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When they want you out, they will find a way


In the shareholder meeting, Marvin bragged he was going to cut payroll costs by 19%. They are cutting overtime, cutting back part time hours and firing tenured employees. Short term, he might make a few bucks, but customers are complaining about nobody in the store to help them. They won’t come back and long term, sell your stocks


Wowww. That is more than terrible. Still, sadly not surprising given that Marvin is a bit of a sociopath.


And outsourcing customer care




It was that big meeting at the Super Bowl. All the shareholders were cheering when he mentioned cutting workers hours.


that was the store managers meeting not stock holders


Husband was an SM, worked there 20 years, just let go. Devastating. He worked our kids whole childhood’s there… to the point when my daughter was a toddler she called it “daddy’s house…” 😭


Our store manager just got walked out by our DM earlier today and he was also with the company for right at 20 years 🥲🥲🥲


It literally feels like a death in the family. Lowes stuff all around… and every time I see it, it hurts. He had won awards, nominated for store manager of the year…everyone liked him because he cared about his employees. They used him during his best years of life until he was middle aged now and unhealthy from stress from working there.


That seriously sucks 😭😓😥 Our SM wasn't with us for a super long time but we all really like him - he was also nominated for store manager of the year this last year 🥲


Jokes on y’all. We’ve been complaining there is no one to help for years.


And yes, they will target you if you are higher on the pay scale. They would rather have a pimple-faced teenager working in plumbing at $15.50 than someone at $20 who has been around for a while. Actual job knowledge counts for nothing at retailers: if they could replace all of the people in the aisles with self-checkouts they would.


I heard this guy was getting paid well over $20+ a hour I think around $22-25. We hire people at 13.50


So they could replace him with two pimple-faced teenagers at the same cost. Not suspicious at all.


As a CSA? That's over the cap


True I've seen this happen


I am the 19 year old with minimal knowledge who’s being overwhelmed because i am the only one ever here when people need assistance.


This is true


Welcome to corporate America. That being said, in my other job I do write-ups. Unless the employee talks about it, there's way more behind closed doors than others see. Too many write ups in any field is going to lead to termination at some point. More than likely he was made aware of a final write up & continued to violate.


Very common practice at many companies. Corporate pressures SM's/GM's to fire long time good employees that make the highest wage. I was a GM in a different industry for 25 years. They don't care how you get it done....just do it. If you cause a lawsuit against the store/company for discrimination/unlawful discharge for firing people on corporates invisible termination list the SM/GM gets sacrificed as well. Hence, it becomes a no win situation for the employee on the invisible termination list and the GM/SM. It tears the local business to shreds from within. Don't ever again wonder why these companies have disposable shit for brains in management positions. Corporate use managers and highest paid employees up and throw them out.


Yes lol and they did it to the specialist I replaced 😭 he was capped out at $28 to my $18 he’s been with the company 10 yrs he knew all the departments and customers loved him but he was too expensive to keep I guess


To expensive? 28? Sheesh


When someone at the store such as SM, ASM, or DS wants you gone, they can get really shady with the write ups and scheduling. This comes from the fact that Lowe's is ran almost mafia style, but without the code of honor wise guys and made men operate with. Read through this sub and you will truly see how bad, shady, underhanded, and downright dishonorable the manager can get and act. This is basically a top down issue.


Your post is certainly true, but it is also true that some of the people Lowe’s employs have horrible work ethic and do not reliably show up to work. Managing bad employees isn’t exactly a walk in the park. I do think it gets ended up getting taken out on the good employees too often though


Possibly. But in relation to "bad employees, or horrible work ethic" there is a relationship between that and being paid close to minimum wage, inconsistent schedule, inconsistent days off, extreme demands for always being on your feet, inability to have holidays off like normal, shitty micromanaging overbearing managers, ect Maybe these people don't all have bad work ethic or are lazy. I get a good portion are just acting their wage. Pay me the minimum, I will give the minimum effort.


Then find another job.


My DS hated me and went to the store manager with a bunch of bullshit about me and it got me fired. I was a hard worker and a flooring specialist with a wealth of knowledge. They didn't care.


Sad/funny. You can be a lazy, dumb, shit head employee, who never actually does their job. But if your always in top of the AP4ME and sign up 2 or 3 credit cards a week your SM will basically bukkake you all over his face.


I’ve seen my store keep people that call out all the time, don’t show up, they start giving them one shift every other week. If they hang in there they keep them on until they move on or quit.


Making too much for Lowe’s is somewhere around 10-20% below the avg cost of living needed in your area.


Officially no. But they'll do everything in their power to keep you paid low. Hell Ive had my ASM fight to get me moved to full time OSLG since I've basically became the diet supervisor [by taking charge when the supervisor is out of commission or off, amd being in the department the longest] and the SM agreed I deserved full time for my work. But refused my raise to $19 to match my current full time job.


I’m a manager at Lowe’s and NEVER in my 8 year career has anyone even told me to do such a thing. I’ve also never done it. What I HAVE done is fight for increases for my top performers, even if they were at the top of the pay band.


Technically yes. Most of the USA is at will employment. Since high wages isn’t a protected class you can be fired for making too much. Most employers don’t use that reason because if workers knew this. They will look for other employment and people working for work will ignore that employer. Firing someone for “high wages” is an easy way to gain unemployment insurance. Employers PAY those unemployment checks. To get around that is by making a record of your mistakes and find a better reason to fire you and deny unemployment. This is why you must record anything you see or heard. So you can try to fight it during unemployment appeals


I was a cashier for over four years. I have verifiable documented managerial experience in three different fields, albeit not retail. I am accustomed to responsibility and extreme pressure. I could not get promoted past cashier because I was not young and pretty. I did not bounce up and down on the balls of my feet and clap my hands like a trained seal. I was not giddy. I was terminated for suspicion of theft. What they had was circumstantial and not conclusive and they knew it. The state agreed and granted me unemployment compensation. I am back in fast food like I was over thirty years ago. I couldn't be happier.


I think there is merit to that idea.


These corporations (Lowe’s,Walmart, Target, Home Depot…) all have so many policies in place that it doesn’t matter what you do you are breaking some sort of rule. When they want you gone they will make it happen. They are now adding in phrases like “future policy infractions of ANY policy will lead to further disciplinary action up to and including termination.” In the write ups. That means once you sign/accept that write up your next policy infraction could lead to you being fired.


It's not likely the reason.


In my experience unless you steal it’s pretty hard to get fired from retail stores. Retailers, like most other companies eventually cap your pay so you will never be “making too much” I worked for Giant supermarkets and they fired a 20+ year employee. His friends claimed it was because he was making too much but in reality he was stealing for a long time


It is possible, another company mandated that each store create a list of people who: made over a certain amount, who was over 45 yrs old , and who had been with the co over 16 yrs. They went down the list, some stepped down, some transferred, some retired and some were fired- nit picked written up: the day a write up expired, so they were always on “final”. For example, being written up because your shirt is a darker shade of blue or they don’t like the way you breathe or you didn’t say hi to someone or someone else did something wrong and they blamed you for it things like that, things that happened when you were on vacation , you werent even in the state, but yet you were written up for it, things like that . it’s called “processing out, “. So yes, it’s entirely possible that Lowes is following another part of the “business model” that has been developing as of late. Be careful out there my friends ❤️


It wouldn’t be the first time. 


I haven't heard about that at my store, but I do feel that a bit with how they schedule myself, as a part timer. Though I could just be making things up, since I doubt I'm making too much, since I'm sure there are full timers making more than me. I don't really concern myself with it, since the ship is still afloat, so there's no need to worry yet


I've seen it obviously happening at my store a few times. My BEDS was making on the higher side of wages for the position as he had been with Lowe's for like 14 years. They kept finding weird small things to write him up and when he started having vehicle issues they took advantage and had him on his final then fired him for being late. Meanwhile the ASM that fired him is no joke late every day by at least 30 mins. Then I put in for his position as Ive been there over 7 years, know the back end, front end and some depts, never been written up and am currently in delivery coordinator position for going on 5 years. They passed over me and hired a part time stocker that knows nothing, can't even change a order delivery date. They gave her the position at less than a dollar more than me. They didn't want to pay me more


Yes. Next?


Yep. Better a couple of part-time guys getting no benefits than a full time guy getting paid 17 or 18 an hour.


As a recently hired employee, this place seems a dumpster fire! How are massive seasonal hour cuts a thing?! And it doesn't seem it's a one-off. Mind bottled


I'm part time and my hours were cut big time. And yeah we had a good worker as well in our store in plumbing as well he was there for about 3 years he helped alot of people in the store. And they let him go over something so petty.


Yep and they make up a good reason to fire so you can't get unemployment! Like 1.30hrs OT in 6 months.


They've done it before, doesn't shock me.


I laughed when I read too much.


I know that once you get to the highest pay rate (for minimum wage workers at least) they aren’t able to have a higher wage so for example if I was getting paid $35 dollars an hour and been there for 30 years, they won’t give me another raise cause I had reached the limit of getting a raise. This happened at one of the other lowes I was working for before I transferred. Don’t know the pay of they were getting but this happened.


I’ve had to fire hard workers before. It’s rare, but the person sinking the boat could definitely be the hardest working person on the team. They often start out as great additions to the team, and the coworker and supervisor compliments get to their head. They get full of themselves, and think they’re the best person in the store. Arrogance takes over, then the morale of the team just goes downhill from there. Eventually, it just gets harder to get things done and keep a team together. There’s always too much work for one person. So it doesn’t really matter how hard you work, if you can’t function on a team then you’re not gonna make it very long.


A common person can do his job, maybe even better. He's not toeing the company line and refuses to leave so he will be treated as such. Write ups given as needed. The best business practice is to cut overhead and fill it with a cheaper offered competitive wage and benefit package.


He probably had a pension granfathered in, which no longer exists. Corporate will lean heavy on mgmnt to find things to fire people over, then his pension is null and void. Now they have way more money to buybacks stock , boom.


What pension existed 8-9 years ago?


If they wanted to fire somebody, they would just fire them. There's really no reason to go to any trouble. except for the idea that, despite the fact that major corporations have spent millions to get "certain" laws in place nationwide, they still feel though they have to go out of their way to make a reason. If all of that makes any sense. Multiple write ups usually mean someone deserves to be written up at least a few times. You May have thought they were an amazing worker, but they may have all kinds of issues that you didn't have any idea of. Or, in short, no I have never seen this happen.


It was probably because he didn't know the difference between "to" and "too."


What’s the difference?


If he was only there 8-9 years I doubt he was maxed out pay wise. Try not getting written up all the time