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I’m glad that people are starting to see that Hunter is no better than Dana, he’s just a more corporate friendly version of him. The guy talks like a serpent, he essentially said the same thing that Dana said (he can’t get out of his own way, you’re paranoid) but just in another way (you’re working against the promotion we’re trying out, you’ve looked incredible recently). Hunter is really just Dana with a silver tongue. He would’ve said anything to get Aljo out there compromised in front of a sniper like O’Malley.


Exactly and this is the guy that’s likely taking over UFC when Dana’s gone


According to Ariel he already has in all but name. A lot of the decisions are Hunter's, and Dana just stamps them with his approval.


Atleast that will be a long time. Dana loves his job. He goes and takes the best fighters in the world and tells them exactly what to do and when to do it. Aslong as Dana is able to stand and talk he'll be the face.


Dana will be like Bob Arum, being a promoter until the day he dies (Arum is in his 90s)


I don't think Dana will be promoting the UFC for life though. I bet Danas retirement is going to be promoting boxing.


Or until something awful ousts him a la Vince McMahon


What I dont understand is why the avarage Joe likes to dick ride Dana so much. They LOVE defending this millionaire quasi-mafia as if he is their brother or someone who cured world hunger.


It's because Dana is truly passionate about fighting whereas lots of CEOs and Presidents come across as fake. People are willingly to overlook many things as long as you are "real".


He doesn't seem passionate about fighting when it doesn't suit his pocket. He regularly sidelines good fighters, if it doesn't suit his financial plans. Best example Aspinall, Nnganou, Khabib as contender


You’re absolutely right, but idk I prefer that than Dana’s bullshit, Hunter almost makes it seem like you can reason with him, while Dana sounds like a whiney child


Hunter just seems like such a slimy human being in every clip I see of him.




It's pretty widely suggested that he already is, and has been for a while. Dana is just the face.


Correct. Hunter is a lawyer; he’s already has been doing the fighter meetings, their contracts, negotiations, etc, for YEARS. Dana White is an absolute piece of shit but Hunter is far worse and is control of a lot more than people realize.


THANK YOU. The only difference between Hunter and Dana is that Hunter knows when to shut up.


You’re welcome, lol. Hunter is a much more sophisticated individual than Dana. Although Hunter is a terrible fucking person, he’s a very smart businessman. He knows when to listen, when to speak, and when to keep his mouth shut. I am very curious to see when Dana leaves and how things work with Hunter in charge. I personally believe it will be worse.


...man I don't even wanna think about the future timeline where the tomato ends up looking like a Saint in hindsight.


I’m honestly shocked that people who abuse the fuck outta their body with drugs like Dana and other celebrities live as long as they currently have, lol. Genetics is a hell’va thing.


I mean yeah but also Gordon Ryan basically retired himself via steroids which gave him PTA (Perpetual Tummy Aches)


I guess it's probably hard to say, but I'm pretty sure Gordon retired himself with antibiotics. I feel like I remember him saying somewhere he was on them for a year straight or something.


These folks aren’t taking the same drugs regular people take lol


Its going to be so fucking cringe watching people say they miss Dana White and want him back.


Dana in his own crazy way does care about fighters on a personal level. Hunter sees only numbers


Tbf Hunter's leaked cell phone footage Powerslap Promo hasn't dropped yet so he has that going for him.


Quiet people are far more dangerous than those who love to scream. Campbell is probably far worse than silva


I dunno, there was this funny little guy from Germany who screamed a lot.


Yeah, at least the guy isn't passive aggressive with Aljo so he doesn't pull out of a fight.


So what you are saying is hunter cambell is responsible for goofcon? Holy fucking shit.


ALL the Goofcons…


Isn’t he amazing


My dad had to do construction at the UFC offices, I asked him if he got to meet Dana, and he said “no, the lawyer guy was the man in charge”, I showed him a picture of Hunter and he was like ya that’s the guy. Take that for whatever you will.


LMAO! If someone refers to you as “the lawyer guy” then you 100% made an ass of yourself to said party. Not even up for debate, lol.


Or your just a lawyer lol


Is it fair to say that Hunter is the Dick Cheney to Dana's George Bush?


The UFC wants someone with a squeaky clean public image like Dana White to be the face of the operation


Hunter pretty much runs the ufc while Dana hangs out with influencers old enough to be his kids these days


I say this constantly and get downvoted for it when people are in their feels because "Dana" just did another shitty thing. Hunter is Ari Emmanuels guy. Hunter isn't going anywhere. He's never going to be Dana because he's never going to step into the hot seat. Someone will replace Dana one day. They won't have the influence Dana has to get the fighters he has a (positive) history with a slightly better deal. Dana is a shitty person, but the person that replaces him will be more shitty.


Ya hunter said Dana is the best at doing press and he doesn’t care for it


not unless he shaves his head and gets on roids femboy twink with luscious hair aint running the UFC


I don't understand that logic. When Dana leaves it will be due to age, and hunter is probably only 5 years younger than him lol


He's just as slimy as Dana so it probably won't make a massive difference.


He and Dana got the good cop bad cop schtick down


That’s what it was with Dana and Lorenzo. If they hated dealing with Dana fighters would go to Lorenzo.


That's how it is with every fight promoter ...


Lol the wild part is a lot of more casual fans probably think Dana is the good cop and think Hunter is some random cronie who is just there in the background all the time.


> Lol the wild part is a lot of more casual fans probably think Dana is the good cop So you, unlike casual fans, see Hunter as the good guy in this duo?


Lol no, I'm saying they don't see a bad cop at all just good cop Dana and random sidekick (who is obviously just as bad but lowkey).


Hella manipulative, as if he could only 'gain Seans audience' if he fought short notice and not a month or two later. They knew what they were doing and Dana at the end basically calling it out was the worst part


Man, he gives off power hungry Hollywood producer vibes mixed with a lying fight promoter.


Hunter wouldn't be setup to be Dana's successor if he was ethical and fair.


He's what everyone thinks Dana is, but worse


That’s 100% a guy with no conscience


Doesn't help that I can never remember his name, and always think it's something like a child's name. Like, "Buster" or "Skipper." The innocence of the names not matching his plastic face and flat eyes makes him extra slimy to me lol


He's a manipulative pos, which makes him ideal for the role he plays in the company.


Is the issue they didnt give aljo time to accept the date or not? Like it was early for aljo and he should have been able to request a later date to fight ?


Of course, he's a lawyer.


>"I announce the fight, and then the first thing Aljo says is, 'if my body holds up.'" Maybe that's why you should clear the dates with the fighters and get the contracts signed *before* you announce the fight. Goddamn, these guys are such fucking scumbags


This is what pisses me off so much. Then Dana says they don’t want to fight. No shit, they can’t fight when they’re injured


People give costa shit but they do this same strong arm tactics to him of announcing fights without contracts signed to put the pressure on


Say what you want about costa but the guy sticks to his guns when it comes to negotiations with dana


"we don't decide who wins or loses" he says with a smirk lol


It’s crazy because Aljo is a proper company man too.


And O'Malley went above and beyond to grow his own brand outside and over that of UFC which they usually hate. Just goes to show shilling for the man aint all its cracked up to be


O'Malley has also said some pretty anti company man things even when he didn't have all the clout to do so




What?? This can't be true. Is it?? Man I hope not. Got a source on that?


Interesting you said they hate that. I just recently heard on Rampage's podcast that over a decade ago before twitter become as popular as it is today, they held fighter meetings explaining how to grow brands and grow a following on social media. In fact, they gave bonuses of 5k (iirc) to the fighter who grew the most followers each quarter or something like that and Rampage said he picked up a bunch of those.


That's over a decade ago though, lots has changed in that time including a fighter transcending the sport and changing the way a lot of fighters think about their career and what they're capable of doing with their image. This was also in the era where MMA wasn't excepted or even legal everywhere so of course he wants more publicity compared to now where he's specifically trying to build the UFC brand over fighters.


I know Belal is hot right now but I wouldn’t necessarily say he transcended the sport


Probably was happening at a time where social media was just beginning to explode into the mainstream - now that it’s been normalized and most importantly - MONETIZED, the UFC wants to be the main attraction, not the fighters.


Yeah as lococooperman said the business model is very different between Rampages day and now. The clearest sign of that is back then fighters were expected to get their own sponsors which requires creating a personal brand. Nowadays they have a uniform that prevents them making money in that way


Yeah I felt for Aljo when he was basically saying you guys announced this without me having a say and if I take my best interests into account I’m the bad guy.


he tried to do the company a favor and take that short notice fight and lost his belt as a result, hunter and dana set him up to lose


Nate vs Khamzat was the most blatant live execution attempt


Thankfully my flair saved that from happening


He is great at reframing things away from the point. Fighters think we want them to lose, completely completely shifts the conversation from them using fighters and strong arming them to show up when they're not ready.


Why isn't Dana shitting on Conor for casting doubt on the Chandler fight, then? I mean, I already know why, but the blatant hypocrisy is crazy.


More hilarious that there’s a portion of the fanbase that is for ufc announcing fights before contracts are signed. Not realizing that it’s basically giving the excuse for the ufc to fuck over fighters they want, never will they do that to Conor, jones, O’Malley, paddy, Bo, etc.




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Dana’s last comments are such a load of shit. They may not decide directly who wins and loses but they certainly know who they want to win and will do things to give that the best chance of happening. For example Aljo fought a 5 round fight against Cejudo in May last year and was made to fight O’Malley in August. A 14 week turnaround. If you need a 10-12 week camp for a title fight then that leaves only 2-4 weeks to heal from the last fight and camp and rest. They wanted Aljo to lose and were happy when he did.


Then uploaded the clip of the knockout free on YT within 48 hours lmfao


i may be misremembering but i’m pretty sure they uploaded it on the same night of the fight lmao


Yeah it was almost immediate, they knew exactly who they wanted as champ


i wanna say they uploaded the KO to all social media and full fight on YT couple days later


I saw it on YouTube by that Monday and it had millions tbf


It was the same day I swear.


It was the same day, and they also let Sportscenter show the full KO on air right after it happened. Normally they only show a few pics of the fight and never the finish for a PPV, but they definitely made an exception lol


Can’t imagine how aljo felt. They never post that shit so soon


It was uploaded within an hour of the fight ending and was on all their social media MINUTES after it happened.


It was legit on their main YouTube page within 30 minutes of it happening.


They uploaded it earlier but wasn't available in all countries immediately. Non ppv countries with tv deals get it quicker.


for comparison O’Malley got 29 weeks between the Aljo and Chito fight


I wouldn't be surprised if pressuring fighters into shorter turnarounds is a legitimate tactic the UFC uses to indirectly force out less marketable guys. Marketable fighters like, say, Ortega can sit out for years and keep their ranking while Leon had to go through hell and back just to get his initial shot and stripped of his ranking purely as a negotiation tactic lol


It’s been like that. They tried to do that with DDP. He was injured and they wanted him to take a fight on short notice vs Izzy, he didn’t so the ufc was pissed at him. They threw Sean in there thinking he would lose vs Izzy and when he didn’t Dana didn’t give him any credit.


Ortega is not marketable lol who tf is a fan of that guy 


Meanwhile Suga hadn't fought since "beating" Yan 10 months prior. Them putting up the clip on all their media immediately was very telling. They ain't doing that if Aljo chokes Suga unconscious lol.


>"beating" Another great point to be made. Not to say the UFC influences the judges or anything, but not a single media score card had OMally winning that fight. It was a close fight, but Yan clearly won. And you never heard a fucking peep from the UFC or Dana


One media scorecard had O'Malley winning the fight. But I think the media scorecards were wrong on that fight, there's a legitimate argument to Suga winning unless you think control is the same as damage.


And then O’Malley was given a 7 months rest to fight the punching bag Chito Favouritism is such a big issue with matchmaking


Yea Sean is a baby they be taking care of 




Do you have a link for that? I would love to read about it.


They have done this shit for quite a while. Demian Maia was already on a big win-streak and was the clear contender for Woodley's belt, but they still booked him vs Masvidal. After beating Mas, they had him do a quick turn-around ~2 months after while Woodley had a nice rest. They stripped Colby from his interim belt because he didnt do a 2 month turn around vs Woodley and gave it to Till instead. Now though they clearly love Colby with 2000 billion title shots


I’m happy to see people say this on here, I hardly follow the sport anymore because of exactly this. It’s all so phony, and it’s gonna keep getting worse.


Meanwhile, 2x champ Pereira is yet to face a grappler


Careful you don’t want to awaken the chama beehive


thats it right here. the marginal % differences that mean everything at the top level of any sport are manipulated time and time and time again to get the person they want in the key positions. look at how jones is being treated right now compared to how aljo was.


The last ten seconds of that clip made me actually laugh out loud. Dana is so full of shit and some people still eat it up.


How in the fresh fuck can the UFC be cool with this being released? "Yeah this makes us look cool"


It also serves as a reminder of the absurd amount of control they have over fighters. They know how it comes off and they want to further establish the pecking order, especially since they don’t have an anti-trust lawsuit to worry about anymore and they likely don’t ever have to worry about fighters unionizing.


Lol ajlo manager saying nothing 


Please stop paying this man


That guy is actually pals with Dana, he nots going to ruin that relationship over aljo lmao


Modern MMA managers essentially work for the UFC rather than their actual clients. This clip from the Roku documentary is basically meant to send a reminder of that to all the fighters.


Tiki showing that he has as much fight in him as manager as he did back when he was a fighter, which is none.


He didn't intervene because of a cut.


Is whatever this is worth watching? Lot of clips from it. Where's it from?


It's called Fight Inc. on Roku. It's a behind the scenes look at the UFC.


Any way to watch it outside of Roku?


What you mean? 👀 🏴‍☠️


Why would the ufc agree to have these clips aired??


There’s so many ads Suga episode is cool tho if you’re a fan of his the Jon episode is kinda whatever


They show his interaction with the local friendly drug testing representative who dared ask Jon for a sample? Lady it's his friend's birthday 🤬😤😠


It’s on the Roku channel


So, no.


You can hear the built up anxiety in Aljo’s voice man. Feel bad for the dude


I wonder how much Aljo pays Tiki to dye his beard and sit there like an idiot


Yeah I don’t understand why aljo isn’t having his manager do this for him


"You got fans saying 'Should I buy tickets when a guy might not show up' " They won't, Dana. Thats why you wait til guys are healthy before you announce shit


This is some bs I feel for aljo


interesting that this footage is released but I'm not sure why the UFC would put this out there


Basically sending a warning to the fighters to take whatever fights are offered when the UFC schedules them. Just look at how Aljo’s manager Tiki just sits there blankly while Hunter is fucking him over.


Tiki being a manager of anyone or anything is wild.


I will never understand the Aljo hate. He doesn’t have the most flashy exciting style but the dude is a consummate pro, showed up, did his job and won his fights and defended the belt 3 times. Took fights injured, took quick turnaround fights to help the UFC promote their new golden boy, and gets nothing but hate. He gets so much shit for things that are out of his control (Yan being an idiot and illegally kneeing him, TJ coming into the fight compromised).


agree, To me Aljo seems like a great person


The first time I saw him fight was against Yan. I don’t throw hate his way, but that was the whackest shit I’ve seen in the UFC.


I think the funniest thing about that Yan situation is it made me a bigger fan of AlJo overall. Yan throws an illegal strike and AlJo definitely overacts but simultaneously, it is dumb as hell to fight a championship fight against a championship level opponent when you’re compromised. Months go by and I remember I couldn’t hit a thread about their rematch without seeing “Yan by murder” “Yan 5-0 sweep”, just to see him get taken down and wrestlefucked on the night of the rematch. One of the funniest sagas in MMA that I can remember.


God r/MMA was insufferable before Aljo/Yan 2.


> but that was the whackest shit I’ve seen in the UFC. I agree. How could a former UFC bantamweight champion throw such an obviously illegal strike, and lose like that? It was embarrassing.


We're the multiple neck surgeries Aldo needed also "whack"? Lol come on bro.


Were the neck surgeries related to the knee? Was under the impression that the dude had needed some work done in general.


Anyone who sees that as anything other than 100% Yans fault for throwing a blatantly illegal hard af knee, I just don’t get




Damn, it already looked like that from the outside, but seeing the footage is jarring 


imagine the shit they pull that they don't want people to see.


We already know some of it from when Joe Silva's emails got released in relation to the lawsuits. For example, they would punish "difficult" fighters by forcing them to accept unfavorable style matchups. You don't want to accept? Contract extension.


White is the guy who goes out to make statements and draw attention while Campbell is carrying out the shady business. MMA needs some competition, Strikeforce pushed them, right now they are just churning out events and being carried by the few big ones a year.


It’s most likely the same way it was with Dana/Lorenzo.


It’s the same deal for every other sports leagues, league commissioners and guys like Dana are just mouth pieces and shields for the real scum that’s in charge.


This piece really shows how manipulative the UFC really works. Dana should have been present at that meeting with Aljo and Hunter. Dana and Hunter played Aljo by twisting words and playing mindgames. Dana shitting on Aljo nonstop and Hunter saying to Aljo that he should work with it and not against it. Basically making Aljo feel that it's his own fault. Hunter praising Aljo and same time Dana shitting on Aljo classic "good cop - bad cop tactics"


Baby, you know I love you. Why do you make me hurt you?


Dana White is such a piece of shit. Nice to see his manipulative protégé working to become the same level of scumbag


Gaslighting 101


Majority of this sub was doing the same thing before Aljo signed that contract lmao. Funny to see how everyone’s mind changed.


What series are all of these behind the scenes stuff coming from?


“Fight Inc” on Roku, free with ads. I watched it on their website 


Holy shit is wife beater Dana and Hunter scummy f'ing scummy


Aljo should've told him to tell Dana to close his mouth.


The part that I don’t agree with is that right after aljo beats Henry they book the Sean fight. I can see where aljo is like “yo I just got done fighting. Give me a minute”. IMO they wait a week and then talk to the fighter say “we’re thinking about so and so for your next fight. We’re thinking about this date could you be ready?” If not, make an interim title fight. That doesn’t hurt anyone….instead it elevates the ufc to have another ppv they can sell and make the unification bout even bigger.


Taking the belt off aljo was the intention, and having O’Malley to be the one to take it was the cherry on top. UFC has been operating like this forever. I said last year this is what they were going to do with Aljo. He was being vocal about it for the past 2 years. They tried to do a quick turn around on DDP last year as well so Izzy can beat him, Izzy didn’t take the fight so they put in Sean in there which backfired on the ufc, Dana was pissed about that. He didn’t give Sean any credit and just made excuses for Izzy. Then they tried to have ddp do a quick turn around for 300 but he didn’t take it. Again he’s on Dana’s shit list. Dana doesn’t say anything good about DDP if you haven’t noticed


Hunter Campbell is a manipulative creep.


Holy shit, that clip of Hunter talking to him is incredible because of how blatantly snake-oil-car-sales-man like Hunter is, dude doesnt believe a word of what hes saying and just wants the goals of the company to be met. Very very shady individual but he knows how to talk.


“We don’t decide who wins and loses” What type of propaganda is this


Fuck he needs to fire his manager sat there with his tail tucked between his legs


There are so many title wins with a huge asterisk next to it. Just like what the UFC tries to do with the Izzy title fights. They tried to rush an injured DDP into a title fight multiple times, they rushed Sean on short notice into a title fight and then Dana tried to make a lot of excuses for Izzy being schooled at the post fight presser. They do this shit so much.


My god these clips make them look like such douchebags lol why announce the fight without a fighter agreeing to it before it’s even signed Dana? Ohh fight he loves to destroy his own fighters public reputation if they do not bend to his every will.


Aljo, Woodley, Evans.  If Colby wasn't trash it would be Rocky or Usman on this list too. 


He was the champ. He should have listened to his gut and rested. He should be able to choose when he is and isn’t ready to fight. Tbf the UFC wanted OMalley to win of course, but I think it was more that they wanted OMalley to fight for the title in Boston.


They would have stripped the belt from him if he didn’t play along.


He should’ve pulled out 😂😂


Truth is that MMA tends to attract people that are considerably self-conscious of their perceived toughness and possess the ego that comes with this. A master manipulator would be able to play into these insecurities to get what they want. Dana always does it with his whole 'he doesn't want to fight' spiel while Campbell just does it in a subtler and less abrasive way.


Dana puts fighters in bad positions and even if they can win its in harder circumstances than it should be. Like Maia earning a ww title fight and them only giving him 1 month notice to fight woodley or he would miss his chance for turning it down although woodley hinted well before he was told he was fighting at the event and training


Lol dana is such a slime ball


Watch the aljo interviews on Helwani around this time, he was clearly injured and saying he needed a few months off and they ended up getting him to take a fight in 2 months


so this is how they try to put hunter campbell over? he's WAY worse than dana. the future is grim


I don’t love Aljo’s fighting style or his personality very much, but I do think he’s been pretty hard done by the UFC. The brass obviously hate the guy and he never really did anything to deserve it.


Aljo got screwed.


Sterlings manager is a fucking beast brother


Dana is just the face of UFC. He takes all the heat but there are plenty of slime balls behind the scenes


Imagine Dana's team filming this, editing it, reviewing it, and publishing it, and never once realize what fucki g slimy scumbags Dana and Hunter look like here lol


They know they can get away with it. They're effectively untouchable.


Release the Snyder cut!


Where are all these behind the scenes cropping up recently from?


Is this a movie they just put out or something?


Wasn’t Sean injured for this fight too? I’m pretty sure he had an intercostal muscle strain or something similar. I had that shit from training once and I legit couldn’t teep or even lean back without searing pain. Both guys are absolute warriors.


Who the fuck is this guy?


Where is all this new behind the scenes footage from? Surely the UFC isn't so out of touch they'd think this wouldn't reflect poorly on them and put this out themselves?


Man this is such bullshit. The guy had a **broken fucking hand** and had just fought. Meanwhile Dana: *“Fighters can be very paranoid people, they start thinking ‘they want me to lose’”*