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This clan has a feif probability. Try ones without any it works for me


I typically use this method. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5a95NZhZnTU


Keep draining their money and their fiefs. Also cut down on their total kingdom strength and in my experience that's enough to make vassals more likely to defect. Not sure of the exact formula, but I'm pretty certain those factors I mentioned are the major ones. Including high relations which you already have.


He probably has a high relation with his Liege (check his friend list) and also has fiefs already. If you really want Oros, capture some of his fiefs but don't pillage them when you capture. Better if someone else sieges them instead tbh. It's MUCH easier to persuade lords who are poor and have few or no fiefs. If they do have a fief and you persuade them during a war, they will bring their fiefs with them but it will cost more. Outside of war, they will join you but relinquish their fiefs to their previous Liege. I've been able to persuade lords with a low (<15) or even negative relation to me. But they had no fiefs and it still cost a lot. I have a lot of perks in Charm to help with this.


it happens when they have fief and you dont have enough gold so non of your offer could ever recruit him anyway


There are many factors, but the biggest is when they have a big town making 5000 denars a day in tax. There's virtually nothing you can do to make them defect while they have a main city.


I started a new playthrough trying being nice. Releasing everybody racking up charm and relations with everybody while being a vassal to Vlandia. When I just noped out, took my fiefs and Vlandia was at war I was able to pull several lords who also took their fiefs with them. After Vlandia sued for peace the lords come over and leave their fiefs behind. My problem is now everybody loves me so much I can't declare war.