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I did giggle a little at that because poor Liv was trying to keep up with her lol


The way Liv begged her to sit down/process and she straight up “NO!”ed her. 😆


“Just sit and let it out” “NO!” 😂


I love Liv but she always tries to force people to calm down how she sees fit when people are triggered or flooded. Drives me crazy. Hug me, sit down, take a breath - I know she means well but just let people process stuff without you policing how they’re doing it! I’ve seen her do it the entire show and every time I’m cringing.


Totally understand this, but when I’m emotional, I appreciate someone directing me. I need a Liv.


Me too:(


That’s why she comes off as producer-y to me. It was like she wanted her to sit so the camera people wouldn’t have to keep chasing her lol and it would be a better scene if she sat down and cried


When they zoomed past Caine stood in the kitchen like a mannequin 💀


We were dying at that!! He was frozen


Caine and his tattoos be like 🈲💰👀🐶🪽 while he just 🧍‍♂️


The dog and Angel wing lmaoo


Lmaooo I thought he was a producer who accidentally got in the shot and had to freeze lolol


like a brokedown chipotle bag 😳




I am screaming.


I just spat my water. Ty 😭


To be fair, I think he really wanted some avocado toast.


That’s what I said 😂😭 frozen holding his food I was weak


Right had everybody running in heels 😭


Liv is a real one for doing that in those heels


right kaylor was turning left and right poor liv 😭


having been in kaylor’s situation i believe she just had so much adrenaline and anger and hurt and sadness going through her all at once that it was physically impossible for her to sit still.


Totally. Girl was SHAKING watching the video.


Same.... unconsciously trying to run away from the situation even though it's impossible. Notice how she throw away the phone at first like its made of lava. That shit hurts, and these feelings are so authentic, it hurts watching it. Brings a lot of us back to some similar wounds.


I am the same way when I am hurt, pissed or in shock. I have to be moving. I can clean out a house like a tornado when I have something on my mind but I cannot sit and be still at all.


The last time I cried like that I ended up at urgent care because I suddenly heard a constant humming that turned out to be fluid in my ears. Crying that much is physically and mentally awful.


That and she spent the past three days being constantly emotionally disregulated because of her legit codependency on A-A-Ron. lol producers just lit the whole match with the text and they went easy on her 😢


pretty sure she was just in shock and needed to pace lol


Those casa guys could not have been more useless. Other than maybe Ignacio 😂


They are so fucking young their pre frontal cortex haven't even formed yet. I have siblings their age and I feel like they'd do the same thing 😂


The casa boys last year was so much better the way they hyped the girls up after the video


AVENGERS ASSEMBLE🥹😭 still wierd that Rob was there tho lmao


Rob being there means he likely knew the girls would be receiving a video like they did last season I wonder if he shared this info with the other guys as a heads up. But by their action? Probably not lmao.


But then again I always think this, if these people have watched the show before??? Why do they think they are in the right or being slick when they’ve probably seen the same moves be done before xD idk but like if I was them I’d move a lot smarter than they are now lmao


I feel like by their lingo we can tell who has watched before! When they say things like early days, pull you for a chat, grafting, banter, buzzing etc. Basically phrases Americans don’t usually use! But I can’t imagine those bozo casa boys having enough brain cells to sit through a whole season though. I imagine they just skip through to get a gist of what they’re getting into. 🙄


I feel like producers would stop him from trying to give any kind of warning. I feel like him saying Kaylor would be heartbroken and to not do anything stupid was his attempt at trying to keep Aaron in check. Didn't work!


Ooo I didn’t realize that haha honestly knowing him he definitely didn’t just to stir the pot 🤣 either that or maybe forgot ngl who knows


This would be so smart! Like, hello! Secure you a villa spot, boys!


Them sitting there 😭😭 they should’ve had different guys like keeping Conner, Miguel, Kenny, etc for casa would’ve been better


I don’t know that I blame them much in that situation. That’s pretty much a stay out of the line of fire call.


I wanted to smack the smile off… I actually don’t even know his name’s face.


Josiah. Please tell me you’re talking about Josiah because I noticed this, too.


Ha, yes! That sounds right. But again, I didn’t learn most of their names.


Are you talking about Captain Underbeard?


Lmfao because dude’s *that* irrelevant


I kinda like that they all just sat there. it would have been wild for any of them to try and help. loved how seriously iggy took his assignment


Poor girl, I think she wanted to leave but obviously couldn’t


Ngl I kinda giggled because the guys were standing there not moving as if they were NPCs


I'm not sure if you realize but they showed the same 3 walking clips about 10 times from different camera angles to make it seem like that. Same with her "cry". They played the same clip of a 1-second cry about 8 times dubbing over different things.


Literally I was so sad for Kaylor and crying with her but the fact that they kept replaying the same cry sounds… 😭😂 fck aaron


I did yeah it was just funny how it was edited haha


The snot cry sound replaying on a loop!


I think she wanted to go somewhere private and cry but production made her stay out there in the open to film. which obviously sucks. i would be doing laps too! tyrique did something similar last season in the uk (pacing and pretending to be on the cellphone with no service💀)


She should've taken notes from Rob and hopped in the pool


Now you have me wondering if Rob jumped in the pool to keep the cameramen from following him around when he was crying?


Oh he absolutely did. That's why he went and hid under the edge. He knew they couldn't reach him


And here I thought he was just being dramatic, but this makes more sense. Rob probably didn’t want to have to deal with what we saw Kaylor doing. Poor girl was doing laps around the villa because she couldn’t get any privacy.


It was likely both. He does enjoy the dramatics, but the pool happens to be the one place that cameras can’t go. I think he liked the drama of the other islanders being unable to find him, but also had the opportunity to make any expression he wanted without a camera catching it.


Doesn’t make it less dramatic though lol


She’s already been crying in front of the camera for days.


poor girl was in shock, you've never taken a lap after experiencing something super emotional and needing to process? 💀💀💀


I agree - I noticed it too. Also, girls friendship is just girls following other girls around when they are mad. Liv and Nicole were good friends.


Because you don’t leave someone going through something alone.


LITERALLY, I felt so heartbroken for her but was loling at how long she was shown walking around


Hahahaha I was like she’s doin laps!


Don't know where she was walking but the Game of Thrones music was amazing.


My hubby was saying the same thing 🤣. He was like where are they going and why is it so far away 🤣


My hubby was asking just how big the villa actually is! 😂


oh I regulate by pacing/walking (/leaving lol) I totally get it


LMAOOO i was watching with my mom and she said why tf is she walking so long i was cryingggg😭😭😭


lmao everyone watching it at my house couldn’t stop laughing she didn’t know where to go 😂😂 then the cuts to the casa guys just sitting at the table lol


Any fellow Pelotoners out there may know that as “an emotional lap”


Omg yes Baedrian Williams 🥹


liv said these boots are made for walking


They showed the same clip like 4 times


And the crying sound bites were so weird too. They seemed so edited and not the real cadence she was crying at


Serena was doing the same thing, up and down those stairs had me thinking they were going to fall with those heels on, Leah and Jana falling behind her. look I would of not just took of my lashes, my heels are coming off, hair extentions the whole getup. I’m done, end up in sweats and t shirt. It got real for a min.. Poor thing.. Kaylor seems to wear her heart on her sleeve. I’m sure they didn’t realize what they signed up for.. 


That’s pure fight or flight response… she be ACTIVATED


I feel bad for her but goddamn she hasn't stopped crying for that POS in like 3 days. Idk like it's not that serious but I'm here for the drama


I feel like in the moment the shock took over and even she didn't know what to do. I try to put myself in her shoes / empathize with her. think about it... she's falling for a guy and now there's space / not seeing him every day so she's left alone with her thoughts. all her friends are hyping her up and telling her they think he's staying loyal and then she gets a video showing that he's not... I feel so bad for Kaylor.


I totally felt like they just looped that walk several times


I woulda been walking to that casa and/or to jail


She got her 10k steps I thought the same thing😭😭😭


i thought she was probably trying to get away from everyone and maybe go to the doc but i feel like as soon as she got close she TURNED AROUND i’m like oh here we go again


Maybe she was trying to get her steps in


Kaylor was more than validated in that moment but god damn, she was yelling at Liv like Liv went over there and did it


I honestly thought they had locked them out so she couldn’t hide or something! 


I was crying with her. Oh my God I felt so bad. I bawled my eyes out during the whole thing.🥲🥲


And they way they edited her sobs was a little silly lol


The panning to the boys during all off that was gold. They all sat there having no idea what to do 😂


My husband said she was crying the perimeter 😭😂


And I though “this would be a good time for her to jump in the pool & go to Robs hiding spot” 😅


she was just pacing around! i do that too when i’m super emotional😭


Hahahaha! I was like is she just walking laps?? Where is she going?!?


that walk was so long 😂 i was legitimately feeling so bad for her and feeling for her but at the same time that scene made that hard to do lol


LOL I was thinking the same thing and cackling. It was comically long


I'm glad someone else noticed this, because in the parody of this episode, it would end with a title card saying Kaylor was last seen walking toward Soul Ties.


She was pacing realistically. I feel like alot of people do it. When I’m too overwhelmed emotionally I will just walk , even if I have no real place to walk to 😂. Poor thing was trying to reduce and release her anxiety. I actually couldn’t watch her react, knowing there’s even more she’ll have to see. Just sad


lol at one point Liv got in front of her and started walking down the stairs and then Kaylor did a hard 180 and I was like, why hahaha


That and they kept using the same sound bites of her crying in that entire scene lol idk if anyone else heard it but I’m prone to noticing that kind of shit


I was so annoyed by them using the same crying sound bytes over and over. Omg lol


Like some others here, I’ve been in her shoes. It’s weird, it feels like you can’t stop moving. Almost like you have to like… shake out reality.


I was laughing at the same thing - like where is she going? And how big is this villa? And where is she trying to get to?


Hahaha came to find this comment, was thinking the exact same thing- yes people walk off adrenaline or anxiety but the air time dedicated to it seemed a little much lol


I smoked right before and was genuinly so confused as to where she was heading. And the looped cry on repeat bc she just kept on walking and walking took me out the most😭


I felt bad for her she was just running circles around that place. It’s almost like when your adrenaline hits like that you need to be moving. Sitting in a corner crying doesn’t necessarily help that overwhelmed adrenaline feeling.


I think she was trying to avoid the cameras focusing on her crying if she’s constantly moving


Omg yes I was like surely there is a destination she will end up at eventually?


As someone who also paces when she's angry/crying, I get it. Also, being trapped at the villa while feeling those emotions, I'd be doing the same and also panicking because I can't run away 😂


I said the same thing. Where is she walking in circles.


Omg I was watching with my bf and he was like WHERE IS SHE GOING????


I get she's upset but never have I ever seen so much drama over a 3 week relationship. A lot of middle school emotional behavior. First and foremost, she knew he was going to act out that's why she kept going on and on about it for 3 or 4 days. Liv was right. Shut the window and tomorrow the sun will rise. Move on.


3 weeks on the outside & 3 weeks in the villa are very different. She has spent at least the last 21 days constantly around Aaron for 24 hrs, naturally her feelings will progress & get deeper quicker because of the close proximity REGARDLESS of how long it has been. Also, with him constantly giving her reassurances, almost saying i love you, speaking about them on the outside world, I completely understand why this blindsided her because he never gave any indication that he was open & would stray in such a disrespectful manner.


She knew he couldn't be trusted. And you'll never convince me otherwise. She loves having her little pity party and grabbing all the attention. Kaylor has the maturity of a 13 year old middle school girl and I'm over her and the bullshit has just begun. The rest of the season is going to be all about her and her idiot boy.


It’s hard for me to feel sorry for her when she’s already spent the past 3 days crying before she knew anything was going on. I don’t even know for sure that Serena really liked Kordell but I felt more sorry for Serena.


Her emotional disregulation would have had her on that floating date platform in the middle of the ocean from 10 episodes ago if Liv hadn’t followed so closely behind in her gogo dancer outfit