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https://preview.redd.it/ehe8n22b9wad1.jpeg?width=522&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5f1b0cb115244a7cd0c543ce86bb5fcecf6ccc2 Miguel just smiling he’s ass off knowing Aaron is walking into the lions den and he doesn’t even realize it🤣


Miguel's living his best life. Went into Casa barely in a connection, came back with the best looking Casa girl, and Leah still likes him 😂 He's easy to root for.


The biggest fuckboy of the season is one of the most likeable men. Can't believe it but here we are lol


IMO it says a lot about women’s desire for transparency and honesty. I believe we can handle anything as long as we don’t feel as if we’ve been played. I have a great deal of respect for him for his honesty if nothing else.


Exactly. You know everything upfront with Miguel. You can decide going in if that energy is what you want. I imagine it seems strange to some people because he’s clearly a fboy but he’s truly one of the most respectful guys in the house. If you’re game he’s game but he’s not going to trick you to make it happen.


Exactly. Gotta respect that. That’s why Leah is hanging with him. She’s not hurt because she had no expectations. She understands him, actually they understand each other’s intent.


I think also he wasn’t rude or callous when explaining why he chose to couple up with Sierra. Like he came across shockingly mature and I think that helped Leah keep a calm head during the interaction!


I was impressed. He was respectful to both of them. Didn’t take anything away from either girl to explain his feelings. Respect a guy who uses “I” and owns his choices with confidence and doesn’t need to play a victim or make someone a villain.


This! It wasn’t hurtful to Leah or the new girl. The bar is literally so low and he understands just being honest is enough




Exactly! Honestly I think had Rob sat her down before/after going on that date with Andrea and said I’m interested in her, she’s my type, I want to explore things and see if we have a connection and I’m not all in on us or committed as a couple…I think Leah would’ve been less upset. Still hurt, but not angry. I think had Andrea come to her like Cassidy and just talked to her they would’ve been fine. All that anger from Leah was because Rob wasn’t being straight up and Andrea wouldn’t talk to her just out of respect. Miguel maybe a player/non committal but he’s honest and not playing any games and that is more mature than Rob/Aaron.


I think the worst thing he did was tell Liv that he straight up only found her physically attractive and nothing else. Extremely rude and he could have worded it better, but at least he was honest I guess.


to be fair, liv is a hard shell to crack and doesn't really give the boys anything 😭 This adds to the narrative that she is a producer plant lolll like all the guys tried to get on with her bc they find her attractive but never continue bc she is more invested in the girls


I obviously don’t know the guy but the men in my life who said things like this actually thought they were giving someone a compliment. They thought telling someone they still found them attractive would lessen the blow. Because at least it means guys think the girl is pretty, right? Multiple years and conversations later most of those guys now know better.


Miguel is here for everyone else’s drama 💀


He LOVES gossip, after all!


At least he be an a**hole to your face & take responsibility for it. He was honest with the women & he owned his choices.


Agree! Leah knew who he was and that he would jump at any opportunity presented to him in Casa.


Lol because he doesn't hide his true intentions and that's respectable


I can't go that far..lol I appreciate that he's honest but that's a low bar for being the most likeable. It should just be a normal expectation.


That's my point unfortunately, the bar is in hell so barely clearing it is satisfactory for this season 😂 I don't like some of his comments to the women but he's somehow better than his counterparts and that is SAD lol.


Life indeed comes at us fast 😩


Honestly and I can see him make a beeline for Leah so they can gossip and trade stories.


This is one thing I really love about them together 😂 that scene in ep16 had me laughing so hard https://preview.redd.it/ofcjmc2x5xad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6660e4015b24357d4e6a7bdb969247e32f54bf81


I feel like we saw more of Miguel's goofy personality with Leah. He looked more comfortable w Leah compared to the other villa girls. I did like them a lot together


It just seems like they are both sort of messy in the same way. I had a friend refer to them as a toxic power couple and I really see that 😂 I kind of hope they find their way back to each other. He needs somebody who can keep him on his toes. The man likes a chase! And she needs someone who is going to make her crazy enough to not be bored without making her fully insane. Also they are just like super hot together


We can say what we will but Miguel has not been slick about his hoeish ways and has been transparent lol it’s like, can we REALLY get mad at him if he gives a disclaimer? 😂


I mean Leah DID say she likes red flags so not surprised lmao


Call me toxic but I would still like him too 😭


https://preview.redd.it/j0jce3xkdxad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=758827e08c964e33e7aee7b27cc7d3f240f9cbdb Echoing what you and others are saying, surprisingly, I like Miguel. He’s not only honest about himself, but he also doesn’t let the others tell him his business or sway him, such as Rob saying, “Bro, break the f\* up.” when Miguel hugged him in the morning after being coupled with Leah the night before. He’s a f-boi, but at least he’s honest about it, I guess. lol


Also love that he’s not just another rob groupie like the other guys!


Miguel is a chaos gremlin 😂 I guess at least he is up front about who he is??? It’s less insidious than the faux NiceGuy™️ shit that Rob & Aaron pull


My husband and I had to pause because I could not stop laughing at Miguel. So unserious. He did warn us he likes the gossip and drama!


Why do I have such a love hate relationship with Miguel?!? Like, I hate his whole archetype but damnit if he isn’t funny as hell and openly a cad. He doesn’t try to manipulate anyone. He’s just there to be a horny little sex tourist


Lol I just posted this too 🤣🤣 I had to rewind to rewatch how damn happy he is.


His 'you tell me what you saw' made me sick to my stomach.


YES! That was like weirdly the part that made me the most angry! So obviously trying to warp lie and spin to manipulate kaylor into taking him back. She better not fall for it!!!


Oh she will 😩


yeah i see her taking him back, when they’re feeling better about everything… movie night 🫠


I agree but there’s literally no point. Not only did he disrespect her and her family on tv, he lives in another country. It’s such an easy out


THIS. With him not even in the same country I didn't think it was realistic in the long run and after the show so I'm hoping she takes the easy out.


im sorry but i would be SO so soooo genuinely shocked if kaylor doesnt go back to him, she’s this season’s “guys girl”


She’s probably already back with him right now


That and “I’ll tell you later”


All I heard was “I’ll convince you”


With a ps I need to buy time to figure out how I can spin this because I can’t think that quickly 🤣 I need more prep time


Disgusting and manipulative. Ugh.


Did you see Ariana s face when he said that?! Like, so ick!


Yes! And then insisting they only got a one minute video…like my man the video actually didn’t show the worst of what you did so I wouldn’t be such an ass about it if I were you!!


I really, really hate that both Aaron and Kordell dismissed the video because it was one minute and the girls didn’t see everything. I just don’t understand why they would deny it when there’s cameras at every angle, and the cameras *never* miss. Have they never seen this show? They catch everything and it *will* all be revealed.


Yes totally agree! I think it shows their character that they can’t just be honest


Literally the way he said that so confidently like it is a cool and normal thing to straight up admit you’re going to try and manipulate someone by only admitting to things they know for sure


The stupid thing is who cares what she saw?! She’s gunna see it all anyway eventually.. you’re on TV AARON! plus even if they do get back together.. movie night is gunna rip them apart again.


The moment you realize you didn’t actually have a hall pass


In Rob's shirt no less!


At least it wasn’t Rob’s overalls


*Dick on denim*




Flair please someone.


I was dying 😂 He sat there shellshocked for the rest of the night 👁️👄👁️


I wish that were true and he wasn't just plotting to twist everything in his favour.


And sadly I think he’ll manage to weasel his way back to Kaylor (although I do hope that’s just my pessimism)!


She’s definitely going back to him which is so disappointing.


i will be genuinely shocked if she doesn't go back to him


Yes that was just the face of someone buying time and plotting


The fact that he refused to discuss anything at the fire pit. He is 100% running all his manipulations through his mind, but wants to do it one on one so Kaylor doesn’t have the support of the group calling out his bullshit.


Right the “tell me what u saw and ill tell you what i did” like cmon bro. U cant say that out loud. so shitty. Ill admit to what u already know but nothing more. Yeesh.


I was rolling when he did the dramatic stop, jump and yelled "let's goo!!"


Hahaha right?! As he was sauntering up there I was way too gleeful about the realisation he was in for! Edit: spelling mistakes


Shellshocked, but no tears like when his bestie's girl got eliminated and he threatened to leave?? Aaron was in hysterics...but last night he just seemed like he was already in his head trying to draft his convo with Kaylor. It was satisfying for sure to see him humbled last night! 😂


SO TRUE. He really doesn’t care for her at all and I wish she could see that she deserves and can do so much better! I know she’s her own woman but I hope they don’t let that manipulative douche speak to her alone.


I wish Daniela could talk to her before Aaron does, just so she knows exactly what happened. I may not like the way Daniela moved in Casa, but she will be truthful about what they did.


How did he not cry??? He was bawling over Rob but not one tear shed last episode


Yes! My husband and I have been talking about this! These men can’t bring themselves to say that they even “L-Word” this or that about a girl they’ve know for 3 weeks— but they can form these identity anchoring friendships with men they have known for the same amount of time 🙄


Naw, Aaron said that he loved this or that about Daniela so freely. Which is what makes him breaking things off with Daniela so funny because it was so hard to say it to Kaylor.


It’s so weird how both Aaron and Rob commented on Daniela having values?


This. When I heard the values comment. I was like wtf does she not have any more qualities they can identify and just can’t say she’s hot


What values do they think she had? She went from one guy to the next the very same episode, all she wanted was to stay on the show, no matter with who!!


Not only that. She would’ve coupled up with Aaron happily but later told Rob he was her number 1 🤦🏽‍♀️


Right??? She made a bee line to Aaron when she arrived. I can't believe Rob didn't call her on that? Oh wait, he wants to get laid & hopes she's his best bet because he's got blue balls. He's another one that's gross, IMO!! I really liked him when he first arrived, I remember him from last year Casa, & Aaron from Traitors UK. Both are so disappointing, I think!!! ETA: spelling error


She has them girl-boss, hustle culture, and manifest VaLuEzzzz to get her into the villa. Gotta respect that grind to get into the villa 🙄🤮


Woah it just hit me … We basically know movie night will include more incriminating vids of Aaron. I assumed this would be sexy stuff … but i wonder if it will include clips of him throwing around “love” in regards to Daniella. That would be almost worse


Yeah that's really suspicious. Clearly he cares way more about Rob than he ever did Kaylor...


Prob because he knows Daniella is going to be in the villa so at least he has a back up plan? I dunno. This dynamic between Rob and Aaron needs to be studied.


I’m convinced it’s because he truly believes he doesn’t have to worry about losing her. Like genuinely. He KNOWS she’s gonna come back to him because he didn’t bring someone back and he KNOWS she likes him enough that she won’t risk it with anyone else. He didn’t cry because he’s not actually that worried. he cried over Rob because he won’t have his enabler anymore and that was a solid vote off situation. Like bruuuhhhh come onnnnn


his eyes were suuuuuper red so he must’ve been struggling hard to keep it in. tbh it looked like he disassociated as soon as she went off on him


When he was on traitors and had heat thrown his way he had a panic attack and cried. It was sad. And he said after that he just sinks into the chair. I think that’s what he did here


I wondered the same thing. The guy gives me the creeps!


Because he wasn’t sad. He was livid he was exposed for being a manipulative asshole and his mask slipped.


What I don’t understand is…do the boys not do ANY research on Love Island beforehand? 💀 The Casa video is pretty typical thing…also there are cameras everywhere…how could you not think you’d be exposed? LMAO.


They didn’t even need research — Rob was literally present when the girls got the video last year 🙄


I genuinely think some of the guys have either not watch LI or not watched a full season of LI bc they’re all acting so dumb


I just find that so wild, b/c even if I’m on a show just for the clout and money…imma at least do some research so I can strategize how long I can stay on the show 😂. But I guess we have low-totem-pole influencers like Kordell just hoping to just get Cheez It deal, he’s definitely not thinking strategically AT ALL. 😂


I was just thinking that last night. Like if Kordell is playing to win, he made a huge mistake by picking Daia. If given the opportunity, the audience will vote Daia out along with him, and so will the girls if they have to vote on it. I think he made a big mistake in terms of winning the show. He went from pretty high standing and safe with Serena to being a high risk of getting booted in the course of 2 eps lol maybe it’ll be worth it for him, maybe him at Daia will work out….i wouldn’t put any money on it though


A lot of former islanders have said you genuinely forget about the cameras after a while. I mean, Jordan S5 was trying to cheat on Anna *across the garden* and then lied to her about it when he was literally on tape 5 minutes prior saying he was going to do it. Some of these boys just have a horny lobe where their prefrontal cortex is supposed to be.


Has any OG guy (who’s in a couple) had even a chance at winning if they brought back a casa girl?(New viewer here)


Off the top of my head, Sanam was a Casa girl who was bought back by Kai during Love Island UK Season 9 and they won their season! They’re now engaged!


Kai is probably the most notable, but it helped that Sanam was genuinely such a lovely person and the OG girl he was coupled with before Casa is one of the series’ more well known villains (Olivia Hawkins).


It depends who is left in the end. There is still game left. We should see some more bombshells too.


It’s giving dumb oaf. Like what did he expect??


He really thought he was on the top of the world for a second... https://preview.redd.it/4lmadiez7wad1.jpeg?width=2008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21e50d0879290cc6f9c032e0505b6b6e3aeb83ef


omggg the second hand embarrassment I got when he was walking down talking bout sum “YES” 😂😂😂😂


“Let’s go!!!” Like how dumb can he be 😭


I literally was like is he seeing the same faces I’m seeing because ain’t no way I would be skipping down that lane getting laser eyed by literally every single girl. Like where is his brain


And Miguel just full out laughing lol


https://preview.redd.it/5ind50j0qxad1.jpeg?width=2279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31a04e95adecd6771cb76d96e2ec5a3916841f83 This will go down in history 😂


Oh my god Kenny’s face is also impeccable


this screenshot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Huuur! 🤪


Why is “Huuuur!” So accurate? 🤣🤣🤣 omg I was cringing so hard


I’m glad it was as dramatic as it was so that when he watches this back, he’ll be forever slammed back into place. lol.


The way he came in hooting and hollering like have some decorum


I’ve never been drier in my LIFE. Edit: spelling


Genuinely like not only are you going to be a messy liar but this was just…tacky.


No literally have some decorum!! He’s insane


He’s an idiot


Especially when he made those comments while still in Casa that he could hear Kaylor screaming from the villa. Like dude, you knew she wasn’t happy….?


I laughed for a solid minute at these photos. Absolute knobhead. Too bad he's already plotting his manipulation tactics to get back in Kaylor's good graces, and too bad they're likely going to work. I would be so happy if I were wrong... it just never works out that way on these shows. Gah.


You know he's going to grovel, downplay everything, Kaylor is going to accept him back or be on the way to accepting him back then movie night will happen and it will destroy her once again. Hope they got good counselling in the villa for her.


I mean the fact that Kaylor came harder for Kendall in that moment than Aaron tells us all we need to know. Was Kendall wrong? Yes. But he’s not the villain in this situation. What about being hurt that the guy you were involved with was moving mad behind your back?


I’m not sure she went harder on him. I think it was pretty equal and I don’t blame her for being hurt by everyone involved


I think it’s just hard for some people to switch from being happy and loving with someone to being immediately cold and firm with them. She clearly still has feelings (I’m sure many of us can relate to her!) and I’m personally so impressed with how she handled it even if I did wish she would have let him talk himself into the ground instead of telling him what she saw


I’m so dreading that this is going to be like Keenan and KayKay last season. She was the same way about being unable to just turn everything off like that. It’s so hard to watch these women go back to these little gremlins






I am WEEPING LMAO. Aaron is fucking cooked.


He's the literal definition of the meme: Me sowing: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!! Me reaping: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.


He’ll cry over Rob but doesn’t shed a tear for Kaylor.


That's how I knew he actually doesn't care that much about her. He's cried buckets of tears for how many male friends at this point?


So fucking cringe “LETS GOOOO”


Anyone who says "future wife" to you within the first 2 days of knowing you....run....they are ALWAYS love bombers and the worst ones. As soon as he said it, huge red flag and I knew this exact thing would happen.


i think aaron has had a bit of a complex knowing him and rob have the same type, and seeing those girls have rob as their first choice (which obviously they would choose rob because for the most part rob has been single and aaron’s been in a “strong” couple) i think rob felt that too and once they went to casa rob took a step back and let aaron play. i bet aaron knew the whole time he wasn’t bringing anyone back he just wanted to play around and have his ego stroked. and to me that’s so much more malicious, literally using two girls just to fluff his ego. he really thought he got away with it and unfortunately, i think there’s a good chance he did.


I love this theory it’s so true


https://preview.redd.it/oo2tmjek5xad1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ed506f1a07054711d2a7fe580ded16df86b2629 Aaron this whole episode:


This is the first season I've watched LIUSA. There are only a few moments so far where I moved from thoroughly entertained to completely invested in moments of specific cast members' lives. This entrance back into the villa is one of those moments where I literally wanted to punch this dude's cocky ass. 🤣


In his little cocky cock




Spot on, innit?


His little petey whacker


Aaron doesn’t even look like he feels bad he just looks caught.


https://preview.redd.it/ijtqvkas1xad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=034f373da4532765c300ce3fbbabbfa7493ca805 Me the whole time Aaron is making a fool of himself, not aware of what is happening next!


I HOPE Daniela will be a girl’s-girl and gives Kaylor all the deets


With 0 evidence, I’m betting on Catherine or Miguel spilling the tea.


It seemed like Catherine felt awkward when Daniela mouthed “love you” to her. Like she doesn’t want to be associated with her lmao


He is….not cute.


The way Kaylor was still smiling when she saw him walking in ….I was like damn she really likes this guy.


that broke my heart the most honestly


lmaoooo “not yet Aaron”


the way he had no tears for kaylor but was non stop sobbing over rob please get real


I am SO bothered by how easily Aaron is going to sweep this Daniela stuff under the rug.


I really hope he doesn’t get away with it. I feel like the producers of the show won’t let that happen. Right? Hopefully they let him think he’s gotten away with it, then BAM. Like a piano falling from the sky. I hope Kaylor finds someone new on the island OR finds someone when she goes back home. Aaron isn’t it. He won’t treat her right.


His “let’s GOOOO! 🤪” turned 😨 real quick lmao


yall peek how he cried his eyes out when andrea was leaving and there was a possibility rob could leave too and was literally sobbing sm but when kaylor reveals she wants to be single instead of couple with him and lose the possibility of them being back together knowing she was what he did in casa and NOT crying at ALL is CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYYY


Do they normally send a video? Is it something he should have anticipated?


They sent a video last year…which Rob watched. Another tradition of Love Island is movie night, where the islanders see footage of things they didn’t know about. Casa relationships are always a part of movie night. Aaron is also from the UK, where Love Island is far more popular. Part of the UK series is the girls from Casa going on lunch dates with girls from the house to talk about how their men behaved. Aaron has no reason to think he could pull this off beyond pure arrogance. The fact that his immediate reaction was to ask what was in the video also tells me he’s just as calculating as I worried. He’s going to convince Kaylor to take him back the second they’re alone together.


I stg if Daniela doesn’t immediately step in to make it absolutely clear that they DID kiss (repeatedly) and that he was pawing at her constantly like a desperate puppy…..


That’s my thing. Once she sees how broken up Kaylor is over that piece of human bologna, her character is going to be on full display. How she moves next episode will tell us all we need to know about who she is, imo.


Well guess what her values and character are the reason the boys liked her so we shall see 🤣🤣🤣


She gotta pull a Johnnie from last season and practically date Kaylor to come back from this 😂


Oh wow. Got it


Stupid thing is yes.


Beyond all of that do they just forget that they’re on tv?! Everything is being filmed!


Why did Kaylor admit to what she saw him doing in the video word for word??? I would have loved to see him squirming a bit more and possibly admit to more than what was shown in the video.




the American girl doll teeth 😭😭😭


he was like LETS GOOOoo…oh


Faker. He doesn’t care. Just that it’s not smooth sailing


All while wearing Rob’s shirt who apparently he shares everything else with 😭


He is just so fake, I really hope they give Kaylor some options, otherwise she will end up going back to him because he is so manipulative.


Me when I remember rent is due


Honestly im irritated with the girls like whats the game plan now that they are all single?? and ofc kaylor is gonna forgive him since she stayed single like wtf girls be smart and recouple with the best one offered since you KNOW the other guy will too (thinking of leah kaylor serena and even jaNa...)


Tbf the producers screwed them. If they actually had desirable options I’m sure they might have recoupled too. Part of me cannot help but think that the producers intended for this dynamic to happen… it’s more messy if it’s this one sided


This! I hope they send in good bombshells but I fear we'll never get rid of these men.


I dont know a few of them seemed nice and funny and hot like ignacio for example


So true. Sure it’s subjective but if the men bombshells had piqued any of the girls’ interest, genuinely, it would’ve been a completely different dynamic, with multiple more ladies potentially coupled up with their Casa Amor boys.


I don't know. I don't think the girls would have given anyone a chance. I don't think it was the quality of the boys, but the girls just not open at all. I could be wrong though


I agree, I also don’t think the main villa guys are like hot shit but we’ve had time to get to know them and so have the girls. Main villa girls didn’t even try to entertain the casa boys because they were so in love with main villa guys and it was such a depressing casa. I mean they all slept outside for the last night!!!


They’re bringing in former love island contestants for the bombshells so I hope the producers see we are TEAM VILLA GIRLS and come correct


They will send in some male bombshells to even it out. They will have a public vote and the OG guys and casa girls will end up on the bottom… one of those pairs will get voted out. Kaylor will go back with Aaron. JaNa or Liv will woo a bombshell. I’m only really scared for Serena.


There are 4 single girls there has never been more than two bombshells of the same sex sent at once and also i hate rob and aaron and don't really like none of the other boys. if the girls recoupled even as friendship couples the og guys that deserve to be dumped would go home now they will stay and at least 2 girls will go


I think Jana and Kenny will get back together? Liv is already paired with Caine. Kaylor will go back to Aaron. Then hopefully new male bombshells pair up with Leah and Serena.


The funny thing would be that liv and Caine win love island USA 🤣🤣🤣


I’m so mad for all the casa boys


Yes!!!! Ignacio was soooo cute and handsome why tf has no one chosen him even just as a friend


Ignacio was absolutely precious and I’d have kept him as a sidekick and charmed America platonically. Respect the girls bigtime for not feeling like they need a man and actually treating this like it’s about finding love…but we missed out on a sweetheart on our screens!


The girls still need a translator too!


They really had no chance at all. A true lads holiday in Fiji lol


I think Leah and Jana had hope their couple would stay loyal, and Kaylor and Serena truly didn't have a connection with anyone. BUT Kaylor and Serena totally should have at least picked the guys that Leah and Jana were liking to bring them back and give their girls a chance!


I have a feeling a few are going home :(


I'd be SHOCKED if the producers allow that. The Casa girls are so boring and most of the guys are boring as well...there's no way they're letting multiple islanders with big personalities go.


Good! I hope they stay! Maybe more bomb shells for the og girls?!


To be fair Kaylor and Serena are the only ones who chose to be single because of what they saw plus it would have been super disingenuous of them to scramble and pick any of the casa guys given they had not been open to them before they saw that video. Leah and Jana wished to stay with their original couples, I imagine they assumed the guys were loyal because they didn’t receive any incriminating evidence.


Why would they force something just for the sake of it. They did what felt right for them and that’s all they can do


Yeah but they could have stated that it will be a friendship couple and that they want to give casa guys a chance to find love now im condemned with watching disrespectful childish og boys till the end and im not looking forward to it


dude got caught and started mewing


The funniest thing of all would be if Rob and Leah end up together lol


i’m literally so anxious for kaylor. please don’t fall for his shit 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Damn Aaron you fucked up


Aaron jumping around "LET'S GO!!!"


His “Let’s go!!!” May have singularly been one of the most embarrassing things of all time