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Ah, gotcha. Thanks for the info!




Ah man, now I want to rewatch the episode - heck, the whole show! - but I already don’t have time for the series I follow now! 😅


Oh that is awesomely relevant!


That’s because DS9 is the best!


A friend of mine has said the exact same thing and has been urging me to check it out. Very literally starting my first watch of DS9 S01E01 today! Here's to the beginning of another trek binge




The uniform color assignments underwent a shift from The Original Series (TOS) to The Next Generation (TNG), with Lower Decks reflecting this evolution as follows: TNG/LD Uniforms: - Red: Command - Blue: Science/Medical - Yellow: Engineering/Security TOS Uniforms: - Red: Engineering/Security - Blue: Science/Medical - Yellow: Command I don't know the specific reasons for these changes...


I think it was because when prepping for TNG, they were going to have the same colors, but (and I think this is right but I’m not 100% on it) Brent Spiner’s makeup did not look good in the red or Blue so they decided to swap red and yellow so that yellow was security and Engineering. Data is technically the Ops Officer and should technically be in Red but they just did a realignment so he could be in Yellow.


That's really fascinating about the change being because of Data. Gonna go look this up. I will return with what I've found as long as my ADHD doesn't lead to a distraction!


Follow up! Did find another place that said what you did about Data, really fascinating!


Yea, I've been jumping around with Start Trek series. I really didn't get into any star trek until the 2009 trilogy, then Discovery, well the first two seasons at least,, then SNW and LD. So while I get general references, lot of the specifics of the older series go over my head I definitely plan to watch TOS, TNG, DS9... and the movies at some point, and I feel like I'm missing somethibg, but yea that's a big chunk of content. So basically piecing everything together through the various references of the more recent series Voyager Then again, there's an ocd part of me that really wants to watch everything in chronological order


They've started to rewrite TOS history a little in the Abraham verse, DIS and SNW by introducing more white uniforms in medical.


Splitting medical and the sciences by having the former assigned with white and the latter with blue makes more sense and what I would've preferred personally from the beginning in the '60s, although having the two be the same understandably also saves on costuming costs.


I think part of the reason they shifted the colors was just aesthetics, but I think it also had to do with breaking the "red shirts die" trope. Dressing the Captain and 1st officer in red lets you know that whatever tropes they may fall into, always killing the redshirt isn't going to be one of them.


I never thought of that... Good point


Yeah basically things in Starfleet are organized into 3 very broad divisions: Command: Command, piloting, navigation, legal, admin, diplomacy OPS: Engineering, security, ops, tactical Science: Each and every science discipline, medical, counseling In the shows that take place earlier in-universe: ENT, DISCO, SNW and TOS Command is associated with the color gold for uniforms and OPS with red. In the shows that take place later in-universe: TNG, DS9, VOY, LOW and PRO they in-universe changed the tradition and now Command is associated with red and OPS with gold.


Awesome! Thank you for breaking down command, ops and science. Tbh, still really don't know the extent of what ops are, but I'm guessing mission related stuff?


Operations is the day to day activities that don’t fall into command or science. Consider medical as part of science due to the blue/green. Here is one example for you: what does a COO do? What do they do in a regular company? It’s not finance, it’s not executive, it’s not technical… How about supply chain management? Somebody needs to keep track of all the stuff there is, make sure it is stored and used as necessary. Someone needs to operate transport etc. Basically, operations, maintenance, security, running the things while scientists science and commanders break prime directives.


If you mean ops with the small letters ... For example Barnes, Rutherford and Shaxs are all OPS being gold. But obviously Shaxs is security and Rutherford is engineering. Barnes is ops, ops hasn't been really defined in a strict sense since it's more of a background role than the more heroic specializations like science or engineering, basically if it deals with running the ship or using technology and it's not cutting edge science stuff or fiddling with the warp core and engines stuff it's probably ops. Rutherford literally builds new stuff and he does maintenance pulling out panels getting dirty and etc. Tendi studies new phenomena in a lab or on the field and writes papers on it. Barnes uses the technology already at her disposal and writes code to reprogram the deflector dish to do crazy new stuff.


You are only allowed to *ship* characters who wear different color shirts. The one exception to this is the Mariner/Ransom Ship


That can’t possibly be a thing…(thinking)…(making many notes)….(creating a large yarn covered wall with all the characters that got together)…*dear God, it was there the whole time…* Edit: Wait, are we counting Janeway and Paris from the episode that never happened?




This article sounds like it knows what it's talking about. I've been a Trek fan since I was a kid, and honestly, I'd never really given it a lot of thought. Maybe because I started with TNG and the original movies? Interesting to look up and read about, so thanks! https://screenrant.com/star-trek-uniform-colors-meaning-change-reason/#:~:text=Why%20Star%20Trek's%20Uniform%20Colors,the%20problematic%20%22redshirt%22%20association.


OK, don't quote me on this. This is the way I understand things happened. Back when TNG was in pre-production, costume tests were made with the uniform colours the same as ToS - gold for command, red for engineering/security, and blue for medical/sciences. However, it was discovered that Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes looked *much* better in the red, so command and engineering/security were swapped over.