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MyHR is anything but anonymous, even if you click the anonymous button. Will get a target on your back. To remain anonymous use ethics point, lowes.[ethicspoint.com](http://ethicspoint.com)


Thank you, good to know.


As someone who has worked in AP for Lowes for years word of advice always use the ethics point line. Never report to any of the managers or the HR if you do not want your name attached.


How do you report on ethics point? It says no results found for organization?


looks like it's [lowes.ethicspoint.com](http://lowes.ethicspoint.com) now


Have used it. It don’t go Nowhere. Swept under the rug. 


Oh yeah it still will be. Just a way to have a form to fill out somewhere other than a company computer or one attached to your sales id.


Same at my store. All the guys immediately got power equipment added to their Lowe’s U upon hire, and I had to ask multiple times and then go to HR and have them enroll me in the training. Did the LowesU training (which teaches you nothing) then asked DS so how do I actually learn/practice before being certified by a trainer and they said I’ll train you. Haven’t heard anything since. They don’t have time to train someone new, but also don’t have enough people to run the equipment. Backwards AF. How about schedule accordingly to have a designated few hours to train someone? Not that difficult.


Also, operating without being certified is a huge issue and liability that they could be terminated for. I’d definitely bring it to someone’s attention.


This. So relieved to hear this is happening at other stores and not just mine. It is so backwards, you’d think taking some time to train someone new would help by making sure you have someone to operate the equipment at all times. And I’m sure my management already knows, our HR lady has asked multiple of these guys to come to the computer to complete their escort trainings, so I’m not even sure how their supposed to operate without even having the escort and aisle blocker training completed. Just a sexist world we live in I guess. 🥲


It definitely is. But as a woman, I’m not going to let anyone treat me different. I don’t care if I have to be called a bitch or whatever. I’ll just continue to annoy the shit out of them until I’m given the training lol They’ll realize they messed up when one of the unlicensed guys drops something or hits something and they have to do some paperwork. Then it’ll fall on the employee (even though I’m sure management has seen them using it) for driving without certs. and they’ll get in trouble or fired(have seen this happen)


Operating power equipment without being certified is a Class A Safety Violation. If said person claims a supervisor knowingly allowed or instructed the operation, both may receive a final warning or immediate termination. Class A Safety Violations are usually dealt with harshly. The only way around that is proving it was a training exercise. A trainer or supervisor should be present while the equipment was being used.


OP,  there’s a sexist culture at Lowes that isn’t going to change. Good ol’ boys leading this company. Use open door policy and go straight to your store manager and share the facts, not your feelings.  Then you’ll be able to gauge better what your store’s culture regarding females on power equipment is like.  I can count on one hand the number of females in my central located  NC  Lowes store that use power equipment.  I’m not saying everyone should. You have to be comfortable on power equipment because of all the idiotic shoppers at Lowes that don’t realize it’s a working warehouse and don’t pay attention to a large yellow machine coming toward them, or those shoppers who outright challenge us to get out of their way because they’re the customer!! If more females would share this kind of thing, plus the gross amount of sexual harassment that occurs at Lowes stores daily, then maybe just maybe the local Media would pick it up, then maybe just maybe national media would pick it up.  It’s gonna take the company getting embarrassed in the news plus a class-action lawsuit against Lowes for the culture toward females in its stores to change.  Of course, if the DS is truly allowing one or more uncertified people to use power equipment, that’s a class one violation and they’ll all get shit-canned immediately. No Write-ups, no second chance.  In that case, Contact Hank Jones, our whacky director of entertainment, and tell him.


I have an old white lady as my overnight DS that does the same thing, will go out of her way to get males certified on PE but tells women they don’t get paid more for using it, even if they express interest in wanting to be certified


At this point it seems it’s common across Lowes, and maybe a complaint by several people to the US EEOC is in order. What do you say? 


You could ask your ASM to assign you power equipment training courses. There a 3 different courses. Counter balance fork truck, narrow aisle reach truck and order picker. Complete the course. Pass the test. Print out the paper work. Hand it to a trainer. Pass the next test. You are certified. There is no pay increase. If it's something you would like to learn, go for it. To add - operating power equipment without being certified is a Class A violation, and could be subject to immediate termination. Don't drive without a license.


I'm on the overnight crew at my store. On No truck nights which is usually Thursday and Saturday we train our new hires male and female on the power equipment including the order picker, the extended reach, and the sit down fork lift. It's the perfect time to train because the store is closed with no one around but us and no freight to put up. Out of all the departments at our store, ours is the easiest to get certified on power equipment as we have the time and the space at night to do it.


Report it to the ethics points


There is no anonymous. Trust me. When you call the outside line, and they go through the process, even when you don't give your name, your store hr, and managers will quickly identify who filed the report. Even going above, and reaching out to your regional hr director (the name on the board in the break room), even when you request sensitivity and anonymity, it will trickle out. Do what you have to say with your name attached if you want them to take it seriously. Thats unfortunately how they all work.


>Happy Memorial Day! Really? Have you been to Arlington, Vicksburg or any of these? https://www.cem.va.gov/find-cemetery/all-national.asp


I think most vets would want people to recognize/honor their sacrifice by celebrating or being happy. That's usually a reason that they served. So that someone else wouldn't have to and can therefore live a happy life.




Yes, I have. I hope you have a Happy Memorial Day! God bless!


Email your request for training and cc others. Now there's proof you asked.