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Also Dana 3 years ago: >“If I’m Jon Jones and I’m home watching this fight, I start moving to 185,” White told MMA Junkie. “… Sure. Listen, I could sit here all day and (ask) you, ‘What’s “Show me the money” mean?’ I tell you guys this all the time: You can say you want to fight somebody, but do you really want to?” He's also [on record saying Jon was the hold up](http://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2021/04/dana-white-derrick-lewis-next-for-francis-ngannou-after-jon-jones-asked-for-30-million) because he wanted too much money.


Jones glazers in shambles


Glazers and haters are equally silly, neither guy was ducking they just wanted to be compensated fairly.


Jones was ducking then, and he's ducking now lol.


Smooth brain take but hey if you want to hop on the circle jerk that’s fine. By that same logic Francis ducked jones. “Francis was negotiating by waiting out because I like him, Jon was ducking by waiting out because I don’t”


Smooth brain lol. You losers really need to get better insults, it's not even a little original and completely takes away any bite you tried to have.


Smooth brain is less generic than loser but im sure you are too busy elbow deep in the circle jerk to cook anything up huh? “Jones was ducking because jones bad hurr durr”


Jones was ducking because nobody needs 3 years to move up to HW. Jones is ducking now because he's angling for a fight that doesn't make sense against someone who is effectively retired instead of defending his fake title against the real titleholder. If you don't understand that, that's on you. Don't project nonsense.


I am no pro athlete, and I can grow that Jones beer belly in less than 3 years.


I could be fat Jon Jones in a matter of weeks I’m an overachiever


Jones was negotiating a new contract and was fully down to fight ngannou, it’s the exact same thing ngannou did what are you even on? The only one projecting here is you jones was signed and ready to go but Francis was in the middle of his negotiation, that’s the most hypocritical thing I’ve ever heard. You are literally determining who was ducking and who was negotiating based on your feelings lmao.


OK buddy you got me you're totally right about everything! I'm not wasting my time arguing with someone who's made up their mind, if you wanna be delusional about Jon Jones and his fickle, thin skin, who believes he's the second coming of Christ so he doesn't have to fight anyone legit for essentially what will be the last half decade of his career, then go ahead. Buy into that nonsense. It doesn't affect my life one bit.


Dana wouldn't dare enter a room where someone could hold his words against him though.


There’s a lot of ways to say you’re scared. One of them is scaring the other guy, actually.


>“Jon Jones is ready to go,” White revealed https://www.mmafighting.com/2022/6/27/23185446/dana-white-jon-jones-is-ready-to-go-will-face-francis-ngannou-or-stipe-miocic-next 6 months prior to Francis Ngannou exiting the UFC.


You’re getting your timelines mixed up. When Ngannou was under contract, he was going to fight anybody. Jon Jones took a three year break waiting for Ngannou to fight out his contract. Then Ngannou chose 8 figure boxing paydays instead of resigning with the UFC for Reebok coupons.


This is equally as silly jones was actively negotiating and had the ability to sit out unlike most fighters, saying jones was ducking is as silly as saying ngannou was ducking. You can’t say one guy was negotiating and the other was ducking just because you like one of them.


literally the reverse of the earlier situation but Francis is a hero for getting himself more money while Jon was just scared 🤣


Dana saying this until Jones pops for steroids or coke and we're back to square one. Problem is the fucking smooth brain donkeys who believe this goof.


He does it to stroke Jones ego. The glazing is unbelievable at this point.


He doesn't, he does it to sell tickets. You sell more if you force your delusional fan base to believe what you repeat to them, regardless of how true or false it is


Does Jones even sell tickets tho?


Porque no los dos? Jones seemingly needs a constant ego stroke. You see it with all his tweets, posts etc.


Dana hates his guts. Its been shown in the leaked messages. Jones is currently the only hype train that sells ppvs whos actually going to fight and more importantly, Dana is saying this coz he wants the world to not think that the best HW in the world is at PFL, not UFC.


No. He does it because he has Jones locked up for 7 more fights.




Well, he's right. No one believes it


Jon Jones literally had a chance to fight francis for 3 years. Dana white will literally say anything. Doesn't matter if it has any basis in reality or what happened


Didn't Francis reject the offer to fight Jon? He didn't like the money being offered or something don't remember.


Jon is the bitch who demanded 30 million.


Genuinely curious, when are fighters supposed to ask for pay equal to their value? Bones has certainly made the UFC 30 million dollars.


Fighters should get paid far more. But Jon didn't ask for 30 mil because he cares about fighter pay. He did it for the same reason he's currently running from Sergei and Tom: he knows he will lose. Simple as that. He made a ridiculous demand knowing that it would be rejected.


I agree he would lose. We all talk about the fighters getting paid more, and it felt like you were calling him a bitch for wanting more money. Jon is a bitch for the stuff he does outside the cage, but I don’t think he’s afraid of fighting anyone. I think he’s afraid of “hurting” his legacy


If he's afraid of fighting someone because it would hurt his legacy, then he's afraid of fighting someone, isn't he? When I think of someone who genuinely isn't afraid of taking a fight, I think of Anderson Silva. He could have called it off after the broken leg and nobody would have thought less of him, but he kept going. He didn't give a shit about his record, he just wanted to fight. That's how Jon sees himself, I think. Or wishes he could.


There’s a difference of being afraid of someone because you think they’re going to hurt you, and just not wanting to lose because of your status. Like Rashad was legit afraid of Chuck because he thought he was going to kill him, he wasn’t so much afraid to lose. In high school I wouldn’t be afraid of my opponent, but I would have anxiety of getting that first loss.


Being afraid of getting hurt in mma is basically meaningless. What matters is being afraid of tarnishing your record. Jon knows he's not as good as he claims, and he's afraid of being exposed. He's holding up the division and picking fights with inactive 40 year olds. Jon Jones is a bitch.




Pretty clear that Jones, who has never asked for anything close to 30 mil, asked for it because he knew they wouldn’t pay him that. Obvious way to dodge fighting Francis without doing it outright.


You're mixing up Ngannou and Jon. Jon wanted "life changing" amounts of money to fight Francis. Francis just wanted more pay once he became champion. He fought Gane after becoming champion so he could finish out his contract and potentially have more leverage to sign a new contract. UFC didn't feel he was worth it and let him walk.


Actually the UFC offered Francis a ton of money, but with other conditions Francis was not happy with. Francis said in the following interviews that he didn't walk because of the money.


You have an article or remember the interview where he said he was happy about the money the UFC was offering him? I remember it being about both. I mentioned pay because that's what the conversation was about.


Here's some relevant sections from an article: [https://www.espn.com/mma/story/\_/id/35468383/francis-ngannou-ufc-exit-contract-not-free](https://www.espn.com/mma/story/_/id/35468383/francis-ngannou-ufc-exit-contract-not-free) "In that contract, I'm not free," Ngannou said. "In that contract, I'm not an independent contractor. In that contract, I have no rights, I have no power. I hand over all the power to you guys, and I've seen in the past how you can utilize that power." Ngannou said he felt like the UFC had a one-track mind in terms of negotiation, saying he felt like he was "getting slapped in the face by money" and had other considerations as well. edit: He does briefly note he was asking for more pay, but given Dana White said that the UFC offered him a contract that would've made him the highest-paid heavyweight in UFC history I think it's fair to say the pay wasn't really the problem. Asking for more pay would make sense given he just beat Gane and his contract ended.


Maybe I missed it, but nowhere in that article does it say he was happy with the money the UFC was offering just that that was their primary negotiation tactic. I think both me and the person you're responding for agree he also wanted other things. Edit: To respond to your edit, it's nice that you feel you know what pay Ngannou should have been happy with, I'd prefer not to put any words in his mouth if you know of anywhere he actually said he was happy with it.


I didn’t say Ngannou should’ve been happy with his pay. All MMA fighters are underpaid. Perhaps work on your reading retention and try to read comments charitably. The point is that he made it clear it was about his freedom with respect to his contract. He wanted the freedom of movement so he could box on the side, the pay the UFC could offer would be insignificant no matter what compared to what could be brought in if he’s treated as an actual independent contractor where he is free to both box and do MMA. In every interview I’ve seen freedom of contract is center, and he never complained about the money at all, so I assumed he was happy with it as far as you can be as an underpaid UFC fighter.


I apologize for the misunderstanding. Can you clarify what this is supposed to mean if not to mean he was happy or should have been happy with the money being offered? >I think it's fair to say the pay wasn't really the problem. If your point is that he wasn't happy with either then you agree with me. My point is that it was about pay and other points in the contract. You and I seem to agree there were other points in the contract he wasn't happy with, so I'm not sure how useful it is to hammer that point to death, so let's focus on what we apparently disagree on... His happiness with the pay. Can you provide any evidence that he was happy with the pay the UFC was offered? I'm not saying you're wrong I just haven't read or heard anything like that, so I'm curious to learn more if you know where you heard/read that.


I'm sorry if there was any misunderstandings on my part, I was probably up too late and in a bit of a foul mood. If you find the MMA Interview with Ariel that is referenced in the article I linked, around the 16:40 mark Ariel probably asks the closest thing to your question with "Would you say you were ok with the money? Or was it just all these other things that you didn't like?". The interview is probably the most informative following his split with the UFC, so I'd recommend giving it a listen if your interested. He does state that he wasn't really ok with the money to your point even though he tries to frame it in terms of the value generated by the deal/contract. The point of the edit was to emphasize something Ngannou later says in the interview which was that no matter how much money they offered him, unless his contract was structured differently he wasn't going to accept it. This is what I meant by the pay wasn't really the core problem, though admittedly the contract is directly related to the issue of how the money is made. I honestly don't know why I referenced Dana's bullshit at all to make my point as I had forgotten that the origin him saying that was to make it seem like Ngannou was too greedy or something, so any misunderstanding is understandable.


he things about getting locked in a room with Jon Jones way too often


Jones lanky ass loves to keep the distance and move away. He’s not properly built for a small room anyway. No room to knee kick and eye poke. Inside fightingness brawling up close isnt his thing 


Dana day dreams like Calvin Candie.


How can anyone not? He keeps beating women behind closed doors.


Yeah, that's why he's fighting Stipe.


And when francis was champ he said jon should be scared of him. Promoters promote


The only time Dana ever 'promotes' is when he shits on someone lmao


and uses the same three buzz sentences to shit all over everyone in the process


A random dude with a piss cup got locked in a room with Jones and walked out so there's that...


Dana White moans when he poops


‘Oh Jon!’


The guy lost his kid like a month ago and he's already trash talking him




His point is that Dana is one of the most unempathetic slimey individuals around. Francis hasn't even spoken about Dana, Jones or the UFC yet he gets brought up and devalued to prop up a PED abusing, wife beating, coke sniffin piece of shit.


The interviewer prompted the question to be fair.


Who gives a fuck, couldve picked his words better. And tbh these questions are pre-planned which makes it worse


I know you guys don't give a fuck. You can't think logically.


It’s funny Aspinall literally said a few years ago he wasn’t ready to fight Francis , Jones ducked it for 3 years but everyone don’t say a word about Franny as a top HW now. Joshua KO did some serious damage to his brand even though it was Boxing. Fury pillow hands gave him false confidence man, needs to get his ass back in MMA…he’s a brute that’s what he’s built for. 


Lmao lets all ignore how bigger Ngannou is


Francis was literally stuffing Stipe's takedown attempts and reversing them in the 2nd fight... And now we're supposed to be in awe when Jon does it 4 years later?


Dana's so far up Jones' ass that you can hear him every time Jon burps. It is what it is with him.


Im taking that btw lol


A few years ago Dana was saying Jon didn't want to fight Francis, it's whatever serves the narrative right now


His stand up act is getting polished. Straight murrrrrdwer, b.


It’s depressing to think there are so many people that support this idiot.


Ya’ll think Dana and Jones are secret lovers? The amount of ass kissing, favoritism Dana shows Jon Jones is insane lmfao.


I just wanna see his stupid reaction, if somebody showed him the video where he said Jones should look at middleweight, after Francis demolished Stipe.


I cannot wait for Dana to retire so that I don't have to come across this type of bullshit anymore. Francis lost his baby not that long ago and he's still going to stir the pot like this? Have some grace for once in your fucking life.


In my probably incorrect conjecture based on how red and passionate Dana is lately talking about JBJ... I feel he wants to double down on managing and being a part of this generation's "Mike Tyson". He loves Tyson. He idolizes him...and sees JBJ as the same type of character. I think that it's also part of his legacy in a way that he was actively managing and a handler of a "bad boy" women abusing, cocaine sniffing scary dude with inner demons who ran through the majority of people on his run on top. That's probably one of multiple reasons he is so forgiving of him along with JBJ knowing about some of Dana's skeletons in his closet...maybe.


>I feel he wants to double down on managing and being a part of this generation's "Mike Tyson". He loves Tyson. He idolizes him...and sees JBJ as the same type of character. I think that it's also part of his legacy in a way that he was actively managing and a handler of a "bad boy" women abusing, cocaine sniffing scary dude with inner demons who ran through the majority of people on his run on top. I think you're spot on here. Dana wants his own mythical fighter that he can attach his name and legacy to. He's invested way too much time, effort and money on Jones to just suddenly start shitting on him. Dana knows that if he rips into Jon, he rips in to himself and the UFC. Jones kinda has him by the balls in that respect. The UFC will never admit wrong doings and acknowledging that Jones is a piece of shit would only confirm that the company back pieces of shit.


Jones ducked Ngannou and is now ducking Aspinall. The goof can say whatever he wants but Jon doesn’t like his chances against either of him


Jon Jones ducked Francis just like he’s ducking Tom. Dana will kiss his ass though nexuses it’s the last superstar they have right now. 


Lets lock him in a cage with Aspinall and find out the Dana.


Dana White is so full of shit. I wish they played the clip of him saying that Jones should move down to 185 to avoid Francis.


The shitty behavior, steroids/cheating, and Homelander psychopath energy that is what we know to be Jon Jones does not change the fact that the man is truly one of the most gifted fighters to ever walk the planet. Dana is a professional Glazer, no doubt about it but he’s right: Jones will beat the shit out of Francis.


Never ask Dana why Jon wanted 20 mil to fight Francis but fought Gane for much less.


Francis boxed the undisputed heavyweight champion in his first boxing match. I don't think he is afraid.


Classic 🤣


So where is he?


Every time


4 eyes enter 2 eyes leave


Dana is a complete joke at this point


If the ufc is so certain of this they could sign Francis to a one fight deal. They won’t do that. That tells me everything I need to know. They don’t care about having the best fighters in the world on the roster. They just want it to look that way.


If you spend literally ANY of your time listening to the words that come from the tomato, that's time that could have been better spent doing ANYTHING else. And yes, I recognize the time wasted on this comment, lol.


We‘re not really gonna take the bait of a promoter promoting his cash cow right guys


Unless USADA is in the room looking for Jones. He isn't walking out of the room or even the bottom of the cage that he's hiding in at that instance


Why does Dana love sucking Jones dick so hard? Jones might be one of the best fighters to bless the UFC, but the guy is also the fighter with the worst reputation. Why defend a drug addict that hit and runs preggo women? Oh wait, Dana also enjoys abusing women


I mean that last point might be true but that's because Jon is the guy that Strickland claims to be


Francis didn't want to sign a new contract that is the truth. It was Jon who didn't want to fight at Heavyweight until he got more money.


\*Until Francis was gone


I think he would have fought him for what they are paying him now.


its so funny how jon and mcgregor dont rlly fw dana but since they're his cash cows he has to pretend to like them


I guarantee yall. Jones and Francis walk into a room together, Francis the only dude walking out alive. Maybe since theres no refs, Jones might win with eye pokes and nut shots, but at the same time, without refs Im sure Francis could punt him in the head while Jon does his crawl


Of course he has to say this, but I also cannot say that he is wrong. Not only is JJ the greatest fighter of all time, he's one of the smartest fighters of all time, which he rarely gets credit for. He's not going to box Ngannou. He's going to do everything that Francis does NOT want to do. I think he wins that fight, just like he's won every fight for the last 16 years straight.


r/MMA ‘s 9/11


I don't really blame either Jones and Francis. In 2020, Jones asked for a ton of money and Francis wasn't even champion yet. Francis became champ in 2021. Then Jones came around and said yes. But by then Francis wanted to leave.