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I swear Kendall Aaron Rob… none of them have ever had to face the consequences of their fuckboy behavior. The way they disrespected their partner/friends is sick


Nah I’m going to be fucking sick this is diabolical


Wow I thought rob was saying Aaron needs to tell Kaylor as soon as possible. But no, he’s saying he needs to tell Daniela. And then he wants to talk to her. These boys are so selfish it’s wild


> And you thought sharing a toothbrush was weird Absolute gold.


Liv saying “AND YOU THOUGHT SHARING A TOOTH BRUSH IS WEIRD” when Rob walked up with Daniella was absolute comedic gold!


Those girls had a group meeting and chose war 😂. Anyone else just watch for the chaos? I feel like it's more enjoyable to watch when you don't put stock into any pairing.


It always amazes me that there are cameras everywhere watching their every move and they still try to play the no I didn’t card lol


Really makes you realize that some are just not the brightest of the bunch. Cough cough** KORDELL


This is the best episode ever


I just need to state as a Brit - you may not have context on Caine - and he gives absolutely the ick. He has something really forced and like charlatan about him. I feel like he’s one of those guys that’s quite creepy with girls, no friends. I dunno I just think it’s really obvious to me that there’s something off about him.


he gives off the energy from that one white lotus guy!!


I’m a bit late but yeah 100%. Not a Brit but lived in London for 3 years.


Do you know anything about where Miguel is from?


Miguel is a Londoner (as am I) tho not sure where… he’s got a strong London accent tho. he is an ABSOLUTE RED FLAG. He’s a stereotypical Londoner. Nightclubs 4 nights a week, no clear career path or income stream, (I imagine) 100s of active conversations with girls in his DMs. Ghosts after sleeping with girls after a night out of which he does all the time. Still lives at home with his parents but flexing wealth on social media like he’s balling. Evasive about his relationship status and current situation so he can keep all options on the table. Ironically he’s what Caine WANTS to be.


Nope it’s not lost on us he’s icky lol


He’s definitely a “can I get my hug” kind. He’s tattooed like he’s a gangster but he’s from a really sleepy village rural area, like he’s not a bad man. I always feel I’m missing key social genre context when I watch USA so I thought I’d share my words of wisdom 🤣🤣


All I'm hoping for with new bombshells is to not go for Rob, it's getting annoying. Also, need Daniela to spill absolutely everything to Kaylor, because that girl will probably want to get back with him and I don't wanna watch that.




From the U.K. here - it hasn’t been about finding love since like 2018. It’s a reality show like all the others. I think maybe cos it’s new in the USA people are taking it more seriously? But it’s absolutely not a true romance show… I don’t actually think that can exist on tv in this day and age.


I bet this episode was cathartic for Ariana after everything she's been through.


Not kissing with his eyes open Carrington. Sighh always thought he was hot though.


Serena raging a little too much. Thought y'all were open? You just said that at the game. Kordell I wish you would have moved more respectfully with Daia. I think that's the only thing he did wrong. Could have kept it PG and brought her back to explore the connection.


Serena was valid because he moved in such a disrespectful way and then tried to play in her face acting like he didn’t do anything too crazy when in fact he did


I did not see liv picking Caine. With peace and love he gives me the hebbie jeebies


She picks the guy with awful tattoos and haircut and ignores the guy looking to be an aspiring surgeon. Livs been like 0/4 if this doesnt work out she needs to go home.


Normally I would say yes but ain't no love on love island this year. I'm gonna let her make it


Aaron and Rob are up to something with this Daniela scheme. Either them or the producers. It's weird.


Did Aaron just leave his leftovers in the microwave for Rob? That is creepy


Idc how much I liked these men I would be a stone cold killer at that fire pit. Their egos are big enough. Id be like "do I look like I'm bothered." Then go cry in the confessional fr.


Pissed me off how Kaylor got excited when Aaron was single. I know she's going back to him but make him sweat. These girls need to practice the art of detachment. Smh. Her asking if she did good was too cute. I'm proud of her even though I wish she was more nonchalant.


I'm afraid what I would do to Rob if he rolled his eyes every time I spoke. I am TRIGGERED by that so much


When Jana said she was leaving I literally gasped. Please Jana. I know you feel you've been bamboozled but we need you girl. All my girls single and I'm worried.


Of all the people though to be like that’s it I’m packing up I’m out I was not expecting it to be her


ladies pls i beg you to realize that none of the guys are scheming to try and win the money. every guy bar kenny has made stupid ass decisions that hurt themselves, they are not being strategic at all😭😭


bro i’m team kenny. jana is doing way too much and i feel bad for him in the preview


bro was literally the most respectful guy in casa and the girls still got all riled up and ganged up on him


Its like the men did something illegal going to casa. The vitriol by some of the OG women is actually insane.


yeah but they don't know that yet


I am here in Ireland ignoring all reddit posts & waiting for episode 22 to be uploaded to Daily Motion. The suspense is killing me


it's uploaded 💅💅


Just started. And it's extra long... woohoo


My boyfriend only knows “fuck kordell” has happened in these last episodes because that’s all I can talk about






Is this confirmed ?!!?!


the way the villa girls acted towards the casa girls this episdoe was actually gross. no one hates on girls like other girls do lmao


? What did they do


“They so pretty” “They picked the wrong ones” Something something your self worth is your attractiveness. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Daniela's smirks.


kordell's side chick too


I created a post but it was deleted because apparently it's been posted before however I can't find anything similar in the recent threads at all. 


Thats censorship. And its UNAMERICAN


So Kaylor and Serena would rather be SINGLE and VULNERABLE for elimination than save any of the new guys that they proclaimed were so wonderful?? Make it make sense 😣


I feel so bad for the villa guys but also production should get the hint and find better men fr


kaylor is taking aaron back within 48 hours lmao i’d bet a kidney on it


I'm still catching up but I'm gunna counter-bet with 24 hours LOL


This is tew funny and tew true lol


I was wondering why they decided to be single instead of choosing one of the new guys. I wonder if there just wasn’t any chemistry between them and the others… But if Kaylor isn’t planning on getting back with Aaron and if Serena is done-done with Kordell, do they just wait for more bombshells to show up? I really don’t understand how this works.


Well they truly had feelings for the Villa men that they were coupled up with, to the point of keeping it loyal to the men because they thought that the feelings were reciprocated. Just like real life, sometimes you’re sold a dream/lie when it’s not anything like that to the other person deep down. Sadly the guys didn’t do the same and some did even worst. The girls were just loyal and thought that the love was real but then eventually was brutally betrayed. I’m sure the girls chose to stay single because they actually have self respect for themselves. Imagine being embarrassed by a small man and broadcasted to international television. Therefore, they rather be single and alone than to be coupled with someone they didn’t have chemistry with while also still distraught/heartbroken with an open wound. The Villa girls are there for the right reasons, to find true love. If not, they’re willing to leave. I’m proud of the Villa Girls alliance and to watch them stand up for themselves and to have each other’s backs after something so traumatizing. It’s rare for dating reality tv shows to have that. While they did have the casa boys, I don’t think they were a fit for the girls at all compared to what the Villa boys had. There was a clear imbalance within the casting. Though the casa boys were kind and respectful, they looked a lot younger than the Villa girls and felt more like it was giving friendship or looked at as brothers in a way. Not really giving much of a romantic interest imo. Just didn’t seem as fitting for a coupling.


Theres no way they can create meaningful connections when they are just moaning and groaning about their baes who are doing the opposite and hanging out to cry about with the rest of the girls. They didn’t give those dudes any real chance. Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket.


https://x.com/realitymememach/status/1809428265108381996?s=46&t=qDjQsYeSo71ks16gjmne6Q Daniela down bad for Rob caressing his chest while he’s sleeping meanwhile you know he doesn’t even like her like that 😭😭😭


Also that girl was so relieved when Aaron broke things off 😭


my girls did NOT disappoint. every single man in there was shaking in their boots. idiots. I love my girls down bad


I need the producers to throw a curve ball and get these villa boys OUT




the boys walked in thinking shit was sweet and funny until the girls really gave it to them. not giggling anymore huh?


Literally. Watching all the smiles get wiped off their face has me kicking my feet.


Ok so we’ve got new bombshells coming in and they’re previous islanders. Fingers crossed it’s CARRINGTON!


I'm tired of previous islanders. There's few guys I like. I hope I don't see Scott again. No Johnny, Caleb, Kenzo, Harrison, Zay, Kenan, Jonah, or Victor 


All these playas always get recycled. They want that crygirl drama cuz they already KNOW how they are and still making a beeline to try to form a connection with them and then get mad, cry and fume when they do them dirty like they already KNOW they will. I WANT FRESH BLOOD! STOP RECYCLING ALL THEM PLAYAS. Love Island should be called Playa Island. Fr


This was one of my favorite episodes of any Reality Show ever ever ever. The storyline, the EDITING, and the everything. It was so fucking good. *chefs kiss Producers and Editors chefs fucking kiss*


Liv is absolutely done with people just saying she's attractive. Haha


No mere boy will ever be able to handle her and her opinions




The camera angle when Kordell walked around the corner.. gagged me with that editing LOL. Thought he was alone for a second. Well done.


Can we please talk about how aaron said “rob cares SOO much like he’s one of the most caring guys i know. He just doesn’t show it to people he’s close to” GIRL WTF🤠🤠🤠I’m over here laughing my ass off bc if u care about someone you can SEE it— ANYONE can see it. #getboththeirassesofftheisland


Rob and Aaron have been playing us all since the start


Leah saying “they picked the wrong ones” was so mean and fucked up to the girls there.


Womp womp




I took it as wrong guys, not that the girls were prettier, like she saying the girls picked the wrong guys to try to steal. I don’t think she was saying anyone was ugly.


She was definitely talking about the Casa girls who got brought back


Dude the editing is always putting things out of context to create the most drama


Nah. The last two girls came out and somebody said that they were pretty and Leah followed that with "they picked the wrong ones".


I remember, I still think the same. I didn’t think for a second it was about looks. It was definitely more of a they’re so pretty, too bad they picked the wrong guys to steal vibe than damn the guys picked ugly girls lol. Edit:: nvm she was calling them ugly LOL I just watched it again. But they were hot so I get it. Queen Leah.


Huh? How would she know what guys they tried to steal? It seems pretty clear that she was saying "yeah, they are so pretty.... the guys picked the wrong ones".


I know. She’s very rude and immature.


I hate that Liv coupled up with the dude with awful tattoos


She didnt have any luck with the ‘muricans so can you blame her for trying something diff? 😝


Justice for Iggy


So, Serena strings Kordell along all season and literally friendzones him multiple times to be open to pursue something else, but the second he does it, it’s an issue??? Aww ok. #DoubleStandard


Well, I feel the same, but to be fair, she didn’t do any dry humping outside of the challenge. Kordell did take it too far with Lil Ms Short stuff when he was still in a relationship. He literally picked that girl just cuz she gave him attn and guys egging him on. He’s an insecure little boy, and Serena’s tactics left him even more so


He’s definitely insecure and immature. I’ll give you that.


I mean coupleship


He got friend zoned in the beginning because he was being corny.


How did she string him along? She only friend zoned him once because she wasn't sure if he was genuine and clearly he wasn't so her gut was right 


I disagree. Serena made it clear she wanted to move slow & Kordell agreed to move at her pace. Regarding the dance floor situation, I believe she didn’t stay because Kordell had mentioned that they were still open. The only time she kissed people was in a challenge, when she went on that beautiful date with Nigel, she refused a kiss because she had respect for Kordell. She mentioned she had been cheated on numerous times which is why she’s not as open. They even have matching rings…and you want to believe that they were not close or that she was “stringing” him along? Kordell being in there for two days went on full make out sessions with a girl he doesn’t know. Every time he asks her about herself she switched the conversation and gets to kissing. He says there’s a connection because all Daia does is get physically intimate with him…that’s literally it. How Kordell moved in Casa was crazy and showed he had little regard for the relationship he built with Serena. Serena spent her time out in soul ties with Kaylor…yet Serena somehow is the one wrong. Are we watching the same show…


for those who are gonna be mad that the og girls aren’t rocking with the casa girls, it’s not solely the fact that they’re now coupled up with or were getting cozy with their men…it’s the fact that they quite literally went about it in such a personally degrading way to themselves💀 it gives desperate that’s why they got the side piece treatment, unlike Sierra and Catherine who just got the shitty end of the stick because Leah and JaNa were talking directly to Miguel and Kenny so they had to stand and watch. The other two girls are collateral damage to two boys who more than likely also regret bringing them back/messing with them so now they look even more pathetic. Ultimately, they just had to flirt and kiss in challenges and they could have all escaped the rath of the girls but they took it further by getting intimate in THREE DAYS


Desperate?? They are egged on to create as much havok as possible. Thats literally what they are there for, to crumble weak ass connections. Remember what Arianna said to the first bombshells Nicole and the other one, I forget her name. She literally gave them instruction to create as much discord as possible


How come there was no vote tn?


Too many singles


Literally wtf is rob's problem sour puss ass is he still mad at leah .. get over it loser like!!!!!


Rob roll your eyes one more time, boy… I SWEAR!


I don’t think Rob knows that the opposite of love is indifference and by showing how much Leah bothers him he’s simply proving how much he still thinks about her (whether it’s in a positive or negative way) LOL


A man obsessed!


Kaylor is the new KK, she was so excited Aaron was alone


I totally called this 😩🤮


This! The way she was smiling omg 😞


The girlhood between the villa girls makes my heart so happy. I don’t even care about the men and whatever “romantic relationships” may come out of this season, it’s ALL about those gorgeous girls and their sisterhood.


my favorite line was from liv when rob & daniela walked “and you thought sharing a toothbrush was weird?” liv has iconic side comments also I’m so mad that kaylor told aaron exactly what she saw on the video! like let that man tell you what he did, compare notes & then dump him if he doesn’t tell the truth. perhaps this is my toxic side but I wasn’t getting the vibe that aaron was going to tell her the full story to begin with.


Yeah Kaylor tipped her hand too soon, Aaron should've been shaking in his boots thinking she saw the bedtime Makeout sessions and more. But now he probably thinks he got away with most of it


actually JaNa said that


I was mad that she never brought up a kiss. Multiple times it was just mentioned that he talked about kissing Daniela. Idk if she's playing it lightly or choosing to think that it didn't get to that. I'm sure Aaron will try to frame it lightly. Doesn't help that Daniela is in there now, though.


I hope daniella spills the t to the villa girls, not super hopeful tho.


also we need more fine, handsome MEN for the girls. Please! because wtf was that last lineup. im sorry to say it. my opinion. but shit i'd rather be single too than to couple up with any of the mfs on the show right now, it's looking grim for the girls. someone help them


Yeah honestly they were gross and some of them looked like little kids




I posted earlier before being vetted so apologies if this is a double or duplicate. I see the chat is at Episode 22 but in Canada, we are only at 19. Is this accurate? And if not, how can I play catch up? Have these episodes aired?


So I guess this was technically episode 19 but there have been 3 episodes of “Aftersun” and for US peacock they just count those as episodes. Not sure where you’re at in the season but this episode is the end of casa amor


Ok thank you! I watch on a streaming app that is not Peacock so it doesn’t have those episodes. I believe I am caught up as they returned from Casa Amor with chaos 😂




I think it’s hilarious


How has no one smacked him or punched him in the face yet tbh






Omg I always saw that Aaron had American girl doll teeth but I just noticed he has American girl doll eyes too like when one eye is kind of broken so it only opens half way 😭 I’m so mad kaylor gave that little boy any time of day she is way too good for him in every single way. I need them to show all the people comparing him to an American girl doll on movie night, I think it would heal kaylor a little 🫣


This comment has destroyed me


I’m never getting over this


Is anyone talking about how absolutely HORRORfied Catherine looked when she walked into the Villa with Kenney? And she looked stricken the entire show… I felt so bad for her…


At least she had some type of remorseful emotion compared to the others. I felt bad for Catherine and Sierra for being in the crossfire. Though can’t say the same for Daia and Daniella. Fuck them and their grinny smiles while the Villa girls are clearly in pain trying to sort out of their heartbreak and betrayal. They may have thought that they’ve won by desperation to get into the villa via the boys but I hope there’s some sort of Justice. This is foul


I’m not about to pile hate on any of those girls. Boys made their choice. No one twisted their arm…


Those Villa men are all garbage too


Well then Kenny says he has a stronger connection to JaNa, she probably feels humiliated.


Nah she looked like that since they walked in


Yeah, that was rough.


Deer in the headlights the whole time


Rob’s and Aaron’s convo in casa seemed off. Staged almost. Like he was saving face and went to break it up with Daniela. But was going in for a kiss as he was walking away?! Like what???


I've been feeling like Rob has been coaching the guys on how to bring drama and get more airtime. That 'fight' him and Kendall had during the challenge was totally fake.


What a way to try to save face when in the same convo he said “I didn’t do anything wrong” and “he’s invested in Kaylor”. He’s an idiot


Wait but why does this make sense https://preview.redd.it/5loto2s1huad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=742585119fb7cc046b9acd1c4a4c53f767b8feea


Jana was so heartbroken but think she should give Kenny a chance to redeem himself. I remember when he wanted to kiss jana but told the other girls he was slow to open to physical touch so he really did like jana because he initiated. I hope sierra and Kendall make a connection I like them together. Rob was told to bring Daniella back. Aaron can go home soon hopefully.


We need 4 male bombshells for the single girls and then all those little boys gotta GO


WHY DO I STILL LOVE KORDELL THO. 😭😭😭 Also, Kenny as much hate he gets, he was pretty respectful and bless him. I feel bad for everyone in there, I cannot imagine being in this human experiment on national TV having your live emotions and breakdowns be shown this way. We’ve all been in messy situations and had our hearts broken, made mistakes, and grown from it. It literally hurts my heart to see everyone involved, from being someone who has made a mistake or being the person who’s been hurt by a mistake. I just want everyone in there to keep their heads up. Things may be mended, things may not be. But they are all just humans going through insane things in INSANE settings. 😭🩷


Kenny was dressed for church and didn't realize he was attending a funeral.


I am finding it hard to be mad at him because he was absolutely crestfallen when she chose to twist in the stick-or-twist game and I feel like it was very “once bitten, twice shy.” That and he was susceptible to someone lovebombing him after weeks of feeling like his feelings for Serena weren’t reciprocated. I mean, people here are all heated for Serena, but go back a week and find all those posts where everyone was saying how she just used him when it was boys vote and how the dudes were right to warn him she was playing him. None of us were sure about her feelings either!


It just shows you that people here can be so mob mentality its crazy.


People take it sooo far 🤯


He is just that loveable. Dont apologize!


Thank you for the positivity and levity!!!!