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-Brian, how much do you weigh right now? -I'm glad you asked.


Ahaha, you see… the eagle takes flight, and to take flight it doesn’t care about its weight


In order to make weight, it had to smash its beak against a rock till it breaks, wait until it grows back, then pluck your talons out, and then pluck your feathers out, and then stay in isolation until everything grows back. Unfortunately, this fight is taking place just as everything grew back




I cannot put into words how much I hate that story and the amount of people dumb enough to believe that shit


Jokes on you, I have no idea what any of that shit even means.


Lmao it's better that you don't. I'm dumber for knowing where this is from.


I don't know either but it all just screams Tito Ortiz.




The way he tells this story, I fully believe he has smashed his face against rocks.


what i hate is i sat thru what felt like hours to hear him tell that damn story .


Plucks it's feathers out to make weight.




To make a long story short. The entirety of A song of Ice and Fire later "I'm a fat fuck."


Ortega may be Tito Jr.


Bedtime MMA influence is good to see


What it do




For short notice fights, why not just book the guys a weight class up. 155 or 145 doesn't really matter to the fans, but if one guy already cut all the way and other bails out 6lbs over, that's rough.


Yeah it should've been initially booked at 150. Would've made a lot of sense and it's still a short notice "featherweight"-catchweight fight, it would've totally changed Ortega's weight cutting strategy and he might not have ended up in such bad health suddenly. It being at lightweight is just weird now and won't help either of their rankings as much.


100% agree. I felt bad for Poatan and Jiri, having to make 205 as well. Even though it's a championship fight, dispensations should be made for short notice fights.


Can't have the title be on the line if fighters aren't on championship weight. That's a commission thing. Look at Romero's first fight with Whittaker, his fight with Rockhold, and Anderson Silva vs Travis Lutter.


silly to me that it didn't count as a defense for rob cus yoel missed weight


Hard agree, I appreciate that he can't win the belt for coming in over weight but makes no sense Rob is punished by not having an official defense on his record. From Robs POV it's almost like why even accept the fight?


Assuming it doesn't count because if Rob losses he would have kept the belt. What really confuses me personally is how draws are counted as defenses when considering records like Edgar drawing for most title defenses at Lightweight


0.2 pounds be like


Exactly. They do it sometimes, but not others. It just doesn't make sense.


Why not let the man sleep


Sleeping when you're cutting weight fucking sucks. I used to dream about drinking water and then panic I'd miss weight and wake up. If I found out I didn't have to cut I'd want them to wake me up so I can rehydrate immediately.


I have vivid memories of my lust for a grape. I daydreamed about eating one frozen grape while in a sauna. Just to agree with you that everything sucks when cutting.


would you say you were reaching for those grapes...?


I wanna tell me what you see, let's go ahead and see by the cut, how many grapes you saw, in the sauna




Ive spent too much time on this sub that "reaching for those grapes" has totally entered my vernacular. Even used it recently IRL totally seriously, and the other person was like "wtf are you talking about lol".


just gotta dead-pan follow it up with the wine already sounding like wine and cheese. also im still laughing to myself about some poor dehydrated fighter hallucinating tito talking about grapes in his dreams... lmao


Tryna make his wine...


I've got my first amateur fight coming up and I'm not looking forward to reliving the days where I had to count "mouthfuls" of water at all


You got this, bro. The cut sucks, but you'll feel so alive afterwards. Stick to your fundamentals, don't try fancy shit!


Got it flying knee into reverse triangle off the whistle But for real just did a sparring session limited to jab cross and leg kicks only, it's great advice


Hit him with some good shit, don't get hit and walk out with a pocket full of cash.


Good luck bro


Bonne chance from Canada!


Try spinning shit? Good luck, good vibes to all.


Old kickboxing coach always laughed at the mma guys because they never double jab or pivot, god forbid multiple jabs while pivoting. It honestly kept me from a lot of damage.


Please give everyone a heads up that’s around you like friends family girlfriend that you will just be on edge and a miserable miserable person the whole week. It’s hard for them to know what it’s like especially if you are cutting the whole week. You will probably be annoyed by everything and everyone.


i like the gym i was at cause they wouldn't play fox news on the tvs but they would sometimes be on the food network. watching a french dude baste a steak in butter. while i'm wearing a trash bag thinking if i should have ate that broccoli and cucumber.


On the contrary, I actually would watch videos of people eating when I cut. I kinda liked to imagine the taste of the food in my mouth


my advice is to make sure you don't train very hard in the week you weight cut. you're not going to get any better in that week or add anything to your fitness. i would treat the last week to be a recovery from the hard training you've done and the water cut and mild starvation you're going to go through.


He's reaching for those grapes


u/ImNotThatConfused is reaching for those grapes, he's trying to make his wine, and the wine is already sounding like a violin with that cheese and wine.


You should see me dice an onion.


God I hate that weight cutting is such an integral part of this sport. I used to HATE it back in my competition days. I walked around at 175 and had to cut to 155, because at 170, most of the guys fighting were cutting from 190-200lbs and that’s a huge advantage. I wish there was a way around it. It’s the dumbest thing about the sport… dehydrate yourself to the brink of death 24 hours before competing in one of the most grueling sports known to man.


Cut 20 pounds only to fight a guy also cutting 20 pounds


Right? It’s so dumb.


I’m a fat fuck who eats grapes wrapped in fruit roll up’s


My 5th bout I was ahead of schedule for weight. Went to sleep the night before weigh-ins. I open my eyes at like 3AM and I'm standing in the kitchen with a mouthful of popcorn. Took me forever to process what was going on. I apparently had started sleepwalking, went straight into the kitchen and ate 1/3rd of a family sized bag of Smartfood before full waking up. Had to go hit the heavy bag wearing layers to peel off the excess from that incident.




My water drinking dreams consisted of me drinking straight from one of those 5-gallon water cooler jugs I'd find sitting next to some crystal clear spring or something. My thirst was never quenched in the dreams.


Not from cutting weight but I was super dehydrated due to food poisoning and id immediately throw up any sips of water I took, even my own spit.  I really couldn't believe how much it messes with your head and how strong the cravings were. Just constantly dreaming about diving into like an cold crisp lake of fresh water and drinking all I could while under water lol.


I was usually sleeping in a hoodie and sweatpants to passively sweat so I could drink some water in the morning and waking up every hour or two anyway. So yea it would be absolutely heavenly if someone called me so I could strip to my boxers and chug a glass of water. That’s way better than getting out of bed light headed with a sore throat because you are dry as fuck lol.


I guess that's why Colby has no eye bags as he does not have to cut. Natural weight.


Man they always have these mfs like that meme of that dude getting up from sleep all shook 😂




Let you what?


sounds like your personal problem




Probably woke him up with a glass of of water


How much do you weight right now Ortega. Well, let me tell you something man. Glad you asked. This game is challenging.


What is this reference to?


How Ortega would respond to a reporter asking about his weight this fight


ortegamedov incoming


Hopefully he got a few Venom coupons and a bottle of Howler Head for his troubles


Tbf I’m sure Ortega is paid well, based on the favoritism he gets. So 20-30% of his pay is nice if they are doing that 


But this fight is at lightweight so I don’t know that he technically gets anything. He didn’t miss weight according to the bout agreement.


Kelvin Gastelum meta


Costa and Nick Diaz did it too. Khamzat too. Priscilla Cachoeira. Can't think of any other examples.


Costa wasnt the night of, dude straight up told him in a faceoff interview I aint making weight lol


Manteca is the best base for MMA


On one hand, I cannot blame Ortega for not making 145. He was prepping to move up to LW and is saving this card on two weeks notice. But on the other hand, he undoubtedly knew he wasn’t going to make weight before 4 am today, so this is BS gamesmanship. Hopefully Lopes KTFO of Ortega and sends him to LW for good.


Why can you not blame him? He accepted a fight at 145 and he didn’t make it.


Because he took it on 2 weeks notice and had likely been bulking up to lw, kind of what the guy just said


He just needed to say from the off, "I’ll do the fight but I can’t make 145, does Diego want to do it at 155?” Then Diego has a choice. Just like Brian made a choice all those years ago.


>Just like Brian made a choice all those years ago. no one else reacted to this so I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed this.


Such a good reference 🤣


OOTL. What's the reference?




Holy shit that was 10 years ago


Agreed hahaha


Expert level cook to finish that statement




I watched an interview he did like a week ago and it sounded very much like the UFC pressured him into taking this fight. He apparently bumped into Hunter in a hotel lobby and Hunter kind of strong armed him into it by saying he "looked in great shape" and that they'd look very favourably on it if he would take the fight (which in UFC language basically means if you want us to give you opportunities in the future you should take it). He's saving the card, the fight is still happening, Diego Lopes is getting more money because of it, and he cut as much weight as he could before he couldn't get any more off - So its not like he hasn't had to put his body through a weight cut as well. Don't think its fair to give Ortega too much shit for this one.


Your totally right these nerds hating couldn’t cut 5 lbs if they tried


I can understand this take but I hope you're not also someone who argues fighters are mistreated by the UFC. We hear stories all the time about people being pressured to fight injured or booked into fights before agreeing. Fighters don't have the luxury to say no without getting on the bad side of the UFC, whose management clearly take everything personally.


All you have to do is watch dana whites “behind the scenes” to know exactly how they feel about the fighters. A bunch of exasperation and “why me” every time things don’t work perfect for them, then s bunch of psychological warfare on those they dont like. Then patting themselves on the back as if they are the fighters putting on a show.


But why can't he blame him? He accepted a fight at 145 and he didn't make it.


Damn so many people lack critical thinking skills. Wild how many people lack the comprehension to be able to see the difference between this and the Kelvin situation..


Well then he knew long before 4 AM the day before that he wasn’t going to make weight. He will come in with a big advantage in this fight now.


How do you know he knew before man lol? Why are you assuming Ortega is sleeping soundly in his bed as his team is calling Lopes lol?


Report came out that said he was 151 when they told Lopes. Think before you reply next time.


No, he did not. He was literally cutting weight and the UFC dr stopped him. Lopes was then informed immediately. Hence why he was woken up at 4am. Use critical thinking


They can. Look at all the comments, other people can cut him slack because the situation was far from ideal making it harder to happen. 2 things can be true at once


He said he could make 145. The lie detector determined that was a lie.


Maybe he thought he could and was wrong lol?


Sure. And he should be blamed for that.


Well I mean they probably could have kept it at 145 and Ortega lost a chunk of his purse. But since Lopes agreed I think it’s fine. You got to remember most of the world doesn’t seem to hate Ortega like Reddit does so they’re actually willing to be reasonable about things


Reddit hates Ortega? Haven't detected anti-ortega sentiment on /r/mma but I may be missing it




The Dr stopped him. This is not a Kelvin situation. He took this on short notice and tried. His body wouldn’t let him do it and the DR called it. Nothing more he could do


Cause of circumstances that he explained in his comment can you not read?


Ortega said Dana and Hunter basically just asked he was looking good, flattering him. Then the next day they gave him the fight contract and felt like he couldn’t back down.


There's nuances. In this situation, he explains why he can't blame him but also says why he can.


Lopes should’ve made him keep cutting and just fought him at a catchweight. 20-30% of Ortega’s purse is good money for a guy like Lopes. And then it’s a lot more fair. Hope they give him a little extra for just agreeing to 155.


Completely agree. If he got down to 151 while cutting that would have been the night before hoping to float to like 148/149 overnight and then cut the remaining couple pounds in the morning if that was his weight cut schedule. If he was trying to cut it all night before and he went stagnant then he obviously would have known the night before and they could have let Lopes know before this morning.


What makes you think he didn't give up at 4:00 a.m. and that's why they called so damn early cuz they wanted to give him an honorable heads up? Why do people always assume the worst


Because they are dumb. It’s that simple


Hmmmm I wonder why people think known cheater Brian Ortega is being shady, probably due to all the cheating


Because why would you be awake at 4am cutting weight? Generally speaking they’d be done cutting weight the night before by 11pm or so. They’d either cut to 148ish hoping to float to the proper weight or they’d cut to like 150ish and then cut the final 3-4 pounds right before weigh ins to try and minimize the time of maximum dehydration. They wouldn’t be up at 4 in the morning cutting weight unless they cut weight completely differently than every fighter I’ve ever know.


I don't know how many fighters you know, but most fighters I've met prefer to sleep somewhat hydrated and wake up early to cut the remaining weight so they spend the least amount of time in a compromised state as possible. My Muay Thai coach literally came to my building at 6 AM the day of his weigh-in so he could use the building's sauna to help him cut the final few pounds he needed to make weight.


This is pretty much how I feel. It’s not entirely Ortega’s fault he can’t make 145 and the UFC knew he was bulking for 155, but he must have known he wasn’t going to make 145 before yesterday.


Sneaky tactic from Ortega


Veteran move


Gastelum playbook


This one takes the cake


Gastelum will accept the cake, yes.


In the words of Costa, this is Lopes own personal problem


The doctor stop me, nobody can stop me


Doesn’t take a genius to see this weight miss from a mile away. I commented about it yesterday




I'm sure you mean couldn't* People are pissed cause he and his camp definitely knew this more than 24hrs before the fight and have withheld that info until Lopes was in the deepest part of the weight cut. The last day is the deep dehydration shit and now Lopes would have done that for nothing. It's a pretty dirty move from Ortega and his camp


Hope Lopes sparks him out


And he’s still going to flatline him.


I don't think either of these guys will try submissions off their back.


Yeah sucks for lopes. Can’t blame Ortega though completely. The ufc knew he was moving up so they should have made it a catchweight


Pretty sure ortega could've let dude know a little sooner. Can definitely blame him for thst shit.


Diego Lopes didn't have a choice


Lopes is so much bigger than Ortega, too. Fucking brutal. Hope Lopes pulls this off


Lopes stays super lean between camps, at least. He has a tougher cut than most featherweights but I don't think he drained himself any more than usual with this short notice fight. Of course, if Ortega is using some gamesmanship and didn't drain himself too far before abandoning the cut, then he will have a massive advantage going into this fight.


Ortega is not a small FW


Yeah he’s literally moving up


Ortega the piece of shit


Look into it more it’s Dana and hunter being cunts. Ortega was bulking for a 155 fight at the sphere and they knew that, and still asked him to fight 145. Hard to blame ortega.


….he accepted the fight at that weight.


Because he’d seen Dana and hunter by chance the day before he accepted it and they buttered him up. He said he felt pressured to take the fight.


He could still take the fight but asked to make it at 155 from the beginning.


I can’t even really blame Ortega. Apparently he was cutting weight and just couldn’t get below 151. These guys weren’t even booked and had to scramble to 145 on a couple weeks notice. Nowhere near the same as what Kelvin did last week. UFC acknowledges weight cutting is dangerous yet still asks these dudes to completely wreck their bodies to fill out a calendar. And even worse they seemingly insist on guys fighting in their regular divisions rather than offering catchweights or higher weight classes when booking on such short notice. This fight should have been signed for 155 in the first place due to the short notice.


Shit I forgot this was a last minute thing


Not only last minute but scumbag Dana always speaks out about how terrible weight cutting could be and Ortega said Weasle hunter and Scumbag Dana ran into in Texas two weeks back telling him he looks great for then the next day sending him the fight offer.


fucking awareness and reading comprehension of fans... The fans talking shit about a short notice fight of a man that was bulking to 155 and tried to make weight to save the co main event. More CTE damage among the fans than the fighters


Half a dozen replies and not one of them recognized the line. This sub is slippin'.


Relax guys, gotta read this in Brock Lesnars voice from his Ngannou call out


Ortega took this fight on short notice to create a co-main for the card and he said that he was in the process of moving up to 155. Probably been putting on some mass and realized he can't make 145 anymore. I don't fault him for that but he shouldn't have accepted the fight at 45 if he didn't think he could make it.


Ortega trains with tape over his mouth, he should have been eating with tape over his mouth.


Ortega the piece of shit.


Ortega is a scum bag lol


Ortega one of the cheatiest cheaters that's ever cheated. Name a way to cheat in MMA, and that guy's done it.


Let me correct you. Ortega is the GOAT


Get a grip, this is all on the UFC


I don’t know. Maybe I’m reaching but he looked fully hydrated on the scale and he would have only rehydrated 4 pounds. Diego got down to 146.5 and still looked more sucked in the Ortega after rehydrating to 155.


And Diego looks physically bigger. I know eye test isn't 100%, but come on. Ortega "bulking up"? Dude's always been skinnyfat. I don't think you're reaching for those grapes brother, with the cheese


Scumbag Dana and Weasle Hunter knew what they were in for when they ran into him two weeks ago when they were telling him he looks good then offering him the fight the next day.


Dana's bald head is not a crystal ball, why is the burden on them to predict that Ortega will not be able to make the weight he had committed to make?


who's saying Ortega even cut to 151. If it's coming from his camp then I don't believe it.


Bad look Brian


Promotion clearly doesn't give a shit so why should he? They'll probably throw Lopes an extra 50k a fight on his next contract and act like they're doing the kid a favor.


Blame scumbag Dana and Weasle Hunter. They ran into him two weeks ago.


Ortega didnt look lile he was BULKing in the inbedded videos.


Brian Ortega had a choice.. he choose 155. Who you all picking, Ortega has experience but Lopez the blitz. Tough one


Not that shocked, considering Ortega is a weight bully anyway and love a bit of the old turinabol.


Ortega trying to pull a Ryan Garcia


I was going to be happy either way with this fight, but with this behavior I honestly hope Lopes wins. I don't blame Ortega for taking the shitload of money taking the fight on two weeks notice, but he'd deserve the take the loss.


Yeah that's a pretty shitty move from Ortega, but as long as the penalty for this shit remains not much, it will keep happening Hopefully Lopes just wrecks him


since he did the fight on 2 weeks notice, it shouldn't be seen the same as Fatstelum, who had 13 weeks. But it's definitely fucked that he waited for Lopes to be deep into dehydration to let him know.


If you sign up to fight at a certain weight, you need to make that weight. Plain and simple. If he had doubts he could make 145 then he should of negotiated a fight at 155 at that time rather than wait the night before. No excuses.


Any genius saw he wasn’t gonna make weight. I commented about it yesterday. Scumbag Dana and Weasle Hunter saw him the day before giving him the fight offer and as he was already planning on bulking up to 155


Honestly, I'd like to see Lopes pull out of the fight. I feel like this kind of thing happens too much in the UFC. I don't know why they went straight to 155 which is a huge jump and not a catch weight of 150. Feel like a guy signs a contract for a fight and he makes weight and his opponent doesn't, you should be able to walk away from that fight AND take your part of the money. Then if they want to sign a new contract at a new weight a guy in Lopes position can decide on that with a clear head. Saying to a guy, *hey if you want to keep your spot on the card and this payday you need to agree to fight at a huge disadvantage*, that's a super shity and carny thing to do and I don't really understand how athletic commissions even sanction that.


Put some money on Ortega. Gonna be stronger going into this fight.


Is the fight on?


Yes at 155


Hopefully whomever woke him up had a pedialyte with a shit load of ice in hand.


This seems unfair. Ortega abusing the short notice for this small advantage?


What a bunch of horseshit. No way he didn't know he would be fighting @155 when he accepted. Did this to fuck over Lopes. Hopefully he gets filled in like a long john donut.


And everyone defending Ortega in the comments... Embarassing, this is even worse than what Paulo did.


so ortega cheated by 10 pounds.


Ortega using the gastelum technique


I think Brian Ortega's act is fake even before people clocked on and got hate for it. I have been saying it since the Swanson vs Ortega post fight interview where he started using the whole "help the kids" narrative to sell this forced fake persona of himself, then with the roids, Jay Park situation etc etc you can see its not legit. However even as someone who does not like him personally, this guy took the fight on 2 weeks notice, stepped up and saved the card when the UFC knew he wanted to go up to 155 and was already prepping for it. I feel sorry for Lopes but its not anyones fault, this is not like some Kelvin Gastelum situation and plus the UFC probably offered them both a good sum of money for the short notice bout. You cant blame anyone on 2 weeks, also lopes being a huge 145'er we might see an even better version of him at 155 and whoever wins 100% deserves the next shot at the winner of Holloway vs Topuria.


It must be nice being a heavyweight not having to worry about cutting much, if any weight at all. It’s well documented how bad weight cutting is for fighters, but something has to be said for the longevity on those guys (that they can remain competitive into their late 30’s/early 40’s). Logically if a fighter is coming in on short notice like Ortega is, giving him and Lopez the option to fight at 155 makes more sense, so the short notice fighter saving the fight can be compensated for stepping up - but on the other hand, Lopez should have the final call if it does take place at 45 or 55 since his name was on the card first. But if Ortega agrees to 45 says he’ll make weight and doesn’t, that’s on him. It’s beyond me how Lopez makes 145 in the first place, that dude is huge.


Heavyweight longevity has nothing to do with weight cutting. It has to do with speed not being nearly as important at heavyweight as it is at Middleweight and below. Not to mention power is the last thing to go.


Mf was woken up like it was suhoor


Dodgy as Ortega


From what brian said to megan in an interview, he tried making 145 but couldn't because of the bulk he went on, so he went to 155. Plus, with it being a short notice. I'm sure that also affected it.


I drink water and gain 6 pounds, I’m not impressed


And now he’s fighting at 165. Get fucked UFC


Like him or not, I’m just happy Leon’s fighting again soon. Really hoping he can keep his streak going for a while