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Definitely greater cyberware customization, to the point you can change entire limbs and such like maelstromers. But with that, there would have to be some sort of humanity meter that goes down the more you install, bringing you closer and closer to cyberpsychosis.


Absolutely! More cyberpsychosis, heavier management, symptoms showing etc. would be awesome. Even some quests with V/other main character trying to manage/cure/treat it would be cool to have. And definitely more visual enhancements.


Make some passive dialogue options impossible or main character being unable to reason


I will be there for the cyberpsychosis speedrun category. I wanna see Night City's optimal route for krashing the fuck out on chrome.


This is my number 1 want, and I was super disappointed in the limitations of 2077.


How the hell does cyber psychosis work as a game mechanic? I mean in CP Orion if it has online they could literally mess with your UI and create hallucinations but how does that translate to the single player campaign?


Could have a psychosis meter that’s based on chrome and certain events/outcomes in missions that track “trauma.” Can manage it with drugs, but that causes dependency and if you miss doses then it rebounds even worse than it would have been otherwise. Higher psychosis stat causes appropriate buffs and debuffs. Like Cool stats would be hurt by it, but it would make Body stronger. One thing I can think of to add to it is that during certain conversations, if you trigger NPC’s to insult or threaten you, it could be scripted that you just straight up kill them without any real player input which demonstrates that you’re literally losing control. Could even make the vision all red and blurry/vibratey to really play it up lol


The problem is that behavior of a cyberpsycho is how a lot of people *play video games anyway*.


I gotta say that managing medical doses in real time in the game sounds like a terrible mechanic. It would probably be good as a story point though. Didn’t Deus Ex have something like that, with a drug that was needed?


I think that too having regular doses to take remind me of the health system in red dead redemption 2... I always forgot to feed arthur or my horse so they both were always underweight...


You know the best, most direct way to represent cyberpsychosis in game? The more affected you are, the more yellow chevrons start appearing above random NPCs in the world. When it's really bad, you just walk into a crowded place like a market or club and those little yellow arrows are everywhere. Doesn't take away control from the player but would most likely result in typical cyberpsychosis behavior.


Look up Deus ex (on ps3?) They did it really well.


- increased dialogue options - decreased dialogue choice, sometimes forcing you into a specific phrase/action. - cyberpsychosis specific side quest(s)? - rampages? This would get tbh unless there’s gameplay/story consequences for the PC killing civilians.


You know what would be interesting? If you could have a cyberpsychotic break where every NPC including civilians suddenly appeared as though they were an enemy trying to attack you (and you’d actually take damage from them), then when you snap out of it you just see dead civilians all around you, and MaxTac is on the way. 


this would be the best way to implement a “rampage” type thing gameplay wise for sure


That would be lit


Not sure when the last time you played is, but as of the 2.0 update there’s now a meter and Cyberpsychosis. It’s just not on the level that we’d like it to be, exactly. You’re screen wigs out and a clicking sound happens every couple seconds from what I’ve seen, and I guess you can repeatedly hear V maniacally laughing. I could be wrong on some of that as I haven’t chromed myself out enough to become a cyberpsycho yet.. But it just sounds more annoying than anything.


I actually got the game pretty late, after phantom liberty and 2.0 came out, and while I think it's a good start, the perk itself isn't activated very often to be that useful, aside from the bounty of extra cyberware tolerance you get. But I specifically want to see how CDPR goes beyond that to add in dialogue options and limitations, side quests, periods where you black out or suddenly get surrounded by enemies, but then you wake up and you're surrounded by dead civilians and MaxTac is on the way, as someone else put it in another comment. Especially in Cyberpunk, something like cyberpsychosis should have way more affect on the story, especially if you get progressively more and more chromed up and in game reach that border between sanity and psychosis.


i actually quite like the way they did it, since the 2.0 implementation *doesn't* take away player agency for no reason. since the effect gives you a pretty significant (but short) damage boost, it pushes the player to play as aggressively as possible. I always shoot corpses for the duration of the cyberpsychosis just for the RP, but IMO shooting corpses of recently killed enemies should extend the duration slightly, to really send the message that V is fucking losing it


maybe for that level of modification you would have to be at a percentage of cybernetic augmentation that forces you to use the edgerunner talent. so you could keep pushing it further and further and get those benefits but also cybercycosis would become more and more of a problem. maybe you could have the screen go red and you auto target civies or something if you start pushing too far...


I wanna combine this with a respect meter for the different gangs Give all the gangs a level of respect they have for V - helping them out in fights, doing odd-jobs for them (not quite gigs more "deliver this" or "kill that one guy over there" type beats) or choosing to incapacitate rather than kill them raises the respect, killing them, blowing their shit up, going into their restricted areas etc lowers the respect meter Higher respect means perks like them helping you out in fights, higher payments for your odd-jobs, and access to certain (though not all) restricted areas at the highest level. Lower respect means quicker aggro, hit squads and certain areas with high gang numbers being treated as restricted areas. Maybe an internal system that means gaining respect with one gang (ie the Voodoo Boys) lowers it with their rivals (ie the Animals) and vice versa With the customisable cyberware, this could be implemented by gangs either offering certain cyberware at higher respect levels (like you said, maelstrom) or using certain signifiers in cyberware that give you respect in a gang, or let's you blend in better with them and pretend you're one of them, even with low respect and for cyberpsychosis I think it would be really interesting if, at higher levels, when you're not midway through doing something, you occasionally black out - waking up a few moments later with bodies and a major decrease in a gangs respect, or a high level police patrol after you. Maybe the blackout effect can be nullified or at least postponed via inhibitors, ala Edgerunners, or a timer will be displayed to make sure you're not completely disrupted (the timer only being an estimate number, and can come a minute before or after the timer runs out)


A mini NG+ that just let's you reset the gigs and scanner hustles


I think it would be cool if it made them harder and added other objectives to them as well!


I like that!


PLEASE. So many cool late/end game weapons that you either can't use/barely use. (Cries in PS5)


Always loved Far Cry 5 approach. Besides having NG+, once you finished all outposts, you just paused game and there was option "reset outposts" click and done


Penis 3


Now hear me out. This may be controversial.  *Penis 4*


Only if it had a raging bulge when I wear short shorts


Ah, the tuna can option


No way. That’s insane.


Customizable cars/apartments, a country music channel so i can have my cyber cowboy larp, joinable factions.


Hard agree with all of these especially joinable factions! Or at least having more choices in where you stand with factions. Like if you piss off the Valentinos they’ll be hostile towards you but if you help them out with missions or whatever they’ll be cool with you, maybe give you items or help you out in combat


Faction/disguise mechanics would be amazing. We've done a long way since Obsidian used it in Fallout: New Vegas, surely CDPR can do something even better now. Also, effects on contested territory in the city. Like, you're one person, you're not going to be able to completely drive Maelstrom out of Northside. But affecting the Tino/6th Street balance in the East of Heywood? That would be pretty cool.


Would appreciate more radio channels. Especially, a talk show or news station


Underrated response. Some of my favorite memories playing early GTA games were driving around listening to talk radio.


More customization in cyberware. I want chrome arms and legs without mods.


I want that golden skin


Parkour. I would absolutely love to be able to Parkour over Night City.


Hell yeah, same. Something like that scrapped idea where you could climb walls with mantis blades.


Monowire for grabbing onto things (including people), mantis blades and gorilla arms for climbing, and arm cannon for rocket jump.


The ability to roll down your windows without taking out a weapon, also the ability to use enemy uniforms as camouflage! It’s so strange we rarely see that mechanic in many games.


One of the few things Starfield does better 💀


I didn't realize that was a feature in that game. Neat! Would like to see that as well, I feel like stealth mechanics in games are kind of clunky from enemy pathing to limited options for infiltration. You should be able to kill the first dude and put on his uniform in a closet to sneak by others. Not necessarily unnoticed because they would recognize you aren't one of their buddies but it would make stealth more complex by making you have to quickly sneak past the enemies or around them to do a takedown.


After already being in other Bethesda engine games


More in depth perk trees and equipment. I really want to be a netrunner with the body chrome like the netwatch agent


More. More of everything: More quests, more cars, more characters, more customization, more interior spaces, more depth... I need more! Also this might still be a ways out, but integrating an LLM to generate radiant dialogue, maybe even quests, would be so cyberpunk.


>integrating an LLM to generate radiant dialogue, maybe even quests, would be so cyberpunk. Not in a good way.


Agree that the quests are an amazing part of the game. Having repeatable quests and world events would be so amazing. They started it in PL and hope they continue. It would add to the story and feeling of an open and evolving world so much.


I want car/apartment customization, gun customization, more companions, and I want to be able to own a Basilisk. Now that we have other weaponized vehicles, it's really not that far out of the question.


Better GPS system. Right now it seems to only care about shortest possible route, but it should favor highways when applicable. Also, a visual on the road, like how it works for the races, would be way better than trying to pay attention to the minimap all the time


Unironically prefer the racing missions version


That's what I'm saying. It's way easier to follow the arrows on the road than a line on the minimap, especially when there's a ton of roads converging in one area


Yeah that'd be a neat feature. Have it as a toggle in the settings for whether you want road guidance to be on the mini map like default, arrows in the air like in racing, or on the ground like a breadcrumb trail. Lorewise you can even just say it's a feature of Kiroshis.


Because let's be realistic, when reliable AR becomes available, video game-style pathing is the FIRST thing everyone is going to want.


Even now, there are some modern cars that project a HUD onto the windscreen. They're tiny and just show your speed and a compass arrow, but the potential is there for it to overlay turning guides.


All i want is an indicator of when i need to leave the freeway...




I’d like to see more third person cutscenes, underwater exploration (like the mission with Judy), more in-depth life paths w/ each it’s own perks, random world encounters (similar to RDR2), player homes w/ garages, and more radio stations. Really like your ideas too! Would be cool to dual wield pistols…


This would be nice! Maybe they do the oneshot camera too like the GOW games I think that seem less transition would be amazing for immersion


I agree with everything but the third person cutscenes. Them being in first person adds to the immersion.


-Wall climbing and hanging  -multiplayer not really, coop YES  -better CQC animations and combat so it's more satisfying and visceral like God of War's combat  -third person perspective  -destructible environments (within reason or everyone is going to blow up Arasaka tower again 10000% lol) -monowire needs a 'grab' like in Edgerunners as well as a way to quick hack an enemy in close proximity -monowire/mantisblade/sword/gorilla arms unique damage mapping (i wanna see mantisblades and monowire slice-and-dice more in their own unique ways like in Edgerunners, i wanna see denting on chrome, hear metal-on-metal with chrome-on-chrome, and see bruising/bleeding when it's real skin and hear breaking bones) -more chrome options -fully customizable clothing (ie: sleeve color, cuff color, collar color, torso color, belt color, pant leg color, lining color, shoe fabric color, lace color, sole color, *LOGOS AND DESIGNS* you can position, size, and rotate to your hearts content!) -fully customizable and upgradeable weapons (ie: different colors for each weapon part, different materials for each part, attachments are more universal) that you customize and upgrade at a workbench with cutscenes for customizing and upgrading -more factions mentioned in lore  -wider array of perks that are balanced and useful to have -cutscenes for the ripperdocs for each type of hardware installed or removed (can be toggled off in settings) -cinematic cutscenes 


I have said this before and will say it again, I have one main demand: Let me pet all of the cats all of the time!


Honestly take a good look at some of the most popular mods on Nexus. This is what people want. From more customizable main characters. Wider option of cyberware. Car and weapon mods. New options for living spaces and the ability to change the way those places look. Different options for love interests. I think BG3 really showed people what can be done. If CDPR is smart they will note what people want most.


Let me use one of those mech things, pls! I kept thinking there would be a chance to in Dogtown, but it never happened. ):


I'm a simple person. Hats that don't change my hair length or straight up make me bald would be nice.


I want an in depth customisation system. For your character, clothes, cars, guns, cyberwares, appartments interior. I want the world be more interactive. Have spontaneous events happening. Deeper choices and lifepaths, more character to hang out with and build up meaningful relations. Way more story quests, I just want it to be a good immersive experience.


I want to forget who I am when I load up a save lol.


A larger NC would be really nice if possible. While absolutely *massive* already, it just doesn't feel populated enough.


So many buildings that are just empty facades. Flesh those suckers out!


Customizable guns. At least let us change what already existing paint job it has


It is kinda lacking, isn't it? I wanna Ghost Recon/Fallout 4 that shit. Let me go full gun nut on every single weapon.




VR. Would be awesome to see night City in VR officially. Also, self driving cars. Would love to designate a point on a map and let my car drive me there so I can enjoy the scenery.


I didn't realize how much I wanted this until you just said it.


if they don't give us a self driving car, let us hire delamain and pay like 500 eddies for a quick ride.


I'd like the story to feature a crew and maybe add things like a crew safehouse and crew customization. Don't need to drag them around all the time but it would be cool if you could bring one along when cruising or doing smaller gigs and have bigger missions use a full team. Doubt it happens but would be cool, could also be a vehicle for multiplayer co-op.


I had this cool dream and now I want this one thing over anything else. I just want a really in-depth, layered city. No, I mean, like in a literal sense. Long and varying skybridges with different designs, skyscrapers with tons of available floors (really pretty much any building should have at least the top floor available y'know for photo mode and sightseeing), horizontal, vertical, and diagonal metros with actual player movement available. Imagine having a gang shootout happen while you're just trying to train ride through the city and you have to fight some dudes while trying not to hit civilians (maybe you get extra eddies or XP for protecting them somehow). Or huge combat and chase sequences taking place while you're leaping from rooftop to rooftop, train to train, straight up John Wick and James Bond style! Like if they were literally only going to add one single improvement for all of Orion, I'd want this




A dick size slider. And dick physics. Larian has set a new bar with that.


Gun customization. More than scope/silencer. Mag size, barrel, grips, stocks, full/semi, I want to choose what color I get.


I know I'm the minority but I want some kind of multiplayer. I want to hang with my chooms.


Maybe a “hardcore mode” where there is limited ammo and supplies, inventory weight limit for careful inv management, etc. Like Deus Ex


First and third person. NG+ at launch Flying cars 100%. Corpo start I remember seeing them out the window or something and was bummed when we couldn’t do it ourselves. Fully customizable cars. Mission replay for side gigs for infinite money opportunity as long as you are willing to grind for it (assuming there are **a lot** of the things to spend money on) More than one love interest per gender. I want there to be like 3 women I can get to know and then pick one. Better animations forsure. I’d like some of the perks to be base. Like air dash just make it base game. Same with double jump/charge jump (let us pick when creating character). Fine with attribute system. But Perk chart, I want more perk shards. Like there was sections where I was 20/20 but not enough perks to have all the perks in that section. Longer main story Better clothes system. There’s so much shitty stuff that it’s hard to find good stuff in my inventory. Lastly **online mode.** can be pVe or pVp. Idc just make it fun


Oh man I want survival elements like eating and sleeping, also I want there to be drugs, and actual bd's. The survival elements are just for immersion.


**Worldbuilding** 1. Expand the existing map to include [all cut areas](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEwgejWM7cPIg942f8OW-3JSVHMxfkoyy&si=y6NWZIQkUHT6jcsX) 2. Provide a more lived-in, alive world with interactive factions **Character Creation** 1. Visible Cyberware 2. More body mods/character creation variety **Gameplay** 1. More love interests to choose from 2. Flashlight/night vision 3. More missions with teammates (3+) 4. Fly an AV 5. More vehicle customization 6. 3rd person view? 7. More role play elements 8. A harder hard mode 9. NG+


This is a filthy word, but a procedural side mission system. Not to take away from the gigs and side hustles having good narratives, etc, but I often find myself putting off meeting hanako at embers and wishing I could have some basic missions to go blast fools and play with my awesome toys.


A faction system


- Better traffic system where traffic lights actually work(I like my immersion), - Being able to modify your cars and apartments -Radio talk shows like GTA - Being able to sit down at any food vendor and eat or drink. - Improvements on AI - and less an addition but definitely the most important for the game to be playable on release.


A well made game earlier on than 2.0 mainly.


Boss fights that are actually difficult. That was one of my major gripes with Cyberpunk and the Witcher games


Hard content like raids/raid bosses. Heists etc Races in multiplayer. Better car handling with it of course Better clothing Better economy A lethal difficulty like ghost of tsushima (you do alot of damage. But you take alot of damage to keep realism) Custom guns. Better Chrome system (visible, actual hard restrictions and drawbacks to putting on chrome.) A story that doesnt give you a irrelevant/invisible timer on your life like 2077 had. A more blank character. V is amazing but sometimes he felt more like a already written character instead of being MY character. Like his personality and things he likes were already written in stone. If the sequel has a multiplayer mode like gta does then i dont mind this since ill just make my online character me. More destruction. Replayable side gigs


More in-depth netrunning/hacking. The version of it that we saw in the demo from 2018 looked way more interesting and deep than the really simple hacking minigame we ended up with in the release. And when thinking about the prospect of the multiplayer mode, I feel like something structured like GTAO seems like a good fit for that game (minus the rocket bikes and griefers) but one thing I would like to see from the multiplayer is procedurally generated jobs. Some kind of new spin or innovation on them so they don't end up being repetitive in that way. Also no third person mode please. Keep it first person only.


Romance with Meredith stout


More customization of everything. Style over substance!


3rd person cutscenes. The one at the end of Phantom liberty "Who Wants To Live Forever?" Is great and I want more out of cdpr like that. A different setting than Night City or at least a little bit of the game being set outside of Night City. I literally sat and stared out of the NUSA room window for minutes in intrigue just to take a peak at what it's like in the world outside of Night City so a more extensive look of the world outside would be great. Also I want to be able to drive AVs. That's in the the original post but yeah that would be fun. EDIT! and multiplayer. Would be so flipping awesome!


There are other parts of the world, some 2020 modules go to Europe, South America or Australia. The problem is that Night City is so iconic compared to those places. It's a character within itself.




I would like a rework of the ricochet mechanic, it’s a cool idea but it’s not very useful in game.


Exotics (iykyk)


I just want to fully borg out


Exploration of interiors. AndCar customization, proper underground metro


Integration between your cyberware and the HUD. If you have 'ganic eyes, then you get just the most basic info, HP, consumables and stamina. Tier 1 cyber eyes gets you a basic mini map. Higher level eyes get you more info on the hud, see targets through walls, etc. The ability to break the cyberware capacity limit. You can borg up as much as you want, but if you go too hard too soon you will not be able to control yourself, your cyberware glitches out, you have limits on how often you can use your cyberware and if you do it too much you can die. Pretty much I'm saying remove the hard caps on cyberware and replace it with a comprehensive cyberpsychosis system. Remove the gigs from the map. Instead of activating the gig by getting close to it, you have to call or visit your fixer or wait for them to call you. Not all missions will be available all the time. Some are day time only, some have to be done at night, etc. Also, certain missions require a certain level of street cred. Until you build a rep you won't be getting very many lucrative jobs from fixers.


ummm definitely cosmetic cybernetics


I’m sure people will argue against it, but the simple ability to teleport to a fast travel point from anywhere without finding one first. Just the simple quality of life increase.


Deeper romance gameplay. Think 2077 and BG3 made it clear people want to really roleplay this stuff, not only Bang once and have 3 lines of dialog after forever. More options too. And at least a setting which removes Gender restrictions. BG 3 did it right, people want to make it their game, not be forced to play a certain gender to be able to romance a certain character. I'm still mad at Mass effect for forcing me to play male shepard to be able to romance jack and ashley.


Sandy so no multiplayer for me


I do love that knives come back to you. I probably wouldn’t use throwing knives so much if they didn’t. I kind of wish there was an explanation for it though. Like maybe some arm cyberware that had some electro magnet thing.


I want a cyberpsychosis mechanic like the vitality system in the witcher 3, the more implants the more of a risk you have for overloading your system and going into cyberpsychosis


Im surprised no one has said this yet, but a purchasable AV


Just got out of my cave, what is Orion?


The next Cyberpunk game. Coming out in a few years and in preproduction now.


Cyberware that really modify your face and body / flying cars ofc - I wanna pilot flying things lol / a bit of parkour movement / and overall? I don’t know… cyberpunk 2077 was too awesome already 😫


Full Body Conversion


Tuning cars and more cars, and more apartments too


Better cyberware customization, more clothes, more appearance customization, 3rd person view, martial arts, more romance options, some multiplayer options (jobs, heists, bar/club hangouts), better car driving physics, and a story that isnt a ticking clock that makes all the cool side jobs seem like wastes of time (in the narrative sense). I'd also love to see some evergreen missions that you can solo or play with friends. To be honest, and I know that it's probably just me, I'd love a straight up action MMORPG.


Flying cars, wall running, faction missions or even covert missions would all be fun. Factions having a permanent impact on Night City or affect endings would be cool too. The protests shown in the background turning into an all out riot would be really interesting to explore too.


ACPAs like the power armor in FO4


I dont know what they have in mind story wise and who will be the pc. But if its not V id want an expanded character creator, maybe something like starfield where you get in depth options like narrative related perks and flaws. A must have for me is the sequel needs waaaaaaay more enemy variety; more mechs, vehicles, different types of cyborgs/power armor to be worried about. More punishing and tactical gameplay too, I want it to make me want to pay attention to enemy equipment. As of rn on hardest difficulty the only thing i need to pay attention to in 2077 is if they have a skull, or if theyre a sniper or netrunner. A more "intelligent" cityscape, with more complicated interactions (something like gang wars, heists, etc). More intricate jobs from fixers. Finally a rockerboy playstyle would be cool.


I would want: -Some cars to have self driving as an ability (as in you set where you want it to go, and you can watch the ride like in a cutscene, shoot/ do whatever) - Way more car customization in general. Paint jobs at the very least, but I think it would be cool if you could customize the interior and add various features. -Stealth takedowns with certain weapons like katanas, knives, monowire, etc - LOADOUTS. For your cyberdeck as well as your weapons. - My more off the wall idea is something similar to Prey mooncrash, a mode where you can play through randomly generated dungeons. Maybe it could under the guise of cyber training or something. - NG+ -More fleshed out building interiors. I would like to be able to go up in at least some of the skyscrapers whenever I want. - Some way of flying - More romance options


Some stuff involving cyberspace


Expanded Night City, with more to do like activities, restaurants, arcades, casinos, etc. Mission chains where you're helping the gangs Customizable apartments and cars Being able to hangout with friends/romances Being able to pet my fucking cat.


More cyberware, exotics, more customization in general


I feel like with ALL the customization possibilities, gameplay should switch to 3rd person (optional) but keep the cut scenes in 1st person


A better map display, similar to a google maps display Would also open up more options for in-universe advertising


Netrunning could stand a redo. Quickhacks seemed more like spell abilities and we only saw cyberspace in passing, so it would be interesting to expand on by giving the player the same capabilities as NPC hackers. Set up a hideout, do jobs remotely, and manage the various threats of the digital world. Making any of that into a compelling gameplay system would be a tall order though, but it'd be great to have a completely different angle to jobs.


* more ACTUAL weapon mods, not just invisible slot fillers. * akimbo pistols * more immersive world mechanics * more diverse mission types * ncpd crimes being temporary and unmarked on the map * better driving (easy drifting)


Gives me cosmetic cyberware and I'll be a happy man. Also I'd love it if the main story would involve rogue ai and the blue eyes people (maybe morgan blackhand since I've seen some theory involving both).


Hot take I'd like a protagonist with established backstory and personality, like Geralt in the witcher games. There would still be role-playing options of course, but you would feel like less of a boring blank slate


Actual netrunning


3rd person, cause as 'immersive' as the devs want the game to be, it's not immersive enough to give peripheral vision. Recruitable companions would be nice. I would have love to have this function to explore NC with Jackie by my side.


Trauma team being incorporated as a death mechanic opposed to just “load last save”. 


GTA style clothes shopping, I don’t wanna have to go to 50 different stores for a certain hat or coat, let me buy any piece of clothing from anywhere


*if possible* more voices to choose from? no shade to the OG VAs but sometimes i’d wanna hear how different each accent or person would sound


Third person toggle on and off, more DLC (AC Valhalla length DLC), and better apartments


I'd like to have a garage big enough for all the player owned vehicles and have them spawned persistently.


Idc about multi-player, but hear me out... Setting up your own heists.


Although it would be super hard to implement I would love some actual net running


dual wielding is a yes, more customization for clothes and gear because I want to fully design how my guns look down and be able to dye clothes to various colors instead of just hunting for a specific one. This might sound odd but I want them to focus on other groups than just Arasaka. Them being a tertiary baddie who we cross once in a while is fine but I want to go up against others. Maybe our main villains can be another corp or even some high ranking suit whose manipulating some of the gangs to try and boost their corp. I know they could do a lot more with Arasaka but it'd be nice to have a different finale than just hitting Saka Tower again. Unless they pull a yakuza where no matter what the finale of the game takes place in Millenium/Arasaka Tower


Multiplayer mode.


Traveling to different cities.


More weapon customization and armor customization, I wish we could have armor like Oda or smasher. Being a lethal threat I would like to have the fantasy of looking like one.


Duel wielding katanas would be sick.


The first thing that comes to mind is ng+ pleeeease, even if they can’t make the game more difficult for some technical reason I’m too ignorant to understand, at least give us the option to start over with all of our gear/clothes/cars/apartments. Pleaaaase.


Third person cutscenes.


Third person!! Even more expanded melee animations and skills Dual wield Dual wield melee + gun More parkor to go with third person Maybe unlockable "styles" depending on your Stat allocation


Joinable factions


that the character customization of your protagonist matters not only for romances but in how the world reacts to you


Better melee combat, better AI movement and tactics, reflections for the main character, way more weapon variety. Mostly though, I’d really love to see dedicated support for VR. If ever there was a game that could have helped push VR into the mainstream, it is CP2077. Now, they’d have to get the shooting and melee right and that’s a big undertaking… but I’d love to see it. I know there are mods and I’m on PC, but a CP2077 game with OFFICIAL VR support would be amazing. Don’t sacrifice anything from the “flat” version but make the VR just as good. Yes please!


I want limb variety, from those almost black industrial sleeve designs to maybe more ornate looks like Alita Battle Angel with the engravings. Also armor that actually gives bonuses.


A parkour system. Something like dying light but simplified and with cyberware boosts


Native support to Transmog system like EquipmentEX


grapple in some capacity for late game traversal, I don’t always wanna drive or fast travel


If I wear long sleeves, I can SEE my sleeves.


Being able to join factions (eg Maxtac, NCPD, gangs, corps), and being able to progress and become allies with them, unlocking missions. Also if you become an insider in one gang or faction, it blocks you out from also joining certain other factions. We kindof have it with NCPD, but I’d like to be able to do more detective type crime solving and RP as a Blade Runner


Metallic prosthetics, no mods. Multiplayer, similar to GTA Online + FiveM Las Vegas, Japan, or NYC


Bow and arrows


Turn signals on cars, not a joke! I want those little details that add immersion. I looove that the toilet in your first apartment is flushable (why aren’t they all!?) and I loooooove that vending machines vend! I’m on console so mods aren’t an option, please put little immersion touches in the base game!


Idk how it would work gameplay wise but I really want an extra pair of arms or two like those statues


Joinable factions and faction affiliation, like in Fallout NV. Oh you did a lot of gigs for the moxes? Tygerclaws are on your ass now. And so on. Pretty please if they so add such an mechanic, don't make it that you can max out any faction simultainously, that would be the RP Killer 100


Better story better clothes better cyberware even if it’s just purely cosmetic but still better cyberware more romance options and better romance stories


More body models to pick from and a much larger availability of clothing items. Customizable cars as well. I think the nicest cars in the game are the nomad cars, which look like someone screwed and taped funny extras onto them for ten years, like they‘re a milenium falcon. I want that too, even if it had little effect on gameplay. More and more diverse iconic weapons. They should do more far-out things, going a bit further into that anime-esque thing. What about a revolver that reloads itself on crit? Or a smart rifle with piercing bullets, that go look for the next guy. Optical Camo as a bigger thing going into the OS slot instead of a sandy or whatever. Possibly with added crit damage or damage avoidance properties etc. Music pool of similar size and quality. Melee finishers. They could be more quick or more reliable on big guys than the regular grab. Hacking mode where 1st person camera leaves the characters body and can fly around in areas covered by a hacked network


- Body piercings - Customizable/placeable tattoos and piercings - Clothing color should make a difference (ie a bright yellow jacket will make you more noticeable than a black turtleneck (a tactalneck, if you will)) - Reflective surfaces, including side and rear view mirrors. - More romance-able characters, and if you decide to romance more than one character, they might find out about each other, some would be ok, some wouldn’t and would end the relationship. - Missions and gigs can add dialog options when spending time with your bf/gf instead of the same conversations each time you see them. - Better pacing on the story, it’s too quick as is.


1 customizable cars/a showroom garage for like 5-8vehicles at least 2 the ability to ”claim” vehicles like how annoying it is we cant have that silver open top Mizutani Shion from that one street crime scene in Arroy when it clearly has no owner [THIS BAD BOY](https://imgur.com/a/30pt2Kw) 3 customizable weapons as in color and pieces (mgs 5 style, like collecting and getting parts) and a showroom/wall for them too i really like seeing the legendaries on V’s stashroom and its a shame not all are included 4 customizable apartments with more collectable showing spots 5 more in depth character backgrounds like the one we have just isnt enough, oh your a nomad yeah you get a handfull of speach options and thats it..


Have double jump as a perk like air dash, instead of leg cyberware. Let the other leg cyberware get a look in.


No multiplayer!


Choices that drastically change the game/the world around the player


More character customization all around (in character creation and in clothing. Give more cloathing slots. Like if i want to have a skirt and pants at the same time, but they use the same slot and such), a better map system because it breaks a lot, more "varieties" of weapon (like more guns of the same type. Like more traditional semi automatic pistols and shotguns and such)


2077 was disappointing enough at launch so I don't even want to think about any of that stuff, just sets you up for disappointment


Jewellery. Also a more comprehensive fashion loadout system, half of the top body options precluding anything in the bottom body slot is sad making - I can’t wear a cute little jacket with my sexy new Jinguji dress. And I can’t wear coat over my body armour. Fastened/unfastened toggle on jackets would be a great start but a layering system would be ace. And while on the topic of fashion. A little more flexibility in specific vendor pools would be neat, I’m roleplaying a badass, I don’t want to waste hours waiting for vendors to reset in the hope that they’ll have the right colour pants to complete my fit (I’d take access to a tailor/personal shopper/image consultant as a compromise) or let me order custom from the net.


I want them to *finally* add the cut cloth physics. Hell, leave it as an option if people don't want the classic glitchy cloak thing. They made an entire Yakuta/Kimono shop, made all the torso pieces. And then there are just zero lower body/leg pieces. There are obvious references to longer dresses/skirts, etc. Longer jackets. It vexes me! --- There is a mod that partially adds the physics itself, but effectively zero modders have used it to add clothes.


Here is my list, and it's gonna be a long one! Story: 1) much bigger focus on Biotehnica, Kang Tao, Zetatech and Militech 2) more missions with gangs 3) more importance to lifepaths (if there are any in Orion) 4) CONTINUATION OF THE PERALEZ QUESTLINE! 5) PL-like gigs Gameplay: 1) inhabited towns around NC 2) car costumization, personal garage, more buyable types of vehicles 3) FLASHLIGHT! 4) Street Cred having more impact on how the world reacts to you (by the end of the game, I wanna be like Aguilar) 5) visible cyberware 6) MUCH MORE detailed romance dates, more dialogue, more activities around the city (going blackout drunk at the Totentanz) 7) AVs 8) Bus lines 9) more verticality


Gigs and missions structured like the ones in Phantom Liberty.


Replayable missions


A story without the main char dying


a playable gaming experience at launch day would be a great addition


Deeper quest lines. The gigs were cool but didnt really add all that much depth. Speaking of depth, I want a more complicated city scape. I want to feel the denseness of the meganuildings. It lowkey feels like we spend so much time near the ground, but that view with sandra dorsett on the balcony is sick


1. More interactions with the world. Like letting you sit in chairs and eating food or drinking (not just in a menu) 2. Less reliance on the mini map. Maybe have it like some games do and project the route to the objective onto the road (like for example Watch Dogs does)


stealth kills using weapojs that would do animations like finishers straight from behind the enemy without grabbing them


More "retro" cars like Johnny's porsche. Mechanics that can be used for multiple reasons, such as parkour for stealth and exploration


Official VR support, from CDPR. I say this as someone who literally just bought their first headset today and is already obsessed.🤓


Life paths having actual meaning apart from a few dialogue choices such as certain side gigs won't go down well. Certain clients won't work with nomads or corpo rats. Or some side gigs are actually set ups to catch you out by arasaka/ militech, depending on your notoriety.


A headquarters and squad building, recruit people with different skills for your merc squad, a netrunner that could open doors on command for you, a fixer to bring in a steady stream of eddies, solos to back you up on missions etc


More and better cyberware, more clothing variations, more armor variations, and more interiors. Better driving mechanics as well.


My favorite part of the game (aside from the story) was just walking around, so I'd like to see more random NPC moments and more explorable buildings.


- More fleshed our life paths, be it developing the three we have already and/or adding more choices. Let them have a bigger affect on things. - more customisable chrome (I want to go near full Borg if I wanted) that you could potentially change the look of in some ways. - Customisable weapons/crafting. Colours, material, damage, design. Would be really fun to truly be unique like that. - more character customisation options in body, voice, face and clothes. Hell being able to design clothes etc. would be really fun. - Coop/multiplayer - could do it like your crew/gang is doing a heist, score or something. Would be really fun to be able to form online official gangs and duke it out with others. - A genuine crew. Even if just for the story and they’re not ‘useful’ I’d love to see that dynamic play out. - NG+ I’m begging.


The ability to flip my car back over when im in the middle of a chase and take a turn too fast 🥲


I just want cyberware to more dynamically alter your appearance


Possibility of double operating system (netrunner + sandi), multiple quick-slots for sth like optical camo + grenade launcher.


A pair of plain white fucking sneakers


i want a few more exotic weapons like energy weapons. Lasers or something like the arc thrower from Helldivers 2.


V being this Winter Soldier who would be your secondary antagonist but he goes by the "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" on occasion he'll talk about his brother in arms though he couldn't not remember his name


I wouldn’t mind like what they did in new Vegas where some gangs will like you others will hate you on how you treat them


Improved/increased player customization in both aesthetic and cyberware. Vehicle customization to include paint, visual and performance modification as well as custom weaponization. And just an overall more “alive” world with random occurrences and interactions, and more to do outside of a mission/gig. Red Dead 2 did this very well, where you could spend hours just “living” in the world, eating, drinking, gambling, etc. GTA 5 as well, playing sports, racing, and most of all the fact that you could end up in random fights from walking into people, taunting regular folks on the street, or hitting someone’s car. Something like gang rep would also be cool, gangs put hits on you if you go against them too much or maybe come to your aid if you’ve fostered a good relationship with them.


Biggest weakness of Cyberpunk 2077 is that there is not too much to do in its beautiful open world. So I wish that there would be more just, um, stuff and "activities" to do around besides hunting for cyberpsychos and gangoons.


Hard pass on multi-player. Not everything needs to be about multi-player. There are very few companies that really focus on the single-player experience, and I'm not interested in ruining one of its last bastions.


No multiplayer hopefully. I don't know a single game where adding multiplayer didn't damage the single player experience somehow. Fallout 76 is a good example. I still sometimes play 4 and 76 isn't a bad game but it's still considerably worse. In any case, things I want to see added. -Big ass countryside. I wanna go full Eurotruck simulator and drive between cities, pedal to the metal. Even if it's just main city plus a DLC location and you can either fast travel or manually drive there. -More "home base" building mechanics. CP77 has the wall for weapons and a few non customizable apartments but I want more options for that. Being able to move furniture around, choose decoration style, souvenir and collectibles shelves. Able to hire people, like crypto miners for passive income or guards/lackeys, you can bring with to missions. -More Moon/space stuff -A well done "radiant" system. Like sometimes you are patrolling the city at night and see some shady people near a building that was previously inaccessible. The main door is now open and you can get inside there. They might be setting up a drug lab you can stop or it's some corp/NCPD conducting a raid you can join or fight them and save whoever they are raiding. Just good, random events that don't get repetitive and spammy/mandatory. -Gang reputation system. Like if you keep slaughtering a gang and are seen doing it, it would make sense they start hating you, not work with you and you'd become KoS and they would come after you. Likewise, if you always help or side with them, they might extend you an invitation to join officially. -A deeper, better perk system. At least when I played, most skills were too situational and gimmicky, like damage when sliding and aiming on tuesdays after a heavy burrito dinner but not after 3 PM. Intellect and tech skills were mostly fine, body was mixed but cool and reflex trees felt really weird and I didn't notice almost any difference between filling them up and just picking passive damage boosts cause sliding and shooting while moving and all that, or getting into combat and breaking stealth to take advantage of the talents was just counterproductive.


AVs, a SUPER in depth cyberware customization system, and better, more in depth life paths, since lifepath doesn't add an insane amount beyond just bringing some extra flavour to a playthrough.


More cyberwear, new game plus, longer story, care customization more houses and apartments, better saves management