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I have chronic Lyme, I take antibiotics, herx, feel better, doctor takes me off antibiotics, I feel ten times worse, lather rinse repeat. But now they’ve cut me off antibiotics completely and my gut is ruined so I’m trying herbals


Herbals is the way to go.


Which is the best herbal protocol?


Buhner really helped me. I did it for 6 months after my 5 weeks on doxycycline and it got rid of all my lingering symptoms .. I feel like doxycycline did half the job and the herbals cleaned up the mess and did all of the hard work .. I also did a few weeks on methylene blue (was supposed to do 3 months but side effects were too extreme) and I feel because I did Buhner for so long, I ended up not even needing the rest of my methylene blue prescription I also got a ton of vitamins and herbals other than what’s in the Buhner protocol .. https://lymeguide.info/encyclopedia-of-supplements-used-in-lyme-disease-2/ .. got most of the vitamins listed here plus a few herbs like adaptogenic mushrooms (I used a powder blend of lions mane, Reishi, etc from farmers market and added it to my smoothies and also took supplements), oil of oregano, nettle, maca, olive leaf .. tbh I really think that a healthy diet (all organic, nothing processed, no sugar, and avoid dairy and wheat whenever possible) plus taking tons of vitamins and following Buhner is the way to go! Also for diet, I was vegan for years before getting Lyme and for a while after getting it, but my doctor told me I had to start eating meat and fish and eggs if I wanted to get better so I forced myself to eat these foods at first and now make sure I eat animal proteins at least two times a week to stay strong and keep my Lyme in remission. Other than that I eat lots of fruits and veggies (like I made huge batches of borscht or yellow curry or meals like that when I first got sick to help me heal + made smoothies every day with berries and bananas and coconut water and pineapple and ginger and tumeric and vegan kefir and raw cacao and maca and adaptogenic mushrooms and collagen) and for snacks usually ate a handful of walnuts or almonds or some carrots or tomatoes or cucumbers with hummus .. still try to stick to my Lyme diet to stay in remission but can chill a little now and eat non-vegan yogurt or occasionally pasta or pizza with gluten or even gelato sometimes ..


Thanks....and...oral doxy?


Ya I was only sick for a few months before I started treatment so i didn’t need as much antibiotic treatment as others need .. depending on how long u went untreated/undiagnosed, u will need different amounts .. some people have taken antibiotics for years or the person I know who has had Lyme for decades (since he was a kid) and only started treating it around 20 years later, never took any antibiotics.. so herbs and vitamins and healthy diet and lifestyle can really make the biggest difference in healing from Lyme


I used herbals to treat and overcome my chronic Lyme. It’s a very long and difficult process.


If you have had a recent tick bite and you received 1-2 weeks of antibiotics, the odds are about 80% that you will be fine. If you get 4-6 weeks, the odds are believed to be a bit higher but I don't have an exact number. The treatment for chronic Lyme is either antibiotics or herbs. See the sub's wiki for more information on treatment Most of us who are dealing with lifelong Lyme did not catch it early, or we were given inadequate treatment. There are very few people who received proper treatment and stayed sick. The key is to keep treating until you are symptom free. Diagnosis is a complicated topic, see the wiki


My Lyme disease was diagnosed by the presence of Lyme antibodies in a blood test. I got it for the first time 7 years ago and now it’s chronic. I’ve tried everything over the years, and despite the controversy surrounding it and possible cardiovascular side effects down the road, Carnivore diet is the only thing that’s put my Lyme into remission. As long as I’ve followed a strict carnivore diet all my pain and fatigue are completely gone. And I’ve tried everything, this has drastically been the most successful. The only thing carnivore has not fixed is the slow accumulation of black floaters in my vision. They become more numerous with each year.


Way too complicated of a question to answer. Diagnosed by symptoms + lab tests that specialize in tick-borne infections (examples Igenex, Galaxy) by an LLMD or LLND using ILADS guidelines.


Not 100%, but feeling good. Currently on assorted herbs from herbologist, NAC, garlic oil, clo2, aspirin, and even alcohol. All in moderation. That with heat hot tub therapy and chronic biofilm type infections can be beat.


Been sick for almost a year with this s**t... I need something to remove this crap from my system, having relentless nuero symptoms that are unmanageable by the current treatment I'm doing.


I have it and deal with it. Eating good and living life keeps it under control. Herx sometimes I recently tried hydrating IV and vitamins for first time. Haven't herxed that bad in years. I dont know what to do. My Lyme doc died from covid she was anti vax ironically too. Related to death? Not sure. Getting treated is hard


How did she die from Covid?


Delulu is making it all up


Was anti vax for years. Stubborn. Got covid during the time it was spreading like crazy and didn't recover.




I don't care if you don't believe me. It was just a doctor I went to and that's what happened. I'm not gaining anything for making this up. I don't care if people are anti vax. I don't care if they believe in covid or who gets it or who doesn't. It was a situation where she got it and lungs failed her. It's sad. She was a good doctor and helped many.


there’s no gold standard approach & lots of opinions out there. in my experience, the uprooting lyme approach by hillary thing is the best I’ve come across and extremely effective. after decades of struggle she completely changed my life. I was already educated & knowledgable about herbalism/integrative health because I’m in the field, but she’s distilled down a very specific approach that had me feeling like a new person within 6 months and it’s just continued to get better. it becomes a lifestyle and commitment to a new way of living!


You are still early days. You want chronic Lyme? Continue doing what you are doing. Amoxicillin. It’s not going to get rid of the infections. Find a LLMD at ilads.org. Know that they aren’t all equally as effective. I stayed with the wrong one for a decade. Got a new llmd and within a year and a half, I was me again. Not bad considering that I was diagnosed decades after the infection. Triple antibiotic therapy is the gold standard. You need to find out exactly what and how much of it you have. Lyme. Babesia. Bartonella. Proper testing which isn’t western blot or anything provided by a GP. Good luck






I have only had Lyme for a little under a year but I know someone who has had it for decades. From what I understand, symptoms come and go depending on life circumstances.. getting sick with Covid can cause a flare up after years with no symptoms for example .. for me I notice I start to have joint pain and brain fog when I’m not getting enough sleep. I stopped eating wheat and sugar (and already always ate organic homemade foods and nothing processed) so when I do eat a bad food, especially something with sugar, I get joint pain ranging from very mild to very extremely painful, and it usually lasts at least 24 hours, if not 48 or so hours. When I start to notice I’m feeling Lyme-y, I take all my vitamins and herbal supplements every day and do this for at least a week, or until I notice I’m feeling better, and so far have been able to mostly keep the Lyme at bay. The person I know who’s had Lyme for years also eats really healthy and uses herbs and vitamins to help symptoms when they come around (like after drinking one night maybe he gets some joint pain so will take vitamins that help and eat healthy and not drink for a while) I feel like u can prob kill most of the borrelia bacteria with treatment but that anyone who gets Lyme likely always has it and that anyone with Lyme is at risk of a future flare-up so it’s always important to eat healthy, exercise, sleep enough, and listen to ur body and take vitamins and supplements when it feels like ur immune system is down


As one who has been helping people with chronic Lyme restore their health for years, I'll offer some insight. The reason why so many people end up with chronic Lyme is because they are always missing some key things in their approach. Lyme is far more than just an infection. It can involve breakdown of every metabolic function of the body along with dysregulation of every organ system, and a lot more. Labs can't reliably find all of these collateral issues, and programs don't address them, nor can they adjust these for people's individual needs. This is why we do all of our own testing We have worked with people that have been to the best specialists all over the world and never got any better with their help. We get these same people healthy again and give them their life back. Natural products with comprehensive care that addresses everything is the only way to accomplish this.


Never except advice in this fashion.


Trtmt varies.  Went 5 yrs undiag, so things were dug in. Paralysis,  xtrm pain, all that neuro psych stuff.  After 30 yrs of lyme, I assure you that antibiotics are necessary at any stage. Doxy pref in early diss., but iv for folks like me, a few x, then doxy,metro etc.  Indeed some herbs are efficacious.  But, start with ab, get a good herx, rebuild gut and hydrate diligently.  Repeat as needed.   Truth is, the tincture of time is the best healer. Try to push boundaries. Stay strong...