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Had one regular customer decide to start making very off color comments at a female associate. Guy literally was doing this in front of his 4yr old daughter. I put him in his place and sent the associate to sit in the back, took over for her, then asked if they would like someone to talk to his daughter like he was talking to this associate. Immediately got him apologizing over it.


As a man, men are fucking pigs. My girlfriend had to put up with that shit as a kid. It's disgusting.


As a woman, I can tell you're a good guy cause you don't say "not all men" to defend rapists. Your girlfriend is lucky to have you, I hope you're lucky to have her too 


But, realistically, NOT all men are rapists. To paint us all with the same brush is the same as saying all women are sluts, or prudes. There are actually many of us who respect women, try to be gentlemen at all times, and were probably raised by our parents to be that way. Yes, many men are rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. But so are many women. Please don't judge us all by experiences with a few. You know what that's called....


No one said all men 🤣🤣 of course it's not all men, but it is all women. All women have been either harassed, assaulted, or abused at least once in their life, I've never met anyone who hasn't. STOP DEFENDING RAPISTS, only rapists defend rapists, so do you have a confession as to why you got triggered by "not all men" 💀🤣


I’m a woman in construction and your comments are cringe. You’re the kind of woman that we end up apologizing on behalf of. You took a nice comment and turned it into a rape rant with a side of accusations. Just don’t.


Saying "Not all men" does not defend rapists because not all men are rapists.  Learn common sense!!!


Bend over and stfu bitch... That's a real man.    Just kidding ..  


Well, Beneficial-Cry4299 does need to stfu because she's comparing all men to rapists


When I worked there as a head cashier and older guys made comments like that I'd always make then feel super uncomfortable by just staring at them and asking to repeat what they said.


I don’t blame you for being upset. I am a supervisor (male) for ISLG and I have quite a few young women on my team. As such, I always tell them if I am around to call me for “help” with the product in question and I take over sending them on “break” in the process.


Instead of confronting the customer about sexual harassment you’ll slide in there to continue the sale?? What a hero. Sounds like part of the problem, Lowes afraid to confront the problem.


I get your sentiment, but that's just not how things work. Lowes wants the sale, and whether or not this guy helps the customer, someone else will. Lowes associates are not even allowed to follow shoplifters into the parking lot. What makes you think this would go any different? What he's doing is still nice and helpful. There's really no need to crucify him as if he's doing nothing. Again, not his fault creepy men exist. Why are you making it seem like it's his responsibility to control what these creeps do?


You’ve got to be kidding me. That totally And completely ignores the whole point. Are you afraid to confront a sexual predator? I’m not. 


Dude chill, who even said anything about a sexual predator? Do you equate creepy flirting with being a sexual predator? There's a pretty massive difference lol


Yes, it is the same thing. Absolutely no difference.


Why is it all your comments on lowes reddit page are always negative.. if you hate your job and the company so badly why are you still hear.. move on ...


Okay 😂 good luck keeping a job if you're just going to call someone out for being a sexual predator over something like flirting. Again, no physicality was mentioned here. If someone was TOUCHING her, he would probably tell him them to leave like any normal person. You're not a knight in shining armor. You're a pinecone who can't understand social situations.




Yes, unwanted flirting is categorized as harassment. But it is still flirting and annoying as it is, it's unfortunately pretty normal to experience. But you can't just go off on everyone that does it. When it becomes PESTERING and then even physical touching, that's when more serious action is required. The original commenter was just talking about helping female coworkers out of these awkward situations. I don't care how anyone wants to react to it, but most people want to keep their jobs and escalating a customer interaction over something like this just isn't worth it to many people.


White knighting at its finest


You’re getting downvoted by little manboys that do this exact creepy shit. I agree with everything you’re saying.


Thank you. I guess they wouldn’t mind their mother/wife/girlfriend/significant other/sister/daughter, etc, etc to be pet and stroked and talked to in a sexual way while at their workplace. 


I was training a girl, and it was crazy how many guys would walk up to me like, "I know you're checking out that ass, brotha." It's crazy how sexualized younger women are in Lowes by customers and contractors and even damn employees. The stuff that my co-workers try to talk to me about is vile. AND SOME ARE MARRIED!


The secret is to aggressively ask them to sign up for credit cards and pipeline services. Biggest turn-off I can think of. Also if someone is making you uncomfortable you can politely leave and and call someone else from your department to help them or call a manager. If anyone has a problem with that just say you didn't feel safe speaking with that customer due to possible sexual harassment.


that’s the normal hear sadly it’s the client base and if you’re a male then the old ladies think they can rub your arms and chest


Makes my fucking skin crawl every time. Get your cold dead hands off of me you fucking corpse.


Oh I saw that way more than the creepy man thing, not the chest, just the arm rub. Youngsters don't tend to the touching feelie thing anyway.




I'm glad you brought up the old ladies. I'm pretty built and enjoy looking that way until about an hour into my shift I get felt up and called my hunky man by a 65 year old cashier on her way in(I'm 40). And then I'm randomly squeezed all day in the side or my back gets stroked and grabbed by 65 plus year old women that need my help finding everything. I got smelled once. Took a deep breath of me and told me I smell better than her husband.


i mean yeah, i don’t know a single woman at my store that hasn’t gotten hit on, especially if you’re young. comes with the customer base unfortunately, that type of man is like our main target lol i just play nice unless they start getting too creepy


had a guy try to touch me once. absolute insanity


I had a guy touch me once. Petted me like a dog. Creepy af.


Who does that??


Neckbeards that watch *way* to much harem anime would be my guess.




yeah that’s way too far. i’ve never had to escalate with a customer luckily but i’ve always told myself i would never be nice to someone who went too far with disrespect, just out of my values. i don’t think i could ever smile and be polite to someone if they tried to grab me or successfully did. if i lost my job i would at least have saved my dignity


Haven’t had a guy try to touch me yet, but I did get punched by an old dude last weekend.


Wow such a different era. When I was in my 20s guys would grab my butt, say what they wanted to do you name it. But this was when I worked in a bar so it's sorta expected when my "uniform" was mini skirts and revealing shirts. But in Lowes? Any woman I have seen working at My local Lowes is dressed in jeans, sneakers and some sorta shirt as you expect when you go into Lowes. But most are older or look like men so maybe dudes flirt etc because it is rare to see a pretty woman? Of course I am not saying attractive people dont work at Lowes, I think it depends on location. Where I live now, people are sorta homely in general compared to where I grew up in Florida. I think this is pretty common at most entry level/service type jobs.... Idk I have to dodge the Lowes male or female associates who go out of their way to help me or talk when I go to Lowes but thats because they all wanna say hi and pet my English Bulldog who by now knows most associates carry dog treats. The Lowes sign to my dog is like the golden Mcdonalds arches to kids. He can't get out of the car fast enough.


Lol. I also live in a place where the people are more homely than where I grew up. I work at home Depot and we are honestly a much more attractive bunch than the employees at the Lowe's around the corner. Home Depot doesn't put up with that type of customer btw. If someone is even just disrespectful(without the sexual harassment) they are basically treated like shit by the associates and management let's us. I've never once heard of anyone I work with get into any kind of trouble for standing up for themselves. And sexual harassment? Forget it man these guys don't even try because then they'll be forced to shop at Lowe's 😂 We will give them the boot for being pigs.


Lowes been allowing this to happen for a long time. There should be a policy toward customer harassing us. They’d rather keep a customer that spends a little $$ than a good working associate. I hope that you’ll let your store manager know that that’s happening, and it’s unacceptable. I hope more female associates will report Lowes to their state and the US Dept of Labor so that it’s documented that this is happening in Lowes so often and they’re not taking it seriously. If Marvin’s wife or daughter, or one of the executive team’s family members was sexually harassed in a Lowe’s store, guarantee there’d be some new training videos for management to watch and new policies enacted in stores.   


I'm a man, and I have regulars who like to run up to me and hug on me... I'm not saying it's the same, but I imagine it being very off-putting and uncomfortable. As a DS, I have younger female associates in the store that have dealt with this and when I see it happening, I'll step in and make something up so the associate can walk away and I'll help the sleezeball out of the store quicker.


Thank you for that. Teach our youg associates they can politely and directly decline physical attention by a customer or a coworker. Permission based world now baby!!!


Im a bit older (34) and was covering for self checkout and asked a customer if her wanted me to scan his stuff. (He was older so I always offer to help before they start complaining that no real people are available) And he went 'of course! Ill always take a pretty lady checking me out ' sir. This is a Lowes let me scan your damn lightbulb and be on your way.


I would have laughed at that one! I like the self deprecating types over the solicitations.


I'm a male, and I have old ladies rubbing all over my arms and shoulders. One told her husband to turn around because she was sweet talking me.


Yep, back when I worked at Lowes doing deliveries I would get hit on by women, saying uncomfortable shit to me when it was just me and her .. in her home.. afraid to offend her because it's a "my word against hers" situation. I would try to exit ASAP and not reenter without my helper present. OP this isn't a Lowe's issue, of course. It's a pathetic human issue. It's everywhere unfortunately






Poor thing that's gross too. Say no thank you


it will always happen and if you're not comfortable you can decline help to that customer. gotta put yourself first


I usually abruptly remind them it’s a place of business and not a bar. Then walk away and let a member of management know?


I get hit on a lot as a guy, by females, some thrice my age Kinda annoying, I'm gay.


And you are thirty years old, too.




30 YO is the better narrative because then that means you had 90 YO’s hit on you.


If I'm 23... And someone is thrice my age... As in 3 times my age .. that equals 69... Maths 23x3=69 Nice.


Did you not read what I wrote?


Just laugh and say "don't be inappropriate and I'm not interested now let's get some work done"....very matter of fact. Do this one time only direct and succinct. If it doesn't stop by that person immediately tell you ds. They need to knock that shit off.


At my store we have a few female associates that have made everyone aware who the "creepers" are. Whenever we see one and some of us will typically partner up with an associate that way they're not alone. Most old men creepers leave women alone when another man is around, it's sad but it's true. You should have the right to work without being sexualized and harassed.


"I'm sorry, I'm a bit hard of hearing, could you repeat that?” Or Can I get your number? "Oh, let me get my manager to help you with that."


Tell them you'd have to ask your girlfriend first.


As a 23 year old female, I feel this so hard. Just yesterday had a guy in his 50s maybe make passing comments of course it’s all smiles and shit just to end the conversation as quickly as possible. Even had a guy find me at my car 😵‍💫 we’re trapped here while we’re working and it’s frustrating


Before I self promoted to customer, I was also ISLG. I am 34. When I got hit on, I would smile and ask about their credit score. I'd always flip it and take control of the conversation to try and get that app. Others here have good advice for what to say in return, but if you are looking for a way to attempt to deter the unwanted advances.. I wore baggy shirts so you couldn't see my figure. Unfortunately, it's just what you have to do sometimes... cuz ya know.. 'merica. I browsed the men's section of thrift stores for loose, breathable shirts for the summer heat. I also got a vest that wasn't tight so you couldn't see my waist. I'm sorry you have to experience this.


"this is a harassment free work place"


Also I find some men will stand wally toooooo close. Just move away and hopefully they realize they broke the personal space boundary. Never should they touch you


Find you voice over time you'll be fine just chalk it up to working with public but don't take no shit.


Mhmm. And when I tell people how often it happens, I feel like they think I'm flaunting how so many guys like me but fr these crusty old men just want any you g female with a pulse. But still fr always communicate with other coworkers when it happens cause most of my coworkers always got my back if the situation starts getting to uncomfy.


I’m a 20 year old ISLG and I literally have people do that. Constantly I have people tell me that I’m “skinny” or “thin” which makes me feel really uncomfortable about myself because I struggled with bulimia in High School. And then there was this one time I had a person who was doubting whether I worked at Lowe’s because “I looked fresh out of high school.”


It happens all the time. And they love to approach you when your back is turned and you don't see or hear them until they are practically on top of you. It's so rude to approach someone without announcing your presence when it's clear the person hasn't heard you


can you get that 5050 down from top stock for me thanks.thats all I need you to do for me, could care less how you look or how young you are or what your wearing from day to day.


As a man who sees this happen a lot, I hate that this happens to women in places like hardware stores and restaurants, the women are there for a check to make ends meet just like anyone else. Not to be cat called. It’s extremely disrespectful to begin, and disgusting at times. I see a lot of men commenting about how they have a plan in order for these situations. We should all follow that example and lookout for our fellow employees by immediately deterring these things when they happen, without hitting on them and making them uncomfortable just like the customer(s) who do this. We aren’t women and we don’t understand 100% how it feels to be literally sexually harassed or even just made to feel uncomfortable by a random man, unless you’re a gay man who deals with the same thing. Regardless, we need to treat our women employees appropriately and let them know that we are a radio call away for help in these types of situations. We can’t control what customers do/say to our female co workers, but we can control how it is handled and we can do our part to make our female counterparts feel safe and comfortable in the workplace on a daily basis. I think we can all stand together by simply telling them if they experience this to radio for help with a product for example, then tell them they can go on break to get them out of the situation, then help the customer ourselves. I hope I don’t sound like an absolute simp. I’m happily engaged to a woman who does not work at Lowe’s 😂 I’m just trying to say something to hopefully make at least one person stand up for one other person at work, because while we don’t know exactly how being cat called by a 65 year old sweaty man may feel, but I can assure you that it isn’t a fun or fair experience. #LookoutForYourFemaleCounterparts #OnMarvin #F*ckHomeDepot


OOPS I thought co workers. Same advice. Just say. NO THANKYOU . Did u need assistance related to work? Old dirty parts so thirsty grossssss!


Old parts I meant


When someone says something sexually charged I just respond with something rude and then walk away without helping them. A shitty job at Lowe’s isn’t worth getting sexually harassed or assaulted


Yea I'm a not young man, and I have women constantly ask me to come home with them to unload their trucks or other stuff constantly


this is the life of working at a hardware store as a young woman. im 21 and literally my first day on the floor i got hit on HEAVILY. it’s very inescapable. im sorry girl :(


Look them in the eye - ‘ewww, you’re old enough to have a daughter my age. So,no’. (I have a daughter your age…)


This pretty much will happen at most jobs when you are young. Or at least it did for me...looking back some of the comments were pretty close to SH. I have had my butt grabbed, feeling up my thigh and some really explicit sexual comments by customers. But thats back when I worked in bars which is the worst!! You could always wear a ring on your left hand so at least guys will think you are unavailable....As long as it isnt inappropriate I would ignore it or jokingly tell them "you are as old as my dad" or you don't date guys who can't match up their own spark plug! If anything is inappropriate loudly tell them to f&$& off! Sadly this is one negative of working in these type of industries or being attractive. In fairness some men may not even know better. My father who would be in his 70s was the biggest flirt anytime he met a woman, he would flirt when my mom was present. Nothing offensive and he was never serious but to him it was okay to flirt because in his generation this was how things were done. Remember Body language speaks volumes, you can easily tell someone to F$&& off with body language. :)


i'm a cashier and always literally always 50+ year old men who do it omg


Yup I’ve had this happen as well. It makes me feel trapped and uncomfortable since I’m just trying to do my job. Sorry you’ve had to deal with it too.


"Are you available?" "No, I'm married"/ relationship or whatever usually can get people to back off. Sometimes, I wonder if they ever think about what they're saying/ doing. It's not just here. Retail in general people treat you that way.


Don’t be afraid to make space for yourself. Fuck being polite.


I had a 77 year old gay man call me cute and kept trying to like touch my arm while I was helping him I work OSLG and that was one of the only times I met a customer that I walked away saying nope from


As an ASM for both Lowes and Depot yes, while this behavior is not okay it is very common in every store I've been in. If I witness it or it's reported to me I'll go get in the middle of it every time. But usually I hear about it after the fact


I will be 42 this summer. I can't wrap my head around why people think this okay. At this age, I'm old enough to be some of yalls dad. All that's going to happen is they will be quickly branded as a rapey creep and nobody will to want to be around them, let alone be friends. Which is honestly all I'm interested in at this point in my life anyway. Relationships are messy and I suck at being in one. 🤣


It’s so inappropriate. I’m 45 and my whole adult life men have been like this. They have no respect for you. You’re trying to be professional and they treat you like a silly woman who can’t wait for a man to swoop you up. It’s gross. I know you’re 19, but it will get better. You’ve got to start telling them that’s inappropriate or unprofessional. Even better would be to start telling them you are a minor. It will get easier.


i hope working in stocking and receiving i don’t have this happen i mean im nowhere near their type (trans) so like yea… which it worries me how other workers are going to treat me giving that and also because i already have warehouse and factory experience for about 2yrs in sheet metal did QA, small metal fab and was a cnc operator for a little all of which had to operate a fork truck


The stories I am hearing yall say make me glad I work behind the register or the desk most of the time being on the front end. Forces a little bit more distance between myself and customers. I also help load a lot since I am a head cashier and I think I scare some of the creepy guys away cause I’m over 6 foot and I help load washers, tubs, toilets, grills and more into cars. I manhandle the big stuff all the time while they sit and look at me in shock.


My wife used to work in the paint department, and on many occasions, men, mostly older, would approach her and flirt. Some would bring their dogs. I worked MST, and on the occasion that we worked the same day and I saw it happening, I would step in and tell the person to back off.


I deal with it a bit, it’s not super bad but it’s still uncomfortable when it does happen. I just get my managers to step in and tell the weird ass customers to back off or say “hey can you go get ___ for customer/associate I’ll help out this customer” if he sees that I’m uncomfortable and I can’t straight up ask for help lmao. While Lowe’s in general can be sucky, I’m just happy I have good managers for the most part


Me too girl


That’s how I feel being the only female in Pro and Lumber at my store. It gets easier to brush off the longer you work here, but honestly it’s still creepy and upsetting no matter what. No advice since I just kinda laugh things off, but solidarity sister💪


I had wriiten an item number down on receipt paper for a customer. He looked at the paper for a second then looke dup at me. his replay was "why didn't you write your number on here?" I replied dead pan straight faced, "Sir, i am working and married. have a nice day." and walked the fuck away.


When I worked at a mall department store we would send girls to the stock room or “office”when the creeps came sniffing, we could call their area phone from ours and make it look like they had a customer issue to handle or needed in the office, they would go towards the office but out a side door to Starbucks. I used to have a nice looking male customer my age come in regularly, he was a local cop recently retired and my coworker had such a crush on him, we were all the same age, he asked out or new coworker that was 19. Major ick! This guy was late 40’s. We sent her on Starbucks runs when we saw him come in.


I’m old, I’ve had an older guy flirt with me, suggesting we take a vacation to my country ( I’m European) asked if I’d ever date a guy his type. He returns two hours later to check out with my coworker and mentioned his wife liked the light he purchased and sent him back to get another one.


I’m a 26 year old guy in appliances that gets hit on by older women, and funny this is they don’t even ask for discounts 😂 they just hang out after the transaction lol






I'm a trans dude pre transition, still look a lot like a dude, and it's all "sir" "young man" "buddy" until they see my face and then I get called "cutie" by a guy old enough to be my dad. It sucks so bad, like I really wish we had a "can a male associate take over this interaction" thing in place bc it very uncomfortable. And a reverse for if any guys are getting hit on by female customers, of course.


One of my female coworkers at Lowe’s in her 20’s got stalked by some old guy and they arrested him at the store.


I work nights. As a 40 yr old male and I STILL have women flirting with me too. I always feel for you ladies because if I'm getting it as a male I can only imagine how constantly annoying it is you yall


I've had dozens and dozens of men 2-5 times my age sexually harass, assault, and abuse me since I was 9. Sexism isn't going anywhere in America


How do you know when they’re hitting on you?


I'm a 23yo man and I've had married men twice my age and above my pay grade hit on me. And one or two customers 3+ times my age.


Cabinet specialist here, im 32. I also have this problem. My favorite one so far was the 70-something year old guy that asked if I like steak and old guys 🥴


Yes. I have had older men who are customers hit on me. They know no bounds. Most of the time around where I live I just sluff it off as something else. If a man touches me. I will be telling them someone else can help you.


I hate to say this to the very core of my being, but go to Walmart and get yourself a fake engagement ring or wedding band. The silicone ones are super cheap and comfortable. Men will have more respect for your imaginary "husband" that they never met than for the woman literally standing in front of them trying to do her job.


30yr old here! 50+ hit on me all the time. It's gets frustrating but I've learned how to brush them off in an acceptable manor. 😮‍💨


There is a reason men have a hard time finding a woman and it's men like that who cause it. I owned a restaurant and my servers got hit on all of the time. Men don't seem to understand that there is a time and place for that and her work is not the right place. It gets really bad at bars when the guys have a few drinks in them and shamelessly hit on the bartenders. They put up with it as it usually gets them larger tips, but they shouldn't have to and neither should you. Sorry you are experiencing it. I wish I could say that it's uncommon, but unfortunately, it is not and it happens in any public facing job.


I used to get this all the time when I was younger as-well. It’s crazy how they stoped flirting when I turned 30 and stopped putting up with it. It’s disgusting how they talk to young women. They count on you not knowing how to take up for yourself. It’s sad and I’m not saying you should do this, but it helped me. I stopped wearing makeup, put on about 15lbs, and stopped smiling at them. I’m professional, but not friendly. They flirt and I just say something dismissive. “Anyway what were you looking for today?” Be very dismissive, don’t let them in your space, pull your arm away, and find a trusted coworker so you’re not alone. If it’s really bad, remove yourself from the situation because your safety should be your first priority.


Lowe's customer menfolk are straight bottom of the barrel. It's more often than not that I get to be vile to them on employee behalf.


Lowe's customer menfolk are straight bottom of the barrel. I have learned though that asking them if their mothers know they're a degenerate pig really sets them off.


Enjoy it while it lasts. You’ll get older, and then no one will want you at all. It happens to all of us eventually 🤣


That's messed up and if it happens at my store I address directly with the customer


i'm a guy that very often gets mistaken for a woman and i didn't realize this was happening to me until recently!! some old guy asked to smell my hair?? it's actually wild what some people do


I swung my arm and damn near elbowed a customer in the face who walked up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. He then made an inappropriate comment to me. I didn't even feel bad about almost elbowing him in the face cause he should've learned to keep his hands to himself!


Honestly, you should just say that to them. I would say “my guy, I am just trying to make it through my shift without some middle aged sack of flesh trying to see “if they still got it” you don’t. Here’s your shit now get out of my face.” Let them try to report you. I would say right in his face he was making suggestive comments that were highly unprofessional and unpleasant. He was practically raping my ears just for being within his gravitational orbit.


Tell them a real man would be able find their own spark plug. Knowing thread pitch and size n gap for the plug and how hot of a plug they would need already. They don't seem to like that too much 🤣. Or what type of bolt and you ask what grade they need. Basically learn what u can make them feel small in a nice informative way guys I've encountered don't like being talked down to


Pride flag pin will do you wonders if you live in a blue state. Red or reddish purple states beware this advice.


Then give them the spark plug back and say sorry I can’t help you and go get someone else simple it’s called right to refuse work they do not make you feel safe to interact with them.


Catch a married one, go out to dinner with him but try and contact his wife first and let her catch him 💯and record it all for us😂😂


Quit and stay at home


"Continue to be the victim of creepy and unwarranted sexual advances or be a destitute shut-in." Go fuck yourself.


Breaking … men like women … more at 10