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HBS has the better brand name than W. However, I don’t think there is a substantial difference in buy side opportunities between the two. The only other point I think might be relevant is the HBS’ case format is known to be a lot more time consuming, so you might have an easier time exploring new hobbies at W. I don’t think there’s a wrong choice here. Congrats!


There is a big difference in buyside opportunities.


Care to support your argument with examples or first-hand knowledge?


I do remember my time as a vc summer analyst at a corporate VC and out of the two dozen Partners about a third were from HBS, a third from GSB, and a third from Haas, Columbia, and Booth if I remember correctly. Most startup founders that came in were similar and I rarely ever at all saw Wharton guys. Totally anecdotal and I think there’s virtually no difference in this case for the post but just an interesting thing I noticed while working there.


For one, you can directly get decent buyside gigs out of Harvard w/o previous experience. H/S are the kings for investing, Wharton is behind.


This dude is parroting LARP nonsense he reads on this subreddit and has no actual experience


Lol his comment/post history is so toxic


And you have tons of experience working in marketing 😂😂


You do understand 1) I’m in tech 2) I’ve been in pm 3) I’m a VC right?


1. No marketer is working at a respectable VC 2. Anyone can call themselves a VC


Unsubscribe- you don’t get technical marketing


He probably thinks you write jingles and make commercials.


Hmmmm, I know plenty of people that have gotten decent buyside gigs from Wharton. I don't believe any PE firm that is willing to hire an HBS student with no experience is going to throw out the resume of an equivalent Wharton student


It’s not about throwing out resumes. Many MFPEs only recruit from Harvard


I know people at both H/W who've made it to pretty decent MM PE without prior buyside experience.


OP isn't getting MF or UMM thats for sure. Even if you have IB without prior MF/UMM experience it is next to impossible to land the top shops even from H/S LMM is extremely hard too, most of the opportunities will be for those with past investing experience. Realistically OP needs to go to IB post mba before they can get looks from LMM. I agree with your points for someone who actually has a shot at PE though. H/S full price over wharton $$$$ any day.


According to whom lmao


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted cause this is objectively true. Most buyside firms don’t hire MBA grads and, if they do, focus on HBS / GSB. Getting into MFPE from W is a lot tougher than from HBS, where it’s already an uphill battle since most of the people going to MFPE spots have return offers from their pre-MBA experience


For someone with no prior buyside experience, chances of GE/PE are going to be similar across H/W (slim, but not impossible, know people from both schools who have made it to MM PE without prior finance experience). This is more so going to come down to fit (e.g., how much do you like/dislike HBS's relatively more intense academic environment, Boston vs Philly) and how much you care about lay prestige vs. $$ (would you rather impress your family or save 20-30k to spend on trips).


This is the right answer - OP is going to struggle with buyside. Frankly, would probably need to head into a banking associate role, if wanting to stay in the space. OP, take a look at what your other ideal employment outcomes would be, and go from there. H and S do place better into the classic PE- / VC-type roles, but that only matters if your background is right. Plus, H / S recruiting has struggled relative to other programs as those roles have pulled back hiring considerably even for qualified students. I think H has a moderate edge for corporate management roles, which would fit well with your background.


I do not envy anyone trying to lateral into buyside roles in this market, especially in VC or growth.


Take HBS. For the rest of your life you can say you went to Harvard


Pro tip: no one in real life gives a shit you went to Harvard.


Patently false. Regular people, sure. Employers? Absolutely


It's the Harvard UG vs Princeton UG debate. Harvard is better known, but it's splitting hairs.


That I agree. But the Harvard name overall carries a ton of weight in the world. No other Ivy has the same level of name recognition.


Of course they do. Even people who *say* they don’t care actually secretly do care. It’s Harvard. Same goes for the other Ivy Leagues, Stanford, and MIT.


HBS. Congratulations - you did it. /end thread


International. Go to HBS.


HBS. Close the thread.


The $ difference is so minute that I’d choose HBS for better brand name


I wouldn’t say HBS is significantly better than Wharton and buyside recruiting is difficult even with previous IBD exp even more so without any experience in the field. In general my understanding is H and S are in a different league even compared to W in brand name but I don’t think that necessarily translates to substantially more buyside placements and W is regarded on par with the other two for finance. It’s a personal choice tbh and I don’t think you can go wrong either way. Personally ROI wise I would say the extra $ you will be saving by going to W is probably worth it since IB and even investing salaries at associate level are pretty similar across the street so assuming you make it to any one of the shops out of either you will be making similarly. And long term both will likely yield similar results in terms of networks, etc. Having said that I have a soft spot for W so take all this with a grain of salt. Also huge congrats and hope I am in your position when I apply haha!!


Harvard all the way. Cheaper and it’s god damn Harvard. The branding is the best in my opinion.


Harvard is not cheaper for her.


You’re international. Consider your visa prospects for anything that you apply to. Most mega funds want prior US PE experience and most MM PE shops won’t sponsor. That said, both are good for the buy side. HBS is a better school overall from a brand perspective but much more academically intense. You’re likely to have more fun at Wharton but as an international you should probably pick HBS - that makes most sense


HBS all the way for PE, most people at HBS dont even recruit for IB anyway so you will have an easier time recruit for IB as well (vs 20% of Wharton class going into IB)


Recruiting for IB from both H/W is pretty much a lock.


Getting IB is one thing, getting top groups in IB (GS MS TMT, top EBs) is another. There would be more competition for that at W vs HBS Do agree that you would get some IB at the minimum thou (maybe a lower tier BB like Barclays or MM). Need to take into consideration OP is International too


If the scholarship were the same amount, which one would you prefer?


Getting downvoted don’t care but if money is an issue (if it wasn’t you wouldn’t even ask) take the money. Markets are TIGHT for buyside opps, and for IB you’re better off taking the money as both have the same placement. Also Wharton is WELL known to be a PE strong school!


HBS has a significant advantage in PE placement. Go there. https://www.peakframeworks.com/post/private-equity-placement


Not for people without prior experience.




Hot take, what’s your justification?


He's on the HBS waitlist


HBS $. Knew it from the title. Fact you are getting any cash there is insane


It's need based lol


HBS is worth $20-$30 more K than Wharton. Full stop — period.





