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Agreed.... And greetings from Barcelona šŸ·


I like it, more time where the soil isnt hard as rock, grass is longer green and still something can grow


Complete and utter climate collapse, in a few years we will have global famines killing hundreds of millions.




Good to see that there a some people left who understand how the scientific method works instead of basing their opinions on psychotic hallucinations.


All I can say the real estate mafia made hay when the sun was shining , now no one can convince me to buy a house here, this weather is not for me . On top of it paying close to million euro for a house, no thanks.


I was thinking the opposite, the rain is a blessing for all of us with allergies to grass! We can finally breathe again


This is completely normal weather. Luxembourg doesnā€™t have a Mediterranean climate. What do you expect?




Yeah !! Wait what ???!


This fucking weather is due to the european parlement Who vote for 10 years about geo ingineering to Block the maximum of sun uv


Do you have a link to more information about this?






true and facts


Grey and Green


Oh boy I am about to relocate my family from South California to Luxembourgā€¦ i am going to miss these sunny daysā€¦


It can be super sunny here though, probably nothing compared to California but the summer can be nice.


Donā€™t lie to him! Iā€™m from California and this country does not have proper nice sunny weather any longer than maybe 2-3 days and then itā€™s weeks of rain and depressing cloud cover


35 in Portugal, give it some more days to arrive here and then don't complain about the heat


I am in the Pacific Northwest and would love to live there--weird Lux weather or not. I'll take it.


The weather in Lux is better than the PNW. Winters are sunnier (but colder) in Lux and summers are hotter and not quite so dry, and itā€™s never smokey in Lux. Plus, the fall in Luxembourg is 2 months of beautiful foliage color. PNW folks are happy with the weather in Lux. Cali crew hates it though.


Winters are sunnier?! The sun comoletely disappears every year somewhere around october, only to come back in april/may.. fall does have nice colours :-)


I'm not even going to complain about the light rain. Damn allergies make me welcome rain now


Luxembourg has the most unpredictable weather out of any country ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


New Zealand is famous for ā€œFour Seasons in One Dayā€


How about continuously-shitty-6-months in a year.


El NiƱo year, more heat in the atmosphere so greater capacity to hold water. Could also be one of those 40 degree summers like the last one in 2019, so you have that to look forward to.


Oh god, I'm going to die


40 degree summer... Nooooo I just escaped my country with 45 degree summer... I didn't sign up for that. More rain and coldness please šŸ˜…


Say that again and I will break YOUR arms, armsbreaker


Finally... A worthy opponent... šŸ˜... Come.. Let's battle to ā˜ ! šŸ˜


Me living in an attic apartment: More please.


Better this than no rain for months on end like last year.


My first Lux summer - Picture 2011. I froze in June. I expected warm southerner summer and did not bring warmer clothes. Went for a weekend to Paris and my shoes melted from heat. But Luxembourg, I froze.


Yeah, I know this is actually insane. Iā€™ve been living here ever since I was born and Iā€™m already 19, and for some reason this year seems like the longest weā€™ve had rain and shitty weather smh. I came back from New York after spending three months there, I came back the 14th of April and I was so mad of coming back because it was starting to be mad warm over there (Iā€™ll be moving there for my studies in August) and I thought to myself, maybe Luxembourg is going to be nice starting in Aprilā€¦. I was so wrong. Itā€™s almost June and weā€™ve had like 5 days of sun compared to weeks of rain, itā€™s hell.


yeah that's northern europe for you (anything above like 46Ā° latitude) but even southern france is pretty cloudy and rainy. i guess it's just a bad year...


When I started my internship in January I thought about what I should wear to the office in summer if it gets hot, that problem has solved itself lol


I dont have that issue because the temperature in the office is always alaska


I sense we work together.


Yeah but thatā€™s not true for public transport. In the shoulder seasons, they sometimes crank up the heating all the way to 11. Itā€™s always alaska during a snow storm or Delhi during a heatwaveĀ 


It is the usual weather in Central Europe thats why people are going to Medittaranean countries, I hope one day the weather and the culture from Meditteranean will also come in Lux


no weā€™ll pass on the culture thank you


Not the culture please




Personal opinion of course, but I find it quite chaotic, noisy and wild, with not so much respect for the rules (I come from there). I was very happy to find a different culture when I came here in Luxembourg some years ago


The reasons I came here, a long time ago, the reasons I want to go back nowadays...


I used to live in the countryside of Lux , no respect for rules either .


It is like this because I m in holidays and decided to stay.


Netherlands says "hold my cup"


Well I write from the Netherlands, and I am Living in a flat, I love it , cause finally itā€™s quiet, and I only hear the raindrop , when the whether is nice they would all the time gossip under my window šŸ˜… and the older ladies would watch everything I do and comment about it šŸ˜…


Dont you even dare to complain when theres gonna be a hot days streak (which is coming) and you gonna burn your ass every time you get in your car!


I love those times :D


I canā€™t wait


Thatā€™s the dream


Seems to me this is a typical spring, we've been spoilt with warmer weather over some of the past few years.


The threads are split between "OMG so much rain" a few that remember the weather... Let me guess: born before 1990? I'm 1978 and it feels like Luxembourg weather...


Are you new here ;-)


I can't even tell anymore.


And how goes the saying....."Only wild boars and Luxemburgers can stand this weather"


Next month will be the same šŸ¤£




You know what I miss? We had a pretty constant whine about ground water level being too low for years. I actually want those guys to give a status update. Like right now. And I'm also certain it will again be a whine about a too low ground water level...


Wait for next drought which will be two weeks without rain and theyā€™ll come out to shout at you for washing your car or watering your garden.


There was an interview on RTL with the boss of DEA after one of those 3 weeks catastrophic droughts. He said (paraphrasing): "we could have delivered more water and make more money if people didn't stop watering gardens." And I sort of stopped listening to the whining...


This is surely nice for the water levels. However, 1 or 2 years of more water don't fill up the levels as it should. Also, consequences of water scarcity, like for example for trees are unfortunately irreversible...


The water is very hard, my coffee machine is getting clogged


Run lemon juice through it a few times. It tastes way better than vinegar that also works.


Seriously. How long does one need to take Vitamin D for?


lifetime, or until you move out of here


This is the norm, why u acting surprised? šŸ‡±šŸ‡ŗ


Who remembers 2003, when people send an comic of an guy under an umbrella, reaching his hand out and claiming: "Yeah, it's summer...the rain is warmer!" That was also a year with a lot of rain, so nothing new...


tbf 2003 is known as [european heatwave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2003_European_heatwave) /canicule


Global warming šŸ”„


Called climate change. Will.lead to colder wetter springs and longer drier hotter summers and autumns


Sad truth.


I know. We were planning a trip to the UK this summer but haven't booked the flights yet. This morning, looking out of my window I was wondering if we should ditch our plans and head south instead.


The last two UK summers have been unusually hot and dry.


My tomatoes are suffering!


Just a few weeks until the next drought hits and we'll have exactly 4 weeks with 37Ā°C each day.


Gosh that will be terrible , I will be cooked in my flat LOL


I am interested in this answer you gave , can you develop it more ?


It was an reference to the fact that sometimes you get the impression that it's either raining all the time or it's unbearably hot. See also this article from RTL, especially this quote: >Europe has experienced soil droughts surpassing 40% for at least one month every year since 2018 [https://today.rtl.lu/news/luxembourg/a/2087662.html](https://today.rtl.lu/news/luxembourg/a/2087662.html)


He says that in just a few weeks the next drought will hit us and we will have 37 degrees for 4 weeks


Yes, and what I meant by that was that the next drought will arrive soon, bringing with it a prolonged heatwave of 37 degrees for four weeks.


I prefer this over having 53 degrees like in Pakistan or Mexico


Please don't complain, I'm from south Brasil and currently there are massive floods over there. Thousands lost their homes and are living in shelters now. I know it's far away and have nothing to do with us here, but makes me remember and grateful I'm safe


Well that way we should always we happy and force our happiness by comparing ourselves with others. Thatā€™s ridiculous logic


There are a gazillion people who do this. Always asking you to be grateful because you're better off than so many others.


completely understand your point but a little bit of sun wouldnā€™t hurt!


I totally agree


Welcome to Luxembourg, where it rains 11 months of the year. And it snows the 12th month.


Eehhhh no snow at all actually. Dont count that one day where the snow doesnt even last a day.


We are delighted to offer you a 13th month,


Of rain


Climate has changed on this planet.. I think this will be our reality from now on :)


This year is actually more like a return to form for Luxembourgish weather. For some reason, 2020 we started to have proper summers but now that the weather is normalising again to mostly cloudy and rainy throughout the summer, we're thinking that something has changed.


Yeah people keep implying this is somehow a new thing when really this is what spring and early summer used to be like for ages before we started having these ridiculous heatwaves in late May and June


Exactly. This is the fourth year that I've been gardening more and more, and I'm also trying to become more aware of nature and its cycles. So far, each year has been unique in its own way. It's either been too warm too early, too much rain, or too warm too late... I think we've disrupted the balance.


Yes.. true.... In Balkans, southeastern, it was expected to have at least 20..30cm of snow during the winter, last winter there where almost none... and in April/May it was 25 degrees Celsius, which is highly odd...


Went for a two week vacation back in November. Feels like it's been raining nonstop with only a few sunny days ever since I got back. Often there was a quick shower on those sunny days too.


yea this is really fkd up. Depression is strong atm.


https://preview.redd.it/x4u0ryu2eb3d1.jpeg?width=674&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9c7f626aff26cf8a2bac4ebb998361287ea2f3d First time in Luxembourg?


Nah man. I've been here 7 years now and this is far worse than any other year


Born and raised here. I remember my parents driving through hail towards France for this school holiday period. You will get used to it.


You get the odd crazy hit but thus yes has been raining nonstop. It's mad


177 days of rain on the long term average per year in Luxembourg city: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luxembourg_City


Yeah but there's a day with rain and then there's a rainy day


Nah you're right, this is the worst year in terms of rain quantity I've ever experienced here (and I am from here). 2013 was bad but the sun came back in May. Now we're nearly June and no summer in sight. I am sure we'll get the scorching heat in July or August too but how much rain we'll see til then is anyone's guess. Tbf it's not much better in other parts of Europe at the moment...


No summer. Is it worth the salary you are getting? You probably will say yes


Well if you want to live here permanently, and not move to a lower cost country later, it does not worth it imo, especially since covid, the government also lacks severally funds. Many people are leaving for this reason. You cannot buy properties here unless you inherit wealth or you want still pay the mortgage when you are in the coffin (of course I mean as a couple, donā€™t even think about it as a single person šŸ˜„) āš°ļø


As a single person I can tell you I cannot afford a mortgage. I am somehow paying rent.


That is if you are even getting a good salary šŸ˜‚


Lol i wrote that because if i write something people just say ā€œwould you get this salary anywhere?ā€ People are too touchy in Lux


I know right, even I was shocked at the amount of nationalism here... I used to believe that at least these well educated europeans wouldn't be so nationalistic And btw I think I would get a higher salary in US, Canada, Switzerland, Australia, Singapore, UAE, and even India and quite frankly Germany too than EU's highest paying country


It comes from the fact that most of these people left their countries for honestly a mediocre life here and hate anyone pointing it out. So they get very offended.


moved here in 2005 without a car; wore a kneelength parka until June


Just curious, at what temperature do you stop wearing a parka? The parka when itā€™s 15c (like it was today) thing has always puzzled me about some people in Luxembourg. Donā€™t you get hot? I like a parka too, but switch to lighter jackets above 6c or so.


It was a hugely water-resistant parka with acrylic/artificial filling, not down. So I could wear it with a teeshirt if I wanted to. And didnā€™t get steamy like a plastic raincoat.


Agree, first time here in 2007. If anything the last 7-8 years have been going exceptionally warm and sunny.


Yes, this year has been a rollercoaster.


Let's draft a petition on [petitiounen.lu](https://petitiounen.lu), this is unacceptable.


Welcome to Luxembourg. It rained almost through most of July last year


It's not just Luxembourg and it's not typical for Luxembourg either. The last few years have been very unsettled.


As Hagen Rether says: Let's fly to the Maldives while they're still not drowned