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Any style, to start with try bomb or guard cat. Same as adept dodge or guarding.


I’m not new to prowler, I’m just trying to get everyone’s opinions on the best support palicoes (not prowlers) I should run


I just generally suck so I need survival


I’m a big fan of protection cats and bombing cats Protect is obvious: shield = survivability Bomb gets a dodge that nullifies damage and drops a small bomb if you time it right


Sorry if I made this unclear, but I meant the support cats, not prowlers.


Ahhhhh Gathering or Healing, imo- they won’t be dealing enough damage to make the fighting oriented types worth it, so id choose between extra survivability or extra materials


should I run a charisma cat so I can get the free buffs?


You could? I ignore charisma entirely as it’s just a generalized type of cat, which makes it not particularly good at any individual thing. Palicoes in GU are less important than your own set and weapon- they attack infrequently, and don’t use their skills at the opportune times. Pick two you like, and see if they work for you!


Is palico rally a good buff? Cause if it isn’t I’ll probably not use a charisma


I’ve never used it. Usually damage skills like attack up or crit are the best, or direct survivability like healing


I was talking about having it as a palico, not a prowler


Yes, skills like Demon Horn(?) will give you more utility than palico rally. They can passively heal you, boost your attack, set traps, which are all more useful than buffing the palicoes themselves


Would demon and armour horn provide more defense and attack than rally?


Gather cat all the way, Healer/Assist and Bomb duo


Tldr you wanna build your own and preferably gathering, assist or heal for the triple boomerang. If you have an hour to spare, I made a 101 going over various cat basis including what to look for in a prowler build. https://youtu.be/AwDhKQd2ip8?si=zm_UTdZxGgADJoCJ


Thank you. But what about beast cats?


There's one shown in the video and you can use them. They just aren't very strong, but I guess that's what you're gonna have to accept with prowlers in general in this game


For ai palicos I run a charisma cat rocking support boost, counter boost and dummy (diva). It has palico rally, gfw, health horn, cheer horn, demon horn, and rousing roar. Palico rally is +10% physical damage, +20% defense, and sp mode for it's entire duration. This buff is powerful for prowler so it's in your best interest to keep your charisma palico alive as much as possible. The other cat is matchup dependent. You can go trap cat with three traps, support boost, counter boost, and trap boost with whatever else you want to really place traps everywhere. Bomb cat with support boost, bomb boost, extra bomb blasts, anger prone, then as many bombs as you can fit to really bring on the hurt and build blast as well. Good for monsters with bad hitzones and breaking parts. Then there's also heal cats. Basically you build them the same as you would a charisma cat but you have true health horn and health horn so you heal faster. Heal cats can pretty easily fit armor horn which is a lot of extra defense and extra defense means less time healing and more time fighting. If you want your cats to build lots of status you can give them piercing rang so they build status much faster. This is useful for monsters that are very weak to either paralysis or sleep.


be silly, have fun! i have a set of shoutouts for area 1-12 to let my teammates know where the monster is, and also placing the trampoline and having everyone scramble for jumping attacks is a huge blast :)