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Have you identified the type of tick, and are you able to send the sample to the lab??? This could affect treatment. I would get to a doctor just to cover bases. I started with similar symptoms last summer, and have been sick since.


Tell them you had a tick bite on Monday and now a week later you are experiencing flu-like symptoms. A course of doxycycline seems like a reasonable ask. Do you have a fever?


I did feel hot earlier, but oddly enough I'm feeling much better now


Tick-borne infections symptoms can fluctuate and migrate


Not odd at all, the Lyme operates exactly like that, one day you feel fine, next day like you got hit by a bus, and then fine again. It’s so insidious like that. Classic symptom manifesting


Go to urgent care ASAP. Don’t leave without antibiotics. A rash is sufficient for a doctor to diagnose Lyme, so tell them you had a rash if you need to. But don’t miss your early treatment window. You have a chance to eradicate it, and you’d be an idiot not to take that chance.


Short answer is yes.


You need to get on Doxy ASAP. At the least a 2 week course.


NOT too soon. Treatment is needed *right away*, best to find an LLMD or LLND. Delayed treatment can cause a lifetime of suffering [https://www.lymedisease.org/find-lyme-literate-doctors/](https://www.lymedisease.org/find-lyme-literate-doctors/) Follow the ILADS protocol, not IDSA (which majority of doctors go by and hence why you need an LLMD/LLND). There's no 's' on the end of Lyme. It's just Lyme.


Let me add something. I completely agree with everyone who says you ought to go to urgent care and get doxy. But, for many of us that’s a great move - but it’s not enough. Many people think they’ve done the right thing and gotten treatment. Then, time passed. You tell us that you are nauseous, For some percentage of us, doxy does almost nothing. Now, you’ve let time pass - time during which Lyme has spread. Yes, get doxy. But, scour these boards for herbal tinctures. For instance, Google “Buhner Lyme Reddit.” Your best bet is to hit it from many directions. For some people, doxy is enough. For some people herbs are enough. Many find that they need both. You tell us that you are nauseous, tired and sluggish. That tells me that you’d better hit back. Hard. The herbals are expensive. Imagine how expensive it would be if you had to spend $500 a week on treatments. That’s where I, and many of us on this sub, am. I had no idea what was going on. But, my life had gone to shit. Finally, I found a doctor who diagnosed me with Lyme - far too late. I don’t want to bore you with the details of what Lyme has done to me - and to many, many others. You have an opportunity to act now - before Lyme has ravaged your body.