone


Rob looking right into the camera saying "she's so manipulative". We know You're the manipulative one Rob , stop it.


He's trying to create a narrative and no one is falling for it 


Liv : " Leah said back me up that I wasn't saying anything bad about Rob in the change room " Liv we were there what are you talking about Leah even said " I never said I didn't talk bad about you Rob" . This is becoming lying island .


You’re forgetting it’s a tv show and production has to pick and choose 1 hour of content from a 36 hour period. Liv has never once come off as a liar, and has actually spoken loudly about having an issue with lying


Yeah but there’s being so hot headed and self righteous that you assume your viewpoint is the only version of the truth that’s lying as well. And she lied about calling Leah delusional and that she’s a good friend lmao. A “good friend” does not attack you in front of your man taking his side on shit without hearing your version first. A “good friend” would have pulled Leah as soon as Rob came to them with his manipulation just to hear the friend’s side and so that there’s a heads up. They don’t let you get blindsided and join in on the manipulation and attack. Nor does a “good friend” talk such extreme shit behind you back calling someone the things she did. Liv is absolutely just as much a liar who believes her own lies so it’s funny she accuses others of that. And she lacks self awareness especially of what she’s saying when she loses her temper. At least Leah had the presence of mind while being attacked from all sides to know nothing she said would matter bc they’d decided the narrative and not waste her breath. That’s a high level of composure (not saying she’s not wrong for Connor girl has issues) but she’s def not the one in the Rob/Liv shitstorm.


I want Kaylor to get a new man at Casa so Aaron can cry about it


After everything Leah put him through, Connor still had nothing but nice things to say about her. He really is too good for her.


Only if he extended an ounce of compassion to the Black woman 


So, it's cool that he treated Jana like shit though? I mean she literally did nothing to him but he was nasty the second Leah was free and he could pursue her. Bias' are showing.


Too bad he didn’t extend that grace to Jana who didn’t even do anything to him


Exactly! If he was truly a nice guy he would have kept the same energy.


I feel like Rob pairing with Cassidy isn’t good at all. Producers put them in the vote, but if they are bottom 2, they could easily just make them safe and say it’s because she’s new. (Same for Kenny/Nigel and couples) Gives them a little more wiggle room to manipulate the cast.


No, people immune from the vote are not included in the vote at all.


i hate him but rob has bedroom eyes. they need to stop with the close crop 😭


Look up Rob Schneider very similar eyes. There you go 


https://preview.redd.it/quqhyptvth9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5d4e368f5e64c2ddf2bd16b996242c8d796a979 I fixed it for you




Rob really wants to be the mysterious smoldering guy putting spiders on girls and talking about how eels reproduct. Wow you’re so mysterious and different and not corny at all in your overalls


REAL! i knew he was doing too much ever since the beabadoobee comment. he’s the typa guy to say he likes to talk about deep things and then bring up some tired conspiracy theory or a vague comment about aliens


https://preview.redd.it/25x6w2z6uh9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12788517dc6569dd04d585dfe290a91ce3f45615 This moment forever ruined him for me


congratulations you got rid of 3 tonight‼️


The overalls overload. We need him to burn them asap!


Probably trying for a collab with carhartt when he comes out the villa


oh my gosh yes! Like literally why is no other guy lending him clothes? Or production getting him clothes? He looked like a fool last night.


Why does Rob think it’s okay to talk to Kendall like that? None of the guys took that game to offense besides him. He acts like such a big baby it’s actually annoying. You lost respect for Kendall? lol great because 80% of the audience doesn’t care about your thoughts and want you out like what?


right??? like why does he think he’s group leader


Rob’s behavior was so childish and I hated that Kendall was basically groveling to him.


Yes!!!! You can tell Kendall chose the high road and that he decided to be mature about it, making Rob only look worse. Moron doesn’t even realize it smh


Let him live, poor guy doesn't know the world doesn't revolve around him and that he's the most unliked amongst the boys and thinks his awkward charming snake wrangler act is actually working on us https://preview.redd.it/qpobor29zh9d1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf2040a165a3113339b861191bd79fe0e6d3616


Seriously though. Kendall did *not* need to beg for forgiveness. Lost respect for him? Such an ass move on Rob’s part.


Yeah, like YOU wanna talk respect out of all people Rob? He doesn’t even have respect for himself because he doesn’t realize how foolish he looks crying like that over Andrea, saying you were gonna leave and then choosing to eventually stay ????? I agree I was so upset seeing Kendall be nice about Rob’s tantrum but I thought he handled that so well honestly. Like he just took it to the chest, apologized, and moved on so that it didn’t blow up further. As much as I wanted him to egg it on and humble Rob, he did really well and acted mature.


Liv is so such a beautiful girl. The guys made a comment about her body. Rob said she always looks sexy & mentioned when she wears those black panties.. I know Liv is hot, but there is more to her than her looks. Guys banter like that all the time so I don’t think it’s a big deal bc everyone talks like that about the opposite gender. They just happen to be on TV. But Liv also has great personality. There’s more to her than her looks. She has a lot to offer. She’s a strong woman. The men know they can’t play with her feelings tbh. She is very smart. She clocks men. But Rob low key wants her.


he’s attracted to her but no he does not want her, he had the chance but didn’t go for it. his loss though


I didn't get that vibe that rob wants liv, I feel like he kissed her on the cheek as a thank you for being on my side during the whole leah thing. They don't have anything in common and there was never even a tiny spark between them two.