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As if any of them wouldn't feel just as betrayed if the roles were reversed


Case in point: when what’s her name got mad that Miguel didn’t make her breakfast


They were literally watching him cook in the kitchen as she was crying about it. Like bish, what?! Give him some time, there’s only so much room and it sounds like he just got last turn on the stove


Exactly! It’s not like she watched him make himself breakfast and was done with it….like get over yourself girl.


Especially when Kordell was holding up the line making two breakfasts. 😂 Go be mad at Kordell and his poor decisions for holding up your avocado toast.


She was tryiiiiiing so hard to get that air time. She could do better, I actually think she could be a good personality in the villa. But the others, ugh I'm good on them


She even said "he's making it for himself"


please she wanted something to get mad over 😭😭


Omg I forgot she did this and then she got pissed simply bc he wasn’t feelin her. 🫠


Spoiler alert bae! I’m watching the new episode now lol


that was the funniest thing i’d seen in a while too


I don't understand how they thought the girls were mean when all their anger was directed at the men and not them. Of course, they're not going to open them with open arms the first night; their men were taken--have some couth it's not a happy occasion for them. Anyways, I thought the girls simply not saying anything as opposed to just being openly rude and nasty to them was a better option, but I guess they wanted a red carpet and welcome party thrown for them.


Are you choosing to not acknowledge all the comments made by the OG girls openly in front of the casa girls, or did you legitimately just not hear many many parts of the show containing this?


Seems people have selective memory because the O.G girls was definitely talking down on the new girls


& I swear to God people have selective & biased lol. I’m tired of it happens every season whenever OG girls are being very cliquey it gotta be new girls fault. They downvoting your comment because it true.  & everyone downvoting go back & watch the episode the OGs where definitely throwing shade & being rude asf to new girls. I wouldn’t like them heffers either. People need to realize 99% people who come on Love Island are messy, toxic, cliquey or need help. It so weird how people ignore stuff & got short term. Stan culture is weird. 


Serena had a lot of anger for the girls when they came in be fr


Why you lying? Her anger was directly at Kordell only


Her loud outbursts sure, the slick comments all the other girls was tossing was against the new girls especially when the u picked Cass girls came and the comment " they didn't even pick the best ones".


Leah said that.


Queen messy herself


Everybody just lying


This is hilarious.




Casa Girls: *try to steal the men and make out with everyone’s man* Also Casa Girls: “omg the Villa girls are so mean, they won’t be our friends with 0.01 seconds of meeting them”




I don't think they're mean... it's not their job to coddle the girls who were brought in specifically to "test" their couples, and 4 out of 6 of their men turned their heads, and came back saying they still wanted to get to know BOTH ... and Daniella was brought back specifically for Aaron in case Kaylor's "fuck you casa" stuck.


It’s pretty difficult to not be hostile to people who essentially broke up your couple, even if it is the whole purpose of being a bombshell.




They weren't all that welcoming to the last batch of new boys either and none of them broke up couples.  It is kind of funny though.  We're watching seasoned reality stars who've already been through drama going through it again, and these Casa girls skipped in there fresh off a vacation and asked if it was always that heated.  Yeah. Yeah it is.


im deaddddd I hope this experience is a humbling one for them


For who? The Casa girls act like this on every season, every franchise. The producers have to be gassing them up


Idk maybe it’s just me but there’s something about the casa girls this season that is particularly catty and mean-spirited


The blonde from New York was super catty in Aftersun during the interview. I can’t say the other girls were though. Because the men had a time, those girls have a Casa Clique they can vent to in the villa. In some seasons I think we don’t see the casa girls get angry or petty cuz they don’t have many people to talk to about stuff. Herd mentality, group comfort, etc Edit: Detail


That’s true, we rarely see this many of them brought back to the villa so the dynamic could be much different + editing + extremely manipulative villa men 🙃


My kitty is purrinnggg. Couldn’t stand that girl


Girls even said more than once they were not angry with the casa ladies.


Liv didn't even want to go introduce herself though... there was definitely tension stemming from the OG villa girls towards the Casa girls


And how exactly were the Casa girls showcasing their desire for friendship? Kaylor did introduce herself & none of them made an ounce of movement with Homie Hopper Daniela immediately calling them mean after Kaylor’s gesture. Yeah them Casa girls are regular Mother Teresa’s…


Lol at how all the replies that aren't agreed with are getting down votes notice the down voters are the ones who agree with the poll lol


This was refreshing because I feel like every season of Love Island the villa girls are so nice to the casa girls and like that’s just not real life😂 casa girls are thirsty af every season because they want to get in the villa and should get a little bit of ice from the girls!!


that stupid cheeky grin she keeps flashing is sooo disrespectful lmfao


I really dislike the Casa girls tbh. They are acting high and mighty when they went in there to break up couples. They are acting catty.


Daniela is so pretty


I can't wait for these casa girls to get what's coming to them. It's for real gonna be a "fuck around and find out" type lesson.


Yeah idk how to feel because obviously it was more directed at the boys and of course they wouldn’t be happy that they were basically getting replaced by the ppl they thought would have loyalty to them. Its all raw emotions in the moment. But leah did say something about how they “picked the wrong ones”, implying that they’re better looking. Ik they couldn’t hear that but its kinda mean still and not a good look. At the same time the four new girls were making their own “clique” and isolating, acting miserable the whole time and putting 0 effort into trying to talk to the group (outside of their new couple) doesn’t help the situation. If I was a casa girl, I’d let them have their initial judgement on who they think I was, and then put in the effort to socialize and be genuine/honest so they could have a better opinion about who I was. Its easier to see from the outside looking in tho.


Lmao this is so good


“Are they always like this???” -Daniella


She's a thirsty pot stirrer, hope she is gone soon!


😂😂 nice.


He did say 90/10 and I hope they play it on movie night.


Objectively, the OG girls were standoffish. You say "good how else were they supposed to act?" And you miss that you're agreeing. Just because you believe it is justified (it isn't) doesn't mean they aren't doing it.


This fan base is so far gone into delusion land lmfao




In the spirit of Reddit, please remember the human and lets be nice to each other. This subreddit is intended to be lighthearted and fun so we can enjoy Love Island. We should do our best to refrain from mean-spirited commentary. Posts and comments will be removed if they are bullying, hateful, or harmful in nature or are contributing to it. Depending on the level of the offense, the original action that warranted this removal may come with further moderation action. You will receive a second message if this is the case. We ask that you take this time to review our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIslandUSA/wiki/rules#wiki_3._no_bullying.2C_hateful.2C_or_harmful_language_towards_islanders_or_other_users) which can be found on the sidebar of LoveIslandUSA homepage. Please message us if you would like to inquire how to avoid breaking this rule in the future or believe you may have received this message in error. We hope you continue to enjoy Love Island.




Kendall brought his kiki face over, ofc...




The Casa girls did call the OG girls mean… am I missing something? Why is everyone disagreeing with that answer? (I think the casa girls are meaner if you ask me but they didn’t so…)


The poll is asking if people agree that the OG girls were rude, so that's why everyone is disagreeing and saying the OG girls were not rude lol 


The real 90-10 split is the airtime they’re being given by the producers.


The Casa girls weren’t rude-they actually had by far the best reaction and the best decisions at the recoupling.


What?!? They made no decisions at the recoupling. The guys made the choice for them and put them in the position of feeling like they had some power because they were now in couples. The Casa girls were absolutely pleased with the outcome and would certainly have the best reactions.🤦‍♀️




The OG girls are being cliquey in my opinion. It’s clearly not the common opinion but that’s what I’m seeing.


I mean they’ve been with each other for two or three weeks now of course they’ve formed a tight bond. They don’t need to pretend like the new casa girls are their best friends immediately. I was also super proud of Serena and Kaylor being extremely nice and respectful to Daia and Daniella


Serena wasn’t nice in the beginning when daia just got there though was she…


She wasn’t mean to Daia she was just mad at Kordell


How were they not mean wtf 😭😭😭