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How do you think the OG islanders will react when they come out of the villa and realize how massive this season is? šŸ˜‚


would love to see kordell's reaction to being most loved to most hated


I'd buy a tkt to that!


I was just thinking about that!! Especially Leah, whoā€™s grown a huuge fan base across TikTok and Instagram Edit: JaNa too


I keep thinking about how embarrassed certain boys will be when they get out and realise their season massively blew up and everyone saw them acting a fool šŸ’€


More than anything viewers need to keep their emotions in check and don't ruin it by voting off the drama.


I wonder if the new islanders fill them in?


I donā€™t think the new islanders have access to social media before going in. I believe they watch the episodes though


It would be wild to have to watch, knowing you could go in and meet these people at any time, and not be able to look online to see whether your takes are consistent with the publicā€™s reactions.


Do you think they know whoā€™s popular and whoā€™s not by the voting and like whoā€™s consistently coming out on top? Or does like Kenny actually think people voted for him and JaNa with him in mind?


Miguel is FOR SURE gonna put a Burger King crown on his head and make an announcement that King Fuckboiā€™s DMs are now open and accepting applications lol


Wildest casa ever šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


i keep thinking about it like Aaron and Kordell are going crazyyyy


For once the preview tagline did not lie


For a brief moment, I thought you said "weakest casa ever," and I was like, are we watching the same show?!? Man, this is a wild season. I don't know if subsequent seasons will be able to compare


I......... still think last year was more wild.


It's looking rough for our og ladies ... at this point I will actually be surprised if any of the girls decides to recouple with a bombshell. The only one kinda vibing is Leah but even she admits that she's thinking of Miguel. So unless there's some twist with the production letting the girls know beforehand what their boys have been up to in Casa, I fear they're gonna stick with their og partners. RIP to everyone involved. šŸ«”


They have to send the girls a postcard/video, it would be cruel to let them all go in to the recoupling blind


They cannot let Kaylor walk in all excited to see himšŸ’”


No!! Give her her heart broken moment! It will hurt momentarily but Kayler has the right things going for her for this to be her saving grace. The sympathy will do her wonders she could win!!


& Iā€™d be so here for it! I keep reminding myself sheā€™ll come out a star after this


That's why I want them to do just pictures, so she can be somewhat prepared but still not be sure until she walks in


I definitely think they are going to send them SOMETHING before they recouple..and Iā€™m nervous that a lot of og girls are getting ready to leave the VillašŸ˜©unless we get to vote individual islanders off again idk whatā€™s going to happen! Hahaha.


Girls with casa guys tend to do significantly better than boys with casa girls. The boys are always so much more disrespectful and viewers will vote og girls with whoever they're with over the og boys who screwed up. Post casa is also when they finally start sending people home based fully on public votes so I think the og boys will be at risk more than the girls (I hope.)


The villa at this point is going to be packed. If Kordell is doing what i think he is doing tomorrow i need him to bring her back. Aaron is, Miguel,maybe Kenny and i wouldn't be surprised if Rob comes back single for dramatics.


My fantasy is that Rob comes back single to dramatically make a play for Liv, Liv brings back Jalen but cannot resist Rob, then Jalen picks up the pieces of Kaylor after Kaylor/Aaron crumble


Get ready for the Rob/Kaylor plot twist


That would be amazing


I only hope it happens right in front of Aaronā€™s face lol


I am obsessed with this theory


I think Rob will come back single and then make a move for Liv. "I met the girls in casa and they were great but... they weren't you." L O L A lot of viewers like Liv and if he can latch onto her, he might be safe from being dumped.


heā€™s definitely already planning to do this šŸ˜­


Agreed, I think this is the plan. If things move the way they seem to be going, thereā€™s going to be a lot of couples to get through so I think theyā€™d be safe for a while. At least until the majority of Casa people are voted off. After that itā€™s really anyoneā€™s game.


He def was doing (her) I feel like heā€™s not going to bring her back but Serena will find out what he did and she will drop him. Either way sheā€™s going to drop him bc of his actions. I just want to know what happened to sleeping outside and not kissing outside of challenges. Itā€™s been like 2-3 days šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Do you really think Kordell has the nutz to bring a Bomb Shell back and look Sereeta in the face? New viewer, so I may not understand the implications or intent of bringing someone back.


I think he will bring her back. Especially if he sleeps with her.


i feel like what makes kordell and aaron look even worse is that they were the most "serious" couple and not even rob (WHO IS SINGLE), miguel (EARLY DAYS FOR HIM AND LEAH), or kenny (BARLEY KNOWS JANA YET) are acting like this!


iā€™ve said this before but people want to rag on serena for ā€œsticking with kordell bc she has no other options,ā€ when kordell didnā€™t either, until this point. he finally has options in casa and look how heā€™s actingā€¦ā€¦ all that talk from people about serena doing him dirty and how he deserves better, when his actions while exploring other people have frankly been disgusting (if theyā€™re doing what i think theyā€™re doing in the preview). kissing is one thing since he isnā€™t a slow burner like serena, but this is a whole other territory. and how is he gonna say serena and daia are on par this early?? serena always maintained heā€™s the strongest connection she has, and heā€™s the only one she likes


Thatā€™s such a good point!! Kordell hasnā€™t had any other options since day 1 at all. I honestly think he said that bull shit about being respectful and having boundaries before he went into Casa because he didnā€™t want to look foolish if there wasnā€™t a girl into him in there since there hasnā€™t been anyone else into him since the beginning. But now that we have Daiaā€™s crazy ass love bombing him, thatā€™s all out the window. Iā€™ve never understood the Serena hate, she was trying to protect herself before getting vulnerable and once she opens up a bit, Kordell folds with the pick me he can find. I wish him and Daia the worst.


u ate. same.


Well they arenā€™t showing it, doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not happening lol


we have seen enough of aaron and kordell, they can also show the other boys too but they obviously are not doing enough if they arent getting screen time.


But showing Aaron and Kordell is what will get vies lol


they don't have to show aaron and kordell the whole time to get views lol.


All Iā€™m thinking is since these episodes are delayed in airing that probably right now theyā€™re reunited and itā€™s all going DOWN


How much are tve episodes delayed by?


The last public vote was Friday and we didnā€™t see the results until Sunday so Iā€™m guessing that filming is two days ahead of us. I bet they had the recoupling last night šŸ˜­


sorry I responded to the wrong person. 36 hours is the delay.


*Jumps into the ocean immediately*


Does that mean Fridayā€™s ep will be the recoupling?


I want to know this too? Honestly, I was sick of Casa Amor the second Kordell cheated on us all.


Ever since I saw how nasty and dirty Miguelā€™s socks were in soul ties that one episode, that told me enough and instantly gave me the ick. Thereā€™s no coming back from that.


I want to say it was the same episode he came as a bombshell?? I think he was talking to Liv in soul ties. But if itā€™s not that episode then it definitely was the one after that. Even the narrator made a comment about it. And heā€™s always wearing runners and socks, from what Iā€™ve noticed, which gives me a red flag that he doesnā€™t take care of his feet lollll it all gives me the ick


Heā€™s always wearing those dirty ass socks and shoes. It made me wonder how dire his actual foot situation must be if he hasnā€™t gone barefoot or been in flip flops in that Fiji humidity šŸ¤®


which episode was this? šŸ˜­




it gives me the ick how Aaron keeps acting like Danielaā€™s instigating everything and heā€™s just falling victim to her temptress wiles even though heā€™s trying SO hard to respect Kaylor or whateverā€¦ like how he went out of his way to set bed-sharing boundaries with Daniela like keeping their clothes on (who said anything about taking their clothes off??) cause he knows SHEā€™S a cuddler, when literally all she said was ā€œdoes that mean youā€™re not open to sharing a bed?ā€ then tried to get in her pants anyway but told the boys the next morning that she was trying to fuck šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ¤¢ and Kordell is no better.. acting like he had no idea he was cuddling Daia at night or claiming that she smooth-talked him into a kiss. like i know you did not ask for chapstick in that moment because you really needed it šŸ™„ plus if you thought it was gonna be a peck then why not pull away when it turned into making out? ugh i mean itā€™s not like the girls arenā€™t flirting back (or coming on way too strong, in Daiaā€™s case), but these guys acting so helpless and not owning their actions is such gross behavior


Aaron is demonstrating his ability to be a spineless prick. If he returns to the villa newly coupled, I think we should kick him to the curb as soon as appropriate voting allows.


So I think Kendall is egging on Kordell & Aaron because he knows it's strategy. Rob is holding back a bit on moving too fast too soon in Casa because he knows the impact of the video footage/movie night from his experience last season & he realizes he's been in the bottom.


I feel like Rob just isnā€™t really feeling any of the girls (maybe the one Aaron got) bc even when he was talking to destiny he seemed so uninterested šŸ˜¬


I donā€™t think Rob cares an ounce that heā€™s been in the bottom šŸ˜­ he would have tried to get Leah back imo if all he cared about was the game because he knows she would take him back so fast lol. He kind of looks over it lmfao but likes hanging out with his boys there


Yes all of this!


Sierra: ā€œI really want to travel and Dj at a bunch of clubs and ravesā€ *cut to Kendall confessional* Kendall: ā€œI feel like we share the same valuesā€ ā˜ ļø


What is WITH these dudes saying that??? Either we're missing the convos where they discover this, or they are talking out of their asses


Its criminal that we dont get an episode on wednesdays


Daiaā€™s smile reminds me of Ayo Edebiri a little bit


The og guys know that there are new guys in the villa right??


They do I just donā€™t think they care šŸ’€




Aaron has NOT once worried about Kaylor


Lmao theyā€™re so unbothered


It was a stupid little moment but I love when Rob and Aaron were chatting and Rob busted out [this line from Brave](https://youtu.be/NJrFkS6Py9c).


I donā€™t think Aaron or Kordell are bringing the girls to the villa (Daia and Daniela.) I think theyā€™ll be complete fuckboys and act like they were talking and kissing girls, but it wasnā€™t that serious. It wonā€™t be until movie night that Serena and Kaylor will see how into it they were with the casa girls. This is how most guys act, itā€™s to down play the situation. If this does happen, Iā€™ll be sad for both the villa and casa girls


I actually do think Aaron will bring Daniela back. Not sure about Kordell yetā€¦


I hope he does! I hope Iā€™m wrong about my assumptions. I feel bad for Serena and Kaylor, but they better bring back Daia and Daniela after all of the attention theyā€™ve shown them. The worst thing they can do is play 4 girls imo. I dont want to think they would but honestly who knows anymore lmao šŸ¤£


I think one of them will and the other won't just based on previous seasons. One of them will definitely freak out day of/before recoupling and regret everything, go back single and then get screwed on movie night (or when Kendall decides to do a tell all with the girls lol)


Iā€™m starting to doubt theyā€™ll send a postcard for Kaylor and Serena. Hereā€™s what the producers must be debating: what is more dramatic? A- reaction to getting postcard when Kaylor and Serena see their men hooking up B- all of the girls reaction to seeing Aaron walk in with another woman and the total shock of it all. I guess it also depends on whether or not producers think Aaron/ kordell will bring back the girls. If they plan on bringing them back they might wait till their reunion to shock the villa. What does everyone think


Itā€™s worth it to show them clips if it means the villa girls will feel an impetus to start flirting with casa boys for real and maybe bring a guy back, but it doesnā€™t seem like either of them would be in the right head space to do that so maybe they are just going to lean into recoupling shock value.


I feel like Kaylor will leave if she sees Aaron with another girl honestly.


In the Liam/Millie season, they sent a post card but doctored some of it to show that someone was kissing someone else (it was during a challenge) and that Liam, who was moving the most mad, was fine.


I didnā€™t see that season. This only other season I saw was 5. But I was thinking they would do something like that. Like they might show kordell in bed but wonā€™t show much of Aaron? Idk though that seems pretty evil of producers to mislead Kaylor like that though


all the communal kissing is making me wanna gag LOL


Iā€™m still up in the air over whoā€™s getting the last dramatic re-coupling (I call it the ā€œRoyal Muggingā€): Kaylor or Serena. Theyā€™ll both be devastated if things keep going as they are, but Iā€™m not sure who Arianna will leave for last.


I think Kaylor will be the last to go. They will 100% be the last two and if i were them they should sense something is up because they are the last two going.


I think if they saved them both for last, theyā€™ll know something is up. Theyā€™ll stick something between the two of them, just to break it up.


Thatā€™s exactly what I thought. Last 3 in this order. 1. Kordell coming in with daia, which will shock the villa girls and assume that means they all recoupled. 2. Kendall coming in alone. Giving them reassurance. 3. Aaron with Daniella. To provide the most insane shock.


Thatā€™s what the Brits would do for sure


Not the Royal Mugging šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s true tho šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s not enough to get mugged off in front of the whole world. You have to get the dramatic music and the host asking you the most ridiculous question in the world: ā€œSo the person you really liked just dumped you for someone else. How do you feel?ā€


I have a feeling Ariana will handle this differently than most hosts, with a ton of compassion for the girls and some serious pointed unrelenting questions for the boys that did them dirty.


I'm a fan of LI UK too and whenever I hear a variation of "muggy" or "mugged" I always hear it in Kem's whine, so "Royal Mugging" is absolutely sending me


I hear Kemā€™s voice too. ā€œMUGGY!!ā€


If neither Kordell nor Aaron recouple, then theyā€™ll save kaylor/aaron for last. But if one of them recouples, that will be the last to go for sure because itā€™s more dramatic


I think Kordell & Serena will be 3rd to last so everyone starts getting emotional and angry, someone in between so people get anxious and unsure, and then Aaron & Kaylor last because they'll want every islander present and seated to get the best reaction.


THIS! I think it was Ty from S10 UK who said that the islanders know when something really dramatic is about to happen by the order in which they bring them out (so he knew something was happening with Ella). Aaron and Kaylor had more of a closed off relationship, even if they denied it, whereas both Kordell & Serena have expressed interest in remaining open to other people. It makes sense to save Kaylor for last. And to get everyoneā€™s reactions, like you said. Kendall is gonna give it away with his expression lol The boys *always* look down when they know whatā€™s about to happen


I took notes šŸ˜† I feel bad for Kaylor. I'm finding anything remotely attractive about Aaron has disappeared. He's so gross and shallow. Why am I suddenly protective of Leah? Why is Miguel walking around with a shirt hanging out of his pocket? I fall in love with JaNa and Kendall as people more and more every episode. Daiaa is what the kids call thirsty? šŸ˜† I noticed the water bottles might be providing emotional support.Ā 


I've ordered the water bottle available on the store shop; I'll report back as to if it's provided me any emotional support šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜† yes please do


The edit is doing Kaylor so dirty. Like okay, her heart being broken is good content for the show but the constant switching of her confessing her love to Aaron to him kissing the new girl is ridiculous. We get it. Heā€™s a dick. No need to embarrass her anymore than that. Youā€™ve made your point.


Watching their situation is another reminder that like, it SUCKS to be cheated on, but everyone is on your side and it says more about that person than it does about you. Kaylor has a team behind her, there is nothing wrong with her, sheā€™s a queen, Aaron is a POS.


The end of the last episode was brutal but man it made for such good tv.


Everyone expected Rob and Miguel to be the ones letting loose in Casa, and Aaron and Kordell to play it safe. I think part of the reason this is instead playing out as it is, is the first two are very used to getting whichever girls they want easily. The latter two struggle a bit more (relatively speaking), so having these Casa women all over them has led them to get a lot more unhinged.


I disagree lol Aaron is an influencer already, heā€™s already verified on IG. Kordell is the little brother of a very famous football player and a model. He seems to be close with his brother too so Iā€™m sure he has NO issue in the real world. Iā€™m convinced thatā€™s why he was so into Serena. Shes probably one of the only girls whoā€™s ever made him work for it. Itā€™s basic science šŸ˜‚šŸ˜«


Agreed & Imho the Casa girls seem a lil desperate. Not all of them but some of them....it's obvious they'll do Anything to go back to villa. I'm not sure if any except Miguel's girl..maybe Rob's & MAYBE Kordell's will get to go to Villa but I don't think the rest stand a chance.


It does give me the heeb jeebs how quickly they seem ready to have sex. My first thought is simply STIs. I donā€™t know these dudes.


Right!!! I just don't move that way no matter how strong the flame is. I kinda feel pity for some of those girlies,wishing I could call them up & say,"Stop & think for a min about how this will effect You mentally & physically."


The video postcard gone hit the villa like a bullet train.


RIP me organizing my life around love island bc I was like oh canā€™t do that until after 3 bc thatā€™s when the first look will be up and then remembered itā€™s Wednesday šŸ„²


No new episode tonight and that preview last nightā€¦ why do Tuesday episodes always hit so hard šŸ˜­


All I know is I am itching for Thursday night to come!


omgg when rob is reminding you to be mindful thatā€™s when you know there is a problem LMAO


Would it be against the rules if the Villa girls just paired up with each other? At this rate Iā€™m only rooting for them and I donā€™t want to waste a vote on any of the OG boys.


Anyone notice how casa amor Sierra tried to say the word ā€œchivalryā€ but said ā€œchilveryā€ ā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™ll just leave this right there.


yes šŸ˜­


I'm starting to think it's more of a colorism issue with these men than a Black woman issue. Multiple men (Kendall, Miguel, Kenny) were interested in Sierra but showed very little interest in Janae and and Serena. Seems like they just have a problem with darker skinned women period smh.


Yeah but I was also confused when Miguel was going off about Sierra's curves when his OG partner Leah, has the most ridiculously beautiful curves around. Sierra is beautiful, but super curvy she is not.


I caught that too. Sierra is a goddess so I donā€™t mean ill-will when I say she isnā€™t a curvaceous woman. These dudes be saying anything at this point to mold the woman they want. Like saying ā€œshe has the same morals or values as meā€ or ā€œticking all the boxes.ā€


He said Sierra is beautiful.. it is beyond her body. Her body is also real so..


Can I just say that Iā€™m tired of the obsession with ā€œtestsā€ in Casa Amor..itā€™s always men in solid couples..if you really liked your girl and felt good about your relationship you wouldnā€™t actually need or entertain a testšŸ„“ I know itā€™s part of the game but Iā€™m really irritated this season for some reason! Hahaha.


Saw snippets of an interview with Connor and he's definitely a loser through and through.


does casa end tomorrow or friday? iā€™m not gonna lie for my own mental i have to skip casa every year for both usa and uk so I just start back up on the recoupling episode


I think the recoupling-with some brief fall out-will happen on Friday, the major reaction to it all on Sunday. Casa is usually 3 full days and then the recoupling on the 4th day, we ended yesterdays ep on night 2 of casa.


Re couple will probably happen Friday


Yesss and then hopefully movie night on Sunday


I wonder if Kordell and Aaron even bring Daia and Daniela back to the villa. I think Kordell will be like Book Robb Stark and be like "I've sullied this girl's honor so now she's my wife I guess."


Stop šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I just visualized this and Kordell is wearing layers of fur and armor saying it lmao


Iā€™m kinda hoping Cassidy gets invited to return next year as an islander. I liked her energy and think she was better suited to be an OG islander vs a late to the party bombshell


Meh, I donā€™t think so. She seemed like she was walking on eggshells the whole time and not openly being herself


I think that just builds more on the point - sheā€™s not bombshell material, theyā€™re meant to come in and stir shit up and sheā€™s not that kind of girl. Sheā€™d be great as an OG next season




Sheā€™d be a great OG girl. Sheā€™s so sweet


I want to see Aaron and Kordell's reactions when bombshells coming in GUNNING for Serena and Kaylor I think both girls will be saved in the next vote and Aaron and probably Kordell will be in the bottom due to their actions whether they bring a girl back or not


I want to see if theyā€™re going to bring new guy bombshells after casa amor, because what if Serena and Kaylor gets a text to go on a date with 2 new bombshells


All the girls will just couple up with each other. Except maybe Kendall and Nicole!! JK! But this season is so much better than last.


No but for real now I just want Serena and JaNa to couple up so they can win and split the prize money. Leah can be their third


a few days ago, the love island ig account was accepting questions to ask the islanders. did that end up anywhere yet?!


Itā€™s hilarious Rob is single and I genuinely canā€™t tell if heā€™s going to bring someone back or not


I wish there was a clearer way for islanders to know what we think of them. Like rn, I wish Aaron knew our opinions.


this is my first season of love island and i canā€™t believe the craziness. how long does casa amor go on for?


4-5 days usually. I think the villas will come back together in Fridayā€™s episode or Sunday if they are really dragging it out


Because of the shorter season, I think it may even be Thursday. I remember last season Casa was only 48 hours??? I'm still so puzzled why there is no hideaway this year.


I hope youā€™re right bc Iā€™m dyingggg to see


Can the mods keep the previous days post episode thread pinned till the next day? It seems like it disappears within a few hours and I have to hunt through /u/loveislandusa's posts to find it each time!


I wish when they were doing raunchy races the text included which islanders won the race. They did this on UK and it adds so much context for the girls & adds to the drama.


I loved that twist! ā€œWho is EMMAHHHH?ā€šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Anyone notice how heavy the pours of wine were in Casa after the Raunchy Races? And no way that was the first glass they got that night either.


I love how non existent the casa blonde was last nights ep, 0 screen time hahahahaha


Thank God. Because if I had to hear the Kitty line one more time I was gonna lose it


Obligatory men ainā€™t shit comment since we donā€™t get a new episode today.


If Sierra gives Kendall the same attention & energy Daia is giving Kordell, heā€™ll fold.


Does no one remember when Kordell said he ghosts girls all the time if they mention his brother? Yall think heā€™s going to want to see this girl in his brothers likes when he gets out? Bffr


- Kordell proved Serena right. - Aaron's behavior will be studied for years on exactly what Love Bombing looks like. - If I went on the show, I would do exactly what Miguel is doing and making sure everyone knew I was just there to have fun. - Kenny is an idiot, you will have a very hard time finding anyone prettier/cooler than JaNa. - Kendall is black? wow, I thought that was just a tan. - Rob is bored af lmaooo


Agree w everything except I havenā€™t seen anything Kenny has done yet that seems disrespectful with where he left things with JaNa. I loved his comment towards her that he didnā€™t see anyone having her warmth, and theyā€™re both exploring pretty respectfully imo


I think Kenny and JaNa have the best chances of any of the current couples. They are both moving respectfully. Of course this could change tomorrow, but for now, I'm happy with them


AAron is tasting his new girl like she is a giant snack. Poor Kaylor. Sadly, it is what it is.


That first point!!!! Thereā€™s absolutely no chance they will get back together after this


Kendall is Black and Lebanese.


What did Kenny do ?


Aaronā€™s picture will be shown in textbooks with the definition of love bombing right next to Robā€™s by the definition of gaslighting lmaooooo


Why is Kendall SO EXCITED that the OG boys are jeopardizing their couples??ā€¦.INSTANT ickšŸ¤¢


He wants to get his grubby little hands on 100k


maura mentioned the postcard in her q&a from todayyyyy


Question about Casa: do the boys actually have a choice to go or is it storytelling by the producers?


That was a new twist, itā€™s never been optional before, but Iā€™m sure they were confident this bunch would all go.


Literally just got a snackie, told my cat it was time for Love Island, turned on Peacock, and remembered it was Wednesday. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I got back from Europe yesterday and I'm all caught up on the episodes now. Fuck, casa is wild this year!


do we think liv and rob will actually continue to pursue things back in the main villa?


i hope josiah stays in the villa bc him and miguel are definitely cut from the same cloth and would be hilarious to see together


I hope Kaylor gets her proof, cries one more time, and then chooses herself and leaves


I didnā€™t like Connor, but man did I feel absolute second hand embarrassment when he was trying to steal those ojs.Ā 


The Daia hate is insane. The whole point of her being there is to get someone to recouple with her. People calling her desperate and elderly (Aaron and JaNa are the same age as her) is crazy. Kordell is 22 and sheā€™s 27 which is the same gap as Kaylor and Aaron. Not sure why ppl baby kordell and why sheā€™s getting more shit than him.


Aaron is 27?!?!?! He seems like he's at max 23. He's so immature.


You donā€™t find her obsession w kordell over the top? She didnā€™t even try to get to know him or talk to him. Just started calling him king and saying ā€œyour mineā€Ā 


I totally did! She was all ā€œif you are cold, then Iā€™m cold!ā€ I donā€™t get girls who just agree with everything the guy says.Ā 


The age thing is not cool at all. But I do think she is really laying it on thick and so I had my back up. Now though in day two she does seem a little more genuine.


Hating on her for the age gap is wilddddā€¦ Iā€™m just sus about her because she came in so hot and doesnā€™t actually know the man. What she knows from watching the show is how he acts with Serena, which is giving home wrecker to me (yes thatā€™s the point of casa bombshells but itā€™s still so icky to me)


The whole point is for contestants to actually be tempted and to see if you'd like to stay loyal or try something new. Everyone knows Casa is a thing and they all agree to it.




The whole point of this show (outside of winning the money) is to explore options and find a match. Producers did Kordell (and by extension Serena) dirty by saving his most natural match until now


Rob is being a saint in casa cause he knows about the video, from last year! He is in the bottom and knows he needs to work for the audience! He will forever be in the bottom for me!! Kendall is really pushing Aaron and Kordell and Iā€™m not here for it! I think if a few girls pushed harder on him he would crack to! These boys are playing to win and I need the OG girls to do the same! I donā€™t think Nicole and Kendall are that into each other!


What are you saying Rob knows the video from last year so heā€™s being a saint. Rob isnā€™t in a couple nor owes anyone loyalty in the villa. A video wouldnā€™t affect Rob


Alexa play my boy only breaks his favorite toys šŸ„²


Is anyone elseā€™s Peacock saying thereā€™s a new episode tonight?? Mine says that when I click on Love Island


Mine is too but still nothing new šŸ˜­


Itā€™s time we get drastic you guys. Iā€™m shipping Leah and Liv and thereā€™s nothing anyone can do about it


The OG guys really tick me off. They seemed to be trying to get rid of the OG girls and have treated them like the second option this whole time. It's going to be terrible if all the guys bring back Casa Girls and most of the girls don't bring back the Casa Guys. And is it too mean to say that the Casa Boys don't have much on the Casa Girls Vibe wise? Like they did the casting down at the local department store rather than HotBoyzRus!


Unpopular Opinion: men who REALLY like a woman and are still in the early stages DO NOT let out stinky farts in front of them. I swear it took my husband 4 years to finally fart in front of me. Maybe Iā€™m old schoolā€¦but to me this is an indication of what level of ā€˜likeā€™ Aaron has for Taylor. Sheā€™s fun, sheā€™s cute, but sheā€™s not serious for him. The stinky fart gave it away for meā€¦


My husband farted on the first date and said excuse me because he doesn't believe in holding them in and getting stomach pains lol. Everyone is different and everybody farts šŸ˜‚


This is my first season. I knew what casa is and I've learned what movie night is. But how long are they in case for? The rest of the week or longer? Just curious


Usually 4-5 days


Curious to see what long-time love island watchers of UK think of this season and/or UK watchers in general. Thoughts?


This is my first USA season. the current UK season wasnā€™t doing it for me like 15 eps in so I started USA and well.. I havenā€™t watched a UK episode since šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s extremely entertaining, I love the girl islanders sm!! The UK seasons occasionally have ā€œboringā€ episodes and in the new UK season storylines were being dragged out so much. The USA season hasnā€™t had one boring episode! It seems like everyone is moving a bit faster in the USA villa lol


I really hope the girls get a postcard they deserve that at least


Q - do bombshells have access to social media while waiting or only the episodes that we see? Bc I keep seeing ppl say the Casa girls knew how beloved Kordell was but I thought they didnā€™t have access to smā€¦


I wonder about that too. They seem to have insider information lol


When does this season wrap up? In like 2 weeks, right?


my memory is failing me again ā€” when jaNa was crying about plants and mentioned that two people loved plants, who was she referring to?


this was when leah and connor were talking but idk if they even love plants like that lol


Would it be offensive if a guy ask's the woman he is coupled up if she has had any plastic surgery/procedures? I think it is a valid questions especially since you cannot tell what is real and fake today. Hannah looked like she had tons of work done.


WHY did they not say who won each challenge for the Raunchy Races (soooo many questions would have been answered for the OG girls), like they did with Love Island UK?