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Drug test is standard. However, if you feel that the correct course of action was not taken whether that was incorrect PE usage or carelessness in general, talk to your AP manager. Just as an FYI, technically the driver of the PE should be in control at all times so he should be getting looked regarding this incident, imo


They need to be drug testing the driver, gotta be high to think the reach is the right tool for the job, forks are 8 inches too short


Agreed. That’s why I think AP should most definitely be getting involved


Yea, that is insane that they tried to use the reach truck


Isn't drug testing standard if they CAUSE the accident? The user was just a victim.


The user? Would that be the person operating the PE? I’m just not clear who’s who in your comment, sorry. Either way, the person operating PE is always the person that is responsible for safety. Especially in this case with it being a DS and the wrong equipment being used. That would be a license suspension and possible write up at my store


The user meaning reddit user. OP. And OP wasn't the one operating the machinery, therefore no reason to have him tested.


Any work injury will require a drug test. I agree with you though


Not quite, they didn’t require one for me after crushing my hand in the OSLG side gate


My gawd nooo people do not involve AP! OP will be drug treated too. Doesn’t matter that they didn’t cause the accident.


They were already drug tested. The driver needs to be tested too. Not sure they were based on this story. And if management is that careless then AP should look into it.


So you got drug tested as a spotter? He needs to be more worried about fucking up like that. Sorry it happened to you and I hope it’s a speedy recovery!


I got drug tested when I got a huge chunk of wood from a pallet stuck in my palm so deep ( use your safety gloves folks!) I needed hand surgery.


Ouch! I wasn’t as bad as you but I know that hurt! I was tossing trash from Pro and have told those guys often to not throw wood pieces and drywall debris in the trash can, the one we cashiers take out. Grabbed a bag and stabbed myself on a broken piece of wood that comes between stacks of lumber. Left a blood trail all thru that store trying to get to first aid kit. Bled thru everything. Pro no longer tossed their construction debris in those trash cans, they put it in a blue bucket or a wheel trash can and toss it.


Damn. Did you get fired?


When management starts asking questions just make it very clear that you informed the supervisor that he should of used a forklift cause as a spotter they will probably try to hold you just as accountable because you knew it wasn’t safe and didn’t immediately speak to AP or management to avoid what happened. Sucks what happened to you but hope you feel better soon!


Do not look at this guys post history


Fuckin hell why didn't I listen


God damnit I'm in the breakroom of all places.


lmfao busted


Make sure to file a report w/ Corporate—with as much detail as you can. Be specific, name to names, & include everything. Do NOT sign anything that relieves Lowe’s of responsibility. You may have more need to see a Dr. moving forward.


I'm sorry that happened to you, I hope your toe gets better and heals as quick as possible. More people should talk about how they are injured by Lowes and the response from the company. Good on you for bringing it up. The fact he couldn't even be bothered to check up on you, and drug tests you after HE severely injured you is crazy. But when I was injured and sent to hospital, I didn't even get a phone call to see if I was OK.


The drug test is standard after receiving medical care following an incident. The rest of it is a shot show. He was using the wrong equipment and you were too close to it. I can’t say I know what’s going to happen, but if I were you I’d go onto myHR and submit a statement that you voiced your concerns about the equipment he was using and he ignored it.


Your supervisor absolutely needs to lose his job! You did what Lowe's teaches us - to speak up when we see something wrong. You spoke up about a SAFETY issue - which put you, other employees, AND customers (including children with parents!!!) in danger. What happened to you is TOTALLY BS and the pro supervisor is a liability to the company. For everyone's safety, please report this incident to HR and make sure your version of the account is on record...not just what other management may have communicated. If that supervisor causes another injury due to straight up negligence and defiance of Lowe's Safe policies.... Lowe's could easily be sued and lose for retaining an employee with a history of negligent behavior. and it's sooooooooo screwed up that he didn't even APOLOGIZE. That alone is just infuriating. Well, I'm sorry this happened to you despite you trying to do the right thing to prevent a dangerous situation from happening. I'm sorry you have to deal with this injury and you're in pain. but I sure as hell hope you're getting paid to recover. thanks for sharing your story. hope you have a good, relaxing recovery. plenty of time to pen a letter to the right parties about the incident....


Tell HR store manager what happened There should be cameras of what happened they should be able to pull it up. If you need time off because of an injury report to Sedgwick and let everyone know including your department supervisor.


driver is always responsible


The drug test is required for workers comp, which you should ABSOLUTELY be requesting for this situation! They will have you give a written account of the situation and get a drug test so they can file an incident report and get the process started. Once they file the report, you'll get a text from Sedgwick that gives you your claim # that you can use for doctors appointments and such. You'll also use them to set up your leave of absence.


Every conversation about this incident must be truthful. Meaning EVERY detail stated each and every time. ALL the facts. Catch my drift?


Has been so far


Yeah, but did the supervisor/driver get drug tested? The driver is responsible regardless


He shoulda got the drug test 1st.


No he didn't


Who cut the band while you were standing in front of it, you or the DS? This is why training tells you in AP4ME to stand to the side of a bunk when the bands are cut. I tell all my guys this, the last row falling is not that uncommon, even if it's on a forklift.


I cut it. Can't say I have had that lesson yet cause I dont remember that.


I think you need to have a heart to heart with corporate


I think you need to have a heart to heart with corporate


Get an attorney. Lowes is gonna make you use your personal time. And then , if you can’t come in to work, because of that ass brain supervisor actions,after that,  they’re gonna “discard” you. Meaning, get rid of you.  Lawyer up now.


Two words for you, Morgan and Morgan, or whatever law firm you have in your town. You just earned a bag, or two.


Lowes will do anything to fire someone that might need workers comp. A drug test is the standard excuse to find an easy reason. I got drug tested because the customer's dog bit me once. Go fuck yourself Lowe's


Bruh what the actual fuck!?! Take this entire story and send it to corporate the fuck they need to drug test a spotter for?


Standard protocol for when one gets hurt on the job at lowes.


They will not look at you (speaking as a former person who investigated these at Lowe’s). Since it was a department supervisor breaking the rules it will be viewed as the superior instructed you in the matter. Drug test is standard for any employee injury though.


There is no rule of what products can be picked up with a reach truck vs a counterbalance. They are both able to lift a bunk of anything in the store. It would come down to who cut the band while op was standing in that position, which is not included in the story. If the driver cut it without making sure that op was clear, then it's on the driver, if op cut it while standing in a bad position, then they did it to themself.


I am going to have to respectfully disagree with you on that. Each machine is rated for weight. Policy states forklifts only for lumber and outdoors, a reach truck (star wars) are not authorized to be used outside.


There are absolutely lessons where they talk about things you can not pick up with a Reach Truck


Close all of your social accounts and let the chips fall where they may. Stop posting


Did you cut the bands on bunk?




Omg my big toe went thru the same thing at lowes too! The doc had to put the hot nail thru my toenail too! My accident happened in receiving and I didn’t say shit to anyone cause I too use bongs and knew they’d drug test me and I’d be fired. Don’t go back into the store until you can find a work around for tricking that drug test!


This is the exact reason I keep hydrogen peroxide mouthwash in my locker now I’ve driven pe and never once crashed and yet when a goofball causes a accident where I get injured I got drug tested not him it’s so dumb bc there protocol is to test the injured no matter what