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Millwork specialist here, only time I go over and sell appliances is if 1. Appliance specialist calls off 2. They’re on lunch or 3. They call me for help if they are backed up with customers waiting


Appliance specialist here: they will come by and ask first. Even if they see me working with one with 2 other waiting they still ask because they know I stack my customers.


I want to piggyback off this question - how do you with with pro? There have been several incidents where our specialists spend an extended time with a customer, and then the customer wants to be rung up at pro rather than with a specialist. Pro gets sale, specialist gets zip.


They walk them to the pro desk and check them out there at my store. Sometimes they've given the cashier there their sales number if the customer is not ready to check out yet but I always recommend to go physically to make sure it's under your number.


^ This is how it's done at my store.


Former ApplSpc/FlrSpc, current PSS: I chased down 90% of my pro customers and followed them to pro. (There was one major exception- a PSS’s customer sent his clients in to pick things out/get an estimate and would take the estimate to the PSS on a later date. That PSS is now my DS, unfortunately.) I tell all my current CSSes as soon as they get hired that under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should they let an estimate walk to pro. On the rare occasion that it does happen, I pay my CSSes back in non-pro sales. If it’s something crazy like a huge window quote, *no chance* should a pro get that sale if they didn’t do the work. Make sure your CSSes know how to run a VSP and also know how to run all of the various pro cards. Provided that your Pro DS and Pro ASMs aren’t douchebags, you might have to stand up for your CSSes and tell them to rein in their PSSes, if that makes sense. I switched to Pro eight months ago and roundly shamed the two other PSSes into respecting estimate rules with the backup of my Pro ASM. Edit: it’s bad manners to steal a quote. If the PSSes are sending their customers back to pick things out in appliances, they’re lazy fucks who don’t deserve the customer. It’s also just plain awful customer service to do that shit.


Nothing is stopping you from going to flooring to get sales.


I put the fear of God in them, they only help when asked


THIS. You get more with a kind word and a 2X4 than just a kind word.


People will ALWAYS people, especially if they have something to gain.


I have a weird role, most of the time my job is to go through the store looking for pro customers to sell MVPs and pro credit to. The problem I have is that a lot of the specialists seem to like to hide and regular customers find me instead of them for their DIY projects.




This person is brain dead.