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Kordell don’t gaf anymore 😭


Ngl this might be what sends me over the edge lol


Hes wearing Serena's ring and then slept with Daia… that sends me over the edge


How does a woman’s ring fit a man’s finger is he literally wearing her ring lol


Boys are so easily distracted… and only care about getting there dicks wet.


The lack of self control is very unattractive. You don’t need to be moving mad like that to know if you like a girl.


and lets not forget she was watching and probs saw who is brother was and is influenced by that...


All the suitcases were packed…every suitcase went to Casa…some of those should have never left the Villa.


This should have been Love Island USA’s post caption tbh


no cuz i feel like this rn my man is going out to a party whilst im sick at home for 4th of july. Watching this makes me think of evil things 😹😹😹 IM CRAZY YES I KNOW




My bad bro


For the folks defending Kordell…… Are we forgetting that before leaving, he literally set boundaries for himself at Casa, outlining what he would perceive as “disrespectful behavior” that he wouldn’t participate in…… just to IMMEDIATELY go back on what he said within 24 hours? Now people are acting as if Serena deserves this treatment— even Kordell said kissing a girl outside of challenges would be disrespectful


It’s insane lol, I brought this exact thing up to someone on Twitter and they literally told me that they didn’t care what he said and that he’s 21 years old, so things are bound to happen….I-😂, at that point I knew there was no point in even explaining any further. Serena has been honest with that man and her feelings from the jump, it’s diabolical that she’s receiving so much hate. No one promoted or forced him to say any of that. If he would have just moved accordingly with no expectations then it wouldn’t be that much of an issue, but don’t make any promises you’re not sure you can keep


All these men are SUPPOSEDLY on LI cause they are ready for a relationship. This is proof they are not!


It’s crazy how some people are excusing Kordell’s disrespectful behavior saying it’s Serena’a fault. She rejected Nigel’s kiss on their date out of respect for him and he didn’t even put any effort into upholding the boundaries he had for himself at Casa. He folded immediately with Daia


These are the same folks who remember watching this man ask for reassurance from a girl for three weeks who couldn't get over Kordells actor dreams but kept it going for a vacation yall can miss me with the fake outrage.




defend away, to each their own!— but now it’s like we’re excusing his actions (literally going back on his own words) based on a speculation of how Serena might act in the future. What we see now is her in absolute shambles over him, not wanting to connect with the casa boys.


Yall kill me saying this as if it’s not clear as day Serena been keeping Kordell in her back pocket. If Serena was keeping it real, she would honestly be as single as Liv. At least Liv hasn’t acted so in like with somebody she know she’ll leave when her actual type comes in…yall fake just like Serena I’m sorry. She cool but what she’s doing with Kordell is manipulative and she’s wasting her own time as well by being scared to be completely single and vulnerable like so many other islanders have been Ik settling when the “perfect man” isn’t accessible to you is heteronormative behavior but it’s love island, you’re supposed to be trying a different technique


Didn’t him and Aaron said they’ll sleep outside in casa?


The way they went from planning to be respectful and have "boundaries" to this...


He’s just an idiot for not being able to see this girl is preying on his entire situation LOL and is after OBJ and that lifestyle more than she is after Kordell lol


Yeah I agree. But if he wants that, then he should just be upfront and not try to talk sideways when the villa and casa unites. Just be straight up like Serena has been and say I like this new girl. I don’t think he will be and that’s the part that’s aggravating about this whole situation.


Can’t wait for tonight’s episode


ive had enough get him out


Same. I’ve seen enough, I don’t want no more. Get him off my screen


literally 😭 i need him and aaron gone


Him Aaron and Rob and miguel can all take a hike lol


Not Miguel though. He’s not a liar. 


I suppose you make a point. Fine but the others sure can still go take a long walk off a short pier.


They can all go take their bike ride in Vietnam and give us peace 😫


I totally forgot about them talking about that haha




idgaf u dont fuck another girl while wearing the ring of the girl who thinks ur being loyal


Enh they were still open according to her. So he can do whatever he wants.


Being open and having sex is different


It’s about respect and self control. He said when he left that he would be respectful and not kiss anyone, but now he is fucking some fangirl that he’s known for like 2 days


I don’t want hear that. He can do whatever he wants. His relationship with Serena has been like a yo-yo this whole entire time. She’s obviously shown before she can change her mind on him at any point. What’s he need to have self control for? He didn’t break any laws. He’s not in a relationship and Serena is not his GF. She’s made that very obvious. They said they were still open so again he can do whatever he wants when he wants anytime he wants. He’s still the same cool lil young dude to me that we’ve seen from the beginning of the show. He just has a girl that’s 100% there for him and into him and lastly, isn’t playing games with his head.


He can do what he wants. But he said he wouldn’t. So he’s a liar lol


He’s not a liar he just trying to be a hero. I mean she told she was in and then at that dancing comp she left and went off to the side.


She didn’t say she was In. Earlier that day she said she was still open? How’s he not a liar






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You think the women pushing 30 is there for him genuinely ?


Hold up!! That girl is pushing 30?


Yep closer to 30 then Kordells age


What does that mean? Isn’t Serena like 25-27 while Kordell is only 22? So what’s the new girls actual age cuz being closer doesn’t mean shit unless she’s like 28 or 29. Then my radar would go off.


Who are you talking about?


I really think it’s a lust thing. If he wants someone that is easy whatever that’s fine, but I’m more like Serena where it takes me time to get that intimate with someone. Idk I just think Kordell is horny and that girl is desperate to get in the house. I know it’s unpopular, but I actually liked Kordell and Serena’s slow burn romance.


Yeah I didn’t like her at first but I genuinely think she’s scared of getting hurt, hence why she was so back and forth with him and keeping him at a distance. Now just when she’s let her guard down, he’s going to crush her


Serena and Kordell’s relationship feels *real* for this too— not pushing and pressuring each other to advance the relationship faster than was natural— it feels like how I approach relationships too


This literally proves why she is a slow burn. Cause she didn’t want to get hurt. And yes the attraction wasn’t immediate but I think her trusting him is what opened her up. And now he’s thrown it away.






You’re gonna get downvoted for this but it’s an immediate turn off for me. Bad tooth to gum ratio. I know it’s shitty because people can’t control it but it’s always been a deal breaker for me.


its a turn off for me too and i have one when i smile really wide n reckless myself lmaoooo 


Wait who we talking about here?!




In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and lets be nice to each other. This subreddit is intended to be lighthearted and fun so we can enjoy Love Island. We should do our best to refrain from mean-spirited commentary. Posts and comments will be removed if they are bullying, hateful, or harmful in nature or are contributing to it. Depending on the level of the offense, the original action that warranted this removal may come with further moderation action. You will receive a second message if this is the case. We ask that you take this time to review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/wiki/rules#wiki_3._no_bullying.2C_hateful.2C_or_harmful_language_towards_islanders_or_other_users) which can be found on the sidebar of LoveIslandUSA homepage. Please message us if you would like to inquire how to avoid breaking this rule in the future or believe you may have received this message in error. We hope you continue to enjoy Love Island.


To be fair, he’s been full on into Serena since hour one. He continuously picks her and shows his interest and she continuously lets him know he’s just an option. It’s been nice to see her come around more recently and be more affectionate and vocal but i actually don’t fault him for clicking with someone who seems to be all about him. It’s probably a great feeling after not feeling that at all. For weeks


If that’s the case then he shouldn’t have said he was going to set boundaries and then go back on his word. Honestly I had doubts about Serena’s interest as well, but what made me believe her was when she decided not to kiss Nigel on the date. It made me realize even tho she’s explored other options, she’s gone about respectfully


I can agree with that


This show has been going on for 6 seasons in the US and 11 seasons in the UK. There is well known etiquette for Casa atp. Even if you genuinely find a stronger connection in Casa, it is generally considered poor taste for anyone in a solid day 1 couple to kiss or be intimate with someone else in Casa before speaking with their original partner. S6 of UK had two guys who found love in Casa (even went on to date the women they found in Casa for 3-5 years after their season). Both of them waited until they had a clear convo with their OG partners before doing anything physical with their new partners. It's a respect thing. If Kordell had these deep, meaningful convos with Daia, recoupled with her, talked with Serena about things, and then kissed her...that's very different. Being horny/auditioning for the hideaway in 24 hours of meeting a new girl is in poor taste unless your couple is so new that the stakes are low (Leah/Miguel, JaNa/Kenny) or you're single (Rob or Liv).


I understand that for sure, this entire time we’ve been saying how we can’t wait for him to find someone at casa but it also feels kind of gross as a viewer to watch just how quickly he’s getting it on with the new girl. Especially after being shown scenes where it seemed like him and Serena were getting closer. It doesn’t help his image at all to also show scenes of him making out at casa while Serena is on the ground crying. I’m sure if she’s was with someone at the villa he would still be somewhat a crowd favorite. 


Yeah for sure, i can agree with that ! but that seems a bit unfair. Like the crowd would only be okay with his actions if she was doing it too? She’s been exploring other options her whole time in the villa and with the dance challenge reiterated that she wants to. It’s nice they’re getting closer because she’s allowing them too but i don’t think it’s fair for viewers to bash how he gets on with someone new just because Serena has had him begging for her affection


I agree with you 100%. If Serena had found somebody who wanted her more and she liked, she would’ve jumped ship a long time ago. She always told every guy her and Kordell were just friends.


When she said they were in a friendship couple after going hard to recouple i felt bad for him honestly


Exactly! I’m glad someone is showing him attention. She likes that he “worships the ground she walks on” but idk if she likes him in a romantic way. I think he’s on her hook. They seem like great friends though.


Thank youuuuu! And people are so quickly forgetting how she told Miguel how they were in a friendship couple LITERALLY RIGHT AFTER she told Kordell they were good and strong THEN THEN complained about egg-gate IN FRONT of Kordell AFTER telling him they’re good! Is that not mean asf and weird asf to anyone else???? The other dudes she was into were just a little bit more into other girls but if they weren’t, Kordell would’ve been single a LONG time ago. And it’s like so because she’s not being picked by who she really likes it’s okay to string someone else along?? No it’s not. And just bc he’s allowing it also doesn’t make it right. Serena stood up at the podium during that game and ppl are still tryna make Kordell the villain…. SHES THE VILLIAN😭😭 I literally like Serena in every other aspect besides being with Kordell and yall just be excusing her immature toxic behavior, maybe ppl don’t see it as clear as others.


And then last night comment about how she “needs a man who like kisses her feet”?!? She’s been just treating him kinda crappy and while what he’s doing is pretty far out of bounds, he’s been iced out since the start with her, while she just wants a man who will worship and tend to her… it just feels so bad all around


I don’t think people would be a 100% ok with it but it sure would be less cringy to watch! no matter what it sucks to watch someone getting set up to be let down, it’s the same way we felt about him when Serena played the field! Speaking for myself, I’m not judging him for getting it on with other islanders (I hoped for it!), just the speed of it feels gross to me, maybe I had built up an idea of him that he’d be a bit more respectful, with how he’s been this entire time and the fact that he even said he’d set boundaries. Like with Miguel we all knew he’d be a fuck boy but I think a lot of people reactions are because we saw Kordell as the opposite of Miguel, if that makes sense?


yeah but Serena never kissed anyone outside of challenges and truly respected Kordell and in the past two weeks has made it known she is all about him.


Thats after she saw kordell being a sad puppy from the dance challenge. It was one guy!!!


That makes sense. I think you hit it on the head, a lot of viewers i think are similar to you in building an idea of him or romantic into an idea of him and Serena. I agree the speed is gross, but i don’t really put much passed guys @ casa and always casa boys and girls do the most trying to get a spot. Guess we’ll see how it all ends up!


I think that attests to how starved he was of female attraction that meeting daia put him in a fanny blackout. Ofc he wants to impale her in bed. I think it’s sweet that daia wants to give him some love. Im reserving my judgement until he speaks with Serena.




This how I know yall don't listen. This is the pace Kordell likes. Most men need physical affection to confirm an attraction. Serena is playing her role and yall are falling for it. Slow burn my ass. She was ready to jump on Coye 1st day but pecking Kordell like a blue bird for 2wks only to Makeout with him a day before Casa


HE'S **CLEARLY** TAKING WAY TOO FAR esp after saying he wasn't going to do shit!


Finally somebody with some sense! Who wants to be treated as an option for weeks?


Yeah I don’t fault him at all.


He could definitely go about it in a more respectful way. However, I don’t believe Serena has ever been into Kordell for a second so I don’t feel too bad for her lol The people acting as if this is some huge betrayal are being very dramatic imo. It’s nowhere near the level of Aaron and Kaylor’s situation.


Yeah Aaron literally told her he could see himself falling in love with her and then goes out and basically is non stop kissing someone else. Serena friend zoned Kordell for a long time so I’m not surprised he’s crumpling the second a woman gives him undivided attention.


y'all are blind


I just think she’s fake AF and prob the type of girl he’s ghosted in the past due to his brother


That’s how I feel too. I don’t necessarily hate the girl but she’s been coming on so strong (but in her defense, all casa girls do), and their relationship doesn’t seem as real as him and Serena’s could be. Therefore I’m team Serena & Kordell but if he does want to go all in on this girl, I’m cool with that. HOWEVER, I think he’s going to try to walk it back and get with Serena instead of standing on 100, and that’s the part that’s pissing me off. But I’ll be fair and wait and see what happens.


This. I'm disappointed in him but not angry. Anger is saved for Aaron. But yeah if he can't just say to Serena "I'm sorry I like this girl better" which is hard af for all but at least real, then he's not much better than the rest.


I don't get the hate. This isn't real life.  They are on a TV show where the entire premise is to hook up with sexy singles. There would be so much complaining if no one was hooking up in the casa.    I more feel bad for the women because casting did them so dirty. There would probably be better temptation for the women if any of those dudes were actually tempting. 


but you do realize u can simultaneously disapprove of some of the actions of the islanders and also enjoy the entertainment of it all… right, RIGHT? lol 


I don't think half the people on this sub gets that... some people take this far too seriously. 


… ur implying that this post is hate tho?   also ur original comment is wrong to begin with, the premise of this show is to find love while being put through messy challenges and temptations with a bunch of messy hot singles. And yes it is a TV show but it quite literally is real life still… real things are happening to real people 


The point of this show is to be a messy reality show. It us heavily edited and produced. These people are here to be famous. It us cute you think it is authentic people looking for love though. 


orrr you're taking the comments too seriously when the people making them rarely care or think about it as much as a comment makes it sound


Looking at the amount of hate these contestants get online (phoebe said she got death threats on her season), there are a lot of people who are way too emotionally involved. These types of discussions feed that. You don't think the fanbase can be toxic? I am with you. It is a tv show. No need to hate on the islanders. This season has been delivering on entertainment.  Let's celebrate that! Best season yet. 


Wayyy too seriously


Right, but some people are def going too far with the hate, psychoanalyzing people into harmful behaviors for instance.


My sister said the same thing The casa girls are HOT and the casa boys are just not it.


Yes exactly


I'm actually astonished by how the sub hated Serena now they hate Kordell? I mean he really should have kept it PG but.... It's a friggin tv show. Casa was going to be a bloodbath.


And then this time next week will be another whole switch up -- like every year ( except for Keenan, they had nothing to work with)


It's crazy!!!


The hate is loud and wrong


The hate is loud and wrong


I've come around to the view that the fan voting wrecks this show.


Y’all gonna hate me but, I’m not mad at Kordell lol. Yeah he very clearly went back on his own self-made rules but to go from barely getting any attention from a girl you like (for 3 weeks of her fickle behavior) to a girl seeming interested and being forward, I can see why he jumped. It’s gotta suck to have all that back and forth from Serena. If this were the real world then it wouldn’t be as bad because they can take all the time they want but on this show, they can’t be a “slow burn.”




This is not enough for a postcard


gross is an understatement. those two need to count their mfing DAYS


These two HAVE TO GO!


This is literally a challenge. Like cmon, you guys are overdoing it. Where was this energy for other islanders that have done way worse??


Lol yall are expecting too much from a single 22 year old man on a dating show


I really don’t get the issue people are having with Kordell. With Aaron, absolutely, but Kordell? He has been respectful and loyal to Serena since day 1. She then friendzoned him. Then when she saw him explore a bit,she went right back, like she was worried that she would lose her fallback guy. When Miguel showed interest, she did not hesitate, and during that dance game she made it clear that she was very much open to recoupling. Her explanation and excuses don’t actually make sense because she saw how the game went and how people were reacting. She knew no one was closed off, yet all the couples who were happy kept dancing. The only ones that left the dance floor were either over their couple or one of them was actively pursuing someone else (Nicole was pursuing Miguel, hence Kendall walking away). There is nothing about her behaviour, as far as we’ve seen, that hinted at her crying on the floor over Kordell during Casa. I personally thought she would be all over someone new. And I still believe that would have happened, had she been attracted to any of these Casa guys. I still doubt that she’s into Kordell, she just doesn’t like the idea of his attention going to someone else, and her losing the security he gave her. I’ve been there too. Someone was pusuing me heavily, buying me gifts and going above and beyond, but I wasn’t interested. I was still shook when that person moved on because I enjoyed the way I was treated and all the attention, although the attraction wasn’t there. Notice how everyone is happy for Kordell and everyone is apprehensive about Aaron? They’ve been in the Villa seeing it all happen. No one believes Serena is really into Kordell. I like the girl but acting like she’s a victim in all this is unfair. Had Kordell been the one to friendzone her and then treat her as an option the whole time, people would have been screaming for her to leave him and find better.




I agree with everything you said 100%


Kordell hasn't done anything wrong 🤷🏾‍♂️


People think he’s doing this to “get back” at Serena I think he got played by her twice and doesn’t want to get hurt again. After the dance thing where she left him standing alone, he can’t trust her at all!!!! like wtf. Why would he. She flip flopped multiple times and humiliated him. He’s protecting himself from getting hurt again and I don’t blame him. I think he’s fully expecting to see her standing with another man after casa because her past actions would point that way.


Exactly he's not trying to get back at her he's just not trying to played anymore


THANK YOU!!!! No he hasn’t. He has been so damn sweet and patient and good to that raspy voiced preying mantis for far too long. Kordell deserves this!


They gonna come for but you ain't lying lol


I respect your opinion but us women don’t let men set the moral barometer. You lost that privilege a long time ago




Girl what.


Obviously I don’t mean it literally, geez




Its weird ass comments like this that makes me know that the hate is undeserved


Did you have these morals when Serena kept stringing him along 🤔


I’m a woman and I agree with you. These ppl are acting like children.


Seriously like what show have they been watching lol


Yall some haters let the boy get some loving Serena wasn't giving him none


Idk why ppl are so mad at him. Serena made him look like an idiot multiple times. I think he should have told her to fuck off the last time instead of forgiving her. If she found someone she liked, she would have dropped him in a heartbeat. I don’t blame him 🤷‍♂️


Has anyone been looking at his stories on instagram because it’s something else


I'm confused, I didn't think they had internet access


It’s not him, they give their account to someone they know to post on it while they’re away


What’s the tea?


Lots of very weird (in my opinion lol) posts where they just repost things that say things like “Serena missed out” and heavily insinuating Serena never liked him at all and was using him to stay but since no one liked her, she continued to talk to him. It’s just odd in my opinion because in theory if he and Serena end up getting together, then she’ll always know someone in his life posted a lot of negative shit about her


I’m actually so bummed.


I’m not watching Casa. Can someone tell me if he’s actually likes this new girl?


vote his ass out now


She’s a groupie but Kordell isn’t doing anything wrong


I am disappointed in him, but at the same time he also got very little from Serena. As a slow burn myself I get it, but this is Love Island and not friend island.


How is Kordell in the wrong here at all? Serena seems like she's just using him to win at this point because she probably know they're well liked after voting. She is clearly not into him at all AND she said she still wants to explore options in the dance challenge. Kordell deserves someone who will show him how much they appreciate him!


can no longer defend this man....... 😤😤




He secured Rob’s spot in the villa w the public vote Fr


Daia so thirsty for that “bikini”


Poor Kordell. He ghosted how many because they were about his brother and little does he know Daia is one of them also. At least he got something something but crossed all the disrespect boundaries he mentioned to Serena previously.


He likes her more why is that a crime?


Fucking her after 2 days (upcoming clip) because Serena is out-of-sight-out-of-mind is pretty repugnant behavior. Edit: I'm actually all for Kordell getting with this casa girl, I don't really like Serena. But he's not been respectful AT ALL while she's been absent. Long gone are those "boundaries" he was talking about with Aaron.


It was a shitty precedent set by the boys last season imo


It was a shitty precedent set by the boys last season imo


But they’re open lol


You don’t know if they had sex. Preview clips are misleading sometimes. It’s not about Serena being out of sight. They are not a couple and he has a right to explore and kiss who he wants


He’s the one who said he wanted to be respectful of Serena and not kiss anyone outside of challenges & sleep outside, and then immediately kissed Daia and slept in bed with her. The way he went about exploring was not being “respectful of Serena” like he said he wanted to do.


Things change


😬 Hope your standards are higher with the people you choose to be with lol


Respectful? Man is an open relationship out of all the guys in Casa he's the one that can Mac on anything he wants and it shouldn't get another look


Uh . . . none of the men are "in relationships." No one has a significant other. Trying to escape being called out for nasty behavior on this technicality is no way to treat someone you care about. And Kordell has been the one chasing Serena this whole time, so now he just looks like he doesn't hold true to his word.


This ratty ass wig. I can’t. https://preview.redd.it/5s74845uxjad1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=199dac9c590645ca5a7c4a090d9390bc2a2c21e7


Come on now. The girl hasn't done anything wrong!


I disagree. https://preview.redd.it/fkqmtf3u6kad1.jpeg?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a9735332c9fca11a6c26bdb927f92ff51590950


So coming on LI and choosing to get to know the guy that she's feeling is wrong? Okkkkk


I'm happy for him 🙃


I’m 100% team Kordell. There’s no rule that says he must pick one girl and settle down with her. He’s pursued Serena since day one and she’s been nothing but hot and cold. Which is totally her prerogative, but he doesn’t have to settle for it. They’ve never thrown around the L word or talked about having a life together after this.  Now Aaron on the other hand…


But Serena also never gave him the same energy


Am I crazy or didn’t Kordell speak with another girl on day one?


It’s the West/Kordell effect. Guaranteed to break your heart.


I cannot stand the way this grown woman talks like a baby. It gives me such a visceral ick.