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also don’t you think it was weird that aaron went in for the kiss after telling her all that? Lol


Yes!! And then he played it off like he was joking but it kind of seemed like a signal to her that he was still interested!


right omg very similar playbook to rob "accidentally" almost saying he loved andrea right before she left and then going all i didn't say that


pretending it was a such a tough decision to let her go because he wants her to be happy. one of those "you're too good for me" dump before you get dumped.


So weird. But her reaction was just as surprised. She seemed pissed but just called him stupid instead of


anyone see what sydney said on after sun? basically while in casa, they heard kaylor screaming like eff you aaron from the villa once she got the video and aaron shut off and pulled back after that


Can they really hear from one villa to the other?? Hypothesis makes sense thi


Yep, and they really heard her say that. Aaron even acknowledged to the girls that it was Kaylor and Sydney confirmed that after he heard that, he pulled back from Daniela. Rob admitted he was a Casa veteran. He was there in season 5 when the villa girls got the same video. He knew what was up.


Also when Rob came into the villa he said he figured they got a video and he might have been referring to that moment back at Casa when they heard Kaylor


WOW that’s wild, the way that guys moves bleh


Yes!!! One of the bombshells on aftersun said that Aaron heard them yelling and that’s why he pulled away from Daniela bc he started to feel guilty. She said if that didn’t happen then she believes he would’ve continued on with Daniela


just showed how used to kissing her he got over 3 days. absolutely wild claiming ur falling in love with a girl and 24 hours later kissing another girl everytime u interact with her like she’s ur girlfriend. the little pecks they shared casually like in the makeup room? disgusting. that is not testing a connection.


That really stuck out to me. When he was walking through the bathroom when the girls were in there brushing their teeth and he started to go through then turned back for a quick peck. That to me was so intimate.


right! the pecks indicated deeper feelings because ur literally acting like a newly wed couple. he didn’t need to be doing that and he wouldn’t be if he actually cared about kaylor. i hate that the guys think they can label this as testing their connections.


let's not forget how they used the SAME little handshake as Kaylor and Aaron, which is also incredibly intimate and back-stabby


I think at some point he became very aware of the cameras and even if he forgot while being physical he had some awareness to try to say the 'right things'


Oh my gosh you guys are right! I think there’s some weight to the idea they planned it. Kaylor didn’t recognize Daniella at first. Maybe the guys were or are planning to make it look like Aaron and Daniella weren’t that serious because she “has a connection with Rob” but until the last night it was just interest so they say.


This is what I've been thinking!! Aaron wants Kaylor to think that he shut it off bc of her, and now Daniela and Rob have this connection, so it's not really a big deal. BS. Aaron wants to win, although he has to know it's not gonna happen now.


WOWWWWWW I didn’t even think of this but you are right!!


But also. on aftersun the Blondie from casa said she was shocked Rob chose Daniella because she was really into Aaron and that Aaron switched up because of the video. Apparently they heard Kaylor screaming fuck Aaron and fuck casa and Aaron knew it was her. That was when he cut it off with Daniela. She said she thought it that didn’t happen he would’ve brought Daniella back.


It's also interesting bc that explains his let's go!! When he walked in and saw her single. He probably thought he was in trouble after hearing the scream than he thought he was safe lol


Oh wow Aaron is such a scammer lol


Aaron and Rob wow. They should just couple up and leave the island together.


I've been thinking the same ever since Andrea left. They have more of a connection with each other than with the ladies.


Because Aaron thought he could “portray” the good guy by coming in not having picked a girl. Not sure how he didn’t think that all the way through but I truly think he thought he might get some cred by strolling in single. Nobody’s buying it, Aaron. So glad the woman called him out.


But then found another way to her back just in case… he had his friend bring her and then Rob will have other options


This also explains how they kept showing shots of Aaron looking all depressed before the convo with Daniela. They kept showing him looking all sad like he had some realization he messed up. But really, he heard Kaylor.


But honestly to be able to yell and be heard on the other side at the other house is such a flex 😅


Her volume annoyed me. Then amused me. Now I celebrate it.


Woooow this makes so much sense! No way he suddenly had that change of heart or was thinking of her at all (which we knew either way). I really do believe they brought Daniela back for Aaron. I think Rob is down to do whatever - he seems very checked out


lol I honestly could see Rob going back to Andrea after this 👀


I so very much hope Andrea has the sense not to entertain that






Yes. I 100% believe Rob is just helping out producers at this point and his bros. He’s been checked out since Andrea left. It’s been literally written over his face since he left. You can tell he’s not connecting with any of the women. I think Rob even going for Liv is because he’s vulnerable and so is she so they could keep each other safe. Producers could have also told him she’s well spoken of on social media.


Currently watching the episode and he cuts it off and tries to push Rob and Daniella together before Kaylor begins yelling. I 100% agree this was a plan but they’re both dumb as a box of rocks this is a literal train wreck waiting to happen.


I don’t believe what was edited tbh. They’ve edited a lot of things out of sequence. One minute Kaylor’s contouring, the next she’s contoured, the next she’s contouring again. I believe Blondie on this one.


Yes, she told us what happened. We know he flipped when he heard Kaylor. It was all very last minute


Me too. Also, let's not forget that Rob from his season 5 Casa experience was aware that the girls got a video his season. When Kordell came out with Daia, he said something to the fact that he knew there was a video. I don't know if he was responding to how Kaylor reacted to Aaron or if production told them before/as/after they recoupled. My theory is that Rob told them what happened via video during his Casa S5 experience.


Yes! Thank you for pointing the contouring makeup moment out! There were dots and then there weren’t and then they’re back.


Ok but I don’t see that as a scheme. I believe Blondie that Aaron heard Kaylor and switched up on Daniela - because that’s when it became “real” to him that he’s gotta go back. He heard Kaylor mad, felt shitty he knew he was hurting her, and switched up because knowing how much she was going to be hurt overpowered whatever he felt for Daniela. It’s not “good” behavior and I’m not excusing it. But if he liked Daniela more, he would have heard that and been like … oh I feel so bad but I can’t help it. And then brought Daniela back. Why would he make it exponentially worse for Kaylor by bringing Daniela back and either two-timing her, or forcing her to sit there and watch him and Daniela ?? Make it make sense.


No one called it a scheme. I’m just adding context.


Sorry sorry. I just replied to your comment but looking back, I don’t even know why I chose this one to reply to. I was just reading all the replies and thinking and landed here to vent it out. You’re right, you didn’t!


Yess I’m so happy we’re talking about this convo now, it’s all I could think and yesterday. I know you didn’t summarize it here, but also Aaron’s convo with Daniela is very telling too. He literally encourages Daniela to go for Rob, then still tries to kiss her lol. So Daniela pulls Rob for a chat and he couples up with her even after days of kissing Destiny 😏


wish they had let destiny say something abt that like omg..


Blonde kitty girl wouldn’t let her speak. She was sucking up all the air in the room 😒


It’s honestly impressive how someone with minimal screen time irritated me so much


I really can't say how much I dislike that girl. She was trying way too hard


You speak the truth. So cringe


Blonde kitty girl 💀💀💀💀💀🤣


It's beyond hilarious that her 5 minutes of fame are going to be for her repeating her sad ass line 7 consecutive times to make sure everyone heard. She is literally a meme.


She was one of the weirdest contestants I’ve ever seen and I’ve watched a lot of LI


She seems like a character Heidi Gardner from SNL would play.


Omg I know really wanted to hear what she had so say about her and Rob but the other girly was doing too damn much. Also why is Kenny a "player" asking about the girls long term goals?!?! Like wtf


I had same feeling. Asking someone their long term and short term goals tells you a lot about them in the way they answer. Catherine literally had none of either. 😂


Well do be fair her short term goal is working on her abs lol


I disliked her from the first introduction on Aftersun. Try-hard doesn't begin to describe.


Yea, he brought her to the villa for Aaron He is the sacrificial limb 🙄🙄🙄🙄 That Duo are sum nasty boys🤮


Literally classic 90s lifetime movie channel frat boy villains


I immediately thought of frat boys on how they passed her from one to the other like a piece of meat - but hopefully, like in those movies, it'll all come out and they'll get theirs in the end


and she was so understanding and chill about it lmao they definitely had an agreement the 3 of them


Yes!! honestly I got sick of listening to them and having to pause and type it out on my end lol but your so right that also needs to be talked about!! I should have included it my bad


Oh no need to apologize! This summary is already a lot of effort lol


Was he kissing Destiny?? I don't recall seeing her after the initial casa episode and she was by far the hottest girl there. I was shocked that Kenny was between Catherine and Kitty Girl when Destiny was an option.


They kissed in bed either the 1st or 2nd night


Rob is such a real one though, he's bringing back his friend's side chick so he can be with her.


The only thing that would make this satisfying is watching Aaron ball his eyes out seeing Rob voted off/dumped. Then someone say, "this isn't friendship island!".


This needs to happen


Aaron also decided to pull away from Daniela when he heard Kaylor screaming "Fuck you Casa/Aaron!" after getting the video. It was totally planned. Gross.


He’s hoping to get Kaylor back (not realizing everything he’s done was recorded and will be shown to her eventually). And if Kaylor doesn’t take him back, Daniella is there for him and Rob can couple up with Liv.


but surely the people who come on the show have watched earlier seasons? And if he had, he knows she will find out almost everything if not everything. I think the guys are incapable of thinking ahead and realizing the consequences of their actions--they are like giant toddlers.


If Aaron never had seen a single episode of Love Island before, and if Rob didn't watch his last season of Love Island (or any for that matter) they are still being filmed. So like, the girls were going to find out anyways even if they didn't have movie night. If I was there and had never seen an episode of Love Island, I would still assume that anything I do or say in Casa could be shown or told to whoever I had back in the villa, because everything is filmed and the producers can do whatever they want. I don't understand how all of the sudden the boys always forget that part. I worked for an industry that had surveillance cameras on us 24/7 while we were on property (minus the bathrooms, im pretty sure its illegal in my state to put cameras in bathrooms). I never forgot about those cameras, although they never bothered me. But we knew not to do stupid shit with the cameras on us. No one ever did anything stupid. Because we had the cameras. So did the boys forget about the cameras filming? Unless they just don't care. But I honestly can't see how you don't remember you're being filmed. Either way, those boys are so dumb and I can't wait for movie night.


It will all be there for everyone to see on Peacock after it all ends, so they are just stupid.


Yeah I don't believe for ONE second that both Aaron and Rob did not watch every single season of LI across all franchises in order to prepare for their own. Aaron really thinks he's a better actor than he is.


If they’ve seen the show before than they know the guys get away with fucking around in casa all the time!


It's this 100% They know the game and the speak to work their way back into the hearts of the girls and the girls usually fall for it. This time though, I'm not sure that will happen. I think they'll get the consequences of their actions (at least I hope so)


Kaylor is going to be sprinting back to Aaron. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re back together by the end of the episode tonight. Serena is done. I truly believe Kordell no longer exists to her.


This 100%%%%%%%


Yup it was damage control. I posted this on another thread but I'll stick to my paranoid thoughts that they (Rob and Aaron) did this on purpose to try and absolve Aaron. So Aaron could be like, 'I didn't like her, I even set her up with my bestie Rob! See! I'm a good guy, Kaylor (insert bogus tears), I didn't do nuffin wrong KAYloreee' and Rob doesn't care and will bring back whomever because he's single and needed to do something.


Everything he was saying about thinking about Kaylor the whole time, et al, was all rehearsed. I'm sure he and Rob sat and worked out what he needs to say to sound "genuine" It's all fake. Sad part was that I loved Aaron from Traitors, loved him and Kaylor, kept giving him the benefit of the doubt but no, he lost all the support. Ready to vote him out


Rob is getting the girls back for dumping his best connection.


**AARON** is his best connection.


But yeah, we're about to dump him too.


I wish he had just left w Andrea because his eyes have had a dead expression since she left. He has just not been in it with anyone.


I really didn’t like how aaron kept saying « we’ll taulk abow it layha » when asked to speak up


Yes he stonewalled Kaylor


After Kaylor spilled her heart and soul in front of everyone


Literally had nothing to say but that. It was pissing me off as much as his behavior in casa. Bro isn’t even going to try to apologize and immediately try to manipulate his way out. Ew


What he really meant was, "we'll talk in private so I can gaslight & lie to you." And Nob needs to stop rolling his eyes & disrespecting the women & their feelings.


if the Og girls get dumped before rob and aaron. imma riot


Better yet we should all just stop watching. That's the only way to really riot.


We yell, “Fuck you Aaron” and hope they hear us and change their tune.


We cancel Peacock subscriptions en masse


esp rob who we’ve been trying to get rid of since like episode 4


Or before Daniella - she gotta go that eye roll ugh


I thought it was super obvious that Rob brought her back for Aaron, so he could have more time with her to decide between the two. Rob didn’t appear to in to any of the ladies in casa.


Because Rob knows he can snake his way to couple up with Liv whether she brought someone back or not.


I hope Liv seeing this boy bring back her best friends boys casa mistress gives her the ick so hard she never speaks to him again.


Or maybe he's planning to try and reunite with Leah because he seems like he just wants to make as much drama as possible in order to be the legendary LI Villain, taking the title from Johnny. It honestly fits his brand perfectly.


He hates Leah lolol


Or he thinks she’s a ticket to the money


There’s just no way. He can’t stand Leah anymore.


I'm honestly just sick of Aaron and Rob lol


It's interesting that Liv said she would marry Rob on Aftersun even though she saw Rob bring back Daniella from casa. She even made a comment about sharing girls. This tells me something transpired after the recoupling. Like Rob is trying to help Kaylor...why else would Liv say she would marry Rob. Kaylor is like her best friend. I guess we will find out next episode.


What if that’s all true and Rob’s plan is to get back into the public’s favor by betraying Aaron (who we all don’t like) to help Kaylor by bringing back Daniella so that Aaron can’t lie about what happened over there. And then he’s the angel and couples up with Liv and then he thinks he’s on a fast track to win the $$. And then calls Andrea when he leaves the villa. I know they don’t have access to social media in there but rob has to know that we all don’t like Aaron because of the way he’s been acting in casa. And he must know Liv is a favorite because she’s a girls girl and the LI audience loves that. If that’s true, he even more calculated than I thought and he’s 100% focused on that $$ and earning the public’s favor


Ya, I mean that pretty diabolical for a guy who wears overalls. Lol I am just trying to understand why Liv would say that..you know


aaron and rob are LI USA’s trent and zac


Ugh, those scumbags were the worst.


Omg I AGREEEEEEEE I forgot about those idiots ugh


Perfect comparison best of friends and very fake, manipulative schemers hopefully they dont start a podcast post-season plsss


Yess omg that is so on point!


Ugh Trent the fugly little rat and Zac the secretly 45 year old douche lord


But didn’t Rob say his top two was Daniella and destiny when they first entered casa..


He did. People are going all iluminati on this but it's probably just that Rob can't give a fuck and picked the girl he found hottest ? Both he and Aaron know that if Aaron couples up with Daniella, he's gone right away. They are stupid yes, but i don't think there's some mastermind plan at work here. Producers want drama, but also don't want obvious people teaming up together because it's not a good look.


It’s a win win for Rob because of this. It’s the only reason he did it.


Right like I truly don’t believe Rob and Aaron created this whole plot without production finding out they’re scheming. The easiest answer is these are two 20-something bros who think the same girl is hot. Also, maybe Aaron did switch up after hearing Kaylor — because he snapped out of the lust of casa amor early and had to start thinking about the consequences of his actions.


Does anyone recall when Rob and Aaron have the convo about liking the same woman, I.E Andrea/ Daniella/ Latinas? Aaron knows Rob bringing Daniella is going to bring him a world of pain... but a ton of entertainment for us.


Yup! Aaron wanted Andrea bad but fell back because she liked Rob more. Now this. Rob brought back Daniela for Aaron. Rob wants Liv or he's going back to Andrea..


100 % Rob and Liv can potentially win the show. they're going for the bag


I don't know about that. I'm not voting for Rob to win anything. I still want him off the show, sorry.


Shitty men will ALWAYS have each other’s backs.




I don’t really understand this viewpoint. 1. His change of heart on day 3 is nothing new. Every LI Fboy follows this manual. Day 1 and 2 they treat the casa women like their own personal blow up doll. Day 3 they suddenly remember their OG girl exists and so “righteously” breaks it off with the casa girl. 2. Aaron doesn’t benefit from having both girls in the same place. He clearly wanted Kaylor to know nothing about casa or have the ability to downplay casa. If he was on board with Daniella coming back, He would know damn well that Kaylor and Daniella are going to talk and would have some pre-scripted answer about them still being open and needing to test their connection blah blah blah. Instead, he looked like a dear in headlights asking her what she saw on the video. 3. Aaron likes Rob more than rob likes Aaron. Rob def has the “Saturdays are for the boys” type of friends back home. Aaron is a yachty and is used to attaching to friends quickly in a short period of time. Rob isn’t risking his clout for Aaron. The risk of Rob bringing back a girl for Aaron is too great. It could end with him having nobody and being eliminated. 4. These guys aren’t smart enough to think this far ahead. Maybe I’m wrong. The next episodes will be telling.


Thank you!! These people are giving these guys way too much credit! They are not that smart!


Fuck. These. Clowns.


All I can think of, not discounting that some of aaron's feelings towards kaylor may be genuine, I just think this is how he moves. I think the best reflective moment Kaylor had was when she mentioned thanking god cause could you imagine how he would be long distance in the uk. That's what I think, that he wouldn't view it as cheating with the long distance, or going to vegas, or hiring sex workers.


Yes! Joinedtosayth1s responded to me earlier about this conversation and I didn’t remember it, but now I do. For some reason I didn’t piece it all together. Rob doesn’t look into Daniela at all, so I knew something had to have been going on.


Rob saying that doing someone that is emotionally ruining Kaylor is something he’s proud of Aaron for and that it will make their relationship stronger is messed up but he has all the empathy in the world for Daniella to not be taken back the villa by Aaron. These guys suck.


This!! I thought these interactions were so weird bc something was not genuine about them. On first watch I felt like Rob is playing Aaron and Aaron has such a hard on for Rob that he doesn’t see it. Rob literally plays him like he’s played all of these girls. Hes a menace. Rob absolutely butters him up by saying I’m so proud of you for not just going through the motions. He tells Aaron he needs to let Daniela know he’s sticking with Kaylor so that Daniela can pursue over people (ie. Him) and in doing so makes it look like he has his buddy’s best interest in mind. Then very gently admits that he would be interested in speaking with Daniela but follows it immediately with more buttering. Telling Aaron that he wants to spend as much time as he can with Aaron specifically is so weird. SO WEIRD. And that a girl he couples up with may ruin that, so that would make him consider not picking her?! It’s literally called love island. Then he follows that up with but Daniela was super into you (Aaron) so that probably won’t work anyway (just more buttering). I could be wrong. But something about that interaction was off and not genuine and that was just my first impression. Then in Aaron’s conversation with Kendall, I felt like he was just trying to cover his own ass. Because when we watched his breakup convo with Daniela he did not say all that, unless they just edited it out. And he was trying to make it seem like maybe he pushed Daniela and Rob together so he wouldn’t look so stupid that she moved on immediately and to his supposed bestie. He knew Rob was interested and she is latina like his old couple, Andrea, so he figures they may couple up. I think maybe since he thought Rob and him were besties he hoped Rob wouldn’t do him so dirty as to bring Daniela back. But again, he doesn’t realize Rob is just using tf out of him. Again could be wrong. But Robs previous actions have showed us that he absolutely manipulates people and weaponizes his emotions. Not to mention his eyerollling at the girls sharing their valid emotions during the recoupling shows that he does not truly care about how they feel. He cares about getting his way and what is beneficial to him. I think his great looks cause a lot of people to overlook his shitty behavior. He’s definitely got pretty privilege.


This is exactly how I interpreted the situation! Rob was laying it on THICK and it was so disingenuous. Remember when they first arrived in Casa and Aaron was starting to move mad, Rob sat with him on the couch and said “hey don’t do anything you will regret. What you have with kaylor is special, don’t hurt her etc”? Well initially I thought Rob was being kind and a good friend to both Aaron AND Kaylor. I was genuinely shocked but glad about it. But when I saw their last convo about Daniela and Rob was like “you haven’t done anything wrong” and “I’m proud of you not going through the motions” I was like HOLDDDDDD UPPPP! Those two interactions are very inconsistent! Then when he slid in the “well…you should tell Daniela asap so she has a chance” it all made sense! His first comments to Aaron about “don’t do anything you will regret, don’t hurt Kaylor etc” we’re not actually coming from a place of care and concern (stupid me, I’m always so gullible!) they were Rob’s FIRST ATTEMPT TO SEPARATE AARON AND DANIELA so he can have Daniela for himself! Since that didn’t work, he had to switch up tactics the next day, and took his chance when Aaron was down after he heard Kaylor yelling fuck casa. Because the way he was buttering Aaron up was INSANE! And Aaron was eating it all up toooo. Robert is actually scary.


I think this take makes the most sense! As much as it seems like Aaron taking a leading role in manipulating the situation, I just don’t think he’s smart enough to pull something like that off (if you’ve seen him in the traitors, it’s even more obvious he’s not very bright). Rob is absolutely pulling the strings here and Aaron is either totally oblivious, or only in on it to a smaller degree


I fully agree. I have always got the gut sense that Aaron is completely oblivious and quite dim - literally more of a dog just excited by whatever is in front of him than thinking about anything in advance, or SMART enough to make calculated decisions. Like, rather than trying to save face when he heard Kaylor I think he likely actually realized he fucked up. Then he is 1000% trying to save his own ass to Kendall and with the Rob convo... but Rob is fully pulling the strings on any manipulation re: Daniela


No I think you nailed that to a T! The whole thing, I agree with every point lol


You get a lot of props for typing all this out. Brava! The milk is not clean at all here. Hope movie night comes very soon.


Rob picking Daniella is SO WEIRD. That yeah I wouldn’t doubt that maybe Rob wasn’t feeling any of them so Aaron pushed him to pick Daniella just to have her as a back up if Kaylor happened to recouple. In the aftersun episode the blonde casa girl said Aaron got all weird after they heard Kaylor yelling “f*uck casa/Aaron” and only then did he stop being all over Daniella. But up until then they were all over each other. Aaron is truly disgusting


Aaron change of heart was too abrupt without any true explanation. In reality he heard Kaylor scream at him from the Villa and he realized he lost his girl (Kaylor) and the win, which is why he cut Daniela off and let Rob sweep in to keep her as his backup. What an asshat!


My theory: Production stepped in when Rob was trying to leave with Andrea and offered to keep him on if he acted on their behalf. I think producers had him bring Daniela back for maximum drama, not bc he and Aaron planned it.


Aaron literally talks about it. They didn't plan it, he suggested it, Rob jumped as soon as he got the green light and that's it. It wasn't a master plan unraveling for days, it was a dumb idea he had that will most definitely come back to bite him in the ass.


This is the comment that resonates with me the most. Rob has been kind of absent since she left and really does seem to be acting like a puppet. My guess is he will couple up with Live and try to get to the final selling this as a "friendship turned to love" thing.


I read the whole post but I don't really understand how the convo leads to the conclusion they planned it. Seems more likely Aaron heard Kaylor screaming, and then started thinking about how much of a villain he looks like so he just shut it down to save face. Then Rob either is a bit interested and single so has nothing to lose bringing someone back or producers said do it for the drama. It would make zero sense for a single person to go back single because then they are vulnerable for no reason. 


I don’t think they planned it either. I don’t think Rob is selfless enough go to bring a girl back for someone else. Rob said from the beginning that he was interested in Daniela but she was with Aaron the whole time.


That’s my thought, too. The most consistent thing Rob has done was making every decision solely for himself without regard for anyone else lol Also I saw Bob’s “what do you think you’re gonna do… tell her so that she can explore other connections” as a move solely intended for his own benefit.


I mean, watching it (this is my opinion which to be fair) it seems like Aaron feels like he guided them to each other, he told both to talk to one another and then wasn't happy about them actually doing it. I don't think like they sat down and were like you should do this and that but Aaron definitely wanted to know where Rob's interest in her lied and then talked up Rob a shit ton to Daniela


From a guy's perspective it seemed like Aaron was asking if Rob was interested because he was worried Rob would be. Rob implied he wouldn't go for her if Aaron would be upset by it. But Aaron loves off Rob so he said na go for it. Then he immediately regretted it because Rob said okay, he was thinking Rob would respect the "bro code" and not go for it after him. Even Liv implied it's gross of him to share a girl with his friend. So basically I think Aaron gave his blessing only because he thought Rob wouldn't do it. 


You'll do this but you won't share a toothbrush? Love Liv so many iconic lines.


I think this is a more straightforward perspective based their dynamic and honestly more aligned to how I think two guys would look at this situation. Aaron wouldn’t have the confidence to tell rob no, and he doesn’t seem like the type to be able to manage conflict between two women. Having Daniella there was likely the last thing Aaron wanted - he’s just not strong enough or slick enough for that play IMO. From Rob’s perspective, he effectively just finished the strongest couple (I think Kaylor will take him back tho). Rob will for pursue Liv while Daniella gets eaten alive. And selfishly it also aligns with my theory that rob is a dick to everyone, even the bros 😂😂


All three of them can go!!


Imo aaron knew that rob kinda liked daniela so he figured his best bet to stay on the show & be liked is to just stick to the one girl who actually likes him (kaylor) Aaron cried when rob was about to leave. Hes like completely obsessed with rob… hes only known rob for a few weeks and is treating him like his ride or die best friend. If aaron stayed with daniela, rob was going to be jealous. Rob literally told daniela its been hard for him not to talk to her


All three of them give me the ick


Sadly I believe Kaylor will take him back. I think she has an anxious attachment style. And will forgive anything to be with him. I am hoping very hard that I am wrong and she dumps him.


All I can say is...I can't WAIT for movie night! When Kaylor sees Aaron saying he loves Daniela on day one, doing the same handshake, and everything else he did... She's going to freak! Poor girl. They legit saved his worst bits for later!


Okay this is the first time I’ve seen someone comment on this but I have THOUGHTS. Stay with me. Rob is a Virgo. That’s important for my thoughts. This man has manipulated and out maneuvered every single person who has come against him. Most of the time he has done it without them even realizing they’ve been manipulated. Such is his power. I think he wanted Daniela from Day ONE, he got bitter that she went to Aaron, and he spent two full days lurking in the background and straight up plotting. He came to Aaron and literally made Aaron think it was his idea for Rob to talk to Daniela. In doing this, Rob created an incredible in for himself with Daniela, with a built in sympathetic narrative. Who knows what was actually said, but it would make sense to say something like…I’ve liked you since Day 1, but I couldn’t do anything because bro code, I’m so sorry Aaron has shoved you aside, you don’t deserve that, let me comfort you, boom. Switch made. Girl got. And nobody even knew it was happening. Watching Aaron look at Rob and Daniela together at the fire pit was genuinely hilarious because it was like he was realizing things for the first time. Like up until that point he thought he had been making his own choices. This is long and I know it might be far fetched but if I know anything in the world it is a Virgo mind. U will not know ur being played. The pieces will just start to fall together for them like magic. It’s like a guarantee. Edit: I just wanted to add that I do not think Aaron is in on this because, respectfully, I do not think he could pull this off. The man is a gnome


I’m with you 100% on this. It doesn’t make any sense to me to keep Daniela around as a backup for Aaron and while Rob is a lot of things, selfless he is not. He’s playing Aaron as much as he’s playing Liv, Kaylor, and Kendall. They’re all his minions and none of them know it lol


Agreed, Rob’s answers to Ariana’s questions at the recoupling were so diplomatic, it’s like he had media training. But it’s all him. He is a master manipulator and he has this “mysterious snake get lost in my baby blue eyes” guy thing going on and people let him get away with it.


Rob is exactly my ex except my ex had brown eyes, lol. Watching Rob is literally like watching him it makes me want to puke.


Totally agree. I’m surprised we’re in the minority with this opinion. But ya there’s no way in hell I believe Rob is doing this FOR Aaron. He’ll always manipulate his way to get what he wants, and for right now he wants Daniela


It's giving the same energy as the Tom's fake conversations about Ariana being a monster to help setup his pivot to neatly sliding in rachel being the new her. Gross af.


Aaron is shit at expressing himself. Finish a sentence! Stop speaking in platitudes. Say something with your chest. When Aaron said he was "invested" with Kaylor, it really showed that he views this more as a game to win. Well Hon, you may have invested, but you also just shorted your stocks and I hope you fail to buy them back 😑


Right - He was hooking up with Daniela, liked her, didn't want to get caught (from previous seasons just thinking he can do whatever and get away with it) Then they heard Kaylor and he knew. Quick into action with Rob with the stay in the villa plan. Rob has Leah and Liv on a string (so he thinks) he doesn't need a Casa girl. He will bring Daniela as a back up for Aaron. Aaron will try to puppy dog eyes/genuine connection/relationship test his way back into Kaylor's arms. If she doesn't go for it, he has Daniela as a back up and will try some sad, puppy dog eyes with the viewers to keep him (knowing that in the past, even if they're in the bottom, it's the islanders that keep him in and they will work on those votes) Rob thinking he is popular figures he will get a pass with Daniela, or if she is not liked or goes back to Aaron will flip to Leah or Liv. I'm sure the Casa girls have let them know how popular Leah is so I'm actually watching and waiting for him to snake his way back in there.


Aaron and rob ick me out so bad


Part of me was wondering if they planned it on Wednesday during their off day. Because they don’t really do much besides maintenance and kind of just hanging with their buddies. I think I read they can’t talk to opposite genders on Wednesdays. (I could be wrong) Those sneaky bastards


I def think rob & liv have something going on currently. During aftersun tonight, liv named rob as who she’d marry when Maura asked her snog/marry/avoid. They called her out for not mentioning her current couple at all! She was literally like oops I forgot lol soooooo




But why do we hate Daniella? She’s doing exactly what she’s supposed to. Stir up drama and try to make it to casa. To her it really didn’t matter how.


I think it was the smirking and smugness during the recoupling, much like Andrea


I really hope this was sarcasm


^That's an insane person. It's a show. Imagine wanting to ruin someone's life over it, especially as a casual viewer.


Aaron basically seeing Kaylor as a sunken cost. 😬


How much sway do you think producers have as well? Because Rob bringing Daniela back is viewership gold!


Can you imagine what the boys would do if they weren’t being filmed? If this is how they’re while being filmed, then I can only imagine. Also, let’s remember that Aaron won Traitors for a reason. He can manipulate and pretend with the best of them😒


Seems pretty obvious. Aaron and Rob are friends. Aaron and Rob spoke in secret. Aaron: I need to play it safe but need a fallback. Bring Daniela back just in case. Rob: Sure. I like spiders too, bro. Now, if things can't be fixed with Kaylor, Aaron has a fallback. Also, wasn't Kaylor the one who said in the beginning that she didn't like being tied down? Correct me if I'm wrong.




I said the same thing under another post. Rob is wanting to be with Andrea when he leaves the Villa but still wants his TV/Fiji/boy time. He needs a girl to keep him there so they obviously decided Daniela would do the dirty work. Aaron comes in looking like the good guy thinking he has a chance of still winning 🤦‍♀️ while Rob has the sidekick he needs. And Aaron could still get to know Daniela in the process. It’s gross!


When the Casa girls were asked if they were surprised that Rob picked Daniela they gave each other a look, then confirmed they were. I bet they have some stories they couldn't tell, since everybody needs to protect overalls.


The Rob/Aaron conversation gave the same vibe as the Schwartz and Sandoval conversation at the food truck; 2 guys having a rehearsed conversation that's completely bullshit and designed to make them look better.


This is what I think as well but I’ve been racking my brain trying to figure out where they would be able to plan this without being filmed or recorded…in the shower? On the toilet? Is that possible at all?


I don't assume that they weren't on camera or filmed. Producers would probably love the idea.


Aaron and Rob are actually disgusting I’m done




I agree that Aaron and Rob planned this. I said it last night, I felt like Rob brought her back on purpose. & Even when Ariana was asking him about why he thought her back he just sounded so nonchalant (more than he usually is lol) and not into her.


I mean, it makes sense, sort of?? But it’s such a stupid plan!!🤯🥴. Why couldn’t Rob have just gone for Daniela from the get go? Like, are we supposed to believe that Aaron risked everything with Kaylor, because he was banking on her taking him back, no matter what, so he just did the most, only to hand Daniela off to Rob.. ( this whole interaction was just too much for me.. it was so.. well I’ve been dumped, so now I’m into the best bro, like seriously WTF!!)and Daniela was complicit, so she could get into the Villa, and Liv is supposed to somehow end up with Rob after all of this and Kaylor and Aaron will get back together?? Its giving Fargo , in its ridiculousness, but if it happens I’ll eat my words😂. Wouldn’t be the first time watching this show 🫠


I think Bob wanted to, but Aaron beat him to it. They’ve always liked the same girls but they usually default to Rob. My thought was that Aaron went in at 100 to cut down the competition with Rob. Daniela said it felt like he marked his territory and I believe that’s exactly what he did.


Am I the only one who believes that Rob just brought Daniella so Aaron can get to know her still in case Kaylor changes her mind? I was like.. it is kind of fishy maybe as a bromance he picked her so she can come to the villa for Aaron cause Rob did not have any interest in any girl? For sure we heard the girls saying why the villa is yelling. And Aaron said its kaylor. And Kaylor was really loud so yeah they really heard and Aaron was like I am fucked.


100%. Rob at this stage is a puppet. After Andrea left I have not seen him really like anyone and he is just doing anything to stay and get paid at this point in my view.


I also think Daniela knows this full well.


You made the effort that I was too lazy to make lol good job. Also some of yall are reading word for word what was said and then still say it wasn't Aaron's idea, or that it was done by the production, make it make sense. The man is dumb and that's it, I can't wait for all of this to come crashing down on him lmao


I felt this but seeing it in writing proves that is the intention here. Did anyone else notice that when Aaron was speaking about Kaylor or the situation to Rob, he would yawn first. It felt dismissive of Kaylor the first time so I noticed it. He did it at least 3 times. I don't know exactly what it means but it was gross.


Of course they planned it lol. 


It’s crazy how in each conversations, they both acknowledge how Aaron still has feelings for her. Rob even says, I know she still likes you and then proceeds to pursue her which leads to him bringing her back to the villa. Like it’s very weird and seems like even if they didn’t plan it, that she’s a backup option for Aaron still.


I think they planned it because Rob wasn’t really feeling any Casa girl. He planned to bring Daniella back to the Villa specifically for Aaron to get to know longer while allowing him to look “innocent” by not bringing her back himself. Because they are gross besties.


Rob really with the solid for Aaron, they are thick as thieves.... Run Kaylor Run‼️


As soon as I saw the preview of Rob moving to Daniela I knew this was a scheme that Todd set up. When the episode aired it was obvious. These two aren’t even good actors. When Kaylor takes Aaron back Daniela is going to be left in the dust trying to find a connection with Rob and any other guy who will have her. 


When they gave the exclusive look and Aaron was doing yoga with Daniela I was like Oh my God you jerk! Because I thought it was an exclusive look into the next episode 😆 but it was all Casa people.


The moment Rob and Aaron had that conversation I was like Rob is gonna pick her and when kaylor finds out aaron is gonna have a backup and Rob will just go with Liv since he was trying to rekindle something with her before casa


I had the same thought last night! I was replaying the week in my head & realized it was a total setup by Nob & Aaron! I hope the girl power continues & those 2 are the next boys to go! These ladies need some MEN! 😆


I’ve only watched the last few episodes. But it seems to me that Rob brought Daniela back for Aaron, not for himself.


The way men use these women like chess pawns instead of treating them like actual people…