• By -


First post he has made in a while that isn't hashtagged #ufc303


1. denial. 2. anger. 3. bargaining. 4. depression. 5. acceptance. <--- Chandler


6. Flying to Dublin and throwing a dolly through the window of Conor’s Lamborghini


7. Make a commercial with Guinness subtly stomping Proper 12 whiskey


Shouldn't it be with a different Irish whiskey instead of a beer?


i feel sad that i know this, but mcgregor has been trai- promoting his own irish beer by picking facebook fights with guinness drinking groups. money isn’t always the solution.


You'll brew fookin nuttin




Good things come to those who wait… wait, what?


Lol I was thinking earlier how wild it'd be if Chandler just did a full heel turn and started showing up wherever Conor was to harass him.


The old Shannon Briggs-Wladimir Klitschko approach.


Shannon Briggs following him on a boat while Wladimir was paddle boarding is peak! Video of course https://youtu.be/6nyoof_Pm8U?si=Zbqv2oScUbV_9fYi


Lmao, I'm not a boxing fan/hadn't seen that clip before but that was amazing. Looked like a skit.


[The restaurant one is even better imo](https://youtu.be/sRspsGcV2Sg)


Let’s go, champ!!


That was truly legendary lol. The paddle board incident and the restaurant was crazy too


6. See you at the top


:There are five stages to grief, which are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. And right now, out there, they are all denying the fact that they're sad, and that's hard, and it's making them all angry. And it is my job to get them all the way through to acceptance, and, if not acceptance, then just depression. If I can get them depressed, then I'll have done my job.


Business with Conor was great until suddenly it wasn't anymore. Could be an all time terrible PPV.


Ufc and Dana definitely scrambling and pulling out their checks to see if DDP/Izzy will headline on short notice now.


Poatan is probably down too if that toe is fine


Pereira would main event this week end if they let him lmao




As far as Champions are concerned he is unique in that way. I’m not aware of any other champs that take short notice fights.




... Is a prime example of why no one wants to do it.


Honestly, why no one SHOULD do it.


Volk is a savage, taking a short notice on the best fighter in UFC right now


How soon people forget Volk


Feels like Volk and Usman were barrelling towards MMA GOAT convos just two weeks ago. I wonder what it was like for older fans when people started watching after the prime of BJ Penn. Has to be the biggest case of "you weren't there you don't get it"


Welcome to MMA


He just flew to Australia lol. That would suck


That’s what they get for intentionally making Conor cards shitty


Remember the good old days when the warm up to some McGregor main events were fights like Lawlor Vs McDonald and the all time classics we got with that? I guess now the UFC think that since they're paying Conor what they consider over the odds for a fighter that they have to make savings elsewhere on the card.


I feel like the writing was on the wall when Conor was posting himself partying non stop the last few weeks. I remember seeing his Instagram thinking there's no way he's still fighting with all the boozing he's doing.


I genuinely thought he was pulling a Garcia, making us all think that’s what he was up to. That would be the wise thing to do.


He drank his way into the cage vs Khabib so I'd assumed he'd just show up in no shape to fight and get walloped. I thought Conor would see pulling out of a fight as more damaging to his reputation than just getting smoked (unless there's an actual legit injury keeping him out of the cage)


MMA gods punishing Dana and the ufc for bragging about that $23 million gate


Ian Garry accepted a fight down the rankings with MPV just to get on this card...


Michael Penom Vage


Phenomimal vage


Or a Renault Scenic


Garry surely going to finally rip up his Conor McGregor fanclub card if MVP knocks him out on this abysmal card nobody is going to watch without Conor lol


MVP has a bigger name than ian though. May be down the rankings cause he just switched over but mvp will be the biggest name he’s faced yet and a big step up in competition.


Ah, Michael Papilloma Virus, yes.


No wonder Dana was promoting the shit outta Jon Jones


That my friend is a great point


Makes sense why he was snappy and angry af


When is he ever not snappy and angry at journalists questioning him over something he doesn’t like? He’s a bully.


I mean, you're not wrong.


Previously known as simply: "You are right"


Dana is terrified of the discourse leading up to the Stipe fight lol


that's hoping jones doesn't do something stupid in the mean time


his brothers been doing all the stupid stuff for him


Promoting Jon Jones is all about Francis leaving the UFC. This is why he kept saying Jones name and said he beat the “best guy in the division” Cyril gane even though he is not, Aspinall is. They just want everyone to know they’ve got the best heavyweight. I believe this is why Derrick Lewis also got a new lengthy contract else he’d be promoted as the guy who beat Francis in any other organisation.


"If I'm Jon Jones I'm moving down to 185" - Dana, minutes after Francis KO'd Stipe


He's a promoter. They're all hoes and liars at the end of the day 


Except Scott Coker, who by all apparent evidence is a good dude but unfortunately sucked at his job.


can you imagine if Jon had been able to rumble himself down to 185 and just be like slender man in comparison to everyone? He'd even make Anderson look like he had t rex arms.


Ironically, Jon Jones wouldn't take a late replacement fight leading to a card being cancelled


The thing that was always weird to me is that for a Conor fight it barely even got promoted at all it was too quiet


I reckon Dana and the UFC picked up on Conor having issues early on and decided to hedge their bets and take a chance on leaving promotion until the first presser launched it. I think they were fairly confident if they got him to the presser he'd be locked in and would go the whole way to the fight. If I had to guess I would say that, aside from not wanting to fight and only wanting the attention, that one of the issues could've been the UFC were insisting on massive media obligations for his big return and that Conor, with all his legal and personal woes, wants to keep his exposure to the media as low and controlled as possible. That way it stops any journalist looking to make a name for themselves asking about things like court cases and numerous alleged assaults on women. UFC wouldn't play ball and here we are.




It’ll be something like 20-22 months depending on when his next fight is. Damn near 2 years. Not to mention a useless season of TUF. I imagine they’ll give Volk the Ilia rematch, and make Max/Chandler for the BMF belt and throw them a bunch of cash for it now.


Realistically, Chandler could take a very short notice fight at this point. His gameplanning and training have not been geared toward anything strategic for a very long time - not to mention hes nearing the end of his career - so thered be no reason for him to not to (assuming this fight actually isnt happening). Whether the UFC would offer him one or hold him to the Conor fight, is another thing... and would be such a disgusting move on their part.


Jesus. You think they still try to make him wait for Mcgregor? Poor kid. May as well wait for the next game of thrones book. May get here sooner.


How long have we been waiting for Jones vs Stipe?


The difference being, stipes just chilling in his garage. Occasionally hosing a fire. Living the good life. While poor Chandler seems like his entire world is currently based around getting his Conor pay then rising off into the sunset.


Stipe had some good paydays and seems like he was responsible with his money. Chandler is still searching for his big bag to get his family and kids set up. I sympathize with him, especially when it seems like it was finally locked in. Give him Max for the BMF with a good payday and PPV points. Won't sell as well as Conor, but people will want to watch that fight after the epic Justin/Max fight.


Thats a cool fight, but Id rather see Max fight Hooker if we’re gonna keep putting Max through the ringer tbh. He still deserves it more than Chandler. Plus no way Max isnt waiting for Topuria now. He can do whatever he wants. Can def empathise woth Chandlers position. Hes been mega fucked over here. But honestly, I just dont like the guy after he spat up blood all over Dustin. Disgusting fucking animal lol


If you wait long enough you might see Conor fight a hooker


You imagine both of those fights on 303?


Nah, that date is done for. They might skip the event altogether. I seem to recall them that once in the past.


It's international fight week though. They really fucked up trusting Conor


Deserved. Karma for coasting off Conor for sales and building weak cards around him


That was supposed to be ifw though, interested in what they do


They march out a loser that they pretend didn’t lose all the time. Watch them pretend like it was never IFW.


He could've lost 5 Fight of the nights in that time 😭


Hey Arman!


Arman did call that one first


That was a nasty line by Arman. I bet he’d like the 250k that would have netted him though.


You’re a fuckn punk dude


see you at the bottom!


Man’s putting in more miles than a marathon runner with no finish line!


Chased the Red Panty Night the whole time and ended up with blue balls


His blue balls was a BAHLOON!


Purple night?


Probably for the best long term given the way he fights. 


Yeah I was gunna say it might end up being a blessing in disguise for him and his brain cells


Imagine trusting a coke head and a wee alco 😅😅


Chandler was expecting Conor to zig* but he zagged.


If he really wanted to he could have been active during that year. I don’t know why people are making it sound like Chandler fell for some prank.  He got to take this time to spend it with his family, work on whatever business hes into, whatever.  He just wants big money fights. He doesn’t want the CTE or to become an Anthony Smith type. Its all his choice. UFC isn’t freezing him over ice like they did with Khamzat. 


he also has had a LONG CAREER already! The UFC was the last chapter, and the Conor fight was supposed to be the cherry on top. he's not going back to fighting fuckin Arman Tsaryukyan and the endless list of young hungry freaks that makes up 155. what else could he do? take some other fight, potentially lose (as one tends to do at his age, after that much wear & tear) and then completely fall out of getting offered the Conor fight again? he could even win another fight at 155 and tear up his ACL or shatter his shin bone, it's not like he could've just reliably clocked in another widget of a fight. he's been there, done that, and wasn't gonna contend for the Title at this point. the big money Conor fight was all that's left.


He’s got a decent chance at landing a job on the desk down the line. It’s in his best interest to be a company man here, and he’s managed the final act of his career well


He took a calculated risk that failed… if he knew the fight was gonna fall through he would’ve fought considering there’s nothing else out there that will make him as much money as fighting, he just blew two years of the tail end of his career while his value is the highest. That sucks.


> UFC isn’t freezing him over ice like they did with Khamzat. Khamzat's coach said on submission radio he was rejecting all the fights Khamzat was accepting on twitter. What makes you think the UFC was freezing Khamzat?


I know everyone rips on Chandler, but this dude just wasted 2 fucking years of his life chasing that McGregor fight. We know these guys get peanuts, and he was hoping to land a steak. This really fucking blows.


Dana White pats Chandler on the back and stuffs an envelope of expired reebok coupons in his hand. "We won't forget this, kid." He says, already walking out the door.


Lmaoooooo not even venom 💀💀💀


Dude got friend zoned by Conor.


Chandler was Simping so hard for Conor that the only plausible outcome in my mind was that this fight never happens. Dude really was down to do whatever Conor said - he started a fightcamp in January just because Conor released a iPhone vid of himself bullshitting a date and weightclass. Chandler would probably agree to fight an Openweight match where he agrees to cut to flyweight with a No rehydration clause meanwhile Conor gets to step in whatever he weighs now


AND Dana...this isn't entirely on Conor either.


Conor seemed to have alluded to that as well - https://youtu.be/xIKUVPMmW74?si=iAQnRSaQqGZ17FG-&t=78


Fuck, Conor looks old.


Conor will alluded to anything to save his ego


What the fuck did he even say?


He said the saudi cartel offered him manny in saudi arabia in boxing, and the ufc havent offered him anything. And hes just sitting here praying for a fight to happen. He goes on to say the ufc keeps stringing him along despite all hes done for the company


He said the Saudis are talking Manny with him in a boxing match while the UFC hasn't been forthcoming with any great offers. He believes that they should open the flood gates for him in terms of money given how he's consistently brought in the highest viewed UFC fight cards.


He’s right, the UFC is notoriously tight fisted.


He tried to put on the panties and Conor gave him a handshake instead.


I know no one wants to admit they're poor or struggling but he has said he doesn't need to fight for money because of his businesses.


yeah and i really think people forget, or just don't realize, he's already fought a fuckton lol. he had whole long-ass career in Bellator before coming to the UFC. then tried to contend for the Title, probably realized that wasn't happening, and has been waiting for the big $ Conor fight now to cap everything off. i think he's at an age & place where he's basically retired except for superfights at this point, & he's earned that.


How soon can 🗿 be ready


100% he takes that fight. Issue is finding the opponent.


Get Izzy on the phone right now


Maybe with a huge bump in pay but idt Izzy wants the smoke at 205 on short notice. Especially with how, depending on how Khamzat-Whittaker goes, he could be next to fight DDP. I see Jiri and Ankalaev saying yes but who knows.


Uncle 🍅 has no choice but to throw cash around to bail out this card. This is Apex level and to scrap a card is embarrassing situation and we could see ketchup. Jiri we saw and I don't think that fight could save the refunds. Ank is bent on fighting in Saudi. They have to make calls asap around the clock ordeal


I think he’d destroy Chandler tbh


I’d bet on Alex vs Jiri 2 filling the spot




I think you’re right. There’s no way McGregor can ever reach world class level again. His substance issues combined with the leg break and general aging does not bode well


Couldn’t have happened to a better guy


Plus hundreds of millions of dollars. Imagine getting knocked out, coming back and breaking your leg, and then checking your bank account. No way you're coming back vs chandler


But then there have been really wealthy fighters and boxers that still maintained insane discipline. Like Khabib. Dude was practically Dagestani royalty but managed to eat, sleep, pray, train his whole career. Conor just isn’t that guy.


Mayweather, dude was famous for not drinking or doing drugs. He was also known to leave clubs and parties because he had to go on his 4 AM runs


I remember watching the build up to the Hatton fight and he was in the gym at 3am and then went for a run at 5.


You're right about that, brother. Some people just built different




He was literally wasted in his bar the night before the presser was canceled and the only training footage I saw from him or anyone in his “camp” was slow shitty boxing sparring footage against guys that weren’t allowed to hit him back. I think he probably started training a month or so ago and realized how much of a deficit he was at, used the UFC to pump his name back up to the masses, then bailed due to some forthcoming “injury” or “contract dispute”. All the free PR and none of the embarrassment from losing.


Gotta pump those Proper 12 and Ginger Ale commericals.


I think Conor wildly underestimated how hard it is to go from doing fuck all to training for a fight in his mid 30s. Especially considering he's torn an ACL and broken a leg. His knees probably suck. 


Yup, but that's on the UFC, they knew Conor was juiced, coked up, borderline alcoholic...and they still call him to cash out once in a while. It's not like he can't be in great shape, it's the phycological damage of coming off the drugs, he can go mental.


Borderline alcoholic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂


Borderline for an Irishman.




The guy is 35, turning 36 in a month


I said the same thing on IG and got called a casual. Lmao.


Shame that Chandler, a “good employee” for the UFC, will likely get 0 compensation from Tomato for wasting ~2 years of his career At least he’ll get some custom shorts when he eventually fights. Maybe even some Venum coupons.


Dana would rather give the nelk boys 500k than compensate a loyal fighter


Those instances are what most aggravates me.


Chandler will.still go up there and advocate against fighter rights. Crabs in a bucket


I hope that TV gig paid well


Everyone ragging on Chandler, but God damn does Conor suck ass lol


Yeah Conor is a giant shithead. How much of this lies in Dana's hands though?


I don't think Dana wanted to miss out on the highest grossing ppv of the year, this is all Conor


38 years old wasted two of his last years in the sport waiting for the biggest fight of his life. Brutal


Come, make weight, go home. Thank you Michael Chandler.


Brutal.. Dana put far too much trust in Conor to not flake. And yeah.. The fight is now "TBD". Looks like they are out.


they took any mention of 303 off the home page of the website. You have to search for it to show up. It wasnt like this a few days ago. Nows its advertising the next TUF season, Grasso vs Shevchenko


Atleast the last refuge of the Conor nut-rider "but he never pulls out" is done for. Conor blew up to the size of a bellewn, it was obvious he didn't have the discipline and the drive. Will they learn their lesson? No. CONner will be swelling them wolf tickets for years to come.


Meanwhile McGregor's posting pints and cocktails on his Instagram. As a Dana hater, this is very, very funny and I hope he's purple with rage lol. Goofcon inbound.


MMA gods punishing him for bragging about a $23 million gate.


*Chandler sees Conor out partying 6 weeks before the fight. "This is going to be the easiest fight of my life!" *Chandler sees the fight is off "Shit! Not THAT easy!"


Taking time off and missing a few fights is probably huge for Chandlers health. Might have saved him years of his life. Look at the bright side. That guy has already been hit too many times. The smart move was to fight McGregor and/or just retire.


Best take. Chandler definitely needed a break.


A shame. According to Arman, he could’ve lost 4 entertaining fights in that time.


Big W for Arman, that tweet aged very well.


We'll get GTA 6 before Chandler gets the Conor match.


Ok, What the hell is going on? Is the fight going to be cancelled and replaced with a different bout? Or is the event going to be scrapped altogether?


If it’s really off it’s going to be tough to put together a completely new fight worthy of PPV main event status in just a few weeks.


Volkanovski VS Pereira 😈


Volk just needs to stop cutting height this camp.


I legit wonder if Michael Chandler could take up pro wrestling. They had him on wwe once. Ken Shamrock wrestled and was half decent. Maybe he transitions that way after this disaster


If he went to WWE he'd be one of the smallest guys on the roster height wise but he's really built for promos. It would be interesting.


They'd still find a way to bill him as 6'0


He's probably similar to Chad Gable stature-wise and Gable is one of the hottest heels going.


He's pretty old, not a star that's going to be an instant attraction like Rousey was or McGregor would be, not physically imposing next to WWE guys like a LHW or HW would be, and most importantly he's been pretty fortright about not being a wrestling fan and only cutting the Ric Flair promo because he googled it after Daniel Cormier talked about it. It would be a massive undertaking for him and he wouldn't get any headstarts and doesn't sound like he has the passion for it


Bet dude secretly fuming beyond belief.


Fuck it, book Chandler v BSD, that's a more interesting fight that anything Connor could put out.


Great fight but I think the UFC wants more than 6k ppv buys


Fireworks right there.


I unironically love this idea


This is karma for gouging Dustin lol


yes, but motivational quote #6956 already made up for that


The golden goose actually isnt fighting chandler? RIP to that retirement check


We are at GOOFCON 2 for sure. If some crazy news comes out about McGregor then we might be heading for GOOFCON 1.


I don’t want Conor to fight again. He isn’t a fighter anymore.


I'd be happy never hearing of him ever again. He's done alot for the sport but he's also done a huge amount to undo all of that


Dude's social medias read like a grind culture instagram bro parody account.


Wake up at 05 and punch excel sheets with the boys


Final straw for chandler - Conor down to his last 3 chances now. 


Ngl. I love it. Absolutely love seeing a lazy ass card turn into turmoil because the tomato put all his stocks on one fight. Unfortunate for Chandler. But for the UFC… Get rekt. Sincerely.


This guy has been waiting for Connor for so long that he could literally write a heartfelt, 300 page novel, about his desire to fight a specific Irishman that seems to avoid him at the last second every time, while he tries to maintain his family and his composure. At this point, I just feel awful for Chandler. I hope he's getting paid somehow...dragging him along for forever is just despicable, especially a guy that all of us love to see scrap. He brings fury when he fights, just get him back in the cage.


Honestly gotta feel for Mike; I feel like win or lose this might’ve been him looking for one last big payday before retiring. Who knows maybe the UFC’ll ask Max to fill in on short notice and make a BMF fight.


Conor was no doubt losing sleep knowing he didn’t prepare at all for this fight and knows that Chandler is going to take his head off. Hopefully this is the last we see of Conor but Dana and the UFC brass will always be cucks for him. What a dogshit ppv card too.


Lol Arman boomed him. He was 100% right. Chandler's missed out on like 4 or 5 paydays and FOTN bonuses in losing efforts to get nothing for chasing Conor.


International fight week card is going to be absolutely terrible i guess. Too short notice to get the big names now.


Damn we lost 2 years of Michael Chandler fights to this shit


Don’t go chasing waterfalls 


My theory is that Connor cant fight because of his cocaine addiction. Sure he’s allowed to snort all his wants as long as he’s not using it in the cage but what if he cant even do that anymore? Look at that man during the Roadhouse interviews? He was completely out of it. Im thinking he just realized that he cant even lay off the coke for 12 hours without withdrawal symptoms and needs to go into rehab in order to even have a chance at fighting again


I agree w everything you said except the rehab part, that ain’t happening


It's Joever


Should transition to wrestling. He'll make more and doesn't have to chase someone who is basically retired.


Honestly Conor has so much fucking money that if he really pulls out, he should just pay Chandler. Guy deserves *something* at this point




To me it's the second most likely thing that happens. The other options are tied for first.


Conor sucks. Asshole just strung everyone along.


Camp Conor Won’t Show looking preeeetty good right now after the past year of being told we’re being silly for thinking that after Conor ducked him post TUF