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2024, the year of staph


Staph so hot right now


It's going viral even though it's bacterial!


Staph so catchy, it's positively infectious


Management loves their staph meetings, thats for sure.


Staph Curry don’t miss


Yup, UFC gonna have patient zero for some new superbug.


Well estaphlished


I’m assuming it’s always been this bad and the thing that changed this year is that a few high profile fighters talked about it and then it was just a snowball effect of everyone seeing each other talk about it and being like “oh we’re talking about it now?”


No it hasn't always been this bad. Since 2020 north American staph infection rates have almost tripled, and that's just reported hospital cases.


Really? That's crazy I caught staph on a free trial bjj class at my local gym. 2 weeks of antibiotics later I was finally healthy it's a pretty bad bug


I spent 9 years training BJJ and never caught anything until I got staph last year and then again this year. First time was really bad, they had to cut the infection out of me.


That’s for the population as a whole though, is there data on combat sports athletes specifically? That’s always been a much higher risk population for staph


I wonder what role BJJ and MMA are playing in encouraging selective evolution of staph...


New excuse meta


A good data set for antibiotic resistance staph.


Bah gawdd staph ittt😳


Staph Curry


These new gloves sure are causing a lot of sraph infections…


Honestly, Jiri off the layoff he had was a ridiculous booking for the guy.


He was gonna run it back with Jan, until Jan fucked his shoulder. Honestly might not be a bad fight for both if Jan is back any time soon


I kind of really like the idea of Jan vs Anthony Smith if Smith wins at 303.


Smith should get a title shot if he does.


Off Vitor Petrino and a middleweight? Nah.


/s bro


But I also want Alex or Jiri to have the easiest fight in the division!




Strickland got a title shot of abus. Pereira got a title shot of strickland.


I want to say Strickland was ranked six at the time Pereira beat him, and everyone ahead of him had already got beat up by Izzy to various degrees. Much much much less egregious.


Strickland was literally the #4 ranked MW behind 1. Whittaker, 2. Vettori, and 3. Cannonier, so I don't know what that guy is talking about.


He was literally number 6


Khalil beat him and is on a 5 fight win streak.


Lol what


And he performed really well. I like him as a fighter and he's capable of exciting fights and dominating victories. Well balanced fighters who can grapple and strike should be utilizing the best path to victory by exploiting what their opponent is weaker in. Especially when half their pay is on the line. However it leads to a situation where fighter Y is known for his striking and people want to see that but fighter X has the tools to strike with him until initiating grappling and proceeds to neutralize him. Although ideally they should be looking for a finish... at higher levels some of these guys are hard to finish. It just sucks that this sub tends to turn on those kinds of fighters.


Well said. I think at his healthiest, he's *easily* a world champ.


I was talking about Belal too 💀


Would have been straight into a title fight if he won which is hard to turn down. He’s still the next best guy in the division after Alex and jiri in my opinion


That’s fair. Just so little cage time over so long, guys need some acclimation first IMO.


Ankalaev ?


I think Rakic is better when he’s 100%, and he looked pretty good against Jiri when he wasn’t 100%


Bums me out cuz he had a great start to the fight and it just gradually faded.


Does everybody suddenly have staph damn


Unironically yes, staph has become way more common in the general population in the last few years, so consequently it'll become much higher within combat sports where your likelihood of catching it is significantly higher than an average person


Just throwing this out there, but if any MMA fighters want a prescription for antibiotics so they have a built in excuse prior to their next fight, DM me...


Dealing antibiotics? Are you a doctor? Where did this come from? I’ve never heard of this before.


And what is your excuse for being a scumbag?


To piss off humorless snowflakes online.


Everybody knows the real reason Rakic lost. He said Jiri wasn't a real samurai, which was such a stupid thing to say.


And Jiri took that personally


Jiri is using dark spirits confirmed


Need to see the fight again. Cause live, it didn't feel like Jiri was putting it on Rakic cause he slowed down. Just felt like Jiri needed to chase a finish quick, and Rakic just couldn't deal with that kind of crazy pressure.


Jiri took 50 leg kicks and when he finally got close to rakic he knocked him out. Rakic had to play it more like volkov just did but failed. Don't let Jiri get close unless you got power like pereira.


Jiri is super exciting, and I love to see him win, but feels like Pereira is the worst possible fight for him. Quick hook with ridiculous knock-out power vs someone who leaves his chin open nearly always. Granted, he fights like that cause he can take a punch, but he can't take Pereira's punch.


In the first fight Jiri definitely connects everytime he gets close. It was a 1-2 that caught him in the second then 20 elbows. Alex is a monster but I still can't see the fight as anything but a coin flip. Jiri has the ability to win some rounds if he gets Alex on the ground away from the cage too.


It's also due to Jiri's stance leaving him open to leg kicks, which is one of the best parts of Pereiras game. Definitely a bad stylistic matchup but I wouldn't count Jiri out completely.


Yeah leg kicks make it like a time bomb for jiri he needs to find something quick before they add up. Jiri had some success when he had him up against the fence he didn’t have him hurt bad or anything but I felt if a few of those punches landed a little different something could have happened. That said, I have a feeling Alex will have more confidence and success out the gate and might be less competitive this time..


Fingers crossed!


Pereira's only defeat in the UFC so far was a knockout from an unexpected position. If anyone else besides Adesanya can pull that off, it's Jiri. The rematch still feels 50/50 to me. The only thing that would surprise me is Jiri by decision. But any of Alex by (T)KO, Alex by decision or Jiri by (T)KO would not surprise me. If you weight those equally then it would mean Alex has better odds, but I think the chances of this going to decision are extremely low.


I think Alex got over-confident vs Israel. Israel had Alex on the ropes in their first fights (including kickboxing). But the last one Alex took clear command from the getgo. As such, it was unexpected. But from Jiri, the wild, surprise technique is more expected (as far as a surprise can be). I hope you're right!


Jiri is just 205 Tony. He's wild, unpredictable, not defensively sound. Anyone that can manage distance, and manage it with power will be a problem for him. He has to go through the fire to make the fight in close quarters and ugly, which is where he shines.


Jiri is just 205 Tony. He's wild, unpredictable, not defensively sound. Anyone that can manage distance, and manage it with power will be a problem for him. He has to go through the fire to make the fight in close quarters and ugly, which is where he shines.


thats exactly what it looked like live , rakic still looked fast and powerful in round 2 but jiri up;d the pressure to a borderline insane degree .


I was a Rakic backer in that fight, and didn't think Rakic did anything wrong except get overwhelmed by Jiri's unbelievable pressure, so long as Jiri has that chin the pace will always be an issue for Rakic


It was one of those fights where the guy who looked like he "should have" won lost to the guy who pulled out the wild card


With a little more pop in his strikes, i can totally see Rakic knocking Jiri out. I mean, he almost amputated his legs and wobbled him already in that state. Obviously we don't know if he's telling the truth, but if is, one of the million defensive shots he landed clean on Jiri would have closed the deal.


Yeah they were both landing big shots. Jiri obviously toughbut he's not unkillable.


What if Jiri is the one with dark magic giving his opponents staph?


I think he borrowed Poirier's Signature Staph Voodoo Powers. With the Louisiana Stamp of Quality


Isn’t staph ridiculously contagious? Why would anyone with staph be allowed to fight someone.


After a certain amount of time on antibiotics it's not contagious anymore but the meds still affect your cardio pretty heavily


Good to know. Still though.


ots not contagious after 2 weeks or smth like that of antibiotics. and there must be no pustules, but the physical recovery takes longer


he actually mentionded in serbian podcast that he hid the staph from the doctors when they were checking, staph was on top of the elbow and when doctor was examining he put his elbow where the tip of the elbow is pointed down so the doctor doenst touch it


If the docs can't detect something as obvious as staph, they're either hiring guys with PhDs in gender literature to do these screenings or the famous Dr. Pepper. I swear to fuck.


The docs only wouldn't see it if they intentionally look away. Oh... we got our answer.


He already revealed this like a day or two after the fight on his YouTube channel


whats with staph this year like every big fight get cancelled or almostgets cancelled cuz if this hsit


It’s a highly contagious bacteria that has been living with humanity for a long time. There are antibiotic resistant strains that can kill you and they can live on surfaces for a long time. It’s seriously scary shit.


Rakic looked fantastic in the first round after a nearly 2 year layoff. I honestly thought he had a chance at winning until Jiri went full autist.


They’re all on antibiotics - Nate Diaz


Rakic managed to lose by Ko and leave the cage with his stock rising IMO


Results aside, that was one hell of a fight. ...


All fighters should just stop revealing shit post fight, who cares, you took the fight


We knew this going into the fight no? I remember it was leaked.


> it was leaked thats disgusting he should have pulled out


It's almost as if he were on a podcast where he was probably asked about it?


You don't understand. r/mma definitely knows what it's like to fight another trained martial artist while on heavy antibiotics from staph.


Idk even know why people are mad he said this. If he’s not taking anything away from Jiri and giving an honest accord of what was going on at that time, idk why saying he had staph is wrong


I assume most fighters are injured or might be slightly ill coming into a fight anyways. I really doubt there's been a MMA fighter that's truly been 100% coming into a fight. Training for MMA inherently is asking for injuries. 


There are levels to injuries and inconveniences. The same exact thing also affects diff people very diff.


Fans care. If someone you follow under performs you’d want to know why


Exactly, it's just interesting to know for the fans. People seem to forget that this is all just entertainment, and part of that is us speculating/debating/arguing about what ifs on reddit. It's not like he's making excuses for having committed some terrible crime.


I care? Cos he faded so maybe having staph affected it? He’s allowed to say he had staph without it being an excuse


You don’t like it because it puts an asterisk on the wins of fighters you like.


don’t tell me about myself bitch


We’re all very intimidated by you right now.




Do yall even read lmao ?


Fighters can’t pull out at times or else it affects their pay. Reason why so many go in injured then say they got inured during the fight Insurance purposes


I also dont get why they do it at random dates, like months after the fight?


Because if you do it right after, it’ll look like an excuse right away. But if you wait, then that thought can go away


Devil's advocate.. Could be in response to this huge wave of dropouts we're seeing, to build favor with the promotion. 'I was a company man, I was willing to fight compromised rather than tank part of the 300 PPV card."


Still looks like an excuse to me.


... it still looks like an excuse.


You've never fought pro so how would u know?


I guess if you are asked on a podcast you will just decline to answer or what ? Lol


It’s getting annoying as hell. I don’t want to hear shit about injuries or illnesses they had until they are doing media day for their next fight, that way they are pressured to look much better for their upcoming fight and if they shit the bed again then fuck them.


I mean, speaking for myself here, but as a fan of the sport and the fighters, it’s interesting to hear about the processes leading up to the fight, and the amount of wear and tear accumulated in both the usual fight camp, or one marked by illness or other issues.


Was just about to comment this. Every week it’s I had this or that everyone’s hurt no one cares


He looked pretty good despite that. I could see that gas tank being half full with antibiotics being a reason for Jiri turning it around on him.


everybody keeps fighting infected with staph…everybody continues to be infected with staph. Shocking lol


Thanks, this explains why Rakic looked so tired in the 2nd round when he can normally go 5 no problem.


I swear half the fighters who lose nowadays have had staph the week of the fight


"Am I a joke to you?" - Islam


MMA fighters keep coming out with these staph stories like NHL players when they list all the injuries they dealt with during the playoffs, lol.


Man these some dirty ass fucking gyms. Need someome to power wash the mats.


Him and everybody else.


Who ain’t got staph??


Either this is a huge problem now or everybody who loses just says this


This showed in his performance. He was almost in complete control of the fight in the first round. Jiri couldn't get close without getting tagged and it really threw off his rhythm. It was clear rakic cardio faded in the 2nd and then he succumbed to jiri's constant forward pressure.


Not surprised, didn't look like himself in there.


Staph curry with the shot boi


Rakic looked the best he’s ever been. Dude was piecing jiri up, it’s just jiri is unbelievably durable


I think DP said it, you only say this type of shit after you win a fight. Not if you lose. It's just not a good look to have something like this seem like an excuse. I appreciate Rakic not broadcasting this on twitter or some huge platform.


He looked amazing in the first round. I can believe this honestly


Rewatched that fight on mute, Rakic was kicking his ass in the first.  Clipped him over and over. Jiri danced a lot but really didn't land much.  I guess R gassed in the second because it really didn't seem like Jiri hit him w anything good up until what looked like Rakic sort of gave up


Hard to believe that did anything to hinder his performance since he fought the best he’s ever fought until he ate a big right hand. Aka sounds like cope


Everybody got staph. Sounds like they need to clean their equipment more often and take more showers


I don't understand it either. It only takes 30 seconds to disinfectant spray and wipe down the mats before/after you train and you could just have defense soap placed all around the showers.


/oprah meme/ staph for you... staph for you... everyone gets staph


lol. Is having “an illness” before a fight you lose the new “tainted supplements”?


These fighters need to start taking baths and washing msts. Dirty mfs. 


Stapht it.


iv or pills? makes a big difference but impressive either way


Imma be honest. I have no idea what a staph infection is or why it's seemingly so uncommon among fighters.


Staphylococcus bacterial infection. It’s common because of warm sweaty training conditions and usually not very well disinfected mats/washed clothes. It enters through cuts/scrapes/abrasions to the skin and can be quite difficult to remove once set into a body- leaving one weak, and often leaving holes in the body after the infection leaves. If you are brave, start with Kevin Randleman staphylococcus infection. And if unfamiliar with Randleman look up the Randleplex on Fedor!


isn't that how Luke Rockhold beat Weidman and took the MW belt?


Title prospect loses important fight Title prospect comes out after fight saying they went through something before fight & death & taxes of course


Well, Poatan for the win then, that'll do it.


News that makes you hit the showers before and after every gym session.


Rakic looked really good against jiri. Honestly his best performance despite the loss. First fight where his striking actually looked excellent


Everytime someone loses, "I was on antibiotics" clown assess


See that’s why I’m smart and I just don’t go to the gym.


Either way, jiri still takes him. He literally gave rakic no respect on the feet and kept walking forward.


Nah, he was close to being hurt bad. His legs were already giving out under him, and if Rakic had just a little more pop on those defensive hooks and straight he landed when Jiri pressure he'd have done the deal. If he isn't lying, a healthy Rakic can definitely get the W over Jiri.




If you’re training for hours and hours at a time you could be cleaning the mats thoroughly before and after and still get staph if just one training partner brings it in


Brother I don’t care, you step in the octagon you pay the price, tired of this staph shit, from now on I’m gonna assume everybody has staph or a broken bone somewhere, just perform on the day bruh


"I ain't making no excuses, it's nothing but respect. He was the better man that night but *gives excuses*" Shits so old




Can we suspend all fighters who complain about Staph after the fact? BSD, Makhachev and now this guy.


Makhachev didn’t complain…


His team brought it up and he confirmed it.


Yeah that’s not complaining When he was asked about staph in the presser, Islam literally said ‘no excuses’ and didn’t mention it




I am not the picture of personal hygiene and I’ve never had staph. Wtf is going on in these mma gyms? I’ve had plenty of wounds left untended and worked in wet filthy produce factories. I’m honestly curious, like is anyone familiar with Clorox?


I believe you’re more susceptible to illness and indeed staph at the end of a training camp, because your immune system is weaker. That combined with mats which aren’t clean enough are a bad combo.


Why is this shit so common? I get what causes it but do these gyms not fucking clean their mats or something?


I love Rakic but this is what you get for playing it safe for so long, fortune favors the brave.


I don't get how so many professional fighters get staph infections. 


I might have to invest in companies that make those antibiotics for staph. Holy fuck every other fighter has staph apparently. How is it this common


what does fight fairy have to say about this


Staff erection


Staph and antibiotics are the new cracked skull.


It turns out every fighter who has ever lost a fight was actually barely able to stand under their own power going into that fight. Also everyone in prison is 100% framed and innocent. I totally believe these things and so should you


Rakic has a history of crapping on Jiri. Even though theyre saying he was being respectful, i dont see this as any different


Then don’t show up or shut the fuck up.


You should make him buddy


Mm-hmm. He talked a bunch of shit to Jiri, even way before, then he got fucking bitched. Whatever.


So tired of everyone having an excuse AFTER they lose.


So basically Jiri hasn't ever beat a top guy really


Nobody has had more staph infections in their fighting career than Calvin Gastelum. This guy is on a whole other staph infection level!