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"Lowes is hiring!" Them cutting hours is the "flexible schedule" part...


“Associate discounts and more!”


File for underemployment.


people are filing at my store! shit i just might


You paid into it. Do it!


Actually, the company pays into an insurance plan that then pays laid off employees. If the company fires too many, their rates go up which is why they often try to get people to quit.


It’s been bad this year, I can’t lie. My full timers are having to get cut to 35 hours a week. Corporate still making us cut hours. Can’t make any money because we don’t have people there to help customers. Corporate’s answer is to make more money. To make money you have to spend it.


Yup! I’ve seen customers walk out after I’ve paged several times to get them help in an area and they got tired of waiting because we obviously didn’t have anyone covering that area. I’m running SCO and the only cashier on mainline, had to walk out to get customers propane because no one was getting it. I’m supposed to watch for theft and help with ringing issues, how do I do that if I have to be outside help too?


I have 4 5 hour shifts over the next 3 weeks but yet they are still hiring people at my store. Wtf.


Yes that how the fu@k are they cutting hours and 3 new faces in plumbing and I just quit after a4 hour week




This is how Melvin the ceo rewards asms anywhere between $5000 & $7000 a year after the company meeting in Las Vegas each year do the math sales aren’t there why hire more people or allocate more hours hopefully asms are putting in more support 😂😂


I honestly wish they cut my hour, especially since I'm always alone in the department with task and helping costumer none stop. They say it's very slow, so do these task. Every 10-15 min I'm getting pull for code 50 or help costumer cutting wood. By the time I get back tasking another person need help or they need me help pull online order. While slowly, the place starts to get messy... So if it's going to be this way I prefer 5-10 hour a week instead of more for dealing with the headache and chaos. I This is my 2nd job part time for extra cash.


I just quit buddy Month ago I was down to 12 hours a week next schedule I had a 4 hour week I called the ASM on my day off and said listen Mike I am not going to come in for 4 hours I’m going to quit so he asked me if I was sure cause I been working there for 8+ years and I said yes Mike I quit see ya bud Fu@k Lowe’s


Sales are bad. Expect harsher cuts




Many departments are down from 5% to 30% in sales and traffic. So the cuts are earlier compared to previous years


It's all relative to the sales plan. If you are expected to hit $1M in a week but only hit $950k that's bad and the stores really only have the option of cutting payroll to cut costs.


So? People aren’t buying shit lol, simple as that. It’s also an election year, people are uncertain


>So? People aren’t buying shit lol, simple as that. It’s an election year, people are uncertain. And “so?” Is the exact response the shareholders are responding with to your statement. And I 100% agree with you. The shareholders and board members don’t give a !@#$ what consumer habits are or what’s going on this year. Marvin said we were going to hit a plan of X and they expect it to be hit, they don’t care if Marvin himself has to run a damn store lol. We don’t hit plan, they pull money for investments. So to counter this, you cut labor hours. They’ve already cut 500-700 heads in corporate and they are running on a somewhat skeleton crew, they actually just made another back to office wave that’s going to result in about a 50% loss of the department. They’re going to backfill those roles by offering cheaper salaries to new hires. Yay capitalism.


Too many shady people committing fraud to get bonuses.


I have 4 hours next week. 4.


Had 4 hours last week but doubled to 8 this one


This is my current predicament too. Our store does the most sales in the region but because the other stores are lacking, they're cutting all our part-time hours so the other stores, I guess, can do better. I do a good job and work hard. And supes/managers have noticed. So I thankfully have a head cashier who'll let me stay past my "time off" so I can get hours. But, that's also not always a guarantee when she's not around. My manager is cool and would also like to see me get hours. But the scheduler is still cutting hours. So either I get my hours, get something here full-time that'll fit my work/life schedule (I sell houses mostly), or I'll have to quit and find something else that'll help/hold me over until this slump picks back up.


> Our store does the most sales in the region but because the other stores are lacking, they're cutting all our part-time hours so the other stores, I guess, can do better. That's not how it works at all. It's all about sales vs plan for your particular store. You can be a higher volume store than the other stores in your area but if your store isn't hitting plan then your managers will have to start cutting hours. Say for instance that your store makes like $40M/year and the neighboring stores around you make about $20/year. Your plan around this time of year is probably like $1M/week whereas the neighboring stores are probably more like $500k/week. Well if you make $950k this week but the store down the road makes $600k this week then even though you guys clobbered them in absolute numbers you guys failed to hit plan and they demolished theirs so you'll start seeing cuts and they might start getting more staff. But if you guys made $1M and they made $500k then your staffing will stay the same. In some way you guys must be missing plan.


Actually, it does work in that manner. My store has been above plan, as well as 6 of the 10 other stores in our district, yet our DM has had us slashing 500-600 hours a week from a skeleton schedule to start with. We are having to make up for the sales deficit from the other stores not making plan. Each district is alloted a lump sum of hours based on planned sales, that gets divided out among the stores based on each store's sales plan. If stores are not making plan in the district, and enough hours can't be cut at that location, the rest of the district has to cut to make up the shortfall.


Wish we were being cut. RDC just got put back on mandatory overtime.


You guys gotta overflow us with seasonal (Halloween, Christmas) stock, I’m assuming that’s why. I send my regards to the overnight teams that have to keep up with it during reduced hours.


It’s rough at my rural store in the Midwest with no direct competition in our area. However, I was able to leverage this cut in hours into me getting a last second vacation day on 7/5, with my rotation already giving me 7/3 and 7/4 off so I’ll take it.


Wait. You have a rotation?


Gotta keep those shareholders happy. If you can't showoff with sales show off with cuts. Disgusted


This is starting to look like the failure of Sears


No it isn’t, this happens every year around this time and has for 20+ years.


Lowe’s always hired seasonal employees during the spring & right before Christmas they haven’t done this in the last 5 years For Home Depot and lowes spring & summer haved always been the busiest walk into a lowes it’s a ghost town go to a Home Depot you can’t even find a parking spot that’s how packed it is plus their stock is worth more than lowes


That was my problem also I have been at Lowe’s 8 years started on the weekend team fri sat and sun 24 hours a week and worked in every department in the store well Lowe’s did away with the week end team so I was good employee worked hard knew what was going on so store manager liked me and put me in plumbing and electrical I always got 24-32 hours a week well the store manager retired and we got a female manager she was ok with me and put me in plumbing I kept my hours some weeks I was working 40 but I was a good employee well I was closing one night down stocking toilets when my leg went numb and I fell down I got to my feet and headed to the office to call my wife and fell down again at the self check out My ASM was letting customers out she called me an ambulance and I was taken to the Emergency Room ER doctor did a full body cat scan on me and told my wife I was going to die if I didn’t get surgery seems my Aorta had ruptured top and bottom and I was bleeding internally but the doctor tells me that there is no one to perform the surgery on duty so I was put back in the ambulance and driven 40 minutes away to the fletcher advent hospital when I got there a surgical team was waiting for me Iwas immediately taken to surgery put on heart lung machine and prepped for surgery 9 hours later I woke up in the ICU Dr Morrison my heart surgeon immediately stopped the oxygen and cardiac machine to see if I would breathe and my heart would beat on my own by the Grace of God I was breathing and my heart was beating on its own Dr Morrison had repaired my ruptured Aorta and saved my life I was in ICU for 8 days Rehab for two weeks and I was rehabbed at home until mid September when I was released to work I started 3 days a week 4 hours a day but by December I was back to 35 hours a week then Lowe’s pulled a Lowe’s mySM got promoted to a bigger store and we got a regional’s buddy a Best Buy manager never worked a day in store anyway then they started hours cutting my last check was 12 hours and I was scheduled for 4 hours the following week I called the MOD and just told him I quit I m finally back in shape and I got 4 hours next week and that’s my Lowe’s story they took care of me until they didn’t so Fu@k Lowe’s


I am seeing from my hubby's Blowes experience that good employees get royally screwed. They are playing workers for chumps. He can't escape fast enough!


You got an average of 20 hours per week, that’s standard part time hours most places. They average it out. As part time you can work 0 to 35 hours. So you could see even less hours per week like 4 hours each week. Lowes is seasonal work, especially if your part time, they are cutting hours right now and they pick up again closer to Thanksgiving til after Christmas and then cut hours again until Spring. If you have any shift days or hour restrictions you usually get less hours than someone that has open availability. If you need a consistent schedule you will need to go full time or get cross trained anywhere you can in the store.


This happens every year


As a 13 year PT employee, it has been bad since 2022. Uncharacteristic, I would say in PT reduction of hours.


This past week, I worked 20+ hours. This upcoming three weeks, I work only two 4 hour shifts.


You’re gonna love the week after Xmas.


It’s happening at my store too


Next week I’m down to 10 🙃


I’m off the whole week until Saturday I’m trying to find a second job atp


Ive been getting 4hour shifts


Usually happens after inventory because they approve a bunch of overtime to get it done then have to cut fat later to pay it off. Fundamental business practice


Isn’t inventory usually at the beginning of the year ?


I literally work a Monday then don't come back till the following Sunday.


Ask for any PTO you've earned so you can at least get a paycheck.


When I went from full to part time (because of semi retirement) I only asked for 20 hours. Always been a little over but the first two weeks of this month I'm only scheduled weekends. Less than 15 hours. It should get better


I mean if you were hired for a seasonal position that’s just what happens when they don’t have the “ hours” for you anymore


I am not seasonal. I've worked here over a year.


Sorry I assumed you were seasonal but it still applies to part time associates.


My store just hired a bunch of new comers too and I got scheduled 0 hours for one week :,) I talked (begged) to my manager for a crumb of a shift because i also just recently opened my availability so I was so baffled to see not a single shift on my schedule


I have open availability too and I was really hoping that it would benefit me in getting hours during slow season but I really don't think it is 💀


Yea I work 2 four hour shifts today and tomorrow, and work 1 eight hour shift next week Friday that's it! Bout to look for another job, this is ridiculous af!


Messi contract just hit the books and your cut hours are paying for it.


I recommend getting out of the sinking ship 🛳️


All about more money in their pockets, not yours….typical corporate greed!!


Stores aren’t making money. Hours will get cut. Get a full time spot then.


So sick of getting comments like this. I've tried getting a ft spot, thats not how it works. Theres an entire interview process we all go through when a spot opens up and we are never guaranteed to get the spot even if we do the interview. I WANT ft, I'm not some lazy pos that doesn't want to work like people like you are making it out. "Get a ft spot" yeah thanks thats such good advice its almost like I haven't been trying for a year. Try telling that to the other 10 people that have been waiting for a ft spot just for them to hire 20 new pt. If you don't have any actual advice or empathy for me shut up.


Get over it or get a FT job. The only person to blame is yourself


I bet your coworkers love working with you 😂


Home Depot has clearly dominated lowes Walk into their stores Store managers are leading by example helping customers load on power equipment & the list goes on and on


Not HD around here. Can't find help as the employees "hide" or they don't have enough. That's why HD stock is doing worse than Lowe's.