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lesser known players getting good cards is good for fans of the team they play on, and good for the league in general since it exposes players of the game to lesser known players. If only the best players got high rated cards the game would get stale and card variety would be limited. Also, Jurickson Profar his 11th in WAR rn and 5th in wRC+, so he’s definitely deserving of a very good card.


Of all the complaints in this sub this might be one of the worst


I actually agree with it a lot. It's hard to see an 89 Chipper Jones and then a 99 Brad Miller based on no particular season. What I disagree with is that if a player like Profar has a killer month, then by all means give him a 99 based on an algorithm or formula. Just making up a card series and slapping a 99 is dumb to me personally. All in all, just give us cards of realistic representations of that player. If it's a 99, then tell me what it's based on.


Profar being one of best in baseball this year is what it’s based on?


My main point, which I made poorly, is that a juiced up card from anyone that is a run of the mill mlb player should never be the card desired by the players who only chase the “meta” cards. The team captains and boosts and “irregular” team builds should exist to give the average player who doesn’t play the game constantly an opportunity to level the playing field against those who build their teams like that. Having the boosted out captains and subsequent players affiliated with that boost BE the meta for the top end players is beyond stupid.


1: Profar is having a breakout season which is why he got a season awards card. I don’t see an issue with giving average players juiced cards when they play well, you’d probably be incredibly bored getting the same copy and paste 30 good legend cards every year because they’re “more deserving” 2: Most of your legend cards that you mentioned will get their 99’s at some point. You sound like you want the game to be exactly the same every year with no changes to cards? Side note: (If you wanna complain that nobody uses tony gwynn, it’s because the dude might as well be swinging a wet pool noodle as a bat considering he has like 40 power)


He’s 31. Having 1 month after 8 years of being average at best isn’t a breakout


A month of good baseball, 3 months of good baseball, who cares? They’re trying to give us fresh cards that we haven’t gotten before. Again, If you want the same 30 good cards every year while all other players are obsolete, that game would be insanely boring


Give me a 99 astudillo and I’d rock that shit all day!!! I enjoy some variety


Need a Reed Garrett 99ovr


No one also thought in March that we'd have to pay to buy higher end cards. Want 99 Ketel Marte? Cough up 40k stubs for a mere chance at a rare round, or constantly check the market if he ever goes lower than 100k before the season ends. Enjoy the free switch hitting utility player through some effort. Your 99 Tony Gwynn with more power than he ever had will come later in the cycle. Just hope he's a program card, not a 30-50k investment for a mere chance at one.


I started reading and i wanted to give you a hard time, but you’re right 😂🤣😂


It's not a simulation, it's a card collecting game. As much as a lot of us (me too) would prefer the former it isn't. In the end it's just Pokemon for baseball fans.


Best analogy. I also look at cards like COD you have different weapons or abilities but once you find a weapon you like, you can grind for a handful of skins that make it unique. Until you start playing other people online is when you realize they have the same skins as you.


This might be up for worst post of all time in this thread 😂 if they didn’t give performance based cards to the best active players we’d literally have the same 20 cards on our teams year after year with zero variety. Brutal take. It’s so fun to get juiced players who are currently playing well.


The only thing frustrating about posts like these are it's complaining with no alternative solution that would actually be better. Don't make LS players have good cards for good performances? Only have a handful of legends be great. I take it "legends" like Ludwick shouldn't get a 99 card because it's not like he was an actual HoF level player, so eventually just have a handful of cards that some group deem as worthy enough to have good cards and make the game less fun and less varied.


I really don’t get the Profar hate. The card itself even tells you exactly what earned him the 99, dudes been in the league for 10+ years, maybe not all of them elite but some very good and consistent seasons. And he’s having a great season. And if things like this weren’t in the game the meta would be stale and read too much like a top 100 all time list- in that order - sort of vibe.


I think you should stick to not getting into online discourse.


Profar? You’re gonna complain that a guy slashing .335/.422/.522 got a 99 seasons award card? Be serious.


I mean, in the one hand it’s cool that average players like them get good cards. The game would be very boring if every year the only good guys were Trout, Ohtani, etc… My main concern is, ratings this year are completely made up. Based on the overall rating of cards being released. Trout gets a 88 tops now first week, and some rando would get a 99 this week for simply being later in the game cycle. I will die in this hill all year long man, fuck this invented cards, give me real ratings based in real stats, not this made up shit


Amen brother. Make a formula and stick to it.


Profar has a good card bc he is one of the best hitters in the league this season. Its not that hard to understand. He played good, he gets good card. The card is more sought after bc its a better card in game then the ones you named. These players get used more bc its a video game, they’re good in the video game.


Sounds like DD just isn’t the game mode for you


Mid players getting juiced cards because they go on hot streaks keeps the game fresh. Otherwise every year would be the same players over and over again. SDS already has a limited amount of players to work with. They’ve lost a lot of legends over the past few years.


I’m with you on Mondesi but Jurickson is going off this year and deserves his card




They’ve had signature series every year since that. I bet we will have them again this year, they usually are just reserved for the end of the year and the best card drops.


We know they are in the game cause Mike Cameron reward for Seasons was signature.


Profar card stinks for me. I can’t hit with him. It’s a switching hitter card that can play every position if need be and the defense is poor on it also. It’s the worst 99card I have this year.


He was one of the best players for the first 2 months of the season so he got a monthly awards card, it’s really not that hard to comprehend.


Both cards slap, Santana makes them better. End of story.


They do, that’s why the mode is broken. The META cards should be, ya know, actual meta players. Make the meta players extremely hard to get. Make the mondesi and profars of the world with a switch hit boost an alternative to the cards the average player doesn’t have time to obtain. Jurickson Profar, in any fake iteration, should not be more sought after than Tony Gwynn. Or list 50 other legends in the game that exist.


So by the logic that META players should only get the 99s, means that Trout (injured), Acuña Jr (0.242 BA, 0.689 OPS), and George Springer (0.201 BA, 0.576 OPS), to name a few, should have the 99s because they used to be good. I say it is about time some of the non-superstars get some good cards.


So by that logic, they should not pay attention to the current MLB season at all.


I will tolerate zero Mondesi slander. His card is always inexplicably good with a cracked swing but it’s one of the few bones they throw us Royals fans and I’m always thankful for it. 


Also like Mondesi also literally only has an 87, it’s not like the card is actually “meta” by stats lol, people use it a ton but at the end of the day an 87 is well behind the meta if we’re just talking overalls, including next season since TA1 for S2 will be 89+ again


Seriously it's Mondesi and Niko as my 2 all time favorite cards on this game


Because they're switch hitters and that is the meta rn. The Santana captain is 40K, then people try to fill their team with switch hitters. You can do it too


That’s my point……I don’t think DD was ever intended to be “let’s find this meta card for a player no one cares about” but that’s what it’s become because cards like Mondesi and Profar exist to begin with


Who are you to doubt El Oso? https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/s/X4gtjWz5RG This Carlos Santana post had 2k upvotes last week.


Over the past few years SDS shifted towards the meta and pleasing the video game crowd instead of pleasing the baseball historian crowd.


That profar card blows anyways I couldn’t wait to stop using him


Isn’t the Profar card a Topps Now?


Season Award


That’s right. Knew it was one or the other. That’s why he’s cracked like that.


Profar was a top prospect a decade ago that flopped and finally broke out. Any Rangers fan probably uses him because he was a top prospect for them and Padres fans use him cause he plays for them currently. Just cause YOU can’t understand why people would use a card doesn’t mean everyone doesn’t want him. Yount also has a 99 ovr card so maybe go out and get him.


Buddy, I know who he is and what he was thought to be. The point is, he never got close to sniffing that. He’s an average MLB platoon player. I guaranty it’s not rangers fans using him exclusively . It’s everyone because the card is more “powerful” than I assume they intended. Of course they would never admit that because it highlights how little they think about these card builds, captain boosts etc. No one is grabbing that card to be like “man I’m dying to play with that Jurickson Profar card to see what he could have developed into had things gone perfectly for him.” I’d venture to guess most fans don’t even know he was a top prospect 10 years ago. You think a 16 year old average player knows that?


Man, remember it is also a free card you grind for why would you not get it. having an average player go off and get a card is more than fair, if I want "realistic" I'll play online with real teams... Profar should get a boost there as well based on play


It’s a SEASON AWARDS card. Profar has a 176 wrC+ right now and has been among the best hitters this year. If you can’t understand that, you’re just an idiot.


I get your general point but Profar is a weird player to use as your main example, he’s been crushing the ball this year


Will Smith called him Mr. Irrelevant. Profar: And I took that personally.