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Lyft and Uber seriously need competition cause they died a long time ago now for making money and just getting paid essentially minimum wage after all of your expensive for the car, insurance, gas, etc.


This is ridiculous. I started driving for Tourch Ride (Houston only). They pay a minimum of 80% per trip and up to 100% if drivers are members. tourchride.com, check it out. I'll figure out how to post a screenshot of my trip. I think this is the competition they need!


Yeah they really need competition and we all thought Lyft was going to be competitive but that isn't true anymore.


Yeah they really need competition and we all thought Lyft was going to be competitive but that isn't true anymore.


They need to keep upgrading their offices! Those petty corporate assholes who live off of the hard work of their drivers.


I worked in a corporate office for 2 decades. Not Lyft, State Farm. Corporate sucks up so much of the profit collected!! And I goofed off a ton when I first started! People at corporate offices spend a lot of time talking and eating bc every day was a bday!


All worked out. We get 30%


They are really pushing this “drivers make 70% after external fees” I wish they would break down those external fees bc I don’t believe it. I think some goes elsewhere but I think some of what’s labeled external actually goes to Lyft!


See what it would cost for you to insure yourself and pay someone to acquire passengers.


I had one yesterday, rider said he pays $80 and ask his friend to split while in the ride. When I check the app it show $68.99 and I only get $32.37. Not the first time I caught Lyft showing lower ride payment and take an even more cut, so probably your rider is paying $70 .


That wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.


CEO promised 70% 😂


"After external fees" Which they could charge whatever the fuck they want apparently. They certainly aren't fully transparent about what they entail.


My Lyft driver the other day said she was assaigned a ride that was an hour trip one way. It was a man getting discharged from the hospital and from what I understand, the hospital "pays" for the ride so the hospital is charged even less. She only got $32 for the ride. That literally would MAYBE cover the gas. She also said she's assaigned $3 rides all the times for trips that are only a block or so. I told her that I've looked into trips that short and they were never less then $8


That’s a lot of gas. Almost 38 miles.


They actually used to pay better. Runs that I used to get $25 for I now get $14 for. Runs I got $45 for, I now get $25. It's ridiculous.


Same. Back in 2016 I was getting $1.10 a mile, and gas was about $2.50 a gallon. Still cheaper (and better) than taxis, and I was making a decent living. Now they're paying 64 cents and gas is at $5.


This actually isn’t that bad. You got nearly half of the fare bro. It’s people out here getting $15 out of $60 fares! This ain’t it. Post something that truly matters. You won in my opinion on this one!


Over the last two years, Uber and Lyft have taken a larger and larger cut of the fare. This is not fair to drivers who do all the work. But a new rideshare app called Teleport will change that. It just launched in Austin, TX, and is growing rapidly. Teleport has cut out middlemen like Uber and Lyft and created an open market where drivers bid on fares directly and get to keep 85%. Riders pay less, and drivers earn more. You can learn more about Teleport here: [https://www.solspotlight.com/post/teleport](https://www.solspotlight.com/post/teleport)


So how does the weekly earnings commitment work? Since this is less than 70%, have you seen an adjustment at the end of the week?


Week hasn't ended yet, but I'm not counting on an adjustment due to the discussion I had with a rep. Unfortunately the amount given is about 70% due to the verbiage of 70% "after external fees." Forgot to add, great question!


I see. And that’s only if you take these rides as well! It’s not a great situation.


First of all, they can call any amount they want “external fees”. Second, the 70% after those fees is cumulative across the week. Third, tips count toward that number so if you get paid way less by Lyft but got a few tips, they won’t adjust.


They don't include your tips in the calculation.


Welcome to the gangbang where you are the primary target


Soon you won't get anything .. driverless cars will be doing it. Unless you own one and put it to work for you while you're not needing it yourself... in which case you'll say "Chevy go make me some money !!"


What is the point of posting this?


What is the point of you asking that question?


Because I'm tired of whiners that don't take any action to increase driver pay in their market. Is?that all youvare capable of? If so, you deserve the low pay Lyft offers.


You don't have to read or respond to people you consider "whiners." I'm sorry you have that compulsion, seems like a personal problem. I hope you get the help you need with your clear anger management issues.


Just go start the regulatory agency for gig industries, ezpz


Dude shut the fuck up. Posting here gains attention to issues. The more people that post the more documentation there is to support us in our fight for change. You don't like it? Unsub from the group. Are you doing anything for your local lyft drivers? I bet the fuck not.


said it louader for the def idiots and shills in the background


Posting here does zero good. Except to make rhe unintelligent whiners feel better.


This is just a new normal. Stop driving for Lyft and Uber. Get a better job, show some respect for yourself and your time.


So $30 an hour for unskilled work isn't enough nowadays?


If you think driving doesn't take any skill, I sincerely hope that I am never on the same street as you.


Yeah, whatever. I've been driving for over 30 years now. Everyone I know above the age of 15 drives. If you think it's difficult, I hope to never encounter you on the road. I don't think your comment sounded the way you thought it was. Driving is something that the vast majority of the adult US population can do without much effort. It's hardly an in demand skill. But, I guess it takes skill to walk, if you really want to take the word at its purest definition.


You think walking and driving take the same level of skill? Wow. Definitely not someone I want to meet on the road. Your comment doesn't sound the way you think it does.


I'm not sure I said walking and driving take the same skill. Just that, technically, walking does require some skill, just like driving. But like driving is not skilled work and shouldn't be paid like skilled work. Anyone who wants a pay rate afforded to skilled work should get a skilled job.


Just like I never said driving is difficult, but you placed that inference upon me. As for considering driving unskilled labor, I'm sorry you feel that you're not a skilled driver. However, I applaud your courage in admitting it. That's the first step in the road to improvement. Good luck on your journey, and I hope you find the right tips and guidelines to get better.