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Just tell them youll be with them in just a minute. Then don't forget about them like I've done multiple times šŸ˜…


If I am alone, I'll tell them what place in line they are. If I think it's going to take a while or if the customer looks like they probably don't want to wait, I'll at least make an effort to call for backup.


Just tell them your helping another person and they are xx in line. It should be xx minutes. With any luck they won't want to wait and you get out of helping a customer or two.....


True story.. cutting wire at the carousel, speaking with another customer on the zebra on speaker, 2 more in line, and page to ceiling fans on the overhead... Opened, by myself till 3.


Call for one of those useless asms that are sitting in the training room to come help.


Walk quick, look friendly but on a mission, be polite but donā€™t open yourself to conversation


As Roger Daltry once sang 'I can only handle one at a time'.


Go on break.


ā€œJust a moment, Iā€™m helping another customer right now.ā€


"I have to pull-down a vanity for some customers that I'm already helping, but you can always go ahead and buy the pipe and bring it back and I'll cut it when I'm done"


They donā€™t cut pipe in the Lowes Iā€™m at. Big machine for doing it just sitting there with broken cutting wheel for two years taking up an entire 8 feet of space that Lowes could be using to sell crap.Ā  But thatā€™s not important to the corporate bozos making important decisions at this store.


One at a time. Two if its tasks you can complete simultaneously. Never take on three at once. Hereā€™s the thing, I value all of my customers. And because I value them all, and value them equally, I and obligated to give them quality customer service. I cannot mix paint, help pick out the right stain, and fetch some brushes from top stock all at once. So I need to help them individually. _Maybe_ I can talk to Bill about stain while I mix Janā€™s paint, or while I get brushes down for Sam. But thereā€™s no physically possible way for me to help Sam and Jan at the same time. So if Jan came to me first Jan is getting helped first. If Sam wants to whine and complain about it- well first off heā€™s an impatient POS- but more importantly heā€™ll just have to wait because I _physically cannot do both things at once._ 90% of customers will back you up on this as well, as they want to be helped and donā€™t appreciate someone else interrupting you assisting them. Also _most_ of the time paging for help- even if help doesnā€™t come- will pacify a lot of customers. And hey, sometimes someone will actually answer the call even (bless you folks who answer code 3ā€™s and code 50ā€™s, you literally make the store function).


You poop your pants and call it a day


Run and hide


divide your attention equally between all customers and make sure they all leave at the same time


"I'm with another customer right now, I'll get to you once I'm finished with what I'm doing, or I can page another associate" is my immediate answer. Bonus points if they see you're busy with another person and butt in, then we play the "Nuh uh uh, you didn't say the magic word" game


Never hesitate to be honest and communicate the situation. The vast majority of customers are perfectly fine with waiting, a reasonable amount of time, for help. Communication is key. The unfortunate reality is sometimes what should take 5 minutes takes 20. Like when someone wants you to hold their hand for 30 minutes to pick out a bathroom faucet. So also, don't be afraid to ask for back-up where possible. Which also means don't be afraid to BE that back-up when someone else asks


if you can't delegate, then they can wait\~ I've had to get into a habit of interrupting peoples long drone out "this is why im here" story with "I'm so sorry, but i have another person waiting for me, let me get you someone else"


If the second person needs something simple, like "where are the shark bites at" I'll show them real quick. If it's something more, I say "I'd be glad to help you. I'm helping another customer right now but will be back as soon as possible. It should be about 5 minutes" Don't forget about them. I quit Lowe's a few years ago but shop there often bc I'm a contractor. I've had to ask 4 different people to get a product down before. I ended up grabbing the stairs and going up myself, at which point an employee walked by and spotted me. He told me to get down and that he would get someone to help me. He never got anyone


First come first serve. I'll either walkie for help or tell them I'll be with them when I finish helping my other customer.


In order they ask for help. Simple if they get pissed, they should be looking for someone else


One at a time, remember the order of people, and if youā€™re really not feeling itā€¦ just let them know youā€™re gonna grab an associate and take that hour lunch chief šŸ«”