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Did you refer them to the job listing and those details that were included? Perhaps the person was misinformed.


I did they still said i can't work weekends


Weekends only I meant to say


You should have been able to only work weekends I've known plenty part timers who do that. But from the sounds of it you made the right choice if they refuse to offer that option to you. Would be a huge hassle for you in the future


I'd kill for someone who can only do weekends. Most of the kids in my store call out.


Funny thing is there’s a few people they have that are weekends only. I’m a full time college student with a separate pt job and we were able to work something out in the end that would work with my availability. The fact that they didn’t even try is ridiculous seeing how a lot of employees are not even getting a total of 8 hours in a 2 week span most times of the year Wanted to add, if you’re still in need of a 2nd pt job, last resort maybe, you can reapply at a different Lowe’s, just be more straightforward about your availability and reasoning, hopefully next manager to interview you is more understanding as weekends are pretty busy still and a lot of associates prefer having weekends off.


Good for you! Lowes lies. Most people find out after starting. My store recently hired a part-time weekend only associate for a department. 


They may call you back. You would be amazed all the call outs on weekends in my store. Nobody wants to open or close.


When I started I only worked weekends and they were perfectly fine with that.


eh, no loss. i have walked a few times.


Good for you, dodged a bullet tbh


I applied to be a day Stocker and my job description has evolved multiple times even though I said day one I will only do what my initial job description says unless I agree to more responsibilities and they have to accept it because I'm a great worker and I get shit done and if they want to play games I have said I will leave no call no show goodbye. You did right by you don't settle for less they can hire someone else, you have standards.


I work only weekends. I will pick up days here and there but my availability has been Sat and Sun only for over a year now. Originally was cause I was super busy with family stuff on top of college, now it's just because I'm trying to find a full time job (graduated, yay) for the weekdays. I don't see why they wouldn't let you do only weekends. I'm not the only one at my store that does this.


They get you in the door and then they flip the script on you during the interview. It's happened before, I've heard stories of people interviewing for positions, getting hired, and then being immediately switched to a department they didn't apply for.


Problem is many stores want part-timers to have full and open availability. It is completely wrong. I would love someone who wants to work weekends.


i got hired during the summer so my availability was open for a while, but during my interview i let the manager interviewing me know that once school started in late august, i could only do weekends. i’ve never had any problems between management and my availability. we have a couple students who only do weekends. management is different but there’s no policy about working only weekends. you probably dodged a bullet


I don't believe it says only weekends.