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Nothing ever happens. He's just a punk. I didn't let the VDB survive my latest playthrough.


I didn’t let them survive any of the 10 playthroughs I did.. every time I thought, I wonder what happens if I don’t and inevitably flaccid makes me quick to change my mind disrespectful gonk.


I don't think I ever chose something other than punching him. I wanted to many times... haven't yet tho.


My very first run, I was an honorable merc. If I took a job I did it. Every time since? Screw the VDBs.


It’s not as satisfying as decking him tbh


What they did to Evelyn and Judy is enough for me to declare open season every time after the ice bath.


Yeah Evelyn was the last straw. Fuck the VDB.


I mean they fried Evelyn. It was Woodman who raped her and Wakako who gave her to the death's head.


They're just so fucking killable... and his jacket is sick


Flaccid 😂


Credit to OP of course but now it’s his primary name


One of the things I do appreciate with Phantom Liberty: any time Placcide comes up, even other Voodoos shit on him. I do wonder how pissed Brigette would have been had he succeeded in nuking Johnny's engram.


I never let the VDB survive *any* playthrough.


You made a mistake letting that motherfucker live.


“Dis hardware is shit.” “Okay, how come I just beat you to death with it, then?”


Now I'm picturing V literally beating Placide to death with her cyberdeck.


Exactly. Wasn't shit when my ICE blocked his quickhacks and then I proceeded to cut him up like turkey with Errata and a Sandy. I always kill all of them, what they did to Evelyn was just too shitty. And they double-cross V at every turn.


I left placide alive in my most recent play through hoping I would get a second encounter (I had never done that before) with him so I could I let him get all hyped up thinking he was going to take this “ranyon” out for killing Bridgette and the rest but then just activate my beserk and let him watch in horror as V stands unaffected by literally anything he throws at them.


“It’ll be real funny when I CRACK YOU WITH A PIPE!” - Hesh


Where's that line from again? I swear I remember seeing it somewhere before


I zap the Netwatch agent, get zapped by VDB, go meet Brigitte, meet alt, **massacre everyone**


I once got that text after I smoked him.


I find it funny how people spare the VDBs but hate Wako.


All I see is nothing but hate for the VDBs on here.


Usually, that's the case. There is some hate towards Wakako for handing Evelyn to the Death's Head after Fingers couldn't fix her nuked chip, and called Wakako.


Isn't it kinda the opposite?


Definitely the opposite. And the reason why? One of them is rude to you, the other is not!


I got that message immediately after executing the dude with mantis claws.


“ Flaccide “ lmfao, I’m rolling in tears


They have pills for that


or implants. Just watch out for the ones that have been recalled.


Never went that route, I always enjoyed showing Flaccide that my cyberware is not, in fact, shit, and this ranyon is actually really good with a katana.


I also fed him the folded steel of a katana


Can you fight him without siding with netwatch?


Yeah if you side with the VDB he is waiting by the church door for you, and you can either leave or make mantis blade sushi


I always kill the netwatch dude. Then, after meeting Alt, I dismember every single VDB in sight except Flacide. For him it is death with dishonor. He goes down by being mercilessly pummeled by Sir Phallustaff.


Beating him to death with that weapon? That's a real...Dick move!


Unpopular opinion, but I leave Placide alive. He's an asshole to V, but he's a community man in a world of individualist scumbags and frankly, Night City is more interesting with him in it. I wouldn't have said no if he had offered me out for a fight post-Church, mind. And I totally get why people hate him. I'm not gonna say I haven't made ragu out of him on replay, just to see what would happen.


100%, i kill both netwatch and vdb's every time i get around to phantom liberty


Yeah. At the end, after you've contacted Alt, you can choose to aggro on the VDB's for first frying you after pulling Brigitte and the other runners out at the GIM, and then dangling you like a worm on a hook beyond the Blackwall for the AI fishies to snack on, trying to get Alt to surface


Fellow found out you can't quickhack 1.5kg of folded steel coming at him.


ha! I also katanaed the shit out of him. It was fucking awesome. I really wanted to kill him in my first playthrough but I was specced badly so I couldn’t. The second time? Oh my god, so satisfying.


If you engage in choices that lead to hostility with the VDB, he’s actually a really fun boss fight. I found him kinda difficult on Very Hard, he uses a shotgun and it’s in the chapel which is kinda small. I liked his fight from both a gaming perspective and “how you like this ranyon now!?” perspective. He really is one of the coolest characters in game IMO.


I just like hearing him say "kamyonet" haitian creole is a beautiful-sounding language


Haitian Creole is indeed awesome. I actually like doing Voodoo Boys missions, PL added a couple more than I enjoyed. “We lose de link, you got hit. It’s dat simple”


Yeah, that made me a bit sad my grandfather would not teach me Louisiana Creole.


if your grandfather was born around the same time as mine the teachers probably whipped him every time he spoke it. that's why louisiana creole is dying, just plain old prejudice against a so-called "uneducated" language no opportunity left for me to learn it either, the last of my family that spoke it died years ago


Same thing happened with my parents. Never taught me tagalog when we came here. Lost my accent and the language over time. It's not something I lose sleep over but sometimes it bums me out.


My grandma came to the US from Japan during WWII and did not teach any of her children Japanese. Her reasoning was “what would they possibly need it for?” Which is technically correct, but I still wish she would have taught the family some Japanese. She’s been here for about 70 years now and doesn’t really speak Japanese anymore, and it’s kind of sad that she can’t really speak with her brother and sister anymore since she doesn’t really speak Japanese and they don’t speak English. I’ve always gotten the feeling that she’d just as soon forget about most of her life in Japan, I think her childhood was pretty miserable


She probably didn't want anything from her family anyways. Most japanese descendants in Brazil speak some japanese and we even have schools competing against each other for the best essay written entirely in japanese. The first place gets a paid month in Japan with tickets and housing included, children of the entire country compete against each other and the best schools love to display their winning pupils. Maybe you should look for some japanese courses on your own.


Haha I started to in college. And I still may again some day, but for something that was a casual interest at best, the “memorize 20 symbols per day” instructions they gave us on the first day of class seemed a little too fast paced for me. I’m pretty good with languages, but if they don’t use the Latin alphabet I would need to move at a snail’s pace, rather than college course pace


Totally understandable. I have a cousin that has been learning japanese since we were like 15 (we're in our early 30's rn) and what helped a lot was sticking the kanji, hiragana and katakana along with the romaji in appliances and household items. Try to memorize the symbols instead of focusing on the romaji version and just use it to remember how to pronounce it, also try to do something with the language everyday even if it's just 10-15 minutes, especially if you can do it at the same time every day. In the end doing a little may help you a lot, especially with visual cardboard and those with drawings on them explaining the symbols. Also try to engage your grandma since she's in an age that's crucial to work on the mind, even if she just tries to push you off it (since it's her first language it's a matter of exercising and she'll have a harder time in the long run if she doesn't really make the effort to remember things from her younger days).


As a native French-speaker, listening to the VDBs speak *almost* makes sense. Like hearing someone's voice through a wall and occasionally making out a word. In this case, "kamyonet" is pronounced exactly like "caminonette", which is a word for "small truck".


I kind of just walked in front of him and let him kill himself by blocking all of his bullets


I just hung in the back room and repeatedly Suicided him with my cyberdeck while blasting him through the wall with my Satara.


I went berserk and beat him to death with my gorilla arms, same as just about every boss in the game, including Smasher.


I mean he can't shoot you if he's blind or his weapon mysteriously mallfunction...


i just spam cyberware malfunction and shoot the husk of what's left


My shotgun beat his shotgun lmao


Yeh - gotta hack him or stun him if I remember he dodges bullets if he’s not afflicted. I also beat him with Sovereign


It think it’s a bug but double cyberware malfunction on him makes him stop shooting entirely.


Double cyberware malfunction permanently borks an enemy’s cyberware, if I’m remembering correctly


Oof 😂😂 “the game is fixed”


He dodges for sure, but lure him into the tunnels and you can just brute force his dodges with buckshot.


He was a boss? Dude had his back turned when I got to the church proper so I just got him from behind and snapped his neck.


Yeah did exactly this like 10 minutes ago in my playthrough. I did see that boss health bar but thought I'd give a try sneaking on him and it worked !


All bosses can be snuck up on. It’s a funny mechanic.


Oh great, good to know ;)


Yeah, apparently you can stealth kill >!Adam Smasher!<, although it will take a couple of attempts.


Damn okay, definitely trying this one on my current playthrough. It does kinda remove the fun out of the game though, but i guess I'll just save before and reload to do both.


I hate how suicide just does chip damage to him, but if you lose visibility you can just grab him. Like, if he can be one shot then I want to do it by forcing him to shoot himself with my shit cyberware, you know?


I laughed when I got that text, like "I could have killed you but you weren't worth the energy." I feel killing everyone else in the VDB's hideout but leaving specifically him alive is a bigger "Fuck You" to him, especially after literally holding his life in your hands.


Imagine letting him survive in the first place.


I didn't let him live. He still texted me to watch my back. He thinks being a ghost scares me... Pssh.


Yeah, as if coming back from dead is something to brag about...


"Brother you not even the first murderous ghost ive dealt with this week, so maybe dont try it?"


Now anytime you netrun or use combat cyberware you'll hear a voice saying "This hardware is shit"


Flaccide By the Gods, that's the best thing I've read today


By the Gods there's a psychopath on the loose


How come Flaccide is still alive? On another note: if Flaccide survives, could I still be able to beat his ass in that Hotel he hangs out?


mfr killed Evie, make sure to flatline him every fkn time


I got that same text several days after choosing a more violent end, and it freaked me out a bit because it meant he was either a vengeful ghost or he somehow survived. I soon figured out that it was just a glitch, but it actually made for a couple of nerve-wracking days where I really was watching my back waiting for something to happen.


Bro Flaccide???? I fucking love you holy shit


Such a silly text since V can't even look down and see her/his own feet.


The VDB could treat me like royalty and I'd still want em dead for making me sit through Johnny and Alt fucking


Yeah that was an extremely "out there" scene. Them Polish game devs are horny bastards they are.


It wouldn't be so bad if I could just *skip that goddamn scene* since I've played this game a dozen or more times now!


Fuck Flaccide. All my homies hate Flaccide!


Should've squashed that cockroach when you had the chance bud.


With a name like Flaccide, I don't have high expectations of him.


Flaccide. 😂 Haven't heard that before. I think he's supposed to send that if you end up crossing them but letting them live, or at least that context makes the most sense. I like how he goes from kind of intimidating/imposing to immediately humbled by Brigitte. In the end he's just a punk bitch.


My philosophy IRL is that "big dogs don't bark". Someone truly dangerous isn't going to threaten you or tell you to "watch your back". That's a schoolyard tactic to make you stress and worry. Watch out for the quiet guys who don't respond to taunts. Personally, I enjoyed taking out Placide when I had the chance as well as the all the Voodoo Boys I could find.


Kill him every time for no other reason than his coat is the sickest clothing item in the game


“I like your coat, how very unfortunate for you.”


The best experience I had fighting him was approaching stealth and breaking his neck. Not even a fight.


Let the VDB live on the first play through, after that I’ve killed them every single play through. They betrayed and tried to murder V multiple times and were responsible for what happened Evelyn.


I'm getting a feeling everyone in this community will be calling him "Flaccide" from now on. 😂


I let Flaccide live. I'm just too much of a stereotypical Goku type.


VDBs can catch these hands, fuck sneak dissin if I catch flight it’s gonna be direct


People get so triggered by Placide.


Can you blame them? Dude used you like a Net kamikaze. Hazed you, never intended to pay you, then tries to gaslight you about it. When that doesn’t work, the POS taunts you.


Look at it from V's POV. V who, not days earlier, rescued a woman from scavs, slaughtered a warehouse full of Maelstrom, broke into Arasaka HQ, fought his way out, watched his only friend bleed to death, got a sociopath implanted in his brain, got betrayed and shot in the head, *and* watched the woman who hired him in the first place get net-fried and abused for a week straight. V is a man brought to the edge of oblivion by circumstances beyond his control. He is a man with *nothing* to lose. And history has a way of reminding us, that is *not* the man you fuck with. And Placides reward for fucking with V is watching everyone he associates with be riddled with bullets and their nervous systems fried by Net Watch. *And* their actions are directly responsible for unleashing Alt, who tears down what is arguably the greatest power in the world. If he or Briget would've let V walk with the little bit of info he wanted, none of this would've happened.


Or maybe v is paying attention, and understands night city a little better than that. The vdbs got fucked at konpeki plaza too. And it was the tiger claws who gave evylan to fingers and than wakako who sold her to the scavs. Evylan was also actively turning on them when they hacked her, if they had not done that netwatch would have been all over them. It's like we played a different game. They really seemed like the only sympathetic faction from what I could tell. Aside from lizzies obviously


The VDBS hired Ev as a Ranyan. Which translates literally to "Dish Rag" - to be used and discarded - to sleep with Yorinobo to find the chip. Instead, she tries to go behind th VDBs, hires two mercs through Dex to pull the heist and give her the chip. This fails and she goes back to being a doll. The VDBs fry her, Woodman has his way with her and gives her to Fingers to try and recoup some of the losses and get her back to work. Fingers has his way with her, and sells her to a Brain Dance group who do things not even Judy wants to explain, which drives Ev to disassociate and kill herself. The VDBs aren't sympathetic. They're a dooms day cult which aims to unleash the unfettered AI from beyond the Blackwall in hopes that doing so will put them on the AIs good side, and they won't be slaughtered. Did the VDBs get fucked? Yes. But rightfully so. There's not a single positive thing that comes for them.


Ranyon means just rag in Haitian. Yeah is derogatory for sure, and is probably meant to mean 'disposable' here. But wtf are you on about? Yeah, they treat outsiders as disposable, thats very mean of them. But like, ask an aldacaldo what to do with a Valentino... And too the blackwall, that just depends on how you read the blackwall subplot.


An intergang war I can understand. That's just daily life in Night city. The VDBs specifically contract dirty work to outsiders just to kill them upon completion. Not because they can't do the work, but because they just don't want to. That's preying on the weak and desperate just to turn them into fried meat when they fulfil their end of the deal. That puts them up there with Maelstrom and Scavs as "Kill on Sight".


Been a min since I played CP:2077, where do you find out tiger claws and wakako fucked over Evelyn?


Fingers will tell you about Wakako by name, but not in every dialogue path.


So tiger claws run the clouds. After the konpeki job Evelyn is at clouds. She is fried by the vdb hack(not saying they did not do that, but they did that when they caught her selling them out to netwatch), the manager of clouds(tigerclaw), woodmen or whatever, tried to reboot her, than rapes her, than takes her to fingers to see if he can reboot her. Leaves her there when he can't. Fingers than calls wakako to see if she will pay him for her, she takes her and sells her to the scavs. You learn most of this from fingers and from woodmen or his terminal. You do have to be looking for it tho. Thing is, this is how night city operates. Nobody is good, some are especially bad. Vdbs are a gang, a brutal and violent gang. But by comparison to the tiger claws, maelstrom, animals, etc, they are at least trying to maintain a level of piece and civility. They treat outsiders like disposable or like obstacles, that sucks if you are on the receiving end of it. But they are not running human meat markets on the scale of the claws, or actively seeking the destruction of all meat based life like mealstrom. Depending on how you think about the Blackwall the last on is debatable. But we know at least they think it's not just the one thing, that there is some sort of positive outcome for humanity possible by working around it. I tend to think they are on the right path with that just from my read on the sci-fi tropes at play here. It much more likly the final twist to all that will be "the humans were the evil ones all along", that's the precedent for these sorts of stories. That's a big part of my take on the vdbs, coming out of this and going in to a sequel, or any ongoing lore from here. Betcha they were the good guys. Or at least the only ones actually doing something meaningful to save humanity from its next big apocalypse. If the Blackwell is inevitable, and unquestionably capable of ending human life, and there is no documented way to actualy end 'the net', than symbiosis or 'singularity' is the only logical path forward. we know that's possible because of alt, and probably the most cannon ending has v becoming a 'Blackwall ai'.


You can watch the record on Eve room at Clouds, she got attacked by a netrunner, so probably VDB, they always discard everyone who worked for them lorewise.


But how is that any worse than anyone else you work with in the game? They seem too by and large run one of the cleaner operations in night city frankly.


Yeah because he fucking sucks.


Clearly he is just caring about you and making sure that you are being careful.


VDB🤝Scavs Top of the hit list


Flaccid (thank you for that ingenious name, I’m keeping that) is an A-Grade coward. He just talks and looks big, but they’re all chairjocks at the end of the day.


Lol, that's what you get for not killing that bastard.


I always go in wanting to be positive and work with the VDBs. Then I remember they're pathological backstabbers and I think the Animals are more respectable than the VDBs. I appreciate honesty and trustworthiness, and the VDBs are dangerously untrustworthy and complete liars. I always know where I stand with the Animals. They're roid-raging meatheads incapable of the subtlety needed for deception.


Them Voodoo fuckers don‘t deserve to live for their fuckery. Same for any Tyger Claws. Fuck those guys.


always got me fucking pissed how they treat you like dogshit with no once of respect i mean in night city almost everyone use you at some point but them.... oh boy i can't just walk out with one of them alive except placide...placide live so he know what v is able to do XD more seriously how they always lie treat you like trash and all until the last moment wheni get out of the bath with brigite speaking to me in her condescending tone it's like the green light to sandevistan in the whole room and cut them all into pieces


To be fair, maybe it's a friendly reminder! Like telling a buddy to watch their back if they're headed into a war zone or something.


Flaccide 💀




Choom, always double tap. Even if it’s Oda.


I don't think I've ever left that dickhead alive. I usually best him up till I can hit him with suicide for the last bit of damage because making him shoot himself pleases me.


Oh its super easy. You fucking Murder every VdB you come across


I played this game in full 5 times and I've never even considered letting them live was an option lol


I wipe the VDB's out every time, they don't deserve to survive considering they're endangering all of Humanity and they lie to you multiple times and treat you like shit.


I wouldn't know. I never let Flaccide or any of the other racists survive. They've always met the end of my katana or I let Alt fry their brains


What exactly makes them racist?


They're a blacks only group that wants to ethnically cleanse the Cyberpunk world by tearing down the black wall and letting rogue AI's kill anyone who isn't them.


Cope, that’s incomprehensible. They are “blacks” only because they’re refugees that came from one central place, “ethnically cleanse” is wrong and you know it, and the deal was to not be killed by the AIs because they know they’re gonna come through at some point


Listen you don't have to try to justify their racism to me. It is what it is


They always die when I play and I have to kill him after. I don't remember if I've ever played through with them living.


Didn't know that Flapcyst could text from the BeYoond.


I’ll be honest, I have never sided with NetWatch because I just like killing the VDBs myself. After all their BS it feels very satisfying


I'm pretty sure I killed placide when siding with netwatch and still got that text later.


You let the Voodos live?


First corpo playthrough I made a deal. Now I just start blastin'.


i feel like i remember getting jumped by the vdbs while driving once after receiving that text


Maybe? No way choom, get over there and waste him.


I always let him live in hopes of a rematch!


"Evelyn sends her regards." - me


My first playthrough, I was very happy to have an option to wipe that smugfuckery off Brigitte's face. I actually forgot all about big boy until he attacked me upstairs.


Yeah..... I just shot up the whole place, like a bit after you wake up


i let them survive, nothing happens lol placide's just feeling a lil silly


You should have killed him.


Yeah, they're all well and truly dead by this stage.


Every other thread on this subreddit is crying about Placide and it's so boring


Flaccide* Call him by his name.


So, why are you here? If you don't like the sub, leave. Crying about people crying about something else isn't going to do anything.


I thought this was the low sodium sub, damn