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No shit lol


Reminder that Izzy was adamant about not giving Pereira a rematch.


He did Alex a favor tbh. Those weight cut are crazy and imagine if Alex got knocked out again. His Legacy improved by winning the LHW title than he would ever have beating Izzy.


I don't agree. I think Izzy did himself a favor by not fighting the man he's lost to 3 times before. They both have to cut weight, both got finished by the other in MMA. With Pereira doing so good his legacy would have been cemented further by taking izzy out of the debate at middleweight with a second win and capping off the trilogy. My two cents.


I don't recall it going that way at all... I remember even Dana saying right after the fight that Poatan should move up. Pretty sure you're just spinning the narrative mate.


Just google it and see the plethora of results of MMA journalist articles quoting izzy. *Here, let me do your work for you: https://www.mmafighting.com/2023/11/16/23962041/glover-teixeira-israel-adesanya-doesnt-want-fight-alex-pereira-again-light-heavyweight-ufc#:~:text=Alex%20Pereira%20called%20out%20Israel,fighting%20him%20one%20more%20time. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/other-sports/mma/israel-adesanya-alex-pereira-ufc-29665325 https://sports.yahoo.com/israel-adesanya-shuts-down-potential-133038161.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSPsZqsiJeE https://www.mmamania.com/2023/12/20/24009135/alex-pereira-shrugs-off-israel-adesanyas-rematch-snub-i-wanted-to-give-him-the-chance https://jiushitzu.com/mma/israel-adesanya-refuses-trilogy-fight-with-alex-poatan-after-ufc-300/ https://boxingnews.com/pereira-calls-out-adesanya-for-a-trilogy-izzy-responds/ https://thenationonlineng.net/adesanya-rejects-trilogy-with-pereira-after-winning-rematch/ http://guardian.ng/adesanya-turns-down-trilogy-with-pereira-explains-celebration-after-knockout-win/ etc


This article calling Jiri Russian is something else


No no they meant he's a "rush in" type of fighter


Georges "Rush in" St-Pierre, of course!


No that was Rush "Georgian" St-Pierre he was from Atlanta




At least call him Polish, his name doesn't sound Russian at all lol


Idk, when i heard him say he pronounced it exactly like russian "Yuri" lol


In Czech it’s pronounced closer to Yishi or Yiji. There isn’t really a good English explanation for it over text but the accent above the R gives it a different sound.


Like Antonín Leopold Dvořák My piano teacher forced me to learn how to pronounce it properly




Yeah that’s probably the best way to type it in English


Oh I meant his last name is stereotypically polish


Fucking wild, his country doesn't even border Russia.


















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Tbf isn't the Mirror infamous for being garbage? Even by British standards, I mean


Its a literal tabloid paper like the sun or daily mail, theyre terrible


I vote that we ban articles from UK tabloids in this sub. I haven't even read it, but I'm almost certain that they've ripped a two-sentence soundbite from a reputable MMA journal & turned it into a shitty article full of ads and links to other clickbait-headlined articles.


Fuck the s*n!


wtf man i burnt my dick thanks a lot


Fucking morons. There are not a lot of places with more hate towards russia than Czechia.


The Mirror is a tabloid, aka trash


Sorry, Jiri doesn't keep score. He settles them. 


Me to my big brother after winning once after 34 consecutive defeats in street fighter.


NOBODY, not anybody on god's green earth defeats /u/brazilianfreak 35 times in a row in street fighter!


Me to most from soft bosses after going 1-236


Cold. This fight is going to be so pure, absolutely NO magic 🧙


chama 🪄


Stop!  Look, this is your only warning. Use spirit magic again and I'm taking a point 


\**Jiri then uses spirit magic 3 times, no points deducted**


If Jiri wins this one he’ll be 1-0 against Alex in fights without magic, no need for a rematch tbh.


They’re going to make it a cold fight. Like Elsa.


Maybe but he'd have to have Pereira sleeping with eyes open. I'm giving Jiri all my shamanistic powers.


Nobody seems to realise you're quoting Izzy and mean that if Jiri wins he'll never fight Alex again


my guy, everybody realizes that...


Hello? Anyone in there? And also the loser left the division. Not the winner.


He left after Izzy refused the rematch


Pereira also stated he didn't want to do the rematch because of how hard the weight cut was


No matter how much Izzy refused or wanted or didn't want the match, the UFC would've forced it. I think Izzy was talking shit anyway. He would've taken the fight.


Stepping in on short notice, putting your belt on the line and saving the UFC 303 PPV card will grant Pereira anything he wants from the UFC. The UFC will not forget such actions and has always been very generous when these things happens. Alex Pereira and all fighters who stepped up on short notice to save this 303 PPV will get rewarded one way or the other.


And don't forget. He saved UFC 300 as well.


We are not here to take part, we are here to CHAMA


Expecting Jiri/Alex 3 to be the replacement for when Jones/Stipe falls through in November


And 295


Very true


Was it ever revealed what they were actually working on for 300 that fell through?


Jones vs Miocic I think


The UFC will fuck over anyone at any time, regardless of what they’ve done, if it suits their current needs.


Lol what? The UFC does not give a fuck. Aljo turned around in 3 months after a hard 5 rounder and got his ass sent to FW without a rematch.


That wasn’t short notice and they intentionally did that to try to push things in O’Malley’s favor. Aljo knew this but still accepted it anyways.  Not really the same situation at all. 


>Aljo knew this but still accepted it anyways. Because he didn't have a choice. They would've put an interim on and forced him to sit out for a year if he didn't take the fight. That's what they did to Francis, by booking Gane against Lewis.


That’s not the same situation at all


the only benefit aljo had for the company was accept a short turnaround after the cejudo fight. the yan DQ thing still happened


UFC champion would like their belt back if they potentially lose it. More at 9.


I want him to move up to heavyweight and say he won 3 belts


Please, no. Not right now, the heavyweight division is stalled like the interstate rn. Jon holding everyone hostage, and he would prob take the Alex fight cuz he’s confident he could beat him, but that just holds up the entire division even more. Let’s get Jon retired first before we start adding more to the division.


They just need to make jon's belt the oldest mother fucker belt and upgrade tom's it'd fix everything.


tbh I would just fire him and forget he existed, he should be a hall of famer and a note in the books


Honestly, the dream, even if it's not the most likely, would be that the Alex Jon fight happens and Alex wins, and having a very active fighter frees up the division to a good extent. I bet Alex would unify the belt.


The sad reality is that Jon takes him down in the first round and makes a quick work of him. There's that much amount of skill and talent gap between both fighters unfortunately. Alex is a legendary kick boxer, but Jones is a legendary MMA fighter who will attack whichever side you're lacking. And I'm saying this as a person that likes Alex and doesn't like Jones that much, but the truth is the truth and Jones is (still) one of the best ever in the octagon. And like other commenter said if Alex decides to go HW Jones would target him immediately as an easy prey (compared to Aspinall who could maul Jones).


The ufc definitely will it'd be the biggest fight they can make with the title if jiir wins, and alex took this fight on very short notice while being a huge draw, he deserves it.


UFC wouldn't think twice, they'd rebook it in a second, Jiri winning would take the mystique of this match up to the next level.


I just wish Jiri was just a bit more technical 😮‍💨


If he was more technical then he wouldn't be the Jiri we all love.


He’s a very effective fighter


He's 205 Ferguson. Wild, unpredictable, defensively unsound. Very good fighter who will fall off hard once his athleticism takes a dip


Perfect description 👍


Thats why I like him. The thing about 205 is that losing a step in athleticism is cushioned by everyone generally being slower. So his shelf life is a little longer.


I guess it depends if his chin holds up as his athleticism declines. If it does he's goot a fair while, if not, we might see him fall off a cliff. Here's hoping he can adapt well.


more the reason to get into wild fights and get some fame and money now


When Jiri's chin breaks, he is either going to retire on a few losses or going to be used as a stepping stone for the UFC to promote younger fighters while he accumulates a ridiculous losing streak, like Ferguson


That's kinda the end state of guys known for being tough and willing to win wars. If you're a chinny guy, especially in the higher weight classes, they generally get better defensively with age because one bad move means lights out.  Therefore, they learn defense and rely on technique at the tail end. Guys who can just be tough usually go out with a bang and never recover, because now their brain just shuts off early.


He takes a ton of damage in his fights, I doubt it


Got the Tony Ferguson pressure and cardio too. Jiri’s pace, once he gets going, is out of this world.


I think he'll fall off before his athleticism declines. Its one thing to eat punches at 155, its a whole different beast eating them at 205


Hey fuck you buddy how bout you take a dip?


I think it's really a disservice to Jiri to call him a 205 Ferguson. First of all, Ferguson doesn't have nearly the power or destructive force that Jiri has. It's not even close. Jiri has been absolutely flatlining his opponents his entire career. Secondly, Tony's striking defense is WAY worse than Jiri's. Jiri normally gets tagged when he's pressuring his opponent. Tony gets tagged all the time from a variety of strikes. He's always vulnerable. Tony just isn't as effective a striker. He does weird gimmicky shit. Everything that Jiri does has a purpose at the very least. Bro, 29 out of 30 wins are finishes. Complete disrespect. Both are weird, but Jiri is way, way more effective.


I don't think it's disrespectful at all. They're very similiar, 100% pressure fighters both with awful striking defence. Compare Tony in his prime, not the Tony from 2020 on. They also both primarily rely on straight shots, have creative spinning elbow attacks and use a lot of wing chun type hand movement for defense, oh, and they're both fucking nuts with inhuman durability. The biggest differences is that Jiri has the one touch power, and Tony was a wayyy better grappler in his prime. It's sad that no one thinks of the Tony from 2015-2017 anymore, everyone just remembers the corpse he became post COVID.


The Tony who’s best (and only impressive) win was RDA? He had a long win streak against relatively weak competition.


Tell me you just started watching ufc in the last few years without telling me. If anything prime Tony should be offended by the comparison not Jiri


Tbh I don't think its disrespectful I just think its inaccurate. As someone who's been watching since 2007 and also has watched Jiri since his Japanese arc


Jiri is very good but his best win is 42 year old Glover 


Uhhh no I'd say his best wins is over Vadim Nemkov followed by Rakic, and Reyes


I mean sure if you take name value but not at the times of the fight. That is an early pre prime nemkov and return from injury inactive past prime rakic


Okay so if you want to get into semantics about it the early pre-prime Nemkov win was during an early pre-prime Jiři. Aside from Rakic looking damn good in their fight, if it was inactive past prime Rakic it was against post "worst shoulder injury in the UFC" past prime Jiři.


I think they both had the same sort of wearing the other guy down and taking his soul style but Jiri is way more about the mindset. Jiris comes back mid fight from defeat so many times.


I'd be down for that, their contrasting styles make for really exciting fights. Jiri needs to use a lot more grappling early on, if he wears Pereira down I think his high pressure style will be too much to deal with. Jiri can't swarm whilst pereiras fresh though his lack of defence has too many openings for Pereira to counter.


I’m sure the ufc promised the trilogy to Alex if he lost because he took the fight on short notice


yeah, it is probably a pragmatic clause in the contract and the media asked him about it specifically, nothing to see here imo


What was Alex’s answer? I didn’t see that


paraphrasing from what I remember: "yes"


Ah I see. Lol


He knows if the reverse hex / black magic protection Jiri has works, he can counter it in the third fight with even more black magic, something stronger, maybe a contract with a devil


I wouldn't worry too much about it


You can scrap this idea.. LOL


Theres no one else in the division that deserves it. But that being said, Alex KOs Jiri cold today


No way he wants money :o


I really think Jiri is gonna win, Alex is already talking about "If I lose", had to cut a massive amount on short notice so his training camp has mostly been making weight, has been riding high off of the 300 hype and doing sponsor tours in Australia.


he got specifically asked about it


Alex has also been training while in Australia, he wasn't just fucking off the whole time.


True, Jiri is deffo more prepared imo and Alex and shown slight doubt due to taking this on short notice. Hope for a good fight tho


I'm down


So he can really do some deep magical, spiritual, shamanic work for the grand finale.


Water is wet


Article reads like it was written by AI.


Fight others clean out the division. If Jiri wins yes a 3rd if he doesn't win no 3rd fight


He should get it, because Alex did ufc a huge favour here with this short notice fight. I actually think he will lose unfortunately, I don’t think he was training as hard as Jiri before taking the fight


God damn I hate auto rematches but Alex getting this would be fine with me most of the 205 guys are either hurt or coming off an L and Alex has done the UFC a huge favor 


I don't bet on MMA but I would very confidently put $200 on Pereira if I did 


It would only be news if he said he wants a trilogy if he wins the rematch. lol


Not a good look to be calling for a rematch already


It’s just the media taking a small things he might have said and turning it into a big article. He probably just said „sure“ to someone asking if he would want a rematch if he lost.


I’m sick of trilogies. I want to see Alex win, just to avoid another stale division with 2 guys going back and forth.


In general I'd agree but what other fights do you do at LHW right now? Magomed probably deserves a shot at some point but aside from him? Hill and Jan are both coming off of losses and injured, Rakic just lost, Krylov is AWOL, Walker's chin is dust, Rountree and Ulberg are probably another win or two from deserving a big shot. It's the only division that could probably do with a trilogy while names get built up.


Alex already making excuses 




He doesn't deserve it at all.


Does jiri deserve this rematch after getting ko’d?


No he doesn't but at least he beat someone in between.


So has Magomed...


Yeah ankalaev deserved it more than hill, glover, Pereira and jiri the 3rd time


When the bullshit with Jan happened sure he probably did, but that was 18 months ago. Since then he's gotten himself NC'd for illegal knees against Walker and had to rematch him, if he had got the job done the first time he'd probably be on a 2 fight win streak and have gotten the shot at 300 or here.


Yes he does. He defended his belt and is stepping in on two weeks notice to save the UFC again. Why wouldn’t he deserve it?


No way someone with one defense deserves an immediate rematch. He already had very easy paths to both titles.


This man defeated Strickland, Adesanya, Blackowicz, Jiri and Hill. Apart from Jan, he finished the rest. All championship caliber fighters. Like, he is not some Bo Nickal needing to be built up, he is a double Glory champion who has exciting fights and is saving another UFC card.


The man beat future and former champs prior to challenging for both belts let alone winning them and because he didn’t fight Marvin Vettori or Derek Brunson on his way up fans say he had an easy path lmao. Never change MMA fans.


I think there's truth to both sides. He has gotten favorable stylistic matchups (i.e. no wrestlers). But they were, as you say, future, current or ex champs. So on the one hand favorable matchups, but on the other hand extremely tough competition.








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1. Be Civil. Our rules ask for a civil tone at all times. A bit of banter or trash talk is fine, but don't cross the line. If things do get out of hand you will be warned or even banned for a few days. Repeatedly breaking this rule will lead to a permanent ban.


People legit trying to say Alex is a GOAT contender when shit like thos is just handed to him.


I do not think he is in any sort of GOAT conversation. However, why is it so hard for you to see that stepping in on short notice to save a card while already having one title defense should be a valid reason for him to be granted a rematch? Rematches have been made for less.


Yes he does. He could have just as easily said fuck it and stayed in Australia doing his own business and we could have been fucked for 303.


People downvoting the truth. Motherfucker with a single fucking title defense wanting an immediate rematch is insane.


I mean, rubber matches are very common for fights going 1-1. It isn't that outlandish.


Against someone he already beat in a fight where he has 2 weeks notice? He probably should get the rematch.


No, the UFC didn’t force him to take this fight and the pay they gave him more than compensated him for taking it short notice. No one wants to see it and he can move up to heavyweight if he wants to.


Yeah that's how stuff works. 3rd fight always comes the second after an even 1-1.


So it's worth having one last fight to decide it right? So we're all agreeing it's the way to go?


Magomed easily beats them both and I don’t even like the guy. Fight a wrestler buddy ; the real ones know. The fact people think Alex has any chance vs Magomed means we can all get rich 


That's big talk for someone that drew jan and tapped like a chicken to Paul craig


This comment is dumb. This will get downvoted cuz no one likes Ankalaev, but he's the favourite against anyone in the division, he's no.1.


Means nothing. Styles make fights and Alex has 0 wrestling , no ground and 1 kick and he’s on his back. Magomed isnt unbeatable but not a chance Alex can win. Jiri can win 2/10 times cause used to getting handled by wrestlers in 10 min first round outside UFC and coming on late. Jiri could win on his best night in later rounds but Pereira no chance. Magomed also would never make same mistakes again, he’ll take the easy win and move on , just be a takedown and GNP finish. He’s real good at controlling guys too and Alex is a lanky kickboxer. 0 chance he’s getting up




He’s never had a submission win in the UFC. His 1 submission was back in 2016 and it was a *submission to punches*.


Yes he does wrestle and did Combat Sambo for years. He did like amateur MMa at high level vs wrestlers. Like I don’t like the guy but he’s def best 205er right now and a guy like Pereira is easy work for him. Like it would be real easy, if Alex tried to get up he’d get choked out too. The fact he’s a good striker makes it that much easier for takedown on top of it. It’s worst matchup possible for periera and his own team knows it. You can’t be a 35 year old kickboxer and make up for that. He’s had good style matches and done well but him and his team knows he’s got virtually no chance. Magomed only dagastani who’s got legit striking to go with wrestling and happens to be a legit 205er, can’t pick a worse matchup for a Kickboxer. I’d say Pereira is greatest overachiever ever. Go watch Dillon Danis take him down with 0 resistance, a shitty unathletic bad high school wrestler in Danis. It’s a stretch to even call Danis a wrestler cause he did it for 2 years, didn’t even start young age. Magomed would take him down with no resistance at all 




Lmao keep thinking that. Let’s hope Magomed isn’t a -500 favorite then. If we got people like you believing he’d just stand then we going Sizzler. I think he could get him on feet. Jiri will do it tonihhT anyway 


Not a chance Alex can win is crazy. Jan absolutely fucked ank up on the feet. I agree he’d outclass Alex in grappling but it all starts on the feet.


Jan is a far better grappler than Alex is, he literally controlled Poatan with ease. Not to mention, Ank took him down easily once he started wrestling. The only way Ank loses is if he starts favouring his striking like he did with Jan.


I guaranteed you man. Jan isn’t a wrestler but atleast strong and has a black belt but Magomed would never do that again. Learn from your mistakes and Jan landed 0 total strikes in round 4-5 and was dead by the end of fight lol. Styles wise Alex just has no chance IMO, Not like Magomed chin is old and compromised , maybe early flash KO is possible but I just don’t see it cause he’ll be worried about takedown getting grabbed and never let it go anyway 


Magomed sucks keep him as far away from the title as possible


He knocked out Johnny walker and Anthony smith in the second and has been pretty stand and bang for a wrestler. You just hating


I am hating, I hate him he sucks


Any particular reason?


Well recently he thinks he can demand to fight Alex on his home turf and make him wait until October. Otherwise he’s just a boring person compared to basically every other light heavyweight in the title conversation. Johnny Walker and Anthony Smith suck at fighting too those aren’t good wins.


Home turf as in russia? Also LHW is a pretty boring division overall aside from jiri and Alex I wouldn't say anyone else in the rankings are particularly great.


Home turf as in Abu Dabi (he’s Dagestani that’s as close to home turf as they can get)


He didn't "demand" lmao, he suggested it.


> He knocked out Johnny walker and Anthony smith in the second and has been pretty stand and bang for a wrestler. Why, other than the facial hair, do you say he's been stand & bang for a wrestler? It seems far more like he's a standup fighter with some fairly weak wrestling to me. What fight has he shown, for instance, excellent takedowns against someone with decent TDD?


I mean no there's not really any great wrestlers in LHW in the first place


Not really. I don’t even like most Dagastani fighters for their style but Magomed one of best fighters in the world all around. If MMA is a real sport, Periera got 0 chance of winning lol 




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