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My economics class tells me you are in poverty if you earn 60% of median income


Are you flexing?


that's why everybody wants to in a couple here in lx, to split rent in two 🤣


Let me check the impossible cost of housing plus high cost of living, only an imbecile would think that people on minimum wage are fine. Also if the mods could stop enforcing kindergarten levels of language filter would be nice




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If I got that right, and according to the \[2\] footnote €2400 is the total household net income divided by the household size adjusted following this: [https://www.oecd.org/els/soc/OECD-Note-EquivalenceScales.pdf](https://www.oecd.org/els/soc/OECD-Note-EquivalenceScales.pdf) So for 2 adults and 2 children that would be an adjusted household size of 2.1, and a total net income of 2400\*2.1 (5040) would then be the threshold for poverty in that case




Wait, you're being serious? I thought this was a Humour post


I think it should be 2400€ per household. 10k€ is more than enough to live nicely with 2 children.


The calculation is idiotic for many reasons, but it should be the most obvious for when it comes to living expenses: - you'll basically pay the same rent whether you live alone or with your partner. - heating the place will essentially cost the same, same as other fixed charges like internet/tv, frais de gérance etc.


So… that’s not how the stats are calculated. It’s important to read it all. As someone has already pointed out (and from note 2 at the bottom) this is done using an equivalence scale that takes in to account that it is cheaper for more people to live together. In the case of living with a partner the costs are set at 1.5x. This accounts for such things as some more utilities and some shared, a typically greater amount of space required but with 2 people paying.


Why should I pay the same rent and the same heating if my apartment has to be twice as big? And when the shower runs four times as long and the refrigerator has to be bigger.


Well that's the thing, unless you're comparing it to renting a single room while living with some flatmates, you don't need a bigger place to live for 2 people. Same size flat also means the same amount of heating required and roughly the same insurance payments. I agree that some costs, like electricity or hot water will go up, but it's not going to double either. From experience, I also haven't found you need a bigger refrigerator for two people, since most rentals will have a fridge that is too large for a single person anyway.


Nope. You should read it again or have it translated.


Why so condescending? It says standard of living (per person). Equivalent income or real net income?


It’s per family . Read the article in English . 2400 per person is really very high .


2.4k net per person is not "very high" it's barely above unqualified legal minimum wage...


It's not per family. I just didn't see the footnote about whether it was weighted.


"or are we talking about weighted income here?" This is exactly what is explained on the page (footnote [2]). It's computed using équivalents-adultes.


1 au premier adulte; 0,5 à chaque membre âgé de 14 ans et plus et 0,3 aux enfants de moins de 14 ans. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Glossary:Equivalised_disposable_income/fr E.g. one adult with two kids (<14 years) would be 1.6 adults. 2400*1.6 = 3840€.


ah, I see. I missed the footnote.


Yeah, and sorry for the tone of my first comment. At that point in time I hadn't read it myself either and it was "clear" to me that "standard de vie du ménage" meant (total) household income of 2400€. (Which would be horrible indeed for a family.)


No problem.


Family income, if I'm not mistaken.