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george is so cute he needs more screen time


Josiah the most hopeless contestant in history šŸ˜‚


Kendall is Jake 2.0


ignacio came in clutch w/the translation for the girls!!! poor kaylor she is going THROUGHHH IT


I am happy Nicole clocked kendal being weird, hope she has a conversation with him and he learns and does better. Bc that sort of boy talk is a huge no no, zero compassion for the girls.


My biggest question is WHY didnā€™t the producers show Aaron and Daniela kissing? Do they think keeping kaylor from seeing that right now will make it more explosive and dramatic later? Especially when movie night comes? (I hope to catch up today)


Think about it. She is a loose cannon she would literally go into cardiac arrest. Not showing her the kiss was for liability purposes lol


Okay about the food challenge, this is the first time i laughed and gagged do much. The producers are making these people their little entertainment puppets and making them do the nastiest things and iā€™m so sorry, it made me laugh so hard. Jacoibis face and reaction šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i loved seeing rob suffer and the blonde tattooed casa guy, his reaction where so wholesome and funny too. Sorry not sorry, i fully enjoyed the food challenge this year despite how much i gagged IT WAS FUNNY as much as it was disgusting.


I never watch it fully I GAG I always look away šŸ¤¢


Iā€™m watching rn and skipping the whole thing only pausing to see who won šŸ˜­ itā€™s making me nauseous omg


Hahahah understandable


I hate these threads just talk about promos / previews and not the actual episode


Producers, why did you show Serena a terrible video? But spared Kaylor by not showing Aaron kissing Daniela??? And then you give kaylor more screen time???? Leah said it right (I'm following you, Serena), meaning that her video was worse than kaylors...smh Well, I'm here for it, I was hoping for some Kaylor tears!!!!I feel bad for Serena tho..


Why do I feel like they were making it seem like Aaron did so much worse than kordell in that video


Producers producers producers. Ya did good tricking the audience. That editing of making Kordell seem like he was having steamy sexy sex. Haha love it. But for real poor Kaylor. That was sad.


I am sooo sorry but Kendallā€™s ā€œnostyā€ took me out. It was too hard to watch Serena and Kaylor reacting but šŸ’€


That was hilarious lol


I KNOW Iā€™m so surprised I didnā€™t see anyone mention it or repost it šŸ’€


Where is the apology to Kordell and Daia? Everyone swore they were having sex and people read them for filth. Multiple scrolls with how terrible Kordell is for having sex and how thirsty Daia was.. Iā€™m waiting


Doesnā€™t really make a difference. It was first thing in the morning so his dick was definitely hard, sheā€™s jumping up and down and twerking on it and kissing him. Itā€™s still terrible regardless of if there was penetration .


May have been terrible to some but still not what people said they were doing. Tell me you struggle with apologizing without telling me


Did anyone catch Leahā€™s comment telling Serena that Aaron and Daniella were ā€œjust playing footsieā€ as Kaylor was walking off crying? Idk if Iā€™m reading into that too much but it seemed a lil slimey


I thought she was saying Kordell and Daia were doing that to help calm Serena down


This is how I heard it too, to try to help Serena calm down. Serenaā€™s laughing was a little confusing to me too, at first I thought she was being a mean girl to Kaylor but she was sarcastically laughing at her own situation (instead of crying, it seemed)


If youā€™re gonna talk bad about Serena, at least get her name right? Itā€™s SERENA S-E-R-E-N-A! Tyy


Not yā€™all blaming Serena for Kordellā€™s actions. For starters the reason Serena twisted in that challenge was because literally that day Kordell told Serena that we are still open so she wasnā€™t playing him. Also Serena has told Kordell from the jump that she likes to take things slow and he decided to go along with it so thatā€™s his fault. If he wanted someone who moved faster he shouldā€™ve dropped her and found someone else. Even though Serena and Kordell are open itā€™s still slimy how heā€™s acting. While your open you should still respect the other person in the relationship and him grinding and kissing all up on another girl isnā€™t cute


And Serena has always been open with her feelings. Kordell is slimy for how he went about it


Iā€™ve eaten my words this episode- I thought everyone making out made me feel prudish but the food thing was so foul! I canā€™t imagine being on the end of the condiment train.


Producers definitely read reddit because they brought Rob back this season and people wanted that after casa last year. I want them to read this again and take away this challenge. It is absolutely disgusting and I cannot watch it because I start to gag right away. Most people hate it and it seems terrible to make people do that. Please please please stop doing this challenge each season.


I skipped that whole game. It was disgusting.


i skip it every season nope not watching that


They do something like that every season?!




I looked away for a lot of it but eventually had to fast forward.


Yup, when I started gagging I needed to fast forward. That was, to quote Kendall, NOSTY


WTF is up with Aaron acting SO COUPLEY ALREADY?!?!! Like the little habit kisses and dropping the ā€œL wordā€ right off the bat?! Her playing with his hair and drawing hearts on his back etcā€¦ Iā€™m so confused heā€™s clearly a complete asshole but also this shit is scary to me that you can slip into something like that and shapeshift with a snap of the fingersā€¦šŸ‘€šŸ¤¢


My eyes started tearing up for the girlsā˜¹ļø I didnā€™t mind kordell exploring but seeing how Serena was crying it made me think that their connection was strong which could have led to him being smart enough and think oke it is definitely not the moment to move crazy anymore and especially with a girl like Serena who has a hard time opening up but no bro consecutively makes out. Ugh and Kaylor šŸ˜­ she is only a few years older than me yet it feels like seeing a little sister. In general Iā€™m just hoping that these islanders become more stable in their couples cuz the end is near. Also Nicole lowkey getting mad at Kendall šŸ‘€ still one of my favorite couples since the beginning. Rob is probably not that attracted to the girl but she also probably the most attractive in the bunch so he chooses her to stay on the show. The guys coming back single doesnā€™t make them ANGELS at all!!


Not Leah in the back laughing as kaylor is watching Aaronā€™s video???


Itā€™s bc Kendal is an idiot lol. He said something like ā€œhe getting nastyā€ but in a British accent. I couldnā€™t stop laughingĀ 


I think she was excited to see Kendall and was hoping it would lighten the mood. I'm sure she felt bad as the video played on


I need Liv to JUMP Aaron so bad bc I just know Kaylor is gna struggle with pointing out his slimy actions, he's alr tryna downplay her feelings in the preview, it's so invalidating ugh. Kaylor deserves SO much better, I'm really hoping she starts realising this way before Movie Night bc that shit is just gna hit her even harder then :(


the girls this season have really been the highlight for me. when nicole and liv were hyping up kaylor and saying such lovely things. the way theyā€™re all supporting each other so much in casa, these men are coming back to a fury of women.


if Rob brings Danielle back, I want Liv to want nothing to do with him


That would actually be foul. Wanting nothing to do with Aaron would be one thing, but to treat the girl poorly for Aaronā€™s bad behavior would be a terrible thing to do.


Idk they arenā€™t that serious and they are still open so i think he should be allowed to bring whoever he wants back


I meant with respect to what aaron did to kaylor, I mean bringing the girl aaron had 'such strong connection ' with in casa is gonna crush Kaylor


Ohh! You know, I totally understand but to be fair to Rob heā€™s also getting to know her and feels his connection with her is strong so he has to think of himself


I know but I'm just so madd at Aaron and I know Daniella is also not at fault


Yeah thatā€™s so valid. Heā€™s so wrong for telling Kaylor he is starting to fall in Love with her and behave this way but Iā€™ve also been super skeptical of him from the jump because some of his actions and words felt like he was Love Bombing her. And i feel like heā€™s doing the same thing with Daniella. This is also his like second reality tv show in like 1 year and I feel like he just wants to win. He definitely knows the formula for reality tv and his actions are reminding me of some past UK love island contestants (sorry ik u didnā€™t ask for my full opinion). I want Rob to bring back Daniella so she can also call Aaron out on his bs and he canā€™t try n manipulate Kaylor


Why did they do the food challenge on 4th of July like itā€™s some kind of American tradition šŸ˜’


It was beyond disgusting I canā€™t believe that someone thought of that


the producers are really sick in the head šŸ˜­


Honestly watching the girls was so upsetting. They haven't even seen the worst parts yet


i do kinda think serena saw the worst part šŸ’” i feel bad for kaylor when she finds out allllllll the shit aaron was up to though


I think itā€™s unfair to get mad at Kordell for exploring something with someone who was all about him from the start only thing is he might be doing too much but thatā€™s cuz Daia is sticking it on him


We're not gonna blame a woman for a man's choices. He could have shut her down at any point, knowing his last convos with Serena were her talking about how much she liked him and she didn't see herself turning her head. In any case, even when she was being 'open' she's never been disrespectful. This is the first time Kordell has had anyone interested in him and this is how he behaves.


I did not place blame on Daia ā€¦ Iā€™m just trying to see it from Kordellā€™s POV from going to someone who actually shows and tells him that she is very interested in him (even if she is coming on too strong to the audience but thatā€™s cuz casa only lasts for about three/four days) compared to when he was with Serena who gave him nothing because she wasnā€™t feeling him and thatā€™s okay sheā€™s a slow burn. Kordell is probably a guy who needs to feel like he is wanted and Serena wasnā€™t doing that (Iā€™m not saying she has to)


Yeah, I don't get why this is shocking.Ā  Everyone likes to feel wanted, she was always ambivalent,Ā  and they were not official. Also,Ā  they are on a competitive dating show, come on.Ā 


I think itā€™s more that Serena told him why she was taking so long to open upā€” her reasoning being that trusting men is hard for her because of her past and men going back on their word. He promised he wouldnā€™t hurt her, spent weeks getting her to trust him, and I think the most telling part is that when he first left the Villa he clearly knew what would/wouldnā€™t hurt her. He said he would ā€œbe respectfulā€ and ā€œsleep outsideā€ and ā€œno kissing outside of challengesā€. Because he knew that she would be okay with him being ā€œopenā€ as in getting to know the girls, but he also knew where her lines were drawn. And then it took about .7 seconds for him to fold on allllll of that šŸ™„ just kinda showed that his intentions were never actually to earn and keep Serenaā€™s trust by respecting her and her heart, because he really truly saw himself with Serena. He made her believe that, but then folded on his word the literal first second someone else showed interest in a more overtly sexual way that she had. He and Kendall literally saying ā€œoh Daia is giving more in two days than Serena has in two weeksā€ is basically admitting that they are judging her commitment to Kordell based upon how willing she is to get sexual. And on national TV nonetheless. Itā€™s just so gross Itā€™s not at all that he shouldnā€™t have been open.. itā€™s how he went about it all


I don't think people are upset he's exploring the connection. It's that he talked a big game about respecting Serena (it's very much possible to do both) and then ran ripshod over the standard he himself set. He went way beyond exploring if he might be into another woman.


Okay, i get that


And he could establish boundaries itā€™s embarrassing to fall that quickly


Iā€™m sorry, but did the preview really show Rob and Daniella together now? Is Aaron suddenly gonna pull the ā€œI miss Kaylor ā˜¹ļøā€ card, go back alone, and have Rob bring Daniella? Tell me this isnā€™t a boy ploy to have Daniella come to the villa with Rob so that Aaron can look loyal, but also have her be in the villa with them.


Oh Rob would totally agree to something like that.


100% And I think they can text each other so they would totally do some bs plotting like this just to not have it on the mics


This is exactly what I thought it looked like. This way Aaron can continue to get to know Daniela while coupled with Kaylor.


i didnā€™t think of it this way!!! kaylor is going to have a hard time if daniella makes it into the villa even if itā€™s not with aaron.


Just caught up and the USA series absolutely ate Casa this year compared to the UK show. Giving them the decision to stay or go was great but watching them do that challenge where everyone had to make out was INSANITY! Such a good idea because every girl in Casa knew her partner was also kissing the hell out of someone right then. Adding a technical score got them putting in some effort and imagination. But Kaylorā€™s reaction to the video was a cinematic tragedy. Producers had me crying for all the heartbreak Iā€™ve ever known. The drama, the music, the editing, the casting, everything is just off the charts.


do we think rob knows/assumes the girls got a video postcard? since he was there when they got it last season


absolutely, heā€™s playing the game


I guess I'm in the minority here, but I'm fine with Kordell getting together in Casa. Serena strung him along most of the season, friend-zoned him but kept him as an option, then decided that he was the best shot at winning and showed him a few ounces of affection. Not surprising that he's excited by someone who comes in and is focused on him after he trailed along after Serena the whole season. I don't think Serena really likes him, it's just her ego getting hurt because she thought she had him locked down.


In the minority here, too. All I'm hearing is Serena worried about "looking stupid" versus how Kaylor is truly upset at the genuine hurt she's feeling. Serena strung Kordell along, and it seems to be from previous relationship trauma. Serena has some healing to do first before being in a relationship. If that were a man doing that, everyone would be pissed.




You really think a girl thatā€™s been cheated on in ALL of her past relationships has anā€¦. ā€œegoā€?? Kordell was choosing her too ! As soon as nicole chose kendall, Kordell went right back to choosing serena. He couldā€™ve EASILY sent her home multiple nights, why did he keep recoupling with her ?? And you guys need to stop thinking Kordell wearing serenaā€™s jewelry while getting very intimate with another woman is because of ā€œserenaā€™s behaviorā€ā€¦.Kordellā€™s excuse was that daia ā€œtemptedā€ him, so regardless of how long it took for serena to finally open up, Kordell has 0 self control, like most men. He spent almost half an episode stressing about serena going on a date with nigel because nigel might kiss her (which she didnā€™t allow)ā€¦.but itā€™s okay for him to be making out in bed with a casa girl and serena canā€™t have a genuinely stressful reaction to that? But congrats woo hoo Kordell reminded her of her exes to get his ā€œrevengeā€, and now serenaā€™s crying in her confessionals and taking his ring off of herā€¦ are yall happy now ?Ā 


It doesnt say people are "happy" with it. You are twisting words. Serena's sincerity is questionable and she treated Kordell very badly.


And it's all a game,Ā  come on. Also,Ā  if you're not in an actual relationship,Ā  it's not cheating.Ā  And "all her past relationships" is a little dramatic when we're talking about someone in her mid 20s, lol. Unless you're one of those guys that has already slept with 100 people,Ā  but those can't be relationships...


Sorry, but did you guys forget how Serena made fun of Kordell for who he was and that she said he couldn't even hold a conversation. Every time, Kordell was her last option. Kordell liked her from the start, Kordell may have forgiven Serena, but that doesn't mean all is forgotten. Serena may have used the excuse of her past. but I did see her flirting and laying it on thick with men she immediately liked..


I feel the same!


I saw this coming for Kaylor. From the moment Aaron tried to bring Leah down, I felt like he was overacting his feelings for Kaylor and being fake.. I feel bad for Kaylor. I feel less for Serena. I always doubted her. She took Kordell down from the start and with every new man she tried. Kordell was never her number 1. Dea probably wants to go to the villa, but at least Kordell was her number 1. Serena has embarrassed Kordell so many times..


Did I hear JaNa say something along the lines to Serena that she would go over to Casa Amor?? That would have been fantastic!!!


I wish they would have at least let them send a video back letting them know theyā€™ve been found out.Ā 


It's better they walk in so confident that they had their 'what happens in casa stays in casa' trip. I just hope the girls stay united and give them hell.


Guys, they all know, love Island. They know thereā€™s a chance that something was leaked over thereā€¦


I fast forwarded through the challenge didnā€™t watch a second of it once I saw the food on the table. Worst challenge love island does and they do every year like why


Yeah fr like this isnā€™t fear factor


I literally gagged three times, it was so horrible to watch. Who are they doing food challenges for? We didn't ask for this.


My healthcare working ass who thinks a LOT about infection control cannot stomach the food challenge. The massive "shove your tongue down 5 different throats" challenges already ick me out, but adding in the chewed food is just TOO MUCH. It's not fun to watch and everyone I talk to who watches can't stand it either. There are so many better games they could replace it with.


Same! Also, someone always ends up coming down with something after that challenge. I still donā€™t understand why they insist on doing it every season.Ā 


Kenny proved himself to be the most mature and respectful one


I hope he doesnā€™t couple up with a Casa girl and he trusts his instincts. Heā€™s young and the other boys are not the best influence.


I hated this challenge absolutely disgusting and I wouldā€™ve sat out/gone home over that shit šŸ¤¢


Yalll I was gagging at the ketchup challenge. That was straight up disgusting šŸ¤¢


I forwarded right through that


i couldnā€™t bring myself to watch it lol


Understandably so




I didnā€™t like Sydney but her telling Rob the overalls gotta go earned her points I canā€™t lie šŸ˜‚


I know a lot of crazy shit happened this episode, but Rob rizzing using a bug has to be the highlight


It's also a little concerning that he doesn't seem to care that these women really don't want to have bugs placed on them. It's like a creepy power trip.


also itā€™s like right after he does it he says whether he likes that girl or not itā€™s literally a test to see how they react to the bug and how they react the boundaries being pushed itā€™s weird af


Iā€™ve now seen him do this LIKE FIVE TIMES HAHHAHA I was like ROB SIT DOWN


A lot of these speculations is why I don't really watch the next episodes previews. They intentionally try to mislead you.


Daia reminds me of the Sprinkle Sprinkle lady šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ its all I can think about when I see her onscreen


I think she looks like old girl from The BearšŸ’€


Disagree completelyĀ 




Ok random but I loved how when they called Iggy over Nicole asked him to sit by her and wait so he wouldnā€™t see the Kordell shit Serena was looking at. I love girls!!!! I love the sisterhood!


I apologize to Serena. Bc she initially clocked kordell a tea that he was putting on an act


Right?! We thought she was being mean but he showed his a** in casa.! Hahaha.


Kaylor or Leah please bring Iggy back to the villa


Aaron really thought he was being slick little did he know they had a translator in one of the Casa boys.Ā 


Why does a part of me feel like after watching the preview from last that somehow Rob is taking one for the team and bringing Daniela back so that Aaron can have his cake and eat it too? The Rob and Daniela thing just feels TOO random???


Youā€™re actually genius


I definitely thought Rob was going to go for Daniela when they showed the casa girls on After Sun..she was giving Andrea vibes..Iā€™m like heā€™s either going to love or hate her because of that haha.




Has that happened before on a previous season? Where they save a casa girl for their friends


I think Leo brought Johnnie back for his girlĀ 


Letā€™s see how Aaron reacts to it lol. If heā€™s totally cool with Daniela and Rob then something is defo upšŸ‘€


I know Leah isnā€™t feeling any of the new boys but I hope she plays it smart and recouples with Ignacio. I really want him in the villa but also, SURELY she must know Miguel is twisting!!!


I wonder if Leah decides to stick will Miguel spin the block again because he didnā€™t realize how much she likes him..šŸ¤”I know she knows heā€™s going to bring someone back but I also feel like she doesnā€™t want to lead someone on again like she did with Conor..


I canā€™t wait for kordell to realize Daia is only in it for his brother when we know Sirena didnā€™t care.


That's what he deserves


Anyone knows the song name when they were going to bed , it says "so if you're leaving tell me lies , just like you're breathing tell me lies ".


Tell Me a Lie by Cole Redding! [Here's ](https://soundcloud.com/cole-redding-54900180/tell-me-a-lie-love-island?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing) the soundcloud link


Thoughts and prayers to all those that suffered watching the food challenge live. šŸ™šŸ» Thank you peacock for letting me skip that nasty shit šŸ¤¢


I skipped right over that lmao nooo thank u


Right!! No one needs to see that šŸ˜©


tf does daiaā€™s arabic tattoo say??? Ł„Ų§ ŲŖŁŁ‚ŲÆ Ł„Ł‡Ų§ŲŸ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I speak Arabic and it makes 0 sense. Not sure why these islanders stay getting Google translate tattoos


Google translate says 'don't lose her' but i don't know if it's just a literal translation of english.


If thatā€™s the intended meaning Iā€™d be surprised how she got there because this is Google translate attempting to translate an awkward phrase but I doubt it wouldā€™ve generated the same result if it was English>Arabic


Rightt?? Im always trying to figure out what she wanted it to mean


Does it even come close to saying anything? šŸ¤£


Haha yes as the other person said it kinda awkwardly says donā€™t lose for/to her & Iā€™m suspecting she intended for it to say ā€œdonā€™t lose herā€ but thatā€™s such a basic phrase Iā€™d be surprised if any translation tool messed it up. Also ā€˜losingā€™ like a game or battle and ā€˜losingā€™ someone or something arenā€™t even the same verb in Arabic & sheā€™s using the one that means ā€œto lose somethingā€ except she doesnā€™t specify an object. So it reads like this ā€œDonā€™t lose [an object should be specified here] for herā€ šŸ„“


the literal translation is ā€œdonā€™t lose for herā€ šŸ’€such a subtle but tragic difference if she meant ā€œdonā€™t lose herā€


WHY IS QDELL supposed to be loyal to someone that never gave him the chance to be loyal šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø she said she donā€™t be kissing dudes and all cuz she a slow burner bs she was down to kiss that 6ft white dude never once seen her kiss qdell like that and she said sum real freak shit to the 6ft black bhul not the point fr fr but she has always made is clear she doesnā€™t have feelings for him but she wants to see if they can grow šŸ˜§ and she still want to be open there last conversation was abt her still being open youā€™ve never once heard qdell say in that chair room where they be talking he didnā€™t like or wasnā€™t feeling or had to grow feelings for the chick he fucked with her from the rip and she constantly told him I still wanna be open in the dance challenge she donā€™t pick him bc of the last conversation she had abt still being open BRO THIS CHICK DONT MAKE SENSEšŸ¤£ she did that to embarrass him and make it clear she is still open period when she said she wasnā€™t feeling qdell no more he left it alone then qdell had conversation with the one girl and she realized she couldā€™ve been eliminated and then starts liking the way he has been distant wtf šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø this ant the show for slow burning I think she a fraud fr fr she always making fun of him never really saying anything nice or good abt him let be honest when all he ever done is fr praise her FUCK HER FR


It is not gonna be fun for these Casa girls who do get back to the villa. I know it usually just takes a couple days for things to mellow, but I don't think they are prepared for these OG girls.


Miguel gives me the ick Iā€™m sorry


tbh as devastating as it would be for kaylor, i would actually respect aaron if he stood 10 toes down and recoupled with daniela and just owned his feelings for her. bc i actually do see the connection with them and it would make sense. but if he did ALL THAT and then just goes back to kaylor who it's VERY clear he does not have nearly as much feelings for to try and win the game, that's literally sick. his situation was way worse than kordell's to me bc his relationship with daniela seemed a lot more intimate. they're all playing a sick game.


I donā€™t think they have that good of a connection tbh (Daniella and Aaron) I think heā€™s just a horndog and sheā€™s eager to get into the villa. I havenā€™t heard them talk about anything other than a few words in Spanish or how ā€œdifficultā€ she is making his decision (bc heā€™s a horndog)


He seems way more into it than Daniela is


Iā€™m missing why heā€™s so geeked over Daniella?? Sheā€™s giving him very little compared to Kaylor.


Well, and I don't think he was as into the big declarations of love as Kaylor was -- he may be looking for an exit, consciously or not.


She's new. That is it. I cracked the case.


It looked like she was getting cozy with Rob in the preview..Ā 


Based on the preview, it seems that Aaron does not bring back Daniela. I think it's WORSE that he did all that, seemingly has a much better connection with Daniela (sorry I love Kaylor so much but the chemistry with Daniela is hard to deny) and then tries to get back with Kaylor and act like nothing happened. He should have come back with Daniela and faced the fucking music, owned his actions. I would be willing to, in time, to let it go. Now it just seems like he used both girls.


Heā€™s using Kaylor to try to win the money šŸ¤¬


I think so too


I hope Kaylor doesnā€™t take him back and if she even thinks of it, I need the girls to make an executive decision and say NO!


seems like she had a good conversation with rob based on tnā€™s previewā€¦maybe thatā€™s why he backed off as wellšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I think what happened is Daniella pressed Aaron for a decision. She told one of the girls she was going to ask where she stood and I bet he waffled, so she decided to move on to Rob.


Anyone know when the recoupling is


the preview looked like it will be today


The girls look really upset in the preview- is it possible Serena leaves?


I think Kaylor should walk as well. They showed no respect for the relationship. If they remain and have any dignity they should ignore them after they try to explain their actions.


I think so too. I think she's going to say there's nothing left for her "here" and that saddens me so much. I also don't blame her because if he brings that girl back I wouldn't want to be around that either.


Ugh that makes me so sad too! I agree though, she wonā€™t have time to make any new connections at this point and I definitely would not want him rubbing that in my face.


I think she might


Yea Iā€™m getting the vibes which makes me sad :( it took her 3 weeks to open up to Kordell and I donā€™t think sheā€™s going to do it again..


Hoping the video means Serena, Kaylor, or Nicole will couple up with George because I want more of him on my screen. Also I think Leah will go back single but Iā€™m hoping someone brings back Ignacio


I need Leah to bring iggy back UGHH


bc miguel wasnā€™t shown in the story i donā€™t think sheā€™ll know to bring someone but letā€™s see!!


lol itā€™s Miguel! She canā€™t possibly expect loyaltyā€¦ especially after what? A day? I wouldnā€™t expect loyalty from that man after all the days. I donā€™t even dislike him.. but he is who he is. And itā€™s not like heā€™s been discreet about it. Manā€™s a walking red flag and he wears it loud and proud. I think the only way he sticks with Leah is if heā€™s playing the game strategically and realizes how well liked she is.. but Iā€™m not sure heart or strategy is what that man is following.Ā 


I think Leah's been pretty realistic about what type of shenanigans Miguel is likely up to in Casa. So maybe she'll bring someone just to be safe.Ā 


I am SICK for Kaylor and Serena. These men are sick SICKKKKKK. and I know itā€™s the Casa girls job to act the way they do but god it is so trifling