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There are some doors that you can still hack with quickhacks, but it seems that most people don’t put their doors on a control node on a NETArch. Most doors are some sort of electronic lock that’s isolated from any NET, which V hacks all the time, most of these are represented with a Tech check instead though, because it’s not netrunning if it’s not on a NET.


Would 100% try my hardest to keep my front door’s software off of any type of network that anyone could get to, that makes total sense in-word.


Doors should definitely be isolated. Fire extinguishers, explosive canisters and work lights all make perfect sense to be networked though!


It’s probably harder to take something off of the net than it is to just let it ride. And most people probably don’t have a cyberdeck installed, so I guess it makes sense.


Sure. Why have the fire department inspect each individual item to figure out what the bribe for ignoring everything ought to be, when they can just ping the building from the lobby and collect their eddies right there?


Truth be told, there’s kinda an argument for doors being safer when on a NETArch than not, especially on a good enough NETArch, because they’re significantly harder to navigate, even for skilled users, and the consequences are much, much more dangerous Worst case scenario picking a lock, or cracking an electronic lock, you might break a pick, trip an alarm on the mechanism, or something of the sort Worst case scenario if you mess up in a NETArch, your brain gets melted by Black ICE at the speed of thought, in what 2077 describes as one of the most agonizing deaths you can die lol Sure, 2077 glosses over all this for gameplay reasons, and all the player has to do is press the “open door” button so it seems like a glaring security flaw for us, but putting a dæmon on a NETArch that’s has a connected control node for your doors, is kinda like sticking an omniscient bouncer at the door with a shotgun pointed at any potential intruders, and you don’t even have to pay him salary lol


They can, but not every door is powered. A lot of quests with door codes used to have quickhack bypasses. Some still do, but not as many as before.


There’s actually a couple doors in Mr Hands’ new PL gigs that you can hack open, so I don’t think it was their intent to completely remove them.


Indeed! Had to hack a door in Organotopia yesterday - caught me off guard 😂 really wasn't used to that


You can, not every door though. And some you need to look at the keypad instead of the door


If we’re gonna get all technical, we should probably be more confused as to why the projectile launcher or heavy machine gun doesn’t just shred doors wide open. We fire tech weapons through feet of concrete and I can’t bust down this aluminum garage door! Nerd rage!!




I hate what algorithms have done to modern Internet culture and communication. It's always so jarring reading or hearing someone say "unalive"


No cap, I use unalive irl cuz I got dat rizz


Please shut the fuck up


if a door needs you to hulk it open because it's broken or a non-electronic lock, why should netrunning help? You're hacking it, you're not a wizard.


"Yer a wizard Harry."


Its mostly for gameplay purposes. While you can argue there are NPCs that might be deliberately depower some doors to avoid netrunners to an extent ( or not have enough power ), its meant to give relevance to other attributes since Netrunners are extremely versatile to the point that you could have a no Int investment and do a bunch of stuff with a low tier cyberdeck ( at least pre 2.0, havent used cyberdeck post 2.0 yet )


Before 2.0 intelligence did everything tech could do but better, because it could do it at range. In fact, I think you didn't even need to put points into int, you just needed a cyberdeck for pretty much all environmental interactions. On top of that int provided a unique and powerful combat style, while tech was all about passive stat boosts through crafting. After 2.0 tech became the dedicated door opening attribute (and body for broken/unpowered doors). I wouldn't see this as the game punishing you for leveling int. The idea is that your choices make for unique playstyles.


> The idea is that your choices make for unique playstyles. Yes, but... your wrong about pre 2.0 because it was the same thing. Body and tech were the attributes to open most doors at that point too. Also i would argue that tech is even more about passive stat boosts post 2.0 just crafting stats transitioned to implant stats


Idk I kinda remember pre 2.0 having more doors that worked like the one to the room, where Brick is being held, where you can use a "deactivate" quickhack on the intercom to open the door. I just feel like I'm being kept out of places a lot more, but I never really was a tech person, even before. > Also i would argue that tech is even more about passive stat boosts post 2.0 just crafting stats transitioned to implant stats The new perks Pyromania, Bolt and Ticking Time Bomb are a pretty big deal in terms of combat playstyle imo.


You can. But only if you have a cyberdeck installed. As a netrunner, I used this all the time. You can bypass a lot of locked doors this way.  The first mission is special in that it's kind of a tutorial. I think you can hack the door even if you have no cyberdeck. But all players start with a basic cyberdeck regardless of life path. 


So you know, there are plenty of windows that can be popped open with hacks.


There are a bunch of doors that can be opened remotely, but infuriatingly it is NEVER the doors that are useful for a quest or for getting that loot you can *just* see thru a crack in a window or something. Still, it’s not just the one in the beginning.


honestly it bothers me more that only SOME doors are technical ability and only SOME doors are able to be forced open.


YES! THIS 1000%!!! Doing my first playthrough post 2.0 (I kinda gave up for a while bc of all the bugs at release) and this crap is so annoying! I’m only at lvl 10 rn and I’m trying to spend points on intelligence, reflex, and tech but bc of this nuisance I gotta divert points to body. Like I just did that side quest for Regina where I had to kidnap that Jotaro guy from his bar and that area had 4 tech doors and 3 strength doors!!! And I JUST managed to get enough tech to be able to open those doors but had to leave the others behind. And that kinda shit KILLS me not bein able to open them right then n there bc who tf knows the next time I’ll get back there? If ever to that particular spot.. (I’m an over completionist so a small part of me dies inside each time that happens.) Not to even mention being able to jack nice cars. Thought I could maybe bypass that with the vehicle hack perk. NOPE! That just lets me use 9 ram to pull their e brake and stop them for a few seconds. How useful.. a minor inconvenience. So yea now I’m forced to divert attribute points towards a skill tree I have basically no interest in.. smh


There are some hackable doors, but instead of the door itself you must hack the control panel beside it. One example is in the All foods factory, for the room where Brick is. Also there are some hackable window blinds. Together with a Van or some leg implants they sometimes even allow you to enter buildings in a different way. For example, during Regina's gig to steal records of a Maelstrom initiation, where some window blinds on the backside of the building can be opened. With a good jump (might take a couple of attempts, somehow jumping through windows is incredibly tricky in this game) you can go straight from neutral ground to the room with the computer you need to hack. Similar story with one of Padre's gigs where you need to sneak into a Valentino bar and steal/destroy incriminating data


Lots of garage doors are hackable tho


I think it'd be weird if more doors were hackable. Why would they be on the net to begin with??


I mean, most new fridges and washers now have wifi, so it fits..


No axe.


Same reason strength and tech use don’t BOTH open every single goddamn door: to “increase” (force) replayability through playing different builds. Similar to the reason there are multiple endings in so many rpgs nowadays, it’s just to drive up the amount of time players engage with the game thus increasing the likelihood of further purchases (DLCs, cosmetics, sequels, etc.) But for a more “in-lore” reason, some doors are stuck shut (needs strength to break the door free). Some doors are electronically powered and thus “hackable” (needs tech use to interface with a fuckin door). And still other doors are electronically powered AND locked by some form of program and so need to be hacked (actual ICE-breaking/the hack mini game). At least that’s what I imagine. Like, my house has a code lock but if I broke open the housing and messed with the wiring I could get it to unlock (tech use). The back door at my job got crashed into by a car and hangs partially off its hinges and I need to pick most of the weight of the door up off the ground before it can swing open (strength). A high tech safe might require a specific signal generated by an onboard computer when a code (or ocular/digit scan, keycard access, etc.) to open and may not be openable just by fiddling with the electronics themselves (intelligence).


Because plot


What are you talking about hacking is easy? -Me ripping doors in half with my maxed out body and gorilla arms.


counter argument for the tech one, it seems that most people aren't so much of a fool to put their door on the internet. and a lot of them are shutters. so for them a lockpick method works better.


That's why I run with Gorilla Arms instead of Mantis Blades. I can always carry a sword or knife, but it's damned nice being able to "manually override" a door.


There are *some* doors that can be opened remotely that I've come across in a few different places but they're definitely not a constant.


Low intelligence specimen


Rescue is how it's spelled. Sorry, it's not a dig at ya, but it was bugging something in me.