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That guy on the right is exactly what McGregor’s going to look like in a decade or two lol


For the curious the man in question is Atch, famous French coach (for the French) who owns the gym at which Parnasse and many others train and where Doumbé gets his work done too. He’s one of the big names in France with others like Woirin, Frachey or Lopez.


The guy is 50, at this pace I don't think Conor gonna look like this at 50, probably worse


Conor’s gonna look like Harry Du Bois in another 15-20 years


You think Conor makes it to 50?


Conor looks good for 45 right now lol


That guy looks way too fit and healthy for a 55 year old Connor


if he's lucky. ha.


that guy looks like south European Bas Rutten.


UFC wanted him to sign... for 20k per fight. Maybe a little more but 50k for show/50k for win was not an option. He's still young, he's gonna go for the 3 belt division champ, and maybe in 3-4 years he's gonna try the UFC again or stay there for ever & get the money he deserve.


Honestly at that kind of money he should invest everything he can and maybe in 3-4 years he doesn't need to fight anymore. If it's $600k/fight this contract, four years from now he could be getting $900k/fight, put in three fights that fourth year for $2.7M. Plus the money he should be investing now and his massive endorsement opportunities, and he's good for life four years from now if he doesn't get any major injuries. By that point he'll be 30 and that's a lot to put your body through already..take the money and leave.


What is this the money channel?


I mean bring me my coffee


Ah yes, athletes are great with money, I'm sure he'll do exactly this.


All that complicated maths nerd shit, or a lambo today.


Good for him man.


Apparently KSW has been around for 20 years now, so they must actually be profitable. So they can make this deal work somehow. $600K in any other regional org would be nuts.


They're insanely profitable...They sell out entire soccer stadiums. KSW 39 is still the highest attended MMA event ever (unless you count Pride Shockwave which is debatable). Euro MMA is different man, lol


Damn that's awesome. Polish people love the swanging and banging


I don't think it's fair to call them regional. They are somewhere in between regional and big boys. lets say, continental


But why so high. Is he drawing that much for them


Are we sure he isn't being paid in euros? €600k=$648k+


Yes he probably is but you know Americans they see some figures and oh that must be in freedom dollars.


Even if it's 600k zloty, that's still 150k eagle bucks.


Not too shabby


Holy fuck no wonder the ufc didn’t sign him. Not saying the ufc shouldn’t be paying that well but I’m sure signing 10/10 cans is just as profitable for them.


Also, how much name recognition does Salahdine Parnasse have with the average UFC fan? Not $600K worth, I bet.


you use fighters like this to expand into markets the UFC doesnt have yet not to get more PPVS . similar to how TKZ isnt a big PPV star because his fanbase doesnt buy ppvs but you put him in a arena and you get some insane crowds .


Yeah he is not know because he has not fought outside Europe. More known in France than your average UFC fighter by a mile though.


I'm sure it's way, way, WAY more profitable.


I mean if you cant tell by now the UFC has turned into an organization that no longer only consists of the best fighters but also some of the worst. The goal was the best to fight the best but now its just two regional guys fighting for 12/12 if they are lucky. The talent level with the exception of a few cards has dropped drastically. This man was smart enough not to sign his pride and ego away to a company that doesnt care for him


The UFC has been working to cut costs now that they dominate the market and have a reliable brand customers gravitate to automatically. It's savvy business even if it kinda sucks for us.


They have never been more successful than now in making the UFC name, not the talent, the product.


He says “glory is great but big money is better. It won’t be glory that will fill up the fridge”


Good for him. He is only 26, he still have the time to join bigger organizations


bro no one is going to pay him more then that . fuck the bigger promotions get the bag as a fighter so when you are 40 you dont have to take gimmick fights to survive .


Ksw is one of the bigger organizations


It might be the second-best at this point.


Nah I hope he keeps fighting here. Some dude ditched a really good deal like a 100-200k per fight deal just to get a chance at dcsw with 10/10 deal just to ended up regret later


The UFC has a big of history with not actually outbidding KSW for KSW talent. People come over if the UFC is their dream, not for the money.


"New contract for 5 fights, 600k+ per fight Glory is good, big bucks are better. Glory ain't gonna fill the fridge!"


Curious which currency either way sure it's still good money. Happy to see other orgs being able offer top dollar because it's good for the sport.


He is French so probably in Euros.


Yea figured that's what it would be. Either that or whatever KSW is based out of whatever their currency is


that would be polish złoty. If he got 600k zł + 600k zł that would translate to roughly 150k $ + 150k $


That's awesome. I'm so glad there are other organizations that are paying fighters.


When you ask Dana about % paid. He says “it’s not your fucking business”. I hope we see fighters who sacrifice a lot getting what they deserve like Salahdine.


Also, he's allowed to do pro boxing fights on the side and should make his debut this year (source being RMC sport announcers so I'd say it's pretty legit)


He might get 1 fight a year now if they can afford it


Great for him. 600k for less damage to your body is awesome.


He's double champ, I don't think they'll let division rot for him not to fight


Ufc Stan spotted, lol


He's worth more to KSW and Europe than the UFC, hence the $600k a fight... Khalidov was the same way. The UFC wanted him but he during his prime was like Parnasse is now; known among Euro fans but not a huge name among North American fans.


Im assuming this is a flat fee rather then a win/loss contract? 600k flat fee is one of the best contracts in the world. 600k to show / 600k to win might just be the best contract in the MMA world


Probably makes him a top 3-5 highest paid fighter outside ufc. Great for him but unfortunate for the fans. May not get to see him fight the best during his prime.


makes him a top paid UFC fighter too outside of people who get PPV points


Saladine brings them money


Of course. Guys probably top 5 p4p outside ufc. That French mma marker is booming. Guys a star.


This is why khalidov never joined the ufc ksw makes money and pay their stars what they deserve


This will either kill KSW or make them number one in France


Shame he didn’t go to PFL so we could see him vs Cedric in Paris that would be huge there.


But it's not the same division at all. Doumbé would destroy him.


He fought at welterweight. Cedric is new to MMA so won't be great on the ground.


Parnasse fought once and lost against a true welterweight who weighted more than 20lbs than him. And Doumbé might be "new" to MMA he's clearly better than the other guy. It's like saying Poirier would have a chance against Bo Nickal...


Cedric also is not big for welterweight he is 5"10 not a massive build. Seems about the size of Islam.


He's clearly not tall, just more massive.


There is a picture of him and Khabib and they are the same height and right around the same size.


Where does KSW get this kinda money? Is everyone else getting paid pennies so that Salahdine gets the big money?


They do some big shows in Poland.


they got really decent roster with half people who are ufc level (lower wight classes) and half people doing kinda freak fights/controversial/bringing eyes in mostly higher weight classes. It allows them to tap both in the fight fan market and show fan market.


They also do sponsors on the fighter's bodies', which adds some more funding I'm assuming.


Thought that was old man Stipe for a bit


And he will never be offered a fight because of it.


Right? He’ll fight once a year at most which I guess is still a lot of money lol


Yeah, much better than fighting 3 times a year for 20/20 in the UFC


600k what? Zloty?


Probably Euros.


600k euro sounds like a fucking ton for KSW, which is a Polish org. I'm not sure as well if it actually isn't zloty.


Good for him. Feel bad for the promoter tho idk what KSW is or who this fighter is lmao


KSW is a legit promotion that operates mainly in europe . they have been active for years and are one of the only mma promotions actually making money .


KSW is a top tier Polish organisation. Jan fought for them and was their LHW champ before he moved over to the UFC. It's also where Mariusz Pudzianowski fought .


Dricus was MW champ there as well.


Gamrot was double champ there as well


you might recognize Jan Blachowicz, Gamrot, Driccus. They all were KSW champs before making jump to UFC and getting the title or being currently on rout to the title


Lol same


Fucking lold. Second time hearing about this guy. This is why these organizations are on the bottom. Wonder how much money he brings to KSW for getting paid this much. People here have no idea how business works, it's not fucking socialism and other bullshit people believe in. It's showbusiness, you are getting paid as much as you bringing your fans for org you are fighting for. PFL pays ufc vets a lot, bkfc do this bullshit too and many other org that believe if you are paying 500k to noname or ex ufc champ, you are gonna be on top lol. And they still sucks and make no profit. They are years on the same level and there is no growth for them. It's like some fucking saudian football, they are paying players 2-3 times more than in European football, and still their stadiums are half empty and nobody gives a fuck about their league. I wonder how these managers getting their jobs. All they do is speaking shit loudly and burning money to make fucking nothing in the end of the day 😄😄 inb4: this guy is a biggest star world ever seen, ksw is the 2nd best org, bkfc is the 3rd, every fighter is DESERVED to be paid a lot (yeah, deserved getting paid 200k+ for selling nothing for org lol)


Fighters like parnasse and Cedric doumbé can sell out 50k seat arenas on their own. A lot of UFC “stars” can’t without a stacked card.


Yeah, keep believing, babe


They literally signed him to sell out France a couple times a year. Yeah the UFC is good organization but it’s not 2016 anymore. you have other promotions that put up good events here and there, with really good fights and a better atmosphere than the UFC.


Man, I never say that all orgs except ufc are bad. No, it's not true. I'm saying that their business moves are holding them in position of domestic organizations. That being said they are on the bottom, yes, if you are domestic, you are can't be considered worldwide top. Every org is obsessed with finding their own mcgregor so they are ready to pay every prospect crazy money. They are fighting for that money in domestic competition, and that's why they don't grow. Orgs are not trying to grow, they are trying to get some DOMESTIC stars to stay a bit relevant in their place. If they are not throwing money in the face of a domestic star, that star will go to UFC. That throwing money business move is well-known shitty idea. That makes fighter rich, but the org will stay on the bottom of the market.


They pay them this much because they bring in more. They don’t pay them to retain them, it’s literally their worth. Maybe you are used to Dana’s practices of not paying fighters and looking for the “next mcgregor”.


Can barely spell; doesn't know how paragraph breaks, punctuation, and grammar work; and has no insights into KSW financials: I'm sure they're champing at the bit for your keen insight.


Keep crying, child🌞


Turn your monitor on LOL


>still their stadiums are half empty KSW sold out a 50k stadium last year. Promotions like KSW, Oktagon, and RIZIN are doing exceptionally well on the domestic market, even if you'd like to pretend they aren't.


Yeah, you say DOMESTIC, domestic STAR with 600k pay? You guys are fucking crazy


Selling out 50k arenas can bring in 10s of millions of profit. 600k is perfectly reasonable in such case.


Yeah, pretty fucking reasonable. Ksw 89 parnasse is a main event fighter discussion thread: less than 100 comments. Ksw 93 parnasse is a main event fighter discussion thread : less than 100 comments. - 600k payday. People here telling that this guy can bring 50k arena on himself. You guys are fucked in the head.


Comments on an English speaking website are irrelevant, as 50k live attendees clearly demonstrates. It also doesn't matter if this fighter is personally responsible for 50k fans, because you don't become the sort of promotion selling out those arenas without putting on compelling fights. Compelling fights require talent with massive winning records in 15+ fights. No one would be coming to see KSW if they had been consistently putting on 5-2 DWCS rejects. Fundamentally, the promotion is profitable. So your only argument appears to be that you're mad that some of that profit is reaching the fighters and not going to management. How on Earth does that bother you?


im probably wrong but i think he's trying to make the point that this is unsustainable for these organizations. i think they would sell out those arenas without parnasse because they don't have many of these types of events to begin with so alot of people show up.


Yes, they don't need him specifically. I've covered this. That's not how fight organisations work. He doesn't have to specifically bring in 600k+ per fight for this to be a logical deal.


My man is unironically using reddit threads to measure a promotion success lol How did you spell that comment out without getting embarrassed is beyond me.


Ok Dana..


Bet you watching Dana's ufc and never seen ksw, clown 🤡🤡🤡