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That's every day. No mid, closer comes in when I leave.


Yeah its just today being our busiest day and my DS refusing to add someone else is what pisses me off. Typically our customers are pretty chill.


Realistically, they can't "just add someone", they have to stay within allotted hours. I do the best I can, and try not to take it home with me.


In this case they can because we are way understaffed and under hours. I understand that sometimes they can't, I know he just wouldn't.


ds can't do shit, unless FE ds, but even still they'll get shit on unless with asm/sm approval.


DS doesn’t and can’t make edits to schedules, only ASM


DS has very little control over schedules, and no control over hours. If there is no coverage, the DS can work through an ASM or store manager to try to get coverage. Right now the company is slashing hours across the board, no matter how successful the store is.


hey, closing by yourself it worse but i feel for yah


I've done that many times as well. Definitely worse.


This is me almost everyday outside garden. I have no help and the worst part is I’m a female which causes the customers to complain. I have lines of customers waiting for stuff while also vendors from islg demanding for pallets to be brought down asap because they “live three hours away” and their job needs to be done.


I could never. Ya'll are the real ones out there 🫡


Yeah I have had vendors get cute with me and my very limited amount of associates saying that when we are drowning in customers. Look if I could materialize help out of my ass, I would! So you will just have to wait your turn, sorry!


I don't go to work for a few more hours, and I'm already feeling like shit knowing how bad the last few weekends was ..... this is just my part-time job.


We don’t schedule anyone. We can’t add hours either. But sometimes you just gotta ride the waves. I’m alone 99% of the time. Sucks, but you just gotta do what you can.


It's definitely not the absolute worst day ever, I am just exhausted.


Yea scheduling happens with the SSA based on availability and allotted hours. Nothing to do with us. If you’re understaffed than scheduling somebody else will cause a drought during their other scheduled shift. Just the way she goes man, lowes


Let it roll off like water on a duck’s back.


I just needed to rant. Much better today.


Your DS does your scheduling?


I don’t write my department schedule. The SSA does the scheduling and it goes through a final approval by the ASMs before being posted.


A DS has no control over the schedule


I know. I'm more upset about the stupid lady straight up lying about me. 🙄


I’m a specialist. I love being in my department alone. 😂😂


The DS doesn't have any control over the schedule. Is there an HR person in the back at your store? If so, talk to them about it.


Here at HD. I am the only closer all by myself at Customer Service right now.


As a DS, I wish I had the ability to change the schedule..


I hear ya. We're down 2 in our pro department and lumber is only opener and closer and the opener somehow bails at 10 or 11 most days, leaving us to cover lumber during the busiest time of the day. I used to like the job when we had a few more people, but this just sucks.


It seems every lumber dept is a shit show. Ours definitely is. I don't hate my job persay. I am just sick of my lazy fuck DS. My asms and SM hate him.


You're alone in lumber? That makes zero sense, how do you even do anything?


Someone needs a hug, and alcohol, ya little closet pyromaniac. I ❤️ when you’re alone all day and no closer Comes in because nobody is scheduled. Had it happen a hundred times.


Lol yes. I made a joke to my asm that if there's a fire, I didn't do it. 😬


Put that Carolina blue vest on for a day then get back to me. 😂🤣




Lowe's has always been like this


Felt. I did that almost 2 years straight until Blowes let me go. The relief I felt that day was unexplainable. I'm now making more than I ever did there at Biglots selling furniture, better hours, exceptional schedule and no customers fighting you over the smallest things.


Your ASM is a fucking moron


Hmm, that's basically most days in Parcel or heaven forbid PUIS fulfillment if I'm scheduled. In my home assignment, I have to look for stuff that is usually missing or 90% in a department's topstock on a pallet, with no one to spot for power equipment. I'm timed and have a pick rate of stuff that needs to go out for shipment the next day. On the other side, I get to pull bitchy customer's orders all day and put together massive orders that need to go out for delivery the next day, many that require forklifts or associates they can't afford to schedule for "Red Vest Assists" Oh and I'm expected to "take care" of the customers the Red Vests that got their hours slashed and GET ALL my work done or risk getting wrote up.


They moved a guy at my store to be DS of fulfillment and after a couple weeks he's OVER it and stepped down. I don't blame him one bit. I always feel bad seeing the blue vests just running around with carts full of lumber or frantically looking for some bull shit that doesn't have a location.


Unfortunately not just you! We barely get coverage as it at our store. We get lucky if there is a mix-up at our store and we ACTUALLY have coverage. Sucks because there is many times I debate on even taking lunch


I barely get lunches.


The big picture is that if ANY of these fucktard customers would act the way they would to me in a public place and not in the store it would be more of a happy Disney ending.


Exactly. I was super annoyed with the asm that asked if I cussed at her. I told him if I actually did, everyone would know lol. I would not hold back.


What department? I open Electrical & and have another guy that closes. We don't have coverage at all.




Retail is not an easy job. The stores have to schedule accordingly. In the past 3/4 months I've been moved from my home department. When I'm in the other departments I explain to the customer I will try and help them and ask what are they are looking for and what it's used for. I try to get as much information as possible. I try not to let the customer get to me. If they say "well I guess I'll have to go to Home Depot" I tell them to ask for Tony. If they are ignorant so be it, I'm still getting paid. As long as I try and help them . Sometimes, I can and there are times I can't. Good luck.


DSs can't add people to the schedule. They literally can't as they don't have access to do so. The SSA is responsible for scheduling. However, ALL Lowe's have cut hours across the board. Most staff have to cover more than one department. As for the extremely rude customer, I would have walked away while explaining I'm getting someone to help them.


I know but in the case of not enough coverage they are supposed to work with SSA to change the schedule. At least at my store. As far as the customer, I definitely let her scream at a salaried asm because I was done.


Bottom line is they don't care. They would schedule 2 people to run the whole store if they thought they could get away with it.


That's a fact.


Shrink would be insane!


They don't seem to care a whole lot about that either.


That's why it's good to make friends outside of your department. I have about 5 people in the store that I can count on when I need them. If I need a spotter or help doing anything. The way you make these friends is to always volunteer to help them if they look like they need help, and usually, they will return the favor. Don't help people who won't help you, though. If you can find 5 good people in your store, odds are at least one of them will always be there whenever you need help. Be sure to always thank them and always return the favor.


You should be mad at your ASM not your ds


My dept doesnt have an asm.


That doesn't make any sense


Not many locations have rental. We don't technically have an asm.


Every associate is assigned to someone's team. I'd imagine you either fall under pro or ops. But hey I've been wrong before.


Yeah I think pro but quite literally no one knows shit about it.


What region are you? I've been hearing about tool rental for years but never seen it. I even have a lowes tool rental shirt and bookbag but have never seen a store rent tools. Besides insulation blower and carpet cleaner.


I think Region 2? 🤔 Not sure


Isn't that the norm? 1 opener and 1 closer? On the occasional weekend, there's 1 mid?


My store is almost $100mil a year so....no.


Mine is $80+....and usually the call-outs kill us.


Ds has nothing to do with the schedule. That's ASM and SSA


I used to live those days working in lumber with no other employees so I had no spotter lol


I was alone until noon all day in 2 departments that I know well today. I’m just used to it at this point. The highlight of my day was watching two customers who were complete strangers to one another get in a heated argument over a product 😂


I don't work at Lowe's but reading this thread makes me feel so much empathy for you guys and what my local Lowe's staff has to go through. WTF, Lowe's is making so much money, raising prices every day, and cutting staff so far they are going to burn you all out. I'm so sorry. Maybe you guys should unionize, it may help with this shit because it seems pretty unfair to you all and a disservice to customers too. Lowe's seems to be the only one winning, taking advantage of y'all


-Lumber floor few months, - pro desk few months- Pro desk has been amazing learning experience and I like it alot, but alottttt of people that I try to help can't believe I have the job with no experience at all with any trade. I think the only reason they gave me the job was bc I like to talk to people and I'm really into learning. I'm 31 and have been a factory worker for ten years so this is my first public job. The part I hate the most is I feel like the other two pro guys hate my guts and want me to quit. Maybe bc I'm in this type of role and they've both earned their exp doing things like some of the contractors. Good for them really. My dad has been building houses since he was 16 but never took me to learn. At first I was asking them questions when I got the job. But they've been so stand off ishh to me I don't pry at them for sitting anymore unless I really need help. Sometimes if they're talking to a big head contractor, ill ask something (not interrupting bc i wouldn't want to be interrupted) they will look at me, and look right back at their computer. And i look like an idiot in silence. Like i never said anything. I have never treated anyone like this in my life. I am no gate keeper of knowledge. If you train under me i will be SUPER thorough and you will improve at your job. I've trained dozens of ppl at my last job and was chosen to do so bc of HOW i train people. Our plumbing and electrical dept have great exp love to help me when they can and I cherish that. Plus some contractors have taught me so much and I really appreciate that as well. At the end of the day it's crazy. I've been doing all my own research. My store manager sent me to a store almost 2 hrs away to train for ONE DAY and on the way back there was a snow storm IT TOOK ME 4 HRS TO GET BACK HOME THEY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I WAS COMING These guys barely acknowledge my presence and I'm always like hey hi hello good morning have a great day how's it going how was your vacation how's that work what's up man what a great day and that's the person I am and always will be but you know what fuck yall I'm tryna make a living to. And I'm always helping pull their shit bc everything ol boy is selling everything is in the other name number. & lumber guys have alot to do anyways and can't pull it all bc of customers and our ds pointing at everything he can possibly find to be fkn mad about. They never hit code 50s and never help pull my orders. This is my day every day. And thank God and the other employees that work at my store for being great. And thank God for the customers for that I can tell are genuinely grateful. So many of them always tell me how I'm the only one that's on top of shit when it comes to helping people get out of lowes with what they need and helping them figure out what they want or need.