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Good for you, don’t take shit from anybody. Hopefully they will learn from this as well


Yeah fuck that place, I do wish I could’ve said bye to some people including another ASM that wasn’t there, but im done with all the shit I get, yet they rely on me for so much,


I walked out last week and same, I should have said goodbye to more than several good coworkers.


Congrats. Those friends you made will find u again down the road. Trama bonding n all. It may take a few weeks tho. Trust ur gut. I left suddenly of my own accord. Many years and positions. Shocked a few folks but ex employees, customers and friends made, including a few former bosses(!!) have sent me congrats over the last weeks. ✌️ good luck 👍


Oh for the love of God, please make some noise with corporate about this. I realize that you’re done with this circus called Lowes (I too felt Like I too was at the end today).   Tell corporate that you were cursed at and called degrading names and verbally abused and that A Manager and a DS actually sided with the customer. You make sure to name Drop that incompetent ASM and DS. You were threatened by them and the customer. Do it with as many channels as you can. Email the SM, the DS, the district vice-pres., and the regional pres. all contacts are on the board likely in the break room.  Find the head of Lowes HR and the other executive team leaders and email all of them, and call the 844-hr-Lowes line.   Please find time to do it.  You should have a job, that ASM and DS should be gone. May the grass be greener, and the paycheck too.


That’s what another coworker of mine had said to do, when I was telling him on the phone about what happened, which I’ll most likely end up doing bc fuck those assholes


And then if they do side with you, stay, but be the opposite of how you worked previously. Because remember, Lowe's does not reward hard work. Lowe's does not reward effort.. so why give it. That place is toxic to its employees, and that's the current play that they're running. They are abusive, and they know they can be abusive to get extra effort out of people until they give up and quit and then they can hire the next person who wants to prove themselves and the cycle continues


During covid, when customers tensions were high, Marvin used to preach on the podcast, "if you are being degraded by a customer, work with management and ask them to leave, WE DONT NEED THE MONEY THAT BAD". And I know it's a different company now. But numerous times he stressed that. If you write an email, try to reference that.


Customers in oslg were the worst coming from a cashier who worked there awful the amount of complaints from these cuatomers was way too much


OSLG customers are a piece of work, but my least favorite are lumber, Plumbing were the nicest out of all the departments I covered but they’re also the dumbest and most needy


Maybe if the boards didnt look like they were cut from a corkscrew willow tree, or look like a beaver tried to chew the corners, or have more knots that fall out and make the board look like swiss cheese. Ive gone through half a pallet of 2x4s and didnt find but 3 usable ones, I needed 30. Asked the lumber guy to haul down the other pallet and he looked at me like I had 3 heads. I promise some of us lumber customers arent trying to be difficult we just want boards that arent fucked up. 😂 Lowes, home depot, whatever home improvement store all have the same fucking issues with lumber. Its why I will never order lumber and have it delivered. I want straight boards, that have 90+% of the corners left of them and not be full of knot holes so I have to go through and sort for the boards I want.


It’s not the associates fault we have shitty lumber bruh, we just work there bruh, we’re too busy to be doing the most for all that, go to a real lumberyard 💀


If they wouldnt kick me out of the store for running the forklift Id do it my damn self.  😂


I’m next soon


You have done what I've wanted to do here the past year and a half. Covering 5 to 6 departments a day, working 5-10 pallets of freight even though we have a stock crew of 9, and being treated like shit by customers even while you're trying to explain to someone 3x your age how something a 6 year old can operate works just isn't worth minimum wage. Best of luck in the job hunt.


I enjoyed all that I learned on the job from covering all the different shifts, but I’m tired of constant disrespect


Hey man, sorry that they treated you like that. I'm a DS and I definitely deny service to people that cuss out my team. I tell the team that if 4 letter words come out to call me immediately and they don't don't get paid enough to deal with abuse. In that situation, I would have offered to continue loading if he calmed down and apologized, or given him a refund and politely told him to kick rocks for the missing bags if he insisted on being an ass. Edit: spelling mistakes


My main DS in Lumber is actually a great guy and while I’m not regretting quitting I do wish I could’ve said bye to him, or that he was there bc he would’ve stood up for me, DS’ like yall seem rare tho, most DS’ at my store would’ve blindly sided with management, glad to see you sticking up for your team man!


If I were manager, that 'customer' would be banned from the store. .


Exactly. Why won’t managers protect their employees anymore and then get shocked when the hardest workers leave after dealing with so much bs for years


This was me. I was a Delivery Coordinator. Managers were coming to me to fix their issues. Like BRUH, im a lowly peon. I shouldnt have to do shit that managers are supposed to do. Found another job and dropped down to part time in garden. They never scheduled me, so i quit. I know that was their goal because i couldn't work as many hrs they wanted. In 2 weeks, they lost 3/5 power equipment trainers 🤣🤣. Fuck bLowes. I actually work at Home Depot in flooring now. No more 70 mile round trips to work for me.


Feel your pain but they are set up to plug and play another warm body, doesn't matter if they are good or not. Lowe's life will go on, the store will make plan, ASM will get there bonuses, there will be some more firing and hiring and round and round we go. But no one deserves to be treated badly by customers.


I almost did this today. There was 7. SEVEN. SEV-VEN. Oslg CSAs on the clock and only two of us were in quick load. One girl was there for 6 hours of my shift and I never seen her outside ONCE. Complete bs. But if I run around inside I get a bitching.


Fuck that, I would lose my shit, I’m not one to narc on coworkers to management but I would be so fucking pissed


What happened to "customers should not disrespect associates" signage all over the store.


I'm not asking and you obviously don't have to say, but I won't be surprised if this was in Florida. Second guess would be Texas. .


I also work at Lowe’s in Florida and my old coworker got fired because he refused to help a customer that called him the n-word and also cussed at him. He ended up getting fired


It was in fact Texas


Congratulations on the best promotion! Go out there and do something that you're good at and that you love. I left Lowe's after 5 years, and my mental health was for the better . You are worth more than 18 dollars an hour , and you don't need 5 managers telling you where to go , what to do , or what time . All of which, of course, conflict with each other. I wish you nothing but the best out there !


You know what, it takes some guts to stand up for yourself. Employers have gotten so comfortable with beating down employees to cover their own asses. As for the trouble you’d of got into for talking back, isn’t it some shit that as full grown adults you can be punished for talking back to a supervisor. That has always bothered me, like you speak to me that way outside of work and you’re going to have problems but inside of work I’m just supposed to be submissive. I feel like if they can’t take the kick back maybe they aren’t management material.


You're a Storm Trooper bud. They've already replaced you.


Makes you wonder what a 90 year old is in such a rush for…. To die ?


You have My Respect and Support


Sorry they didn’t have your back. I had a customer start screaming swear words at me last week over fencing and I told him that I was not going to help anyone screaming and cussing and walked away. I admit I was yelling by the time I left garden to go get the ASM. Got the manager to handle it and an apology from the customer. Any decent manager would have had your back. Sounds like your managers don’t deserve you!


I hope the customer was still there. Hold up the middle finger and say "Thank you for shopping at Lowes!!


I am curious if you live on your own or do you still live with your parents. Because I cannot imagine just walking out on a job with the bills I have. I am really curious..not putting you down at all..


Who cares about the person's housing situation? They're out of that soul sucking place and will find something better.


I’m a college student and I have free housing from a scholarship so all I pay for is food and whatever I want to buy, Im fortunate enough to not actually need the job, tho I enjoyed having it and enjoyed most of my coworkers and some of the things I learned


A lot of people who work Lowe’s has a main job and treat this one as a secondary job. And some of those people have a backbone


Not sure why your getting down voted here, so far the only person with some common sense.


No one cares


Cool man


For all of you who just walk out... great. Now you don't have a job. No income.. no ability to collect unemployment. The ppl who screwed you are still employed. Management will replace you and won't even give a shit. So what did it get you? Who cares if you get written up? Control your temper. Start working on finding another job. Then quit. Don't give notice. Just screw em. That's the way to leave...on your own terms.


I left on my own terms and after being cussed out by a customer then told I was in the wrong even tho I just clocked in is bull shit, not very easy to stay level headed in that situation, I’m a college student and living rent free bc of a scholarship, I don’t actually need that job, but it always seemed like they needed me, I just feel bad for the next dude that has to deal with the shit I did


Yikes marvin, God bless. Lol Exactly what I did. Found another gig. Worked p/t for a month. Then at will quit. Yes, I lost money. To your point. But I gained back my sanity. And my sobriety. ✌️ to you n good luck. Corporate is just gone crazy