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File an injury report. Dogs bites can get infected super easy and it can be absolutely devastating when that happens. You’ll need to be covered by Workers Comp.


Those little shits are called ankle biters for a reason. But if it bit you causing a cut or injury, you 100% should have filed an accident report. People are allowed to have service dogs and you are legally required to treat and assist those with service animals exactly as you would someone without one. If a dog bites you, 99% chance it's not a genuinely trained and certified service animal.


I'm perfectly fine with service dogs and I fully understand the need for them. I'm just tired of the fake service dogs that haven't had a lick of training. I'm just a bit heated about the whole situation because it's a bit stressful trying to get a dog off you, and even though it was a small dog the bite still didn't feel good.


This is incorrect. Most businesses can refuse service for any reason (EVEN then, just because an associate won’t help the customer, that doesn’t mean LOWES won’t help them). Having a fear of dogs is reason enough to find another associate to help.


You are mistaken. A business cannot discriminate based on protected statuses such as race, sex, ethnicity, religion, disability. Refusing to assist someone who has a disability who is utilizing the assistance of a certified service animal, which is federally recognized as a medical device, is unlawful. [FAQ ADA](https://archive.ada.gov/regs2010/service_animal_qa.html) [Business and Public Accommodations](https://adata.org/service-animal-resource-hub/small-business)


I refuse to aid a customer if it is unsafe for me to do so. including the version of unsafe that translates to: if the fucking transphobia asshole says anything else at all… I’m going to take a wrench and smash his face in. any asshole who abuses the anti-discrimination card gets the: I am contractually bound to remove myself from a dangerous situation card.


Okay but I covered that in the part I put in parentheses. If that individual refuses giving service, there are plenty of other individuals to help.


To add: I’m a fucking idiot fwiw


After a dog incident that made the news, I never understood the continuation of this policy. In the 2010s, at the Moreno Valley, CA store, a customer's dog bit a young boy. I snapped at customers to please keep their dog away from me. Their "my dog is nice" defense is not going to convince me. The dog is nice to you. I am a new foreign stranger. I reluctantly refuse to help customers due to their dog.


I’ve gotten attacked by a dog and bitten by another. Both within a few days of each other. I stay far away from customers with dogs and my whole team and managers know why.


I'm sorry you were attacked like that. We have enough to worry about at Lowe's already, the last thing we need is to be attacked by dogs whose owners are too lazy and neglect giving them the proper training before bringing them in public. I feel sorry for any children that fall victim to these people's dogs


Yeah it was completely random and out of nowhere too. Passing the customer and his dog in line and it just started barking and lunged and attacked me right in front of its owner. Like please don’t ever bring your dog back if they can’t handle people walking past them 😑


Agreed! Same thing happened to my coworker he walks with a limp and this customer had his dog walking around without a leash and my coworker just walks by him and this dog just latches on to his calf and takes a chunk out of his leg.... The owner has seen the dog growling and showing its teeth that people before he just didn't care. Smh


I also actively avoid dog owners the amount of times owners let their dogs follow me is crazy


This is where you call 911 and have an ambulance show up to treat you and police or Animal Control to identify the owner and possibly cite them and verify the animal is up to date on shots.


At first I thought you were being dramatic with the 911 call, but by the end I realized you’re just a lot smarter than I am.


The shots thing is the most critical and only an official can verify those records. OP hasn't indicated if the dog owner was identified in case they develop an infection from the bite.


I had an excited big dog jump up and bust my lip before


File a report, don't pepper spray a dog that will only get you bitten worse.


pepper spray the owner. claim they ordered their dog to attack you. /s


I used to work MST and was on the ladder when someone's 100LB pit-mix came running off leash and knocked into the ladder. A co-worker grabbed the ladder and the owners just said" Oh he got excited. He's friendly." I had the biggest urge to scream at them, but held my tongue.


I support being able to bring pets (not just service animals) but with that being said…don’t bring dogs that don’t know how to act. I have a dog that I am not 100% certain would act right so I don’t bring her in small confined spaces with other people and dogs. But I have 1 dog I can carry and she’s super sweet to everyone. I do bring her. It’s never the dogs, always the owners. If you have to pull it’s leash, yell at it, hit, or anything else for it to stay with you, don’t. Bring. It.


I never got bit during my time at Lowe's. Thankfully every dog that came through was well behaved. Mainly because I don't think my managers would put up with bad fogs and have told people if their dogs didn't behave they'd kick them out.


Workers Comp claim. A month for the bite to heal. How long to get over the psychological damage, the PTSD. I would drag this out to be a year, with pay.


should have called the police and attempted to sue


I was once helping a customer who was accompanied by a Dalmatian.... I turned to point at product in a nearby endcap when a guy and his son about 10 years old walked by, behind the Dalmatian. And in one swift motion, that dog turned 180°, bit the kid on the bicep, and jerked his body like 4 feet, kids feet left the floor. It happened in probably less than 2 seconds, and the leash never fell from the owners hand. The dog then acted like nothing happened, which was the weirdest part of the interaction. I know dalmations hate kids/ little people, but damn. Animal control got involved, and they took the dog. Never heard about what happened after that or if the kid went to the hospital. Ever since then I avoid people with dogs unless if they have a friendly lab or golden retriever.


Go after the customer in court and make some money


Had a customer who absolutely refused to pick up their pretty large dogs poop. When confronted about it he said since we allowed dogs that the associates job was to clean it….


Time to consult an attorney. Do not, I repeat, do not file a report with Lowe's. They will find a way to turn it around on you and sweep it under the rug.


I just love all the doggy friend's that come in, I cant get enough of their visits.


And so you’ve talked with an attorney, yes? I’m just waiting for that so I can get a check from Lowe’s. 


I haven't. I don't figure they'd do anything


Dogs have the best instincts about people 😏


Your comment is null and void. It does not matter the type or size of the dog. If it can't be around people without biting it shouldn't be around people. Even though it was a smaller dog the bite still bled. Bites can spread many diseases and infections, the size of the dog doesn't matter. I was minding my business flat stacking lumber and it latched onto me as the owner walked by. The whole point I'm making is that dog owners that are to incompetent to train and control their dogs should not have them in public.


Yeah all those bully breeds know to eradicate toddlers whose vibe was off. Fuck outta here.




So you are comparing a 8 lb chihuahua nipping at your pant leg to a Lab attacking an 8 year old? 😂 My point was someone who says they’ll pepper spray a little dog probably emits coward stench that attracts dog bites.




What would you do when you can't get one off you? I'm just trying to do my job and go home. Not have to fight careless customer's pooches. Especially not for as little as we are paid. I can't afford to see a doctor if the bite gets infected


If it’s a big dog different story but I pet every dog that comes in and I’ve been nipped a few times by little dogs. I guess growing up with dogs I’m not such a baby about it