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it's a game changer (pun intended)


yep. plus it's on sale now! at least on steam.


If by "the dlc," you are referring to Sunbreak, then it's very much worth it. Apart from being the second half of the game, it brings with it some absolutely fantastic monsters. Even the NPCs are great. Galleus is a badass If you are referring to the outfits and poses, then probably not worth it. They only add cosmetic changes. Even the weapon DLCs are just skins. Granted, if they make you happy, it's your money.


The dlc is the game 🤣


so funny its true! sunbreak has 2x more content than base game.


Sunbreak is the actual game worth experiencing. Everything in HR kinda feels like a glorified tutorial


Base game is a 6 and the dlc is a 8.5-9. I would highly recommend getting the dlc


Base game only a 6? That's wild to me.


I played base switch when narwa wasn't even killable, lack of end game monsters and grind, game itself is a bit too easy. The dlc in general are better


Makes sense, I'm currently playing on ps5 so can't comment on the switch version.


Yea on switch release your hr was capped at hr 8 when you beat the story. There were no new monsters, no elder dragons except narwa and ibushi, no all other quest, no event quests.


Oh yeah it was rough. Especially coming from MHGU. Felt like I got a quarter of the content MHGU has. It’s why I always recommend MHGU over Sunbreak to new MH players on Switch. Hundreds of hours of content for a fraction of the price since you need rise and Sunbreak to come close to it.


You can't really compare sht with the contents of MHGU anyway, it's a combination of all nostalgic stuffs from gen1-gen4 in one that completed with G Rank too. And hundreds hours? That's too short, for me Rise SB got at least few hundreds hours of contents (300-500 at least). While GU could easily 1k-2k


This is so true. Between 3DS MHG and Switch MHGU I easily hit 1500 hours. And still never finished everything. Currently doin a fresh run with my daughter before I get back to my old character and finish up. Still need to get back to rise and do Sunbreak, but haven’t felt the draw to as much as play MHGU. Just the superior game to me.


No base games are difficult. Been playing since FU and World base was really easy for me. So was every other games base game.


Counter argument who's harder: high rank valstrax or behemoth?


Behemoth is not a normal high rank monster, you know this argument is bullshit and disingenuous if you have to reach for Behemoth of all things. What's harder, Valstrax or Nergigante, that's a closer comparison. They're both not hard but Nergigante is a beat up doll cushion pin. You're trying to form this odd strawman. I'm just countering your point acting as if high rank was difficult in any of the games lol. Anyway, what's harder, Metal Gear Rathalos or Mhstories rathalos?


Ok so every apex emergency quest and hazard valstrax vs ancient leshen and extreme behemoth since they are the equivalent?


There's no equivalent, bud. Crossover monsters are not nornal monster hunter monsters nor is it indicative of nornal mh difficulty. If you can't see that, then we don't need to continue this conversation. Name me one difficult mh world high rank monster that's not crossover. You've double dipped with Behemoth AND Leshen, how can you not see this.


So the equivalent in your mind would be the apex emergency and all of high rank arch tempers as the hardest the quests have to offer.


I literally said word for word said there's no equivalent. Behemoth literally has built in raid mechanics lmfao. (They even stole this for Alatreon). Okay, if you don't read one more time then I'll take any and all of your posts as a joke and promptly ignore you.


And nergigante vs magnamalo (the flagships) I believe nergigante is a harder wall. Same with monsters like anjanath who prove to be walls and is unavoidable. Also I've only ever played world and rise seriously in the mainline games, so I can't speak foe the old games.


Lmao none of them are walls for people who played old games. I cruised through high rank for both games. Anjanath was a joke. He's only a wall to new players. Also Nergigante is easy as hell to kill. Honestly easier than Magnamalo cause he doesn't have pseudo-blast. Me and my friend literally had a speed running competition for high rank and master rank nerg for fun.


No contest, behemoth for sure


Unkillable? As a mh connoisseur I beat the snot out that slow monkey first try on release for switch. Literally nothing wss unkillable


I meant that you couldn't kill or carve narwa cause she was locked behind the title updates, or no all mother is a better way to put it


No no, MH wild isn't out yet.


Pretty fair I say. The base was quite mediocre to say the least but the dlc was absolutely fantastic. Rise is one of the games I would recommend you not buy unless you are getting the dlc as well if I was a day one buyer I would be fucking pissed


What makes the DLC so good ? I'm playing it for free on ps plus actually, so might get the dlc too.


35 new monsters, an end game grind, better build variety, better story, and the game is hard since the monsters get a difficulty spike, even the ones in base game. Whole bunch new quests, 4 new switch skills per weapon. Scroll swap mechanic where you have 2 sets if switch skills


Sheeesh, definitely getting it then.


Yea I'd look into some of the monsters and such, but fair warning, if you are a casual gamer the grind can be pretty intense, people will be meta gamers and kick ppl for jot having optimal builds. And the monsters (especially end game) get a lot harder.


I've played a lot of mh world and iceborn so not that new. However in iceborne I did get frustrated towards the end a bit. Damn the kicking people thing is shitty. I'm guessing group play is kind of a must towards the end ?


I wouldn't say the fights are as hard as fatalis or alatreon, but monsters like risen shaggy or risen valstrax have a lot of area denial and damage. And I have been ahead of most xbox players so I never had to deal with it, but i understand it's more of a monster hunter player problem in general.


Nah, you can solo everything, besides you can bring two npc to the Hunt Wich are VERY useful, for example hinoa and minoto can use hunting horn and heal you whenever necessary


Honestly the grind in World is very well balanced compared to Rise Like it's kinda frustrating having to farm up Guiding lands of regions you need materials from but Holy fucking shit is the End game Grind in Rise Obnoxious with a Capital O There are some monsters that are unlocked towards to the MR180 Plus the Anomaly system and afflicted monsters is just a very solid No from me, Tempered monsters and Guiding lands was a much better concept compared to them Rise sunbreak without the endgame is 9/10 but the grindfest that is endgame made me drop it down to 8/10 Honestly I gave up after reaching Mr 100 Constantly doing one monster again and again just to level up like 1mr at a time was way too exhausting.


no wilds is releasing next year :)


When does the dlc start in the game? Is there a HR you need?


The game story ends at hr 8 and that's when you can start the dlc. While there is post game content, you technically don't have to do it to get into the dlc, but there is stuff you can do in base game that you still need to do in the dlc, such as getting decorations.


well for rank most people like to get the HR 50 at rise because there is an urgent quest at HR 50 and another urgent quest at HR100 so if you want to do those first then that is fine but better get the DLC when it is on sale. I think the game is not complete without the DLC though.


i think 8 is the end of the storyline? I suggest reaching hr 100 before the dlc however, for the final mon


The cosmetic DLCs probs not - depends on your preferences, Sunbreak - yes!


It's basicly as much or even more than the base game. Getting it in a package is great, even worth it alone


There's more content in the DLC than the base game. If you're new to Monster Hunter, maybe start with the base game and see if you like it. But if you know you enjoy it at all, you will have 5 times as much fun because of new abilities and swap scrolls and wirebug moves. Sunbreak is mind blowing.


It more than doubles the playtime of the base game, so I'd definitely say it's worth it. Gotta understand that Monster Hunter DLCs aren't just a new area or something like that, they're REALLY an expansion, they're always worth it for the amount of content they bring in.


Sunbreak is the only reason to play the game.




Sunbreak is the real game.






Totally worth getting. It improves on the base game and delivers on content.




Yeah, depending on how much you like the game, its a good 100-300 more hours of gameplay (if you REALLY like the game, that is)




Are there more players on PlayStation compared to base game ?


More than likely yes.


Hell yes


Hell ya.


Yes, it’s basically double the game, hell arguably even more than double the game. If base Rise is equal to 1 full video game, then rise + sunbreak is equal to 2.5 full games. Same is true for World/Iceborne


Rise was fun, but Sunbreak felt like the product that should've shipped initially.


Sunbreak is amazing


If you liked Rise, Sunbreak is basically a second harder game with more of the same stuff you loved. The Monster Hunter series does not mess around when it comes to game expansions.


In MH the dlc are always half of the experience and usually the best part


Sunbreak is so much better than Rise. The monsters are interesting AND you have ✨Followers✨ My favorite part of SB lol


The DLC is a must lol


You just missed the sale. It ran for around 2 weeks and ended about a week ago. The deluxe edition bundle that included the deluxe version of the base game and expansion was $25. Not sure how long until they go on sale again.


It might as well be a new game, absolutely get it


Best monsters are in DLC but I personally enjoy getting followers (NPCs) that go in hunts with you so it’s kinda like multiplayer. I do hop in multiplayer a bit but some hunts there’s not anybody queuing so followers it is!!


Better than the base game, Rise is the tutorial. Sunbreak is the actual game.


Sunbreak is better than the base game, by a lot


Hell yeah it is one of the best DLCs MH have done


100% worth it, I played through the entirety of the main story of Sunbreak in 1-2 weeks while the Base Rise story took me 6 months because of how repetitive and boring it was. Sunbreak really just made the entire experience a whole lot better.


Assuming that you're referring to the Sunbreak DLC, then: >is it as good as the base game? Yes, because the said DLC introduces MR rank quest, in general, what's the difference between MR monster compared to HR monster? * monster is more aggressive, they attack more often compared to HR monster * along with that, it has new move/attack pattern that you won't see on HR * the DLC also introduces some monster's another variant too that's more stronger compared to their regular version in HR, for example: >!Scorned Magnamalo!< * and has higher total HP overall I personally can say that base game is just 1/10 part of the game, and the DLC is 9/10 part of the game, that is if you count the grind of making a proper end-endgame build


Rise isn't even worth getting without sunbreak, it's the same with world and iceborne, as far as I'm concerned it's either all or nothing, the only DLC not worth getting is cosmetic DLC, because cosmetics should be rewards for in game accomplishments, cosmetic DLC is never worth getting because it shouldn't be DLC to begin with, all DLC should be large expansions like sunbreak or iceborne, everything else should either be included from day one, part of free updates, or saved for large expansions, just a pet peeve of mine, I always ignore cosmetic DLC and just call them add ons instead of DLC so I can still say I have all DLC for a game without having to buy and waste money on useless add ons that add nothing to the game, which is why I will never understand these kids wasting thousands of dollars on fortnite skins when they add nothing to the game, you can do everything in that game with the default skin without spending a dime and get the same exact experience as someone who spent $10,000 on skins, imagine how many games and real DLC you could buy with that kind of money, I think that's why I have so many games and so much real DLC because I don't waste my money on useless cosmetic add ons that add nothing to the games


absolutely! as someone who regretted not buying the dlc during the franchise sale, i’m glad summer sale was right around the corner so i immediately bought it. Buy sunbreak!


Everything about Sunbreak is beautiful


This comment convinced me, I got it


Sunbreak is the main game, Rise base was boring for me


Yes !


It's not just a dlc, it's literally way more wnd way better content than the base game.


If you mean the expansion, then yes. If the mean the cosmetic stuff, depends on huch much you really like em. But, generally no.


Just finished my xbox playthrough mr 100 quest and I've had a blast so yes, very worth getting.




Just heads up, PS+ folks that go the Rise for free. Sunbreak is now on sale 67% off. I knew this would happen once the new set of games rotated in. Worth the wait.


The "dlc" is basically a whole new game, and that game is frankly better in every way to base rise. So yeah, 100%


Why do people keep asking this? You can google that same question with "reddit" at the end and find hundreds of the same threads with answers?


quite repetitive. I'd give it 8/10 just for this specific elder dragon


Yes, next question!


Yes, better than rise