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On weekends you have the late night bus towards steinfort... last one leaves the city at 3h


https://drt.lu/component/zoo/item/niu-mqi-1151486-car Something like that? I think you can even get 1k € back from the state


Is that still too expensive?


You can buy a car for under 4000. It might not last the year but you could see if it improves your life.




A car for 4k should really last more than a year...


Also you should talk with your employer if it's possible to change your work hours. For example on Thursdays either leave early enough for the train or stay until closing time (instead of just waiting for the train).


Doesn't the employer need to compensate when one cannot use public transport to get to work and/or home? As travel from and to home before and after work is considered worktravel and also insured. So there may be something to at least get a cab or car paid during that time.


Thank you for all the responses. The night bus is a choice however it only runs on Fridays and Saturdays. Riding a bicycle or electric scooter is my most viable option but as many of you said, it’s too dangerous. Taxis and car hire are more expensive than my wages.


Hey. Uber is new in lux and it has 80%discount for a couple of days. Maybe as a last resort could be useful


Best option is to buy a cheap used car, park for free in Bouillon, and use a bike/scooter to get from Bouillon to the city center and back (not sure if there are nightbuses to take you from city center to Bouillon).


There’s a night bus to steinfort - https://www.steinfort.lu/media/5b19321ea641f_late-night-bus-222.pdf Maybe consider a scooter for the last 2km?


Night bus is only on Fridays and Saturdays, but yeah works for those two days.


Working late in bars in Lux, cycling is your friend 👌


If he wants to cycle at night i strongly reccomend a high visibility vest, you cant really avoid tired drivers or drivers that dont pay attention but you can atleast improve your chance of being seen early enough. In addition a high vis jacket takes up zero space in a backpack and costs nearly nothing.




You should keep the photo of the Grand Duke Henri with you and pray to him in the hour of your need about how great he and his family are that they let you live in the Greatest country in the world.  And that they take only a mere 20 million euros per year! Can you imagine even half of that money spent improving the infrastructure per year?!  Edit: it's 20 million euros not 2 😵


I’d rather spend €20m on the Grand Ducal family every year rather than lose €10,000m every year by being a part of Belgium. I like having roads that are not shit, and if it requires paying the ducal family €20m a year, it’s worth it to not be Province de Luxembourg Part Deux. 


€10k m??? What is Belgium doing with that? ????


I don’t know what Belgium would do with €10bn, but they’re not spending it on road maintenance that’s for sure. We would be so much poorer and worse off it we were part of Belgium, which would have been the case without the ducal family. They’d probably spend it on a 50 year renovation of Mons gare, or a Metro in Charleroi that literally never opened, or a renovation of their judicial palace that is so old that they needed to spend money to renovate the scaffolding used to renovate the building. Being part of Belgium - especially Wallonia - would blooowww   And €10,000m is actually less than we would lose - we would actually be more like 40,000m/year poorer as part of Belgium. Like one half or so of our GDP.  €20m/yr cost for the Duke vs €40,000m/yr cost to be part of Belgium, hmmm, no I’m not republican enough to throw away 39,98 billion euros per year. 


Isn't that like 10 billion euros? 


Logic 100/10!  Please teach me your ways 🙏


Carflex is a good alternative if you have a driving licence.


Assuming you mean [flex](https://www.flex.lu/en/homepage/) it’s really not good for one way journeys. You have to return the car the next day and assuming OP wants to go home and sleep that’s a 10hr rental plus 50km making it around €55 and then still having to get back later!


By car or by bike. Obviously public transport can't drive around empty all night to every minor town.


You’d be surprised… there’s a night bus that goes to steinfort it’s a doable walk or perfect scooter range from there.


Is it possible to Bike (Electric Bike) i Checked its 22 km.


1h bike at late night doesn’t seem like a safe option, you would have a high chance of ending in an accident with drunk drivers etc.


Also can be doable during the summer. Definitely wouldn't recommend during winter


makes sense.


Not having a car and living outside the capital is like disability. Get a car or deal with it, I am sorry.


That's the unfortunate reality. Get a new job or get a car


Living in the capital is difficult without a car, so I would not like to experience commuting from towns or villages near the border or located far north. It is what it is, that's why we do have so many cars around, without even looking at cross-border employees. It's must have in many cases to have at least one.


The truth is that there's many people who could take public transport but prefer to sit alone in their car. Especially in the communes around Luxembourg city, where a lot of high-earning people live. In fact, those communes have the largest share of car modal split in the whole country, even more than rural regions.


The weather here is terrible--that's the main issue. Try waiting in the rain in January for a bus with a child.


Clothing and umbrellas exist for a reason


As do climate-controlled personal vehicles.


Doesn't change the fact that the weather isn't an excuse for not taking public transport.


Well you can just extend this analogy forever can't you?  Stop heating your home and save electricity. Many parts of the world people don't so no need for you to. Don't eat any citrus fruit as they aren't grown locally and consume hydrocarbons to bring here. But of course your preferences are the right ones.




Used to live like that and once you have a car, life is totally different - easier. I mean, living in 15/30 mins radius from work allows you to do not own a car. In my case, it takes almost 1h30 mins to get to work with public transport. In comparison, by car it takes 20-25 mins...


You live and work in the capital, and you take 1h30 one way to commute? How?


The opposite, I work outside the capital city. So yeah, in rush hours it's 3h in total per day. I am truly amazed, that there is so many people doing such sacrifice and still refusing to purchase a vehicle. I mean, nobody will pay you back for all that time you've lost for commuting. Then with 30 mins left every day to chill, there is nothing better to do than complain about weather, Gare, or whatever. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


People in those situations probably earn so little that introducing a vehicle, especially a cheap one (that will break down) is just going to push them even deeper into poverty. I've never met someone who "refused" to purchase a vehicle out of principle who didn't live in the city and have a well paid job mostly done from home. People who live like this do so out of necessity.