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Just now seeing this threat and comforted to know I'm not alone and maybe I'm not dying


Add me to the "just seeing this" list of people who are strangely comforted by other people's yellow stool. šŸ˜‚


Hi there. I had SIBO earlier this year and more recently determined that I have histamine intolerance (likely MCAS). I took antimicrobials to treat my SIBO for 2+ months and it made my gut dysbiosis worse, then my stool turned pale yellow. I donā€™t know for sure that it was the SIBO or the antimicrobials that changed the color of my stool, but I suspect it was one or both. Anyway, for the last few months I have just been managing the HIT/MCAS and over 2-3 months my stool has slowly returned to a normal color. So, after reading your post, I assume this is somewhat common for these gut issues and is reversible.


My SIBO test was negative when I did it about a year ago, but I suppose it's possible I could have developed it recently! I'm sure it's reversible, but I'm just not sure if it's an MCAS thing. Thank you for your info!


Yep yep! Iā€™m in the same boat now haha. Probably from the food poisoning I had last year, got SIBO and MCAS at roughly the same time, tested neg on SIBO breath tests, and a year later still have MCAS. The MCAS is causing motility issues and probably making the SIBO keep coming back, but still keep testing negative for SIBO. Currently working on stabilizing my MCAS to fix my slow motility bc my methane numbers were higher (still under 10 ppm) on the last test but my gas now smells like sulfur (indicates hydrogen sulfide). Started ketotifen 0.25 2 days ago. Excited to fix my MCAS with meds and improve my motility, and hopefully the SIBO will clear itself out once motility is fixed!! :)


I didnā€™t know it was possible to get rid of sibo with just motility. Has it helped?




Good question. Iā€™m doing a lot and have it decently managed (with the exception of 3am insomnia), but any time I try to ā€œtest the watersā€ Iā€™m back at square one. Soā€¦ managing symptoms- yes. Improving my HIT/MCAS- no. Iā€™m on the low histamine diet, although there are several low and no histamine things I canā€™t eat (oats, coconut, all nuts, etc.). I freeze all my meat as soon as I get home from the grocery store, then refreeze the leftovers. Most of the time this works well, sometimes it doesnā€™t (likely purchased older meat that had been sitting for more than a day at the store). I also donā€™t eat meat for dinner as it makes my insomnia worse. I take 1000 mg of vitamin C twice a day, once around 3am to calm my histamine flare and once in the afternoon. And Iā€™m also experimenting with moringa and reishi as Iā€™ve read both can be good for calming mast cells, and marshmallow root to heal my gut. Other than that, I quit my stressful job (and started a much slower-paced one) and have switched my workouts to yoga. Iā€™m also trying to add in vagus nerve stimulation and deep breathing exercises. Again though, this helps me feel decent during the day, but I still have a histamine flare every night at 3am, and any time I ā€œcheatā€ on this protocol, my symptoms go crazy. What are you doing for yours?




Lol Have your tried quercetin or a DAO supplement? Neither worked for me, but a lot of people on here seem to have success with them. What are your primary symptoms?


Hey Iā€™m curious to see how your experience with moringa and reishi tea was, I want to try those but there are very little discussion on them


Hey there. Honestly, they didnā€™t do much, if anything, for me. And my SIBO returned a few months later which made them impossible to take since SIBO symptoms spike from things like mushrooms. Sorry, wish I had better information for you.


Thank you! Hope your symptoms improves soon


Same to you!


My stools have been yellow for months, it has only recently gotten somewhat better. But when i have my usual episodes (like right now šŸ˜­), it's yellow. Gastro doc has been useless for hellping me out on it.


Thank you, this is helpful! Yeah my GI doc is useless when it comes to MCAS. None in my area treat it. We only have one office that does MCAS stuff in the whole area and it's a cardiologist office that treats POTS too. My GI is always just like "l don't understand these symptoms so let's do a colonoscopy" rather than learn about MCAS.


Yeah, im not 100% sure if I have mcas. But everything i experience makes sense for me having mcas. Im a long hauler that developed cfs and what i believe is mcas also. I have my first rheumatology appointment in dec so hopefully she can confirm things since it's been a long two years now.


I hope it goes well! I got ME/CFS in 2016 from EBV (mono) and it caused MCAS to fully activate in me, but I'd had symptoms my whole life and just didn't realize because I didn't know about the condition. Starting MCAS meds was life-changing for me. Cured my insomnia among other things. But the condition is still difficult to live with and I've had to restrict my diet and the products I use a lot. I never met a rheumatologist who knew anything about it, nor a rheumatologist who helped me at all, despite having seen multiple, but I have had some good immunologists, cardiologists, and neurologists. They've been the ones that have helped me the most in diagnosing/treating my issues. But honestly the biggest thing has been my own research, since most doctors I've met aren't up to date on these conditions. I'm sorry to hear about the long haul situation and I wish you the best.


How did a cardiologist help you?


They've helped some with my POTS.


Just wondering what meds helped you. Just starting research on what to take. For the longest I just didn't want to believe I had MCAS...


Ketotifen is what made the biggest difference, along with Ranitidine but you can't get Ranitidine anymore. Instead of Ranitidine I take xyzal and famotidine together, as that's supposed to be the closest mimic. I take hydroxyzine at night to help with sleep. And for supplements I take ascorbic acid powder (1000mg 2x daily) and quercetin (800 mg 2x daily but I built up from 200mg). I'm now on LDN which is also supposed to help with inflammation but I'm not at full efficacy yet. I've been on it about 6 months and I have to get to 8 months to see the full effect. It's unclear what effect LDN has on MCAS but I figured I'd mention it. I also have an Albuterol rescue inhaler for really bad reactions, as well as prescription 2.5% hydrocortisone cream (most OTC hydrocortisone has chamomile, which is a ragweed) for hives, and Benadryl around if I really need to add something else, but Benadryl isn't a great medication so I avoid it unless absolutely necessary. I take other meds for POTS that may affect my MCAS too, like mestinon positively affects my digestion. Despite all that, I still have tons of symptoms unless I eat low histamine and avoid environmental allergens. And I avoid anything with ragweed ingredients or synthetic fragrance.


Hiya! I want to try LDN but i'm scared it could make my gut issues worse (pancreas, inflammation ibs?, possibly sibo) how was it for you?


My GI issues did get way worse for awhile and I wasn't sure if it was connected to the LDN, but it ultimately turned out not to be. I tried going off it and there was no difference, went back on it and there was no difference, and eventually the GI issues got better while I was on LDN, so I think it was just coincidence. Now that the issues that flared up have improved (I honestly still don't know what triggered them or why they got better, although it was definitely at least partially connected to my pancreatic insufficiency), I definitely think my everyday GI symptoms on LDN are better than they were before LDN. Mainly because the overall inflammation in my body and the reactivity of my immune and nervous systems are reduced. So basically I don't want to say it was fine because I have struggled with GI stuff a ton while on LDN, but I don't think it was actually due to the LDN. It's tough to have multiple illnesses that fluctuate and flare of their own free will when trying out new long-term medication.


My stool has been lighter, more of an orange color, but still solid thankfully. Not yellow but def not dark!


Yes. This is one indicator in eating a food that bothers me. It got better with mast cell stabilizers too.


It can be caused by an excess of bile acids (that later on also fuck with your microbiome). Colestyramin (a bile salt binder) has helped me a lot


Pale stool is a lack of bile salts not excess


Pale yes, yellow less so, I think. Also depends on consistency (mushy?) and smell


so sollid and pale, low bile. yellow and mushy, too much?


As far as I understand, yes. Itā€™s called steatorrhoe. I think there are ugly pics on google šŸ˜…


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Almost always yellow in a flare for me. Not yellow otherwise. Usually this kind of GI symptoms for me is associated with loose stool and, um, extreme urgency to find a bathroom fast. Maybe a 2-5 minute warning from feeling like I need to go, before it reaches a critical point. Never been tested for SIBO. Though it's on my list of things to get checked out for. It's just not made it to the top of a rather long list. Too much money gets spent on my upper GI tract (EoE isn't cheap to monitor.) And not enough on figuring out what's wrong with my lower GI tract.


Good to know, thank you. Yeah I always get looseness and urgency but never yellow before. Mucus and undigested food, sure, but not paleness. I'm not sure why a flare would cause me to not produce enough bile. I'll have to research it. I did an at-home SIBO test that the lab mailed me (ordered by my doctor). I then mailed it back in. I don't know your insurance, of course, but my copay for it was very low. The testing experience sucked for me, though. I'm sorry to hear about your EoE. I know how tough that is. As best as I can as someone without an eosinophilic condition. My husband has EGE and I knew someone else with EoE. Eosinophils need to learn to mind their own business.


My GI doc from Cedars-Sinai said breath tests arenā€™t great so you may still have SIBO due to the poor motility from MCAS. Just a thought! You got this, youā€™ll figure it out! Sending love šŸ’• SIBO tends to mess with bile acids a lot lol I canā€™t digest fat still but stabilizing my MCAS may help. Will update


What did they recommend instead? I was told breath test was the way to go by my GI doctor. Btw, mestinon helped a lot with my low motility. Nothing else worked as well as that. I still have GI struggles when my MCAS is flaring up for whatever reason or my POTS is particularly bad, but the rest of the time my GI symptoms are much milder than they were. Before starting mestinon my GI issues were extreme every day. Oh also, I tried pancreatic enzymes to help with digestion and it did actually help a lot at first, and then it just started to make me super constipated, like if I even took one pill I'd be constipated for days. So maybe it helped clear up a blockage or something but after that I didn't need it.


not diagnosed yet but it's pretty likely since I now also break out in hives from getting ill. And get anaphylaxis. But! I myself have had pale yellow stools only when severely ill, on the cusp of consciousness. Otherwise, mostly just clay color. Hope that helps!


Yes, Iā€™ve had weird colored stools during a flare.


Not properly absorbing bile can do this. steroids and accompanied heartburn and intestinal issues could be related to bacterial, fungal, or just mcas inflammation. Sorry I canā€™t be of more help :( I can say that I have the same issue and also took steroids for some time. It gets way way worse when in a bad flare


Ah so you're saying it might not be about not producing enough bile, but rather not absorbing it properly? Steroids always give me GI issues so I did expect that. Just never had pale stool before so I'm not sure if I can attribute that to the steroids. Of course, it could be a combo of steroid-caused issues and mcas-caused issues. I don't believe I have any infection but I definitely could have messed up my gut health in various ways. I take a daily probiotic but it may take a long time to normalize. If it goes on much longer I'll see my GI doctor, he just will be of no help if mcas is involved.


Yes exactlyā€” normal bile production but not enough absorption. If it burns or is acidic this is more of an indication of that as well. If that is the case, bike running through your digestive system basically acts as an antibiotic and kills good and bad bacteria alike. Itā€™s not supposed to be everywhere! They may not beā€¦ but they might be able to identify if it is indeed bile or something. Itā€™s hard with doctors. They arenā€™t trained in treating mast cell at all :/


Do you know why a flare would cause bile to not be properly absorbed? And if there's anything in particular to do about it? Taking Zenpep doesn't seem to be making much of a difference.


I donā€™t :( inflammation screws with everything. Iā€™ve gotten to a point of GI flare where I donā€™t digest food basically at all. I just have noticed when I have to do car rides (foam is a big trigger for me) in this new car I have the yellow poops.


I'm super used to not digesting my food during a flare, but it's just so weird when I suddenly have a new symptom out of the blue. Like, I'm sorry but I didn't order this. I decline the delivery. I'm sorry to hear about the foam thing, that sucks. Those new plastic/foam chemical smells always give me the shits haha. It must be an mcas thing, I just never thought about that.




It gradually went away, within about a week or two. I had some fun tie-dye poop of brown mixed with yellow until eventually it was all brown again. Actually, quite dark brown for awhile, like unusually so. I do have ME/CFS too, which is what long covid is, so that could've been playing a role I guess. I did make a concerted effort to eat even lower histamine than I had been, but I don't know if that was what made the difference. I've had plenty of digestive symptoms since this post, of course, but haven't had the yellow stool again. I never got any conclusive answers, unfortunately. I'm sorry. I hope yours goes away too.




Yeah, I hope your long covid goes away and doesn't become ME/CFS! I'm glad to hear your symptoms have been slowly clearing up.




Just make sure to pace yourself! I wish I had paced myself more in the early stages. It's so important to be more cautious than optimistic, in my opinion, for the best chance of recovery.


Wondering if you ever figured out how to get rid of yellow pale stools? If anything helped? Also long hauler as this is one of my last remaining symptoms but the gi stuff sucks. Having the same symptoms for months now and doesn't seem to go away.


Wow someone else has this!! No one can explain it to me either. I seem to get this strange mixture of yellow/ brown [sometimes all yelliw] after a big flare.


Yeah it's so weird, it almost looks alien. I still get this if I am really bad and eat something that's a huge trigger for me (like wheat), but thankfully I know now that it does eventually go away as long as I go back to eating lower histamine. I still don't know exactly why it looks like that, and can only guess.